FROM an astrological viewpoint, the Year 2020 is "THE YEAR OF THE MOON" when the Moon rules the Zodiac, ushering in 12 months of soul-searching and swirling emotional undercurrents. While 2020 may not be as turbulent as recent years, things will be happening behind the scenes, on an Unconscious level, which will erupt to the surface in 2021, '22 and '23.
According to a rather obscure astrological text called the Galendarjum Oeconomicum Practicum Perpetuum, each year is ruled by a planet (Mars, Venus, etc.) and 2019 was the "The Year of Mercury." Now it's the Moon's turn.
The German alchemist and astrologer Dr. Mauritius Knauer devised this perpetual calendar based on planetary rulerships in the late 18th Century.
According to his calculations, the year 2020 is the "YEAR OF THE MOON" ... thus the Year of Antinous the Moon God. That means 2020 is a year of intense emotions, intuition, reflection, a year ruled by the Unconscious Mind.
The Ancient Priests of Antinous knew that zoning out for a few minutes allows your brain to tackle tasks it can't handle when you're busy.
They called it the medium for Antinous to work miracles in your life.
In ancient times, Antinous was known as a miracle worker. His worshipers prayed to him for miracles, oracles, visions and answers to problems in their daily lives.
The Egyptian hieroglyphs on the OBELISK OF ANTINOUS state clearly that Antinous answers the prayers of all who call upon him through dreams and visions, for example.

The Egyptians knew that the brain is the center of motor activity and sensory perception.
But they believed the heart is the center of a form of intelligence which has baffled most mainstream Egyptologists ... who assume the Egyptians believed the heart was where cognitive thinking occurs.
But the Egyptians had a very different view of the universe from our rational, scientific view of the universe.
We dissect facts and analyze them. But while the Egyptians were very good at analyzing facts, they also retained the Zen-like ability to see the whole ... which leads to contemplation ... not analysis.
The Egyptians understood that if you want to find an intelligent solution to a problem, your brain can do the work. You have all the necessary intelligence inside the bone in your skull.
However, most people use their brains the same way they use their muscles. You can strain your head just as if it were a muscle, and work very hard trying to arrive at an answer, but it doesn't really work that way.
When you really want to find an answer to something, what you need to do is contemplate the problem. Visualize your question as well as you can, and then simply wait.
If you don't, and if you instead try to find the solution through brute mental strength, you may be disappointed, because any solution that comes in that way is likely to be wrong.
But when you have waited for a while, the solution will come of itself. That is what the Egyptians called the Intelligence of the Heart ... using your heart instead of your head.
It will work for you in the same way your stomach will digest your food for you without your having to supervise it consciously. Our attempts to supervise everything consciously have all led to consequences that aren't too good for our stomach, and the reason for that is quite simple.
Conscious attention, which employs words, cannot think of very much. We are forced, therefore, to ignore almost everything while we are thinking. We think along a single track, but the world doesn't proceed along a single track.
The world is everything happening altogether everywhere, and you just can't take all that into consideration because there isn't time.
However, the Intelligence of the Heart can take it all into consideration because it is capable of handling innumerable variables at once, even though your conscious attention cannot...
The hieroglyphs on the Obelisk of Antinous promise that Antinous the Gay God enables us to discover the Intelligence of the Heart ... the Intelligence of HIM ... he opens his heart to you ....
Thus 2020 will be a year when you must heed your dreams ... pay attention to daydreams and "coincidences" ... silence the chatter of your Conscious Mind ... and allow the Moon to speak to you through your powerful Unconscious Mind.
Antinous Moon Magic there are 52 Lunar Phases which correspond with Antinoian Archetypes and Magical Forces. Many devotees use the weekly phases of the moon for their home devotional rituals. Here are the Lunar Phases for 2020:
02 JAN 2020 Aries First Quarter Moon INVICTUS MOON.
10 JAN 2020 Cancer Full Moon LUNUS MOON.
17 JAN 2020 Libra Third Quarter Moon CROSSROADS MOON.
24 JAN 2020 Aquarius New Moon OBELISK MOON.
01 FEB 2020 Taurus First Quarter Moon AMOR MOON.
09 FEB 2020 Leo Full Moon LION HUNT MOON.
15 FEB 2020 Scorpio Third Quarter Moon PERDITION MOON.
23 FEB 2020 Pisces New Moon DOG MOON.
02 MAR 2020 Gemini First Quarter Moon JACKAL MOON.
09 MAR 2020 Virgo Full Moon DIANA MOON.
16 MAR 2020 Sagittarius Third Quarter Moon STAR OF ANTINOUS.
24 MAR 2020 Aries New Moon FASCES MOON.
01 APR 2020 Cancer First Quarter Moon NARCISSUS MOON.
07 APR 2020 Libra Full Moon ORATOR MOON.
14 APR 2020 Capricorn Third Quarter Moon HADRIAN'S WALL MOON.
22 APR 2020 Taurus New Moon MARCUS AURELIUS MOON.
30 APR 2020 Leo First Quarter Moon SCARAB MOON.
07 MAY 2020 Scorpio Full Moon ENEMY MOON.
14 MAY 2020 Aquarius Third Quarter Moon FORUM MOON.
22 MAY 2020 Gemini New Moon MERCURY MOON.
29 MAY 2020 Virgo First Quarter Moon MELANCHOLY MOON.
05 JUN 2020 Sagittarius Full Moon DENARIUS MOON.
13 JUN 2020 Pisces Third Quarter Moon LOTUS MOON.
21 JUN 2020 First of two Cancer New Moons in succession is the SUMMER BLUE MOON, coincides with SOLSTICE.
28 JUN 2020 Libra First Quarter Moon VENUS MOON.
04 JUL 2020 Capricorn Full Moon TOWER MOON.
12 JUL 2020 Aries Third Quarter Moon TRIBUNE MOON.
20 JUL 2020 Cancer New Moon ADONIS MOON.
27 JUL 2020 Scorpio First Quarter Moon THIEF MOON.
03 AUG 2020 Aquarius Full Moon DONUM MOON.
11 AUG 2020 Taurus Third Quarter Moon LUCIUS MOON.
18 AUG 2020 Leo New Moon SACERDOTE MOON.
25 AUG 2020 Sagittarius First Quarter Moon EQUESTRIAN MOON.
01 SEP 2020 Pisces Full Moon HOMOTHEOSIS MOON.
10 SEP 2020 Gemini Third Quarter Moon CONSOLATION MOON.
17 SEP 2020 Virgo New Moon PLOTINA MOON.
23 SEP 2020 Capricorn First Quarter Moon MERCHANT MOON.
01 OCT 2020 Aries Full Moon LIGHTNING MOON.
09 OCT 2020 Cancer Third Quarter Moon DISCORDIA MOON.
16 OCT 2020 Libra New Moon TRIPOD MOON.
23 OCT 2020 Aquarius First Quarter Moon CONCORDIA MOON.
31 OCT 2020 Taurus Full Moon HADRIAN'S VILLA MOON.
08 NOV 2020 Leo Third Quarter Moon BACCHANALIA MOON.
14 NOV 2020 Scorpio New Moon ZELUS MOON.
21 NOV 2020 Pisces First Quarter Moon CONSORTIUM MOON.
30 NOV 2020 Gemini Full Moon CATAMITUS MOON.
07 DEC 2020 Virgo Third Quarter Moon AESCULAPIUS MOON.
14 DEC 2020 Sagittarius New Moon FORTUNA MOON.
21 DEC 2020 Aries First Quarter Moon INVICTUS MOON.
29 DEC 2020 Cancer Full Moon LUNUS MOON.
Antinous hears all prayers and answers them all! Blessings of love and light and joy to you always and forever!