OUR scintillating astrology expert Hernestus has advised me that this moon phase is the Virgo New Moon, the Plotina Moon in the Antinous faith. This moon puts us in mind of our grandmothers, older wise women or the Pagan 'Crone'.
Friday, August 30, 2019
By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell
By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell
OUR scintillating astrology expert Hernestus has advised me that this moon phase is the Virgo New Moon, the Plotina Moon in the Antinous faith. This moon puts us in mind of our grandmothers, older wise women or the Pagan 'Crone'.
TONIGHT's Virgo New Moon is the lunar phase which, in Antinous Moon Magic, is called the PLOTINA MOON in honor of Emperor Trajan's wife, the Empress Plotina, who lobbied on Hadrian's behalf, ensuring he would be Trajan's successor.
Hadrian was a favorite of Plotina's and she did everything in her power to further his career and to position him to succeed her husband Trajan as emperor. Indeed, it is said that, upon Trajan's death, Plotina forged his signature on a will naming Hadrian as his successor.
It has been speculated that she and Hadrian were lovers, though his preference for males and their age difference (she was old enough to be his mother) may make that speculation seem a bit far-fetched.
Whatever the case, Plotina showered Hadrian with love, favors and the wealth of her insights into the machinations and workings of the inner coterie surrounding the Emperor.
Thanks to Plotina's tutelage, Hadrian was well-equipped to become emperor.
Each lunar phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Plotina Moon is the Spirit of the Crone, the Wise Woman, the White Witch, the Great Mother Isis. She is a Spirit Guide.
She is not maternal like a mother, but instead she is more of a doting grandmother or great aunt. This Spirit has seen everything, been everywhere and experienced everything.
Life has few surprises left for this Spirit, and yet she marvels anew at each bright new day of discovery. There is always something yet to be discovered, some new secret to be unveiled, some riddle to be solved.
The Spirit of Plotina is ever seeking to reveal all and to share her vast grimoire of secret knowledge with her favorite protege.
The Virgo New Moon comes at the end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere when crops have been harvested and leaves are beginning to fall and the heat of summer wanes. In the Southern Hemisphere, this is the New Moon signalling a time to put away winter clothes and plant for spring with the knowledge you have gained during the winter.
It is the same New Moon, and ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD gazes down on both hemispheres. The days are getting shorter and the days are getting longer. Yet, our Lunar Deity invites us to look beyond the calendar to seek the wisdom that the PLOTINA MOON has to offer us, wherever we live.
The key words for the PLOTINA MOON are: Wisdom. Experience. Magnanimity. Old Age. Wise Woman. Vast Intelligence.
This lunar phase represents deep inner wisdom that comes from the "school of hard knocks".
This is the wise old "curandera" (white witch) who needs no books or rituals because the magic is deep down inside her soul. She and the magic are one and the same.
On a superficial level, this lunar phase is a time to honor to an older person, an old gay wizard, for example, who is influential in your life. On a deeper level, it is inviting you to become better acquainted with the ancient "curandero" (gay wizard) in your soul.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
ASTRO FORECAST: AUGUST 28th to SEPT. 8th, 2019
AUGUST 28th to SEPTEMBER 8th, 2019
On Wednesday, it is high time to break free of chains which have bound you for far too long when Virgo Mars forms a liberating trine aspect with Taurus Uranus. In Antinous Moon Magic we call this the "Stonewall Configuration" because the Stonewall Riots best demonstrate what can happen ... an explosive and wholly unexpected rebellion. Because both planets are in Earth signs, this aspect can spawn a sudden rupture or disruption of global consequences ... with long-lasting consequences. Uranus is Retrograde right now, which means these chains have been restraining us for much longer than necessary. Mars in determined Virgo says it is time to break the chains, and Uranus in bull-headed Taurus says the chains must be broken with no regard for danger or peril.
On Thursday, Mercury leaves selfish Leo and enters compassionate Virgo. It has been said that Virgo Mercury is like having a cyber-servant or surrogate replicant who anticipates all your inter-personal communications needs and rushes to your beck and call. Mercury will be in Virgo until September 14th, which means you can expect advice and supportive suggestions for "upgrading" your cognitive and communications skills for the next three weeks.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 30th, 2019
On Friday, the Sun forms a positive trine aspect with Uranus which blows in a breath of fresh air which rejuvenates and invigorates you and encourages you to act first and ask questions later. Also on Friday, we come to the Virgo New Moon, which is the lunar phase in Antinous Moon Magic we call the PLOTINA MOON in honor of Emperor Trajan's wife, the Empress Plotina, who lobbied on Hadrian's behalf, ensuring he would be Hadrian's successor ... The Spirit of the Plotina Moon is the Spirit of the Crone, the Wise Woman, the White Witch, the Great Mother Isis ... But "she" is a Spirit Guide who transcends gender — she is the ancient gay wizard in your soul. This New Moon signals the beginning of the last third of the calendar year. It is time to start wrapping up your projects for this year ... and making good on those bold and ambitious New Year's Resolutions.
This weekend, you can expect surprise tidings from the other dimensions when Mercury is in a very conducive karmic-healing trine to Uranus. Mercury-trine-Uranus always creates optimal energies for breaking down encrusted old structures and for mentally visualizing bold new solutions. Because Uranus is Retrograde, the emphasis is on the past. Retrograde Uranus opens the portals of Time and Space and Mercury enables you to go through those portals to engage in healing magic involving your own past, or past-life incarnations. Even if you do not work any magic, you can definitely count on receiving a message involving someone or something from the past.
This weekend, social-minded Virgo Venus forms a productive trine aspect with Capricorn Saturn. Venus trine Saturn helps you perceive whom you can trust for the long run and it helps you remember that business can be a pleasure.
MON-THURSDAY, SEPT. 2nd-5th, 2019
This week promises to be the most contentious of the entire year when ALL major planets engage in challenging configurations to each other. Among other things, the Sun and Mercury align in conjunction with Venus and with Mars as all four planets inch their way into opposition with foggy Neptune, spawning confusion and misunderstandings worldwide. Then Mercury forms tense aspects with Jupiter and Saturn to promote exaggerations ... if not outright lies ... and stubborn insistence that those untruths are true.
Overnight Thursday-Friday, we come to the Sagittarius First Quarter Moon, which we call the EQUESTRIAN MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... the Lunar Phase we associate with spiritual movement and progress, astral travel and astral projection ... On the material level, this Lunar Phase is excellent for making travel plans and for carrying out rituals for a safe journey with bountiful spiritual rewards ... or at least for washing that vehicle of yours.
This weekend, love planet Venus is in a powerful trine aspect with Pluto. Virgo Venus is looking for someone to share a nurturing life with, while Capricorn Pluto is looking for a profound relationship which endures for all eternity. So this Venus trine Pluto configuration can help you find your soul mate. Venus trine Pluto is also very good for financial and business transactions which will provide long-term yields.Also this weekend, the Sun is in a 90-degree right angle to Jupiter. This configuration provides great opportunities for success but also some tests of character. You can be very fortunate but also have to make your own luck. Lucky breaks and popularity can lead to an inflated ego and other excesses in life. For example, you may have a tendency to over-estimate your own abilities or resources. This could lead to a scattering of energy or wasting money on unnecessary luxuries. There may also be a tendency to accumulate possessions such as collections of a special thing, coins, figurines etc. It may be that your beliefs and morals become over the top and cause difficulties with others. Excessive behaviors are most problematic because these are more likely to affect your close relationships. Overconfidence can get in the way of making lasting friendships. The key to dealing with the excessive nature of Jupiter is moderation. You can still maintain a healthy ego but you won’t want to let excess and pride damage your standing in the world. Jupiter is testing your ego. Any arrogance or boastfulness may actually be covering for a wounded ego, or a lack of self-confidence. Yes, you do wish to be of importance, to be famous or wealthy and to receive the praise and ovation you deserve. They key to dealing with this aspect, apart from moderation, is to not get ahead of yourself. Focus your energy on doing the groundwork, the daily grind needed to perfect your special gifts.
This weekend, ambitious Mars forms a positive trine aspect with industrious Saturn for the second and final time this year to give you the drive you need to push forward projects which have been stalled in recent weeks. It's now or never. Trust Mars to give you the determination. Trust Saturn to give you the cautious determination.
Another exciting week lies ahead between September 9th and 15th when we come to the Pisces Full Moon ... In heterosexual astrology, the Pisces Full Moon is just a moon of sensual spiritual energy. But in Antinous Gay Moon Magic, this is the HOMOTHEOSIS MOON ... the archetype of gay sexuality ... when your sexual dreams can come true ... This hot Full Moon tells you it may be time to take your relationship to a whole new level ... This lunar phase helps you to deepen your love relationships in meaningful ways, making constructive compromises which allow each partner freedom while strengthening the bonds which unite you both ... More details next time ....
Saturday, August 24, 2019
ASTRO FORECAST: AUG. 22nd—SEPT. 1st, 2019
AUGUST 22nd to SEPTEMBER 1st, 2019
On Thursday, Venus enters Virgo — Virgo Venus is the ultimate party organizer. Just avoid the Virgo Venus tendency to over-analyze and to offer "advice" (which is to say "criticism") where it is not wanted. Virgo Venus also likes to worry and fret and feel inadequate. Instead, play up the Virgo Venus panache at being the hostess with the mostest and plying your guests with food and drink and ensuring they are having a fabulous time.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 2019
On Friday, we come to the first of two Gemini Third Quarter Moons in succession, which we call the Summer Blue Moon. This year it coincides with our celebration of the SACRED LION HUNT and occurs as the sun is poised to leave the sign of Leo the Lion. We celebrate the day in 130 AD when Hadrian and Antinous slew a man-eating lion in Egypt ... Antinous impetuously attacked the lion and wounded it with his adamantine-tipped spear ... the angry lion turned to attack Antinous ... but Hadrian killed the beast ... and saved his beloved boy.
SAT-SUNDAY, AUGUST 24th-25th, 2019
This weekend, Venus conjunction Mars in Virgo doubles down on your investment skills ... not only in business but also in love. Virgo Venus is picky about whom to trust with love and money, and Virgo Mars is equally determined to get good value for any ambitious gesture. This is an excellent opportunity to cement a relationship in love or business.
MON-TUESDAY, AUGUST 26th-27th, 2019
This week, you might want to purchase a lottery ticket when Venus forms a trine aspect with winner-take-all Uranus. Not only are these fortuitous configurations good for making money, but they also greatly enhance chances of love and romance. So, go ahead — take a chance on love.
On Wednesday, it is high time to break free of chains which have bound you for far too long when Virgo Mars forms a liberating trine aspect with Taurus Uranus. In Antinous Moon Magic we call this the "Stonewall Configuration" because the Stonewall Riots best demonstrate what can happen ... an explosive and wholly unexpected rebellion. Because both planets are in Earth signs, this aspect can spawn a sudden rupture or disruption of global consequences ... with long-lasting consequences. Uranus is Retrograde right now, which means these chains have been restraining us for much longer than necessary. Mars in determined Virgo says it is time to break the chains, and Uranus in bull-headed Taurus says the chains must be broken with no regard for danger or peril.
On Thursday, Mercury leaves selfish Leo and enters compassionate Virgo. It has been said that Virgo Mercury is like having a cyber-servant or surrogate replicant who anticipates all your inter-personal communications needs and rushes to your beck and call. Mercury will be in Virgo until September 14th, which means you can expect advice and supportive suggestions for "upgrading" your cognitive and communications skills for the next three weeks.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 30th, 2019
On Friday, the Sun forms a positive trine aspect with Uranus which blows in a breath of fresh air which rejuvenates and invigorates you and encourages you to act first and ask questions later. Also on Friday, we come to the Virgo New Moon, which is the lunar phase in Antinous Moon Magic we call the PLOTINA MOON in honor of Emperor Trajan's wife, the Empress Plotina, who lobbied on Hadrian's behalf, ensuring he would be Hadrian's successor ... The Spirit of the Plotina Moon is the Spirit of the Crone, the Wise Woman, the White Witch, the Great Mother Isis ... But "she" is a Spirit Guide who transcends gender — she is the ancient gay wizard in your soul. This New Moon signals the beginning of the last third of the calendar year. It is time to start wrapping up your projects for this year ... and making good on those bold and ambitious New Year's Resolutions.
This weekend, you can expect surprise tidings from the other dimensions when Mercury is in a very conducive karmic-healing trine to Uranus. Mercury-trine-Uranus always creates optimal energies for breaking down encrusted old structures and for mentally visualizing bold new solutions. Because Uranus is Retrograde, the emphasis is on the past. Retrograde Uranus opens the portals of Time and Space and Mercury enables you to go through those portals to engage in healing magic involving your own past, or past-life incarnations. Even if you do not work any magic, you can definitely count on receiving a message involving someone or something from the past.
This weekend, social-minded Virgo Venus forms a productive trine aspect with Capricorn Saturn. Venus trine Saturn helps you perceive whom you can trust for the long run and it helps you remember that business can be a pleasure.
Another exciting week lies ahead between September 2nd and 8th when we come to the Sagittarius First Quarter Moon, which we call the EQUESTRIAN MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... the Lunar Phase we associate with spiritual movement and progress, astral travel and astral projection ... On the material level, this Lunar Phase is excellent for making travel plans and for carrying out rituals for a safe journey with bountiful spiritual rewards ... or at least for washing that vehicle of yours ... More details next time ....
Friday, August 23, 2019
DURING tonight's SUMMER BLUE MOON we reflect on the inner Antinous within us all ... already within us ... waiting to be awakened. (Art above by Linda Larson)
Many of us spend a lot of our lives looking for role models, mentors, teachers, and gurus to guide us on our path. There is nothing wrong with this and, in fact, finding the right person at the right time can really help.
However, it is important to realize that in the absence of such a figure, we can very safely rely upon ourselves.
Flamen Antonius Subia has said this many times. Instead of looking for Antinous outside of us, Antonius says we should look inside of us for Antinous.
We ARE Antinous and He is us. That means we carry within us everything we need to know to make progress on our paths to self-realization.
The outer world serves as a mirror. Or to use another metaphor, our inner world has a magnetic Antinous force that draws to us what we need to evolve to the next level. All we need to do to see that we already have everything we need is to let go of our belief that we need to seek in order to find.
The path of the spirit is often defined as a journey with a goal such as the fabled pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. In this metaphor, a person begins a search for something they want but do not have and then they find it, and there is a happy ending.
However, most of us know that getting what we want only makes us happy for a moment, and then the happiness passes until a new object of desire presents itself.
Joy is a permanent aspect of our inner selves and is not separate from us at any point. We do not have to travel to find it or imagine that it resides only in the body of another.
In fact, what the best teachers will do is point out that this very precious elixir is something we already possess.
So when we find ourselves on our path, not knowing which way to turn and wishing for guidance, we can turn to ourselves ... to our Inner Antinous.
We may not know the right answer rationally or intellectually, but if we simply ask, let go, and wait patiently, an answer will come ... from our Antinous Within.
The more we practice this and trust this process, the less we will look outside ourselves for teachers and guides for we will have successfully become our own.
It is so simple. It really is a Simple Gift to just let go and trust your Inner Antinous.
Friday, August 16, 2019
ASTRO FORECAST: AUGUST 15th—25th, 2019
AUGUST 15th to 25th, 2019
On Thursday, we come to the AQUARIUS FULL MOON. This is the summertime moon of generous gifts which we associate with Antinous/Vertumnus, the shape-shifting God of summertime bounty and generous gifts. We call this the DONUM MOON when magical rituals are performed for fortuitous gifts.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 16th, 2019
On Friday, vengeance and enmity ignite anew when Mercury and Uranus are in a 90-degree right angle to each other. People act impulsively without thinking of the consequences ... consequences they will surely regret.
SAT-SUNDAY, AUGUST 17th-18th, 2019
This weekend, don't be surprised when "conflicts" dissipate overnight ... when Mars leaves drama-queen Leo and enters fastidious Virgo, where it will remain until 4 October 2019. Mars in Virgo energizes healing while soothing the heart ... Virgo Mars empowers you to act in a responsible and supportive way to help others ... and yourself! Martian ambition will be channeled into productive avenues.
MON-TUESDAY, AUGUST 19th-20th, 2019
This week, Mercury forms a fortuitous trine aspect with lucky Jupiter. Even if you usually never play the lottery, you might want to consider buying a lotto ticket for this week.
WED-THURSDAY, AUGUST 21st-22nd, 2019
On Wednesday, Venus enters Virgo — Virgo Venus is the ultimate party organizer. Just avoid the Virgo Venus tendency to over-analyze and to offer "advice" (which is to say "criticism") where it is not wanted. Virgo Venus also likes to worry and fret and feel inadequate. Instead, play up the Virgo Venus panache at being the hostess with the mostest and plying your guests with food and drink and ensuring they are having a fabulous time.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 2019
On Friday, we come to the first of two Gemini Third Quarter Moons in succession, which we call the Summer Blue Moon. This year it coincides with our celebration of the SACRED LION HUNT and occurs as the sun is poised to leave the sign of Leo the Lion. We celebrate the day in 130 AD when Hadrian and Antinous slew a man-eating lion in Egypt ... Antinous impetuously attacked the lion and wounded it with his adamantine-tipped spear ... the angry lion turned to attack Antinous ... but Hadrian killed the beast ... and saved his beloved boy.
SAT-SUNDAY, AUGUST 24th-25th, 2019
This weekend, Venus conjunction Mars in Virgo doubles down on your investment skills ... not only in business but also in love. Virgo Venus is picky about whom to trust with love and money, and Virgo Mars is equally determined to get good value for any ambitious gesture. This is an excellent opportunity to cement a relationship in love or business.
Another exciting week lies ahead between August 26th and September 1st when we come to the Virgo New Moon, which is the lunar phase in Antinous Moon Magic we call the PLOTINA MOON in honor of Emperor Trajan's wife, the Empress Plotina, who lobbied on Hadrian's behalf, ensuring he would be Hadrian's successor ... The Spirit of the Plotina Moon is the Spirit of the Crone, the Wise Woman, the White Witch, the Great Mother Isis ... But "she" is a Spirit Guide who transcends gender — she is the ancient gay wizard in your soul. This New Moon signals the beginning of the last third of the calendar year. It is time to start wrapping up your projects for this year ... and making good on those bold and ambitious New Year's Resolutions ... More details next time ....
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

This is the full moon of letting go, breaking out of restrictions, busting out of prisons, liberating yourself from the chains which restrain you.
It represents a boon (material or otherwise) which comes your way through generosity. It is an unexpected gift from someone else.
Or it is a gift you give to yourself. The Aquarius Full Moon is about philanthropic generosity
In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC we call this the DONUM MOON when magical rituals are performed for fortuitous gifts.
Antinous/Vertumnus is the divine aspect of Antinous representing his gift-giving ability. He holds a symbolic gift of fresh-ripened fruit and summertime blossoms which he is eager to give to you without reservation.
It is yours. No questions asked. Take it.
Vertumnus also symbolizes his ability to morph and change bad luck into good luck. The Ancient Etruscans believed Vertumnus was a shape-shifter who could change his form at will. He brought gifts and bounty to those who had the "eyes" to perceive him in his many guises.
The Romans adopted Vertumnus and he became associated with the changing bounty of summertime, when fruit and vegetables materialized out of the ground and ripened and were ready for harvest ... the bountiful gifts of nature.
According to Ovid's Metamorphoses, Vertumnus was enthralled with Pomona, the goddess of orchard fruits, and desired to be one with her. But she spurned him.
He assumed many guises ... a fisherman, a soldier, a peasant, a reaper, etc. ... but she turned him away every time. Finally, he assumed the form of an old woman and was so aged and unattractive that Pomona let down her guard.
Thus, Vertumnus engaged her in conversation and they became inseparable ... which was what Vertumnus had wanted all along.
Ovid says that the moral of the tale of Vertumnus and Pomona is that you should never judge a gift by its outward appearances. Never reject the hand of friendship.
The Aquarius Full Moon is about philanthropic generosity. The Ancient Romans celebrated the feast day of Vertumnus ... the Vertumnalia ... during the cycle of the Aquarius Full Moon in early times (and on August 13th in later times) by giving each other baskets of fruit, flowers and other symbols of nature's bounty. The Aquarius Full Moon is associated with Antinous/Vertumnus in Antinous Moon Magic rituals.
Go outside tonight and look up at the full moon, with shooting stars cascading from all sides. This is the FULL MOON to wake up and break free of all mental, spiritual, political and ideological strictures. It is the gift of an opportunity.
The PERSEID METEORS (which reach their peak at this time of year) are symbolically aimed at you.
Antinous is aiming his gifts of new opportunity directly your way. All you have to do is reach out and grasp it ... and it's yours.
By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell
By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell
OUR astrology adviser Hernestus has advised me that today is the Aquarius Full Moon which is the Donum Moon of Amtinous Vertumnus.
Love and Light from my screen
Thursday, August 8, 2019
AUGUST 8th to 18th, 2019
THURS-FRIDAY, AUG 8th-9th, 2019
This is one of the most fortuitous weeks of the year when Sun trine Jupiter and Venus trine Jupiter bring you good fortune in all areas of life. A beneficent trine aspect between the Leo Sun and Sagittarius Jupiter comes to the rescue. This is a bright spot amidst doom-and-gloom of recent weeks. Jupiter has been Retrograde since April 11th, 2019, and you have experienced introspection and review. You may have felt you were spinning your wheels much of the time. And because Retrograde Jupiter is retrograde in gloomy Sagittarius, you have to rely more upon hard work than upon luck, despite the fact that Sagittarius Jupiter is the luckiest planet in the Zodiac. When Jupiter turns retrograde, the action of Jupiter is reversed so that the emphasis is upon inner awareness and inner growth. When opportunities arise while Jupiter is retrograde, they are the result of seeds planted in the past from people met or connections made in the past. This week's Sun-trine-Jupiter aspect represents a bright spot for this difficult period.Venus trine Jupiter offers a ray of hope. On the positive side: you can trust your intuition to buy a lottery ticket. But on the less positive side, you don't know when to stop and squander your hard-earned money on a big risk ... in money and love. But your wager may pay off big time.
SATURDAY, AUG 10th, 2019
This weekend, Retrograde Jupiter ends its "backwards" period and goes "direct" (forwards), which allows the expansive emotional connections to bring new people into your life. Retrograde Jupiter occurs once every 13 months and last about four months. Retrograde Jupiter shines a spotlight on areas of the world ... and on people ... who have become consumed with greed, gluttony, megalomania and addiction. Retrograde Jupiter has pushed you beyond your comfort zone and now that Jupiter turns direct, more people will be venturing into your life to connect and communicate in ways that are important to you. New information seems to stream in opening the doors of communication as you reach out to connect with people, sharing your common perspective. However, if your goals are unrealistic, deceitful or greedy, then the Jupiter direct phase from August 2019 to May 2020 may result in disappointment and loss.
SUNDAY, AUG 11th, 2019
This weekend, Mercury leaves sulky Cancer and struts into lively Leo (for the second time in recent weeks) so that communications become bold, fiery and focused more on drama than on picky details. And because Mercury was retrograde in July, this influence will continue until the end of August.
MONDAY, AUG 12th, 2019
Overnight Sunday-Monday, Uranus the planet of revolutionary change stops dead in its tracks (as seen from Earth) and goes Retrograde (backwards) for the next five months. Even when going forward, Uranus shakes things up. When URANUS TURNS RETROGRADE it still shakes things up for us, but it starts to do so in a very pushy way. It pushes us to dig deep and really face the problems and the roadblocks that have impeded progress. It forces us to re-evaluate our values and our priorities.If we've been turning a blind eye to a problem, Uranus retrograde will put that problem in our face, front and center, and make it impossible to ignore. If we've been too willing to settle and reluctant to venture from our comfort zones, Uranus will shake us out of it like you shake ants out of a picnic blanket.
Uranus sparks awakenings and inspires us to challenge what we accept as the norm, but when it goes retrograde it forces us to do so through an overhaul.
While Uranus is in retrograde, on a personal level, you may find Uranus forces you to re-evaluate your life — what you've accepted, what you've settled for, the choices you have made. If you've been mindlessly heading down the wrong path, Uranus retrograde gives you the proverbial slap in the face to bring you back to your senses — the kind of slap that stings, but for which you are grateful. After something happens, you may find yourself wondering, "what am I doing? Why am I doing this?" That's the planet's influence on you while in retrograde.
As a society, you'll find Uranus retrograde is when there is unrest and that brings attention to things we've let slide for far too long. More people begin to rethink the direction we've been taking, challenge convention and advocate for change.
You can really use Uranus retrograde to your advantage. It is an ideal time to reflect on your life. Examine your past in relation to your future, and if there is an "Aha!" moment to be had, Uranus retrograde can help you find it.
Have you fallen into bad patterns of thought or behavior? Have you trapped yourself in a lifestyle or job that hasn't really been working for you, but you stuck with it because it was easier than changing? Uranus retrograde is going to make you see what brought you to where you are, face your fears and take you out of your comfort zone, ultimately guiding you to the realization that there are better paths to take.
TUES-WEDNESDAY, AUG 13th-14th, 2019
This week love will be waiting around the corner when Venus and the Sun align in perfect conjunction in dramatic Leo. Things will be steamy and passionate for sure. You may not form a bond for a lifetime, but it will be incredibly hot while it lasts.
THURSDAY, AUG 15th, 2019
On Thursday, we come to the AQUARIUS FULL MOON. This is the summertime moon of generous gifts which we associate with Antinous/Vertumnus, the shape-shifting God of summertime bounty and generous gifts. We call this the DONUM MOON when magical rituals are performed for fortuitous gifts.
FRIDAY, AUG 16th, 2019
On Friday, vengeance and enmity ignite anew when Mercury and Uranus are in a 90-degree right angle to each other. People act impulsively without thinking of the consequences ... consequences they will surely regret.
SAT-SUNDAY, AUG 17th-18th, 2019
This weekend, don't be surprised when "conflicts" dissipate overnight ... when Mars leaves drama-queen Leo and enters caring-and-sharing Virgo, where it will remain until 4 October 2019. Mars in Virgo energizes healing while soothing the heart ... Virgo Mars empowers you to act in a responsible and supportive way to help others ... and yourself! Martian ambition will be channeled into productive avenues.
Another exciting week lies ahead between August 19th and 25th when we come to the first of two Gemini Third Quarter Moons in succession, which we call the Summer Blue Moon ... More details next time ....
WHATEVER you expect for the coming five or six months ... forget it ... because the unexpected will happen!
Uranus planet of revolutionary change is retrograde (moving backwards as seen from Earth) once every year ... for about half of the year.
On the global level, this means revolutions, destruction, disaster, assassinations and wholly unexpected political change.
On the personal level, you will be forced to reevaluate your life. Retrograde Uranus is the proverbial slap in the face to bring you back to your senses — the kind of slap that stings, but for which you are grateful.
You can really use Uranus retrograde to your advantage. It is an ideal time to reflect on your life.
Examine your past in relation to your future, and if there is an "Aha!" moment to be had, Uranus retrograde can help you find it.
Have you fallen into bad patterns of thought or behavior? Have you trapped yourself in a lifestyle or job that has not really been working for you, but you stuck with it because it was easier than changing?
Uranus retrograde makes you see what brought you to where you are, face your fears and take you out of your comfort zone, ultimately guiding you to the realization that there are better paths to take.
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
PROMETHEUS was the first thief and it was thanks to his larcenous thievery that humans are not living in burrows and dens like animals.
He stole fire from the Gods and brought it down to us mortals living on Earth. And at this, the hottest time of the year (in the Northern Hemisphere at any rate), we celebrate the SCORPIO FIRST QUARTER MOON with this legendary act of "breaking and entering with malicious intent to commit a felony."
Tonight is the night of the THIEF MOON, the PROMETHEUS MOON.
In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC, each phase of the moon represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Thief Moon is the Divine Thief. This Spirit is the stealer of hearts. He sneaks up on others and intentionally relieves them of those things they hold dear. We associate this lunar phase with Prometheus.
One of the Titans, Prometheus fashioned men out of clay (women did not appear until Pandora), and Athena breathed life into these clay men. Originally all men had Prometheus' power to foretell the future (the Greek name "Prometheus" means "Forethought") but Zeus became enraged that a Titan had created a sentient and nearly divine race, so he stripped them of that fortune-telling power and also stripped them of fire.
Prometheus urged his fellow Titans to use cunning and stealth to overcome the Gods. But when the Titans opted for brute force, Prometheus foresaw the outcome and betrayed the Titans and went over to the side led by Zeus.
But when Zeus turned against men and wanted to smite them all and create a rival race, Prometheus betrayed Zeus by stealing fire and giving it to his clay men so that they would have a light to see their way without the help of the gods — even if only a few were clairvoyant, not all, as he had originally intended.
Outraged, Zeus bound Prometheus to the rock and his eagle dined on his liver every day. But being a Titan, he could not die, and his liver was restored every night.
In the end, Prometheus won his freedom by foretelling that Zeus would meet his downfall if he mated with a certain mortal woman ... which is why Poseidon fell and Zeus did not, because Zeus heeded the foretold warning.
Prometheus was the first thief. He was the first Divine friend of mankind. It is fitting that Prometheus graces the fountain at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan. Prometheus was mankind's first divine friend, who gave us the civilization-building gift of fire. It was stolen from the Gods!
Thus the SCORPIO FIRST QUARTER MOON is a time of cunning and deception, thievery, robbery, stealth. Unlike the PERDITION MOON, which is about loss in a general sense, the THIEF MOON is about intentional taking.
In a very literal sense, it can signify a night when break-ins or burglaries are rife. But most often it represents your inner self ... the things you rob yourself of ... self-esteem, self-love, self-confidence, for example. By robbing yourself of these qualities, you are vulnerable to real-life thieves.
But this lunar phase is also talking about the positive aspects of being a thief, like Prometheus or Mercury. Antinous/Mercury is the God of Thieves, Con Men and Convicts. Prometheus stole fire from the Gods to give to mankind, saying it rightfully belonged to mortals. Mercury famously stole from Apollo and yet charmed his way to "acquittal".
Tonight's lunar phase is reminding us about the "inner thief" inside all of us ... the ability to take what we need without asking in advance. It is about getting back what is rightfully ours by means of cunning and skulduggery. We are all thieves, only the dishonest ones deny it.
By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell
By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell
OUR inspirational astrology expert Hernestus has informed me that today is the second Scorpio First Quarter Moon in succession. It is the THIEF MOON of Antinous. Hernestus suggests that this moon will have you focusing on your own "inner thief". The aspect of you robbing you of the qualities which would otherwise permit you to progress spiritually.
How often do we just 'be', sit still, listed to our heartbeat, focus on our breath in and out? How often do we question what we are doing or why we think a certain way? Why are we so full of doubts and uncertainties?
Topaz helps you to cut through all of that nonsense and see the trust in crystal clear sight."
Love and Light,
Thursday, August 1, 2019
ASTRO FORECAST: AUGUST 1st —11th, 2019
AUGUST 1st to 11th, 2019
Aren't you tired of all the computer glitches, "lost" files, travel delays and snafus of recent weeks? Take heart! Now Mercury does an about-face and starts going forward again as seen from Earth, ending three weeks of Retrograde "backwards" travel. So you can safely message friends and co-workers a prediction that certain "lost" computer files or parcels will show up by the time they go to work the next morning. Mercury going backwards creates this sort of impish mayhem with matters concerning communications, documents and money. Misplaced tickets, keys, "lost" computer files, letters and packages which vanish into postal limbo ... all are typical of Retrograde Mercury. The "lost" things turn up again as if by magic when Mercury goes Direct again. A skilled astrologer, Hadrian no doubt amazed his courtiers by accurately predicting when some "lost" document or wayward courier message would finally re-appear out of no where.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 2019
On Friday, it's make-up or break-up time when Venus squares off against Uranus. You can be sure that unanticipated upheavals will occur in interpersonal relationships. Misunderstandings and arguments come from no where. This is the sort of day when seemingly stable relationships break up for a minor reason. And at work, you sense that people are conspiring against you. And quite possibly they are.
SAT-TUESDAY, AUG 3rd-6th, 2019
Do you have a broken heart? Or a health worry? Healing energies get a sudden and dramatic boost this week when Chiron the Healer comes galloping to the rescue to form a beneficent trine with both the Sun and Venus in Leo ... two heavenly bodies which are so important that this positive aspect to CHIRON IN ARIES will unleash powerful energies that will last for weeks ... This is a good time for medical checkups and treatment ... also, you can expect a positive and expansive outlook which can benefit your well-being at this time. You may be more open-minded with regard to experiencing new things, which will allow healing of your mind, body, and spirit.
On Wednesday, we come to the Scorpio First Quarter Moon, which is the lunar phase we call the THIEF MOON in honor of Prometheus ... the first thief ... and it was thanks to his larcenous thievery that humans are not living in burrows and dens like animals ... Rituals and meditations tonight can focus on your "inner thief" — the things you rob yourself of — self-esteem, self-love, self-confidence, for example. By robbing yourself of these qualities, you are vulnerable to real-life thieves ... Tonight's lunar phase is also reminding us about the ability to take what we need without asking in advance. It is about getting back what is rightfully ours.
THURS-FRIDAY, AUG 8th-9th, 2019
This is one of the most fortuitous weeks of the year when Sun trine Jupiter and Venus trine Jupiter bring you good fortune in all areas of life. A beneficent trine aspect between the Leo Sun and Sagittarius Jupiter comes to the rescue. This is a bright spot amidst doom-and-gloom of recent weeks. Jupiter has been Retrograde since April 11th, 2019, and you have experienced introspection and review. You may have felt you were spinning your wheels much of the time. And because Retrograde Jupiter is retrograde in gloomy Sagittarius, you have to rely more upon hard work than upon luck, despite the fact that Sagittarius Jupiter is the luckiest planet in the Zodiac. When Jupiter turns retrograde, the action of Jupiter is reversed so that the emphasis is upon inner awareness and inner growth. When opportunities arise while Jupiter is retrograde, they are the result of seeds planted in the past from people met or connections made in the past. This week's Sun-trine-Jupiter aspect represents a bright spot for this difficult period.Venus trine Jupiter offers a ray of hope. On the positive side: you can trust your intuition to buy a lottery ticket. But on the less positive side, you don't know when to stop and squander your hard-earned money on a big risk ... in money and love. But your wager may pay off big time.
SATURDAY, AUG 10th, 2019
This weekend, Retrograde Jupiter ends its "backwards" period and goes "direct" (forwards), which allows the expansive emotional connections to bring new people into your life. Retrograde Jupiter occurs once every 13 months and last about four months. Retrograde Jupiter shines a spotlight on areas of the world ... and on people ... who have become consumed with greed, gluttony, megalomania and addiction. Retrograde Jupiter has pushed you beyond your comfort zone and now that Jupiter turns direct, more people will be venturing into your life to connect and communicate in ways that are important to you. New information seems to stream in opening the doors of communication as you reach out to connect with people, sharing your common perspective. However, if your goals are unrealistic, deceitful or greedy, then the Jupiter direct phase from August 2019 to May 2020 may result in disappointment and loss.
SUNDAY, AUG 11th, 2019
This weekend, Mercury leaves sulky Cancer and struts into lively Leo (for the second time in recent weeks) so that communications become bold, fiery and focused more on drama than on picky details. And because Mercury was retrograde in July, this influence will continue until the end of August.
Another exciting week lies ahead between August 12th and 18th when we come to the AQUARIUS FULL MOON. This is the summertime moon of generous gifts which we associate with Antinous/Vertumnus, the shape-shifting God of summertime bounty and generous gifts. We call this the DONUM MOON when magical rituals are performed for fortuitous gifts ... More details next time ....