TONIGHT's Sagittarius New Moon is when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte at the end of the year.
In Antinous Moon Magic, this is the lunar phase we call the FORTUNA MOON. This is the classic good luck moon of the astrological year.
Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Fortuna Moon is the Spirit of Victory and Success.
This Spirit is the champion crossing the finish line, the winner of the match, the one holding the gold medal.
This Spirit is the embodiment of the proverbial happy ending, the sweet smell of success, the incredible run of luck, the feather in one's cap, the stroke of genius, the jackpot, the mother lode.
Antinous is holding a bottomless cornucopia with a powerful serpent wrapped around the cornucopia to enhance its power and ensure that nothing untoward can possible occur.
Antinous during this Lunar Phase is the personification of Good Fortune, the one for whom everything is coming up roses. He wraps his arm around your shoulder and says, "Trust your luck. Trust me."
The is the best lunar cycle of the year for casting oracles, reading the runes or the cards or working spells for success in the coming year.
Saturday, November 30, 2024
By Our Crystal Meditation Adviser Martin Campbell
By Our Crystal Meditation Adviser Martin Campbell
THE dark nights of autumn (or spring if you live in the Southern Hemisphere) are a transitional period illuminated by two bright lunar phases: The BACCHANALIA MOON and the FORTUNA MOON.
The Bacchanalia Moon is a time of spring/harvest festivals and merry-making. This lunar phase is the patron moon of performers, musicians, actors, dancers and also of shamans and mediumistic channelers ... people who put on a mask and take on a different character for the evening. It is also a time for merry-making.
The Fortuna Moon is the luckiest lunar phase of the year, the time when meditations focus on areas in our lives where we are looking for success or for counting our blessings.
My crystal meditation choices for these two lunar phases are:
1. Joy/excess - Alexandrite Beryl (shown above). It brings joy and expands creativity. 2. Channeling - Angelite. It facilitates contact with the spirits and angels. 3. Fearful surprises - Orange Calcite. It removes fear and balances the emotions. 4. Positive surprises - Emerald. It enhances the enjoyment of the world and all it brings. 5. Good fortune - Sunstone. It helps you to link with benevolent gods and good fortune. 6. Positive manifestation - Citrine. It helps you to accept the positive flow of energies that will take you to where you sub-consciously (or even consciously) know you really need to be (physically, emotionally or spiritually). I had a very powerful visualisation when meditating with a beautiful little piece of Citrine recently. I was guided to a vast cave where I found a pool of water illuminated by a shaft of light. I saw a marble bust of Antinous laid on its back in the water, so his face looked up at me. I am clairaudient so heard his voice say “remember I am always here”. I think he meant both in terms of omnipotence but also within that crystal. I now carry it with me everywhere! Love and Light |
And many people are aware that there is also an ANTINOUS ASTEROID and even a few people have heard of the ANTINOUS CRATER.
But very few people have heard of the ANTINOUS SPIDER, a gigantic, bright blue tarantula ... as large as your face ... which devours birds in South America.
Now scientists have discovered the secrets of why blue tarantulas are blue ... and that discovery may help humans make better wide-angle digital displays.
There are many Flowers of Antinous, and of these, many, when they become aware of Antinous Consciousness, if I may use such a term to describe his touch, or the burning of his flame, are immediately ensnared in the confusion of the web of the Spider of Antinous. But few are they who have found the power of the Liberator, who restores the fragrance of the Flower and opens its petals to the unseen light of the Star. I would say that those who have found their way back...return with new to see the light that vanished from the sky...which is why I call the Holy Star of Antinous the Black Star.
Friday, November 29, 2024
WE all know that the Ancient Egyptians believed you can take it with you ... that death does not mean you have to part with everything that was important to you in life ... but few people today understand that there was a far more sophisticated spiritual interpretation.
Yes, of course, the simple folk believed that you literally took things with you to the afterlife ... mummified body, ushabti figures, food, clothing. There was a huge industry specializing in tomb furnishings, mummification and supplying the dead with sustenance.
But the material goods in tombs were only symbolic of a far richer, and spiritually deeper understanding of "taking it with you" after death.
The curious-looking winged snake on the papyrus of the 19th Dynasty scribe Amenemwija in Berlin's Egyptian Museum hints at that far deeper spiritual meaning.
The deity is called "Nehebkau" (Harnesses KAs) ... and he is poised in front of the deceased ... taking in the every spiritual essence (KA) that the deceased wants to take with him in the afterlife.
November 29th was one of this deity's feast days.
The Egyptians believed you give up only those things you don't want to take with you ... you take anything and everything else which you deem worth saving for eternity.
Nehebkau represents an advanced spiritual element. In computer parlance, he "downloads" the spiritual essence or "KA" of everything you want to have with you ... and Nehebkau defrags and condenses everything for instant retrieval.
The "KA" is the spiritual essence of everything. Each human has a main KA plus many subsidiary ones. Everything has at least one KA ... every blade of grass, every object, every animal ... everything.
Nehebkau literally takes all the KAs of the person and all the KAs that the person wants to have with him/herself in the afterlife ... all friends, memories, pets, pleasant experiences, houses, furnishings ... the spiritual essence of EVERYTHING ... and then he "downloads" them by swallowing them into his slender serpentine body ... and condenses them like zip files and defrags them and compacts and configures them all into an infinitely small corner of his infinitely vast mind ....
It is important to point out that this does not mean that the dead person drains the life force from all friends and family and leaves them empty. It does not mean they all have to die to accompany the deceased.
Instead, it is exactly like "downloading" the essence of the persons or objects. The persons and objects themselves remain intact ... their spiritual essence is unaffected ... but Nehebkau has downloaded the spiritual essence to accompany the deceased.
Nothing is diminished. Nothing is lost. The KA is copied and saved and filed away.
And in the afterlife, the deceased retrieves any and all docs, jpegs, YouTube URLS and files ... eternally fresh and alive ... for all eternity.
We tend to buy the Judaeo-Christian idea of ashes-to-ashes, dust-to-dust which means that we must "let go" while our loved ones, memories and treasures all crumble away and end up on the conveyor belt of the garbage incinerator ... like the final scene from a "Toy Story" movie.
Or we opt for the Eastern idea that you become one with the universe and everything dissolves away into one-ness ... no self, no ego, no death, no suffering, no end to suffering, no end to death ... etc. ... like the final scene of a movie about Tibetan monks and a little boy from Seattle.
These scenarios would have been appalling to the Egyptians. You take whatever and whomever you want along with you into the afterlife ... no carry-on bags necessary ... everything is neatly defragged and compressed and configurated and stored away in the infinitely vast mind of Nehebkau.
Yes, all of your earthly friends, pets and possessions will crumble away ... but their spiritual essence has been downloaded as a back up for you to keep with you ... for all eternity ... thanks to Nehebkau.
Thursday, November 28, 2024
ASTRO FORECAST: NOV. 28th—DEC. 8th, 2024
Antinous is a Moon God. He is, of course, many other things and he wears many hats. But one of the ways he was worshiped in Antiquity was as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD.
His worshipers looked skyward and saw His beautiful face perpetually turned towards the Earth. The Man in the Moon was actually the Blessed Boy in the Moon for the ancient priests and worshipers of Antinous. Swiftest and most youthful of all the Zodiacal deities, Antinous speeds through an entire year's worth of Astrological signs in just 28 days.
ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious gay selves. Where Hadrian the Sun acts, Antinous the Moon REACTS. How do we instinctively react or respond to problems? What do we feel we need for a sense of security? Look to ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD for answers.
ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is both our inner boy child and our inner lover. His ever changing phases, as he sweeps past all the other Planets in all the Signs, make us at turns responsive, receptive, and reflective. Eternally youthful, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our childlike spontaneous and instinctual reactions.
ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD beams down on us to make us imaginative, creative, intuitive, sentimental, adaptable, introspective, and protective. On the negative side, and depending on where he is in the Zodiac, he can make us moody, restless, and irrational.
NOVEMBER 28th to DECEMBER 8th, 2024
THURS-FRIDAY, November 28th-29th, 2024
This week, the Sun and Mars cause unrest. Sun trine Mars encourages people to believe they can do anything ... and get away with anything. On the negative side, people run amok and even the weather can be more than usually unpredictable and destructive. On the positive side, however, you might accidentally run into the new love of your life ... while running for shelter.
SAT-SUNDAY, November 30th-December 1st, 2024
This weekend, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte for the SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON. In Antinous Moon Magic, this is the lunar phase we call the FORTUNA MOON. This is the classic good luck moon of the astrological year.
MONDAY, December 2nd, 2024
This week, Mercury is in opposition to Uranus, igniting spontaneous verbal explosions. Pent-up anger bursts out into all-out armed conflict. This is a classic textbook recipe for terrorist attacks. It definitely spells trouble for the world's hot spots. The threat of assassination looms large, as does the danger of terrorism. You need to be on guard for outbursts of rage. The important thing is to be aware where your rage is coming from. Don't vent your rage on innocent victims. Instead, be consciously aware of the source of your anger so that you can harness the powerful energies to carry out constructive projects you have been stalling on for way too long.
TUESDAY, December 3rd, 2024
This week, batten down the hatches because storms and earthquakes (literal and political) are in store when the Sun forms a 90-degree right angle with Saturn — a configuration which happens twice a year and which invariably spawns strife, conflict, warfare and even bad weather. The good news is that this configuration lasts only about 48 hours. Saturn is the cosmic teacher, focusing the rays of the piercing Scorpio Sun on problems in your life which need to be corrected ... and giving you insights to solutions to those problems.
WEDNESDAY, December 4th, 2024
This week, your brain is ablaze with often confusing and conflicting ideas when Retrograde Mercury aligns with the Sun. Old astrology texts dating back to Ancient Rome call this a potentially hazardous time, and speak of a "Scorched Mercury" which impairs communications and judgement. But in ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC, we see that very differently. This Sun/Mercury conjunction is indeed intense, but in a positive way. Antinous/Mercury focuses the gay spiritual light of his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte right at you. Open your spiritual heart to the light and joy and permit it to burn away all doubt and all fear and trepidation. Most people live in spiritual darkness. They are like people who live in caves and are afraid of sunlight because it hurts their eyes. But should we shun the light and stay in the cave with them? Antinous/Mercury says it's safe to open your spiritual eyes — and spiritual heart — and become accustomed to the light.
THURSDAY, December 5th, 2024
This week, Venus leaves stodgy Capricorn and enters socially interactive Aquarius and almost immediately aligns in conjunction with revolution-minded Pluto, so you may feel an irresistible urge to check your social network even before you get out of bed. The coming month is idea for exploring the vastness of cyber worlds in search of the ultimate interactive relationship. You sense a yearning for new and interesting places, things and friends as Aquarius Venus opens your heart to adventurous new ideas and people. It will be easy for you to overcome your shyness and meet new people. But you may get bored quickly and may have a hard time focusing on any one subject — or person.
FRIDAY, December 6th, 2024
This week, Mars stops dead in its tracks, does an about-face, and begins moving backwards as seen from Earth. "Retrograde" periods of any planet are times of unease. But Retrograde Mars is a time of potential peril. Mars will be retrograde from December 6th, 2024, to February 23rd, 2025 — 11 weeks!When a planet is retrograde, it appears to be moving backward in the sky from the perspective of the Earth. Of course, the planet is actually continuing in its usual orbit, and the retrograde effect is a kind of optical illusion. Since perspective is so important in astrology, however, retrograde planets do correspond to recognizable meanings. Mars is the planet associated with the Warrior archetype. It is therefore the planet we look to when we want to know about assertiveness, aggression, determination, and action. Mars is also closely associated with sexuality — not the love and romance aspect of sex, but the more instinctual, desire-driven side of it.
Retrograde Mars is usually is considered to be a poor time to begin a new sexual relationship, but there is no reason to abstain altogether for ten weeks. The underlying meaning of Mars retrograde is that energy is lacking — and that's why new sexual relationships are seen as being doubtful: the desire may not last.
SATURDAY, December 7th, 2024
This weekend, Neptune turns direct. The planet Neptune, long considered the planet of make believe, rules our dreams, fantasies and illusions. Retrograde since July 2nd, Neptune finally turns direct today. When Neptune turns retrograde, logic falls to the wayside in favor of esoteric interests and intuition. People begin to pay more attention to their dreams and explore more creative outlets.
SUNDAY, December 8th, 2024
This weekend, we come to the Pisces First Quarter Moon. In Antinous Moon Magic this is the CONSORTIUM MOON of partnership, commitment and belonging ... it is symbolized by the wedding ring ... Because it always occurs towards the end of the year, the Consortium Moon represents the cyclical nature of the year, the ending of one year and the beginning of a new year ... Tonight is a beneficent night for meditation or rituals concerning relationships and all things that are bound by a circle of togetherness ... In health matters, it refers to blood and the circulatory system ... This is the Lunar phase of the Circle of Life, of partnership, commitment and belonging ... it is symbolized by the wedding ring ... Because it always occurs towards the end of the year, the Consortium Moon represents the cyclical nature of the year, the ending of one year and the beginning of a new year ... Tonight is a beneficent night for meditation or rituals concerning relationships and all things that are bound by a circle of togetherness ... In health matters, it refers to blood and the circulatory system.
Another exciting week lies ahead between December 9th and 15th, 2024, when we come to the Gemini Full Moon, which is the CATAMITUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic, the moon signaling where change will occur in your life during the coming year. This is a powerfully magical moon for working gay magical spells in the Gemini areas of friendships, finances and getting in contact with prospective lovers ... More details next time ....
ON November 28th the Religion of Antinous honors Saint Jean-Baptiste de Lully, who was born on this day in 1632 in Florence, Italy.
Parlaying his looks, his dancing and his musical genius into an erotic/artistic career, he rose from being a scullery knave to becoming director of music in the Court of French King Louis XIV.
By the time he died on March 22, 1687, he had created a new art form and had changed the course of the performing arts forever.
Lully's story has some parallels to the story of Hadrian and Antinous. The parallels are not exact. It is more as though Lully and Louis XIV were a "parallel universe" story of Antinous and Hadrian with bizarre twists thrown in to the plot of the story.
Lully was totally dependent upon the Sun King and was totally devoted to him. When the king expressed a whim to learn to dance, Lully became his dance instructor, creating a whole new art form involving dance and song.
Quite aside from his infamous carousing with boys, Lully was desperately in love with Louis XIV. It was an impossible love, of course. It could never be consummated.
The king viewed Lully as his artistic mentor, but nothing more. Lully viewed the king as the love of his life, and his art was merely an expression of that love.
Unwittingly, Lully planted the seeds for his own doom. Others took his idea and developed it further: And Opera was born.
The king became infatuated with Opera and totally lost interest in Lully's Baroque stage productions. He forgot all about Lully.
For Lully, that was tantamount to death, and he soon died as the result of a tragic "accident" -- he plunged a sharp baton-sceptre through his foot in a rage of despair after the king failed to appear at the debut of his latest masterpiece.
The wound became gangrenous, but when physicians advised that the foot must be amputated, St. Jean-Baptiste refused, saying that if he could never dance again, then he would prefer to be dead.
Yes, his life was like some nightmare, parallel-universe version of the Hadrian and Antinous story, set against the backdrop of men in silk brocade costumes and in four-inch heels and wearing ornate wigs. It is a story of a man's unconditional love and self-sacrifice for his Sun King.
St. Jean-Baptiste de Lully had a deep fondness for the Roman Gods, and he portrayed them with the gay flourish of the the court of the Sun King. It remains a style all its own, completely out of fashion...even among classical music weirdos.
We adore St. Lully's music...we adore the grace and profound emotions that pour from his chords. We love the beauty of his style of dance.
No doubt when Monsieur St. de Lully arrived at the Divine court of Hadrian the God, he immediately set about rearranging the Imperial Orchestra, replacing the Ney Flutes with Bassoons and Oboes, dismissing the Cythara in favor of Violas de Gamba.
Perhaps the old Greek musicians might have taken insult at being swept aside, but with a wave of his hand...Antinous calmed them.
So it was that the celestial Imperial Orchestra performed the new opera Of Saint Jean-Baptiste de Lully. The Imperial Court was astonished to hear the new sound. Even the Greeks were amazed (and the Greeks had heard everything). And With a wreathed nod of his illuminated head, Hadrian enthroned commanded his beloved Antinous to dance.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
AN astrologer casting the natal horoscope for newborn Antinous, on 27 November 111 AD, would have told his proud parents the following:
"He will be handsome, attractive and have an uncommonly well proportioned body and amiable disposition."
As the baby's mother smiled and nodded (image here by Priest Julien), the astrologer would be encouraged to go on:
"And because Jupiter was well aspected to Venus as his mother gave birth to him, little Antinous will one day become the friend of a king ... favored for his great beauty ... and in general will be favored with fortune over all his peers."
All of those things are listed in the standard textbook used by astrologers in the 2nd Century AD ... the "Mathesis" by Julius Firmicus Maternus.
The astrologer would be reading word-for-word from the textbook for a child born whose Rising Sign was 19 degrees Aquarius.
But the textbook has more to say ... and the astrologer might have been forgiven for conveniently "forgetting" to mention the next sentence couple of sentences:
"He will be one of the exoleti (sexual inverts), a sodomite who engages in irrumation," the textbook says. "And though generally fortunate, he will die in the first blush of young manhood."
Modern-day astrologers no longer use the Ancient Roman "Mathesis" textbook ... not as a rule ... although it is right on the mark in this case.
But just like the ancient soothsayer, a modern a modern astrologer sees a bright and vivacious young man who stands out from all the others when he walks into a room.
His sunny disposition is enhanced by the fact that the sun was high overhead in optimistic Sagittarius ... in conjunction with his Mid-Heaven.
His Aquarius Ascendant gives him a slight aloofness and appearance of being above it all. Yet Aquarius Rising also enables him to charm large crowds and impress others with his interest in a broad array of subjects. He can talk about almost anything with a degree of authority and interest.
Jupiter is at right angles to Venus, creating an exuberant personality ... a person who love to party ... loves excess ... someone who is generous to a fault, handing out money and favors as if there is no tomorrow.
Venus is in the House of Death, suggesting a willingness to die for love ... though, again, this is not something an astrologer would necessarily tell parents of a newborn.
Saturn is stranded in the First House, which speaks of a dour longterm future. But it is well aspected to Mercury, which is in Scorpio in the Ninth House, the House of Religion.
People with Scorpio Mercury do not hesitate to tell the unvarnished truth. They ferret out secrets and love to cast light on hidden truth. Hadrian must have loved Antinous in large part because Antinous invariably told him the truth, unlike all the other sycophantic and toadying courtiers.
The Moon was aligned with Mars in Aries the day Antinous was born. It must have been a stunning sight to go outside that evening and see the waxing First Quarter Aries Moon with a bright red star next to it ... Mars in conjunction.
People with Moon/Mars conjunction in Aries are such hot and fiery personalities that they can literally feel warm. They sleep without covers in the coldest weather.
They throw of unnecessary clothing. They are hot and passionate. They are quick to blow off steam, but also quick to forgive and forget.
People with Moon/Mars aligned in Aries are also liable to take unnecessary risks. They live fast ... they burn the candle at both ends ... they do not fear death.
Those are the major aspects that an ancient astrologer would have seen in this natal chart.
But there would be aspects of this natal chart which would have been "invisible" to a 2nd Century astrologer ... but which leap out from the computer screen at a 21st Century astrologer. Look at the chart on this page and you notice multiple triangles overlaid on top of each other.
A total of Seven Grand Trines form the backbone of this extraordinary birth chart ... but they involve the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto ... which were not discovered until the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
These slow-moving outer planets rarely form aspects with one another ... centuries pass before they form aspects. Uranus and Neptune were in alignment when Antinous was born ... Uranus and Neptune were in alignment in the 1820s when the decipherment of the Rosetta Stone helped to spawn "Antinomania" and revive interest in Antinous.
And Uranus and Neptune were aligned again in the late 1980s and '90s ... when the Modern Religion of Antinous was awakened.
A modern astrologer looks at those Seven Grand Trines ... involving Moon/Mars, Pluto, Uranus and Neptune ... and instantly sees that this person was born at an extraordinary moment in time ... when the planets were signaling a dramatic and sudden turning point.
This baby boy would become the last Classical deity. It is in his birth chart.
One final note: Hadrian was obsessed with horoscopes and would have studied the birth chart of Antinous in detail. After Antinous died, Hadrian discovered a star in the Constellation of Ganymede equivalent to the last decade of Capricorn.
Hadrian called it the Star of Antinous and he renamed the star group the Constellation of Antinous. The new star was located where Jupiter had been on the day when Antinous was born. The Star was forever linked with his natal Jupiter.
In FIXED STAR ASTROLOGY the natal conjunction of Jupiter and the Star of Antinous represents: "Great good fortune in wealth, fame, success ... but with constant threat of loss. Spiritual and religious authority and influence."
In Ancient Rome, Jupiter symbolized the Emperor ... so that Antinous was forever linked with Hadrian ... shining together ... for all eternity.
ANTINOUS was born on this day, November 27th in the year 111 AD — 1,913 years ago!
Festive celebrations are being held by worshipers all over the world, with special rites being conducted at the HOLLYWOOD TEMPLE OF ANTINOUS.
Antinous was born in the Bithynian city of Claudiopolis, modern-day Bolu in Turkey.
It was a major city in those days with a Hellenistic/Roman heritage dating back centuries. It was nestled among snow-capped peaks and woodlands full of wild beasts and full of mythical magic.
The portrait of the newborn baby Antinous and his mother against the backdrop of a Bithynian conifer forest is by PRIEST JULIEN, a New York artist who now lives in Hollywood.
Modern Claudiopolis/Bolu is a sleepy health resort. Not too many foreign tourists go there, but the area is a popular with Turkish vacationers because of its pine-covered mountains and its sparkling lakes and spa waters.
The altitude makes it refreshingly cooler than lower-lying regions, so Turks go there to get away from the heat and noise of places like Istanbul and Ankara.
Wikipedia says: "Local specialities include a sweet made of hazelnuts (which grow in abundance here) and an eau-de-cologne with the scent of grass. One feature of Bolu dear to the local people is the soft spring water obtained from fountains in the town."
Hazelnut candy? Grass-scented cologne? Amazingly soft spring water? Somehow that one little paragraph makes it sound like a place where Antinous would have to have been born.
The area where Antinous was born is a beautiful place, nestled high in piney forests and yet only a short distance from the sparkling Black Sea coast about halfway between Istanbul and Ankara.
The region is teeming with bountiful wildlife and so Hadrian and Antinous went on hunting forays while in Bithynium. As a boy, Antinous must have played in these forests and bathed in these sparkling lakes.
He would have remembered these boyhood days during his travels with Hadrian to the far corners of the Empire. We often forget that Antinous had a family who must have loved him and missed him. They were no doubt proud of him, but they missed him.
And he missed them as he also missed his lovely Bithynia with its mountains and lakes and deep forests which, in winter, are covered in deep snow.
The first snows may have already fallen "back home" at the end of October in 130 AD when Antinous stood on the banks of the Nile in Upper Egypt. Perhaps he had received a letter from home with the latest family gossip and news of the first snowfall. He would have remembered the scent of pine forests and fresh-fallen snow.
As he looked into the green waters of the Nile in far-away Egypt at the end of his brief life, perhaps he thought of "home" and lakes and dark forests and pine cones and the scent of hazelnuts being roasted and mixed with rose water and honey to make candy.
November 27th is an introspective moment ... an evaluation of things past ... and things to come. And above all, it is birthday party time. Let the Festive Season Begin with an Antinous Birthday Party!
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
WE commemorate the solemn visit of a very grief-stricken Emperor Hadrian to Thebes and the Colossi of Memnon less than a month after the demise of his Beloved Antinous.
Antinous had drowned at the end of October and Hadrian had issued decrees establishing the CITY OF ANTINOOPOLIS at the spot on the shores of the Nile where his Beloved had died.
Hadrian probably left the body with priests before the Imperial Entourage continued its scheduled tour up the Nile to the historic city of Thebes.
The Colossi of Memnon stand at the entrance of what was a great temple for Amenophis III.
The Colossi of Memnon at Thebes were mistakenly identified as such by the Greeks. They were the giant statues of Amenhotep III at the entrance of his now destroyed Temple.
Memnon (left above) was actually the "brazen-crested Memnon, a comely man" according to Odysseus, King of the Ethiopians (Susa in the East not Africa) who came with a great force to help Troy against the Achaean invaders, and was killed by Achilles. At his death his soldiers turned into birds.
By the time Emperor Hadrian arrived, the statues were in a ruinous state and emitted a wailing sound at dawn when the rising sun heated the stone. Greeks and Romans traveled from afar to hear the statues "speak" to them. Hadrian left graffiti here.
Flamen ANTONIUS SUBIA writes:
"After the death of Antinous, the Imperial entourage visited the ancient city of Thebes in the Upper Nile, it was the furthest south that Hadrian ever journeyed. The court visited the two Colosoi of Memnon, which are monumental seated statues of Amenhotep III built in the 18th dynasty.
"It was said that a ringing sound was emitted by the statues in the early mourning, and that anyone who heard the statues speak was favored by the gods, as the belief was that the statues were of Memnon, the son of Aurora. Hadrian did not hear the sound, but the empress Sabina did.
"The God of Thebes was Amon, the ram-headed, who was equated with Jupiter. Julia Balbilla, poetess and companion of Sabina, who was with the court throughout the voyage and was present at the Death and Liberation of Antinous, wrote these words. These are the first words written after the death of Antinous. They were inscribed, like graffiti on the Colossus of Memnon.
"'I, Balbilla, when the rock spoke, heard the voice of the divine Memnon or Phamenoth. I came here with the lovely Empress Sabina. The course of the sun was in its first hour, in the fifteenth year of Hadrian's reign, on the twenty-fourth day of the month Hathor. I wrote this on the twenty-fifth day of the month Hathor'."
Rather more recently, in the 21st Century, while researching his novel about Antinous entitled THE LOVE GOD, author MARTIN CAMPBELL made a pilgrimage to the Colossi of Memnon in the footsteps of the Divine Hadrian. He filed this report via email from Thebes:
"The Nile is noiselessly rushing by my hotel only a hundred or so feet from where I am writing.
"I have stood at the Colossi of Memnon and seen where Sabina and Julia Balbilla wrote verses about Hadrian.
"I walked around Luxor temple where Hadrian would have officiated as pharaoh. I have looked at the ruins of the Roman barracks where he may have stayed while in Luxor (then Thebes). I have been to the Dendera temple where Trajan decorated a temple to childbirth which may later have been converted to a temple to Bes, possibly by Hadrian."
The truth is that we all follow in the footsteps of the Divine Hadrian as he attempts to work out his grief in the weeks following the death of his Beloved and just seven days before the Birthday of Antinous on November 27th.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Like Osiris, Antinous died in the Nile and rose to divinity. The first miracle of Antinous was the bountiful Nile Inundation in 131 AD which ended a long drought ... bringing life from death.
Sunday, November 24, 2024
ON November 24th the Religion of Antinous celebrates the outrageous life of St. Freddie Mercury.
St. Freddie Mercury whose death from AIDS on this date in 1991 shocked the world, was a courageous performer whose gayness, while not always stated, was a visible part of his persona. He served as an inspiration for millions of gay men, particularly those who, like him, fight ethnic prejudice every day of their lives.
St. Freddie, who was of Indian Parsi descent, and who was born on the island of Zanzibar and grew up in India, has been referred to as "Britain's first Asian rock star."
Like all great showbiz artists, St. Freddie was acutely aware of his public image and went to great lengths to cultivate the persona of Freddie Mercury -- and to hide any trace of the little Parsi boy named Farrokh Bulsara. Freddie Mercury -- or rather the showbiz image called Freddie Mercury -- was beyond all definitions of ethnic origin, or sexual orientation or political affiliation. Not surprisingly, many people were confused and sometimes irritated by the image.
People criticized him for "hiding" his ethnic background. But as a friend told an interviewer after Freddie's death, "[Farrokh] Bulsara was a name he had buried.
He never wanted to talk about any period in his life before he became Freddie Mercury, and everything about Freddie Mercury was a self-constructed thing."
People also criticized him for not "coming out" publicly. But again, Freddie Mercury (the showbiz image) was beyond gender limitations.
In fact, Mercury referred to himself as "gay" in a 1974 interview with NME magazine. He was frequently spotted at the cruisiest gay bars across Europe, the UK and America. On the other hand, he would often distance himself from partner Jim Hutton during public events in the 1980s.
Freddie Mercury (the rock icon) was too big to be contained in one gender mold.
He was diagnosed with HIV in 1987. Everyone knew he was sick and everyone surmised the reason. But Freddie Mercury (the image) could never die.
And so it was, that Freddie Mercury never acknowledged his illness until November 23, 1991, when a tersely worded statement was issued announcing that he had AIDS.
A few hours later, he was dead. At the age of 45.
Although he cultivated a very flamboyant stage personality, several sources (including people of my own acquaintance who knew him "intimately") refer to Mercury as having been very shy in person. He also granted very few interviews. Mercury once said of himself: "When I'm performing I'm an extrovert, yet inside I'm a completely different man."
One man was an Indian Parsi kid called Farrokh Bulsara who had been born in Zanzibar.
The other man was FREDDIE MERCURY:
Farrokh Bulsara died on November 24, 1991.
Freddie Mercury will live forever.
The Religion of Antinous honors Freddie Mercury as a Saint of Antinous because he embodies the artistic genius and the flamboyant courage that inspires each of us to strive to be a "star". St. Freddie Mercury admonishes us to strip off the guise of conventionality and the put on our "star" outfits and to take the stage of life. He teaches us to live each day as if it is forever.
Saturday, November 23, 2024
LOOKING for that perfect holiday season gift? One-stop shopping is just one click away at the online TEMPLE OF ANTINOUS SHOP
This shop features official Antinous articles selected and designed by FLAMEN ANTONIUS SUBIA personally.
If you admire the artwork of Antonyus, then order your own posters of his hand-picked favorite paintings and photographs.
A wide range of T-shirts is available, including classic "T", fitted "T", ringer "T", sleeveless, long-sleeve and baseball jersey — in up to nine colors, depending on the style and design you prefer.
The handy Antinous Tote Bag is a must-have as is a wide array of Antinous lapel buttons and refrigerator magnets in various sizes and designs.
Naturally, there are coffee mugs — and even an official Antinous beer stein appropriately adorned with the well-known Subian portrait of Antinous/Dionysus.
One of our favorites is the Antinous Keepsake Box, available in red-mahogany or black, with a tile cover portrait of the Louvre's breath-taking Ecouen Antinous. This roomy box is perfect for any home shrine or altar and is the perfect jewelry box.
And of course the ever-popular Antinous bumper sticker (at the top of this entry) provides the Beauteous Boy's blessings on any vehicle.
All items are ordered with safety and guaranteed efficiency through cafepress, which has a sound reputation for speedy delivery around the world, with secure payment in all major currencies.
Friday, November 22, 2024
TONIGHT's Virgo Third Quarter Moon brings down powerful healing energies to ring out the calendar year on a propitious note.
In Antinous Moon Magic, we call this the AESCULAPIUS MOON in honor of the Classical god of the physician's art, Aesculapius.
Aesculapius, as he was called by the Romans, was also called Asklepios or Asclepius by the Greeks.
He was the son of APOLLO and the Trikkaian princess KORONIS.
His mother died in labor and was laid out on the pyre to be consumed, but his father rescued the child, cutting him from her womb.
From this he received the name Asklepios "to cut open." The boy was raised by the kentauros (centaur) CHIRON who instructed him in the art of medicine.
Aesculapius grew so skilled in the craft that he was able to restore the dead to life. However, because this was a crime against the natural order, JUPITER/ZEUS destroyed him with a thunderbolt. After his death Aesculapius was placed amongst the stars as OPHIUCHUS ("the Serpent Holder"), sometimes called the 13th sign of the Zodiac.
Some say his mother was also set in the heavens as Corvus, the crow (korônê in Greek). Aesculapius' APOTHEOSIS into godhood occurred at the same time. He was sometimes identified with Homer's PAION, the physician of the gods, as well as the Egyptian god of science, architecture and medicine IMHOTEP.Aesculapius is depicted as a handsome man holding a serpent-entwined staff representing his powers to convert poison (venom) into medicine.
It is the source of the symbol which alchemists, pharmacists and physicians have used throughout the centuries to represent their medicinal prowess.
The cult and cult statues of Aesculapius were widespread throughout the ancient world.
In Antinous Moon Magic, each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Aesculapius Moon is the Spirit of Remedies and Repairs.
This Spirit heals all that is ill, it remedies all that is out of order and it repairs all that is broken. This Spirit sees damage and destruction and sets about putting things right again.
It sees ailment and finds a cure. It sees cracks which could lead to catastrophic failure and it mends them before they can spread. It sees suffering and alleviates all that it can.
This Spirit is the embodiment of the human desire to leave imperfection behind and to become Divine.
Meditation and rituals carried out during the cycle of the Aesculapius Moon are ideal for bringing down healing energies for yourself and others in your life.
By Our Crystal Meditation Adviser Martin Campbell
By Our Crystal Meditation Adviser Martin Campbell
THERE are two consecutive moon cycles to ponder and seek inspiration from. They are both focused on disease, sickness and healing. The AESCULAPIUS MOON with its focus on healing energy and the LAMIA MOON with its focus on sickness and disease.
RAINBOW MOONSTONE – These lovely crystals (shown at top of entry) help you to personally connect to healing that you can project locally and globally. It also eyes arteries and veins. Very powerful for using during moon phases but too powerful during full moons.
In Light and Life,
To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.
ANTONIUS SUBIA says: "We pray to Diana to guide us in our hunt and to illuminate our nights with the silver light of her sublime power. We recognize that the Moon of Diana is the Moon of Antinous."
Thursday, November 21, 2024
ASTRO FORECAST: NOV. 21st—DEC. 1st, 2024
Antinous is a Moon God. He is, of course, many other things and he wears many hats. But one of the ways he was worshiped in Antiquity was as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD.
His worshipers looked skyward and saw His beautiful face perpetually turned towards the Earth. The Man in the Moon was actually the Blessed Boy in the Moon for the ancient priests and worshipers of Antinous. Swiftest and most youthful of all the Zodiacal deities, Antinous speeds through an entire year's worth of Astrological signs in just 28 days.
ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious gay selves. Where Hadrian the Sun acts, Antinous the Moon REACTS. How do we instinctively react or respond to problems? What do we feel we need for a sense of security? Look to ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD for answers.
ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is both our inner boy child and our inner lover. His ever changing phases, as he sweeps past all the other Planets in all the Signs, make us at turns responsive, receptive, and reflective. Eternally youthful, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our childlike spontaneous and instinctual reactions.
ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD beams down on us to make us imaginative, creative, intuitive, sentimental, adaptable, introspective, and protective. On the negative side, and depending on where he is in the Zodiac, he can make us moody, restless, and irrational.
NOVEMBER 21st to DECEMBER 1st, 2024
THURSDAY, November 21st, 2024
This week a paradigm shift occurs when Pluto, after slipping "backwards" into Capricorn for a few months, now finally re-enters Aquarius and remains in revolution-minded Aquarius for the next 20 years. Full details here about PLUTO IN AQUARIUS.
FRI-SATURDAY, November 22nd-23rd, 2024
This weekend we come to the Virgo Third Quarter Moon, which brings down powerful healing energies. In Antinous Moon Magic we call this the AESCULAPIUS MOON in honor of the Classical god of the physician's art. Meditation and rituals carried out tonight are ideal for bringing down healing energies for yourself and those you love during the coming year.
SUN-MONDAY, November 24th-25th, 2024
This weekend, Venus forms an exceedingly fortuitous sextile aspect with insightful Saturn. We're talking about long-term friends, people you have known and loved the longest — or people with whom you really want to form a long-lasting friendship.
TUES-WEDNESDAY, November 26th-27th, 2024
This week, Mercury does an about-face and goes "backwards" as seen from Earth until December 15th, 2024. This RETROGRADE MERCURY phase is a time of confusion in communications and commerce. About three times each year, Mercury the communications wizard turns into Mercury the fast-talking con man. This is the RETROGRADE MERCURY phase, and it lasts about three weeks. RETROGRADE MERCURY will be serving up glitches and snafus in communications, computers, transport, travel and social media. If you are buying a new mobile phone, be sure to read the fine print about hidden costs. Planning to move into a new apartment? Check the kitchen and bathroom for tell-tale signs of mold before signing the lease. Remember over the next three weeks that MERCURY wants you to play his sly game to win — not to be a whining victim. Make him proud of the way you play his game!
THURS-FRIDAY, November 28th-29th, 2024
This week, the Sun and Mars cause unrest. Sun trine Mars encourages people to believe they can do anything ... and get away with anything. On the negative side, people run amok and even the weather can be more than usually unpredictable and destructive. On the positive side, however, you might accidentally run into the new love of your life ... while running for shelter.
SAT-SUNDAY, November 30th-December 1st, 2024
This weekend, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte for the SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON. In Antinous Moon Magic, this is the lunar phase we call the FORTUNA MOON. This is the classic good luck moon of the astrological year.
Another exciting week lies ahead between December 2nd and 8th, 2024, when we come to the Pisces First Quarter Moon. In Antinous Moon Magic this is the CONSORTIUM MOON of partnership, commitment and belonging ... it is symbolized by the wedding ring ... Because it always occurs towards the end of the year, the Consortium Moon represents the cyclical nature of the year, the ending of one year and the beginning of a new year ... Tonight is a beneficent night for meditation or rituals concerning relationships and all things that are bound by a circle of togetherness ... In health matters, it refers to blood and the circulatory system ... This is the Lunar phase of the Circle of Life, of partnership, commitment and belonging ... it is symbolized by the wedding ring ... Because it always occurs towards the end of the year, the Consortium Moon represents the cyclical nature of the year, the ending of one year and the beginning of a new year ... Tonight is a beneficent night for meditation or rituals concerning relationships and all things that are bound by a circle of togetherness ... In health matters, it refers to blood and the circulatory system ... More details next time ....