Thursday, March 12, 2020

ASTRO FORECAST: MARCH 12th—22nd, 2020

Antinous Astrology Forecast

MARCH 12th to 22nd, 2020

THURS-FRIDAY, MARCH 12th-13th, 2020

This week Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are highlighted in near conjunction in Capricorn against the background of the THE STAR OF ANTINOUS in Capricorn. This planetary configuration has not occurred for many centuries and certainly will not occur again during our lifetimes. And against this cosmic backdrop Lady Luck smiles on you when the Sun forms a sextile with lucky Jupiter as well as with Pluto and the Star of Antinous. This is the sort of day that the Latin expression "Carpe Diem" (Seize the Day) was created for. Be sure to buy a lottery ticket ... and be sure to share the winnings with everybody around you. Sun-sextile-Pluto brings you recognition, success and amazing abilities to make your wishes come true.

SAT-SUNDAY, MARCH 14th-15th, 2020

This weekend, Mars sextile Neptune creates a magical moment. It is possible now to take a balanced approach to conflict, problems and projects that require effort. This can combine both a gentle touch and firm action, sensitivity and forcefulness. Negotiation and interaction with others could be aggressive and determined now, but also balanced with sensitivity and style. Any expressions of anger, frustration or discontent are more likely to be tempered with fairness, moderation and composure.

MONDAY, MARCH 16th, 2020

On Monday, logic takes a backseat to emotions when Mercury leaves intellectual Aquarius and dives into the sensitive waters of Pisces. In Pisces, Mercury sees life more like an impressionistic painting than one done in the realistic style. Sounds, images, shapes, memory, psychic impressions, emotional tones ... all these are absorbed as part of an overall perception. Mercury in Pisces picks up on subtleties in the atmosphere that Aquarius Mercury might not have picked up on. You can expect to be increasingly dreamy and tuned in to some distant message or inner vision.

Also on Monday, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is at right angles to the Sun. This is the SAGITTARIUS THIRD QUARTER MOON, which we call the SACRED STAR phase in Antinous Moon Magic. In the midst of confusion and chaos, the Spirit of the Star touches the top of your head and conveys sudden and total clarity. This Spirit is never deceived by appearances. Meditations and rituals conducted during this lunar phase are ideal for discerning clarity in opaque situations, for clearing the mind of nebulous distractions and for seeing clearly into other worlds ... the perfect night for clairvoyance.

TUES-FRIDAY, MARCH 17th-20th, 2020

This week is dominated by the March Equinox and ambitiously aggressive Mars moving into conjunction with Jupiter, Pluto and the Star of Antinous in Capricorn. On March 20th the Sun enters the sign of Aries for the Equinox. In the Northern Hemisphere springtime is on the way, but in the Southern Hemisphere autumn is coming. The March Equinox is the official zodiacal start of the astrological year and 2020 IS THE YEAR OF THE MOON, according to an ancient astro-alchemical calendar. Jupiter ruled 2015. Mars ruled 2016. The Sun ruled 2017. And 2018 was "The Year of Venus." Then 2019 was the "Year of Mercury" and now 2020 is ruled by the Moon.

But more importantly this week, the war god Mars aligns with Jupiter in perfect alignment in Capricorn with marching orders to make over the world. With Mars conjunction Jupiter, you have an abundance of energy and enthusiasm to take on tasks that would frighten all but the most courageous. In order to get what you want, you are energized to assert yourself fearlessly, even in the face of danger. You may sense even a rather reckless faith in your ability to tempt fate and take chances, never doubting that you will succeed. Be careful that what you lack in finesse you make up for in arrogance. On the global level, overweening tyrants use this energy to make over the world according to their own idea of what perfection should be.

And most importantly this week, Mars aligns in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn against the background of the THE STAR OF ANTINOUS in Capricorn. This planetary configuration has not occurred for many centuries and certainly will not occur again during our lifetimes. This is the most explosive week of the year. There might literally be explosions or at least volcanic eruptions when the warrior god teams up with the lord of the underworld. Pent-up anger bursts out into all-out armed conflict. This is a classic textbook recipe for terrorist attacks. It definitely spells trouble for the world's hot spots and for reckless tyrants. The threat of assassination looms large, as does the danger of terrorism. You need to be on guard for outbursts of rage. The important thing is to be aware where your rage is coming from. Don't vent your rage on innocent victims. Instead, be consciously aware of the source of your anger so that you can harness the powerful energies of Mars/Pluto to carry out constructive projects you have been stalling on for way too long.

SAT-SUNDAY, MARCH 21st-22nd, 2020

This weekend, Saturn enters Aquarius, occupying its airy home for the first time since 1994. This is especially important for Millennials born between 1990 and 1994 who will be experiencing their first Saturn Return. With a windy gale at its back, Saturn in Aquarius will turn its scythe toward unknown terrain in order to gather and harvest wisdom off the mainstream path and beyond the norm. Saturn feels secure, strong, and comfortably at home in Aquarius, but discovers a different kind of expression than when residing in its other home of Capricorn where it is surrounded by dense stone and earthly matters. In the airy climate of Aquarius, Saturn turns its slow and steady gaze outward, reordering structures and boundaries in order to make connections, distribute information, and develop innovations.

Change will be in the air as Saturn enters Aquarius, for it will immediately begin forming a catalytic square aspect with impetuous Uranus in Taurus. Saturn will not complete its square aspect with Uranus during 2020 however, as it will go retrograde on May 10 at two degrees of Aquarius to return to Capricorn from July 2020 until December 2020, when it will re-enter Aquarius to remain there until 2023. We will feel the volatile effect of Uranus through questioning the boundaries we erect in our life and beginning a process of restructuring them. Rather than holding on to old conceptions we have been attached to, we will become more interested in experimenting and beginning to break free from whatever the status quo has been for us.


Another exciting week lies ahead between March 23rd and 29th when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns with his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte for the Aries New Moon which we call the FASCES MOON. The Aries New Moon is the moon of abrupt beginnings which may not be followed through, and of things said which are later regretted, of capricious actions — shoot first, ask questions later. If you have been stalling on starting something new ... now is the time to go for it. Others will warn you that you should exercise caution ... but the Fasces Moon says "no pain, no gain" and urges you to press forward ... More details next time ....

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