Thursday, March 26, 2020


Antinous Astrology Forecast

MARCH 2-APRIL 5, 2020

THURS-FRIDAY, MARCH 26th-27th, 2020

This week Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are highlighted in near conjunction in Capricorn against the background of the THE STAR OF ANTINOUS in Capricorn. This planetary configuration has not occurred for many centuries and certainly will not occur again during our lifetimes. And against this cosmic backdrop Lady Luck smiles on you when the Sun forms a sextile with lucky Jupiter as well as with Pluto and the Star of Antinous.

SAT-SUNDAY, MARCH 28th-29th, 2020

This weekend, love planet Venus is in a powerful trine aspect with Pluto. Taurus Venus is looking for someone to share a comfortable life with, while Capricorn Pluto is looking for a profound relationship which endures for all eternity. So this Venus trine Pluto configuration can help you find your soul mate. Venus trine Pluto is also very good for financial and business transactions which will provide long-term yields.

Also this weekend, Venus trine Jupiter offers a ray of hope. On the positive side: you can trust your intuition to buy a lottery ticket. But on the less positive side, you don't know when to stop and squander your hard-earned money on a big risk.

MON-TUESDAY, MARCH 30th-31st, 2020

Overnight Monday-Tuesday, we come to the Cancer First Quarter Moon. It is the Lunar Phase of reflection and insight which we call the NARCISSUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... Narcissus is the Spirit which tunes out all distractions and all other people in order to focus on the Divinity within. This Lunar Phase is the Spirit of Self-Love and Same-Sex Love. It is forever gazing into its own reflection and whispering to itself: You are Divine! The reflection and the viewer are one and the same. The Spirit of Narcissus is the Divinity which holds a mirror up to ourselves.

WED-THURSDAY, APRIL 1st-2nd, 2020

Mars dominates this week. First of all, Mars leaves stodgy Capricorn and enters rational, logical Aquarius — the Warrior Planet Mars becomes First Officer Spock! Aquarius Mars carries out his "battles" on a highly cerebral level. This is the nerd gamer who loves 3-D chess and role-playing games. Mars in Aquarius signals a time when emotions are sublimated as people engage in mind games. That is not a bad thing — as long as people don't get so caught up in the chatter of their brains that they forget to listen to their hearts.

Also this week, things get intense when Mars aligns in perfect conjunction with Saturn in intensely rational Aquarius. It is like driving down a highway with one foot on the brake and the other on the accelerator because Mars wants to press the pedal to the metal, while Saturn wants a cautious, go-slow approach. The result is pent-up frustration which boils over into rage. Open warfare breaks out not only in crisis regions of the world, but also in street traffic, in your work place and in your domestic relationship. Cold-blooded, vengeful wrath strangles out rational thought.

FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd, 2020

On Friday, Venus leaves dependable Taurus and enters flirty Gemini. If you have been thinking about spreading your wings and diversifying your love life, the coming weeks is the time to do it. Gemini Venus is also a good time to diversify money matters. Love and money will be "up in the air" for the next month, so be flexible and in order to take advantage of the airy opportunities. In addition, social-minded Gemini Venus forms a productive trine aspect with Aquarius Saturn. Venus trine Saturn helps you perceive whom you can trust for the long run and it helps you remember that business can be a pleasure.


On Saturday, your mind shifts into visionary mode when Mercury aligns with Neptune in dreamy Pisces. Pay special attention to your dreams ... and that includes day dreams.

SUNDAY, APRIL 5th, 2020

We can be certain that April 2020 will go down in astrological history as a turning point in LGBT history ... when Jupiter aligns in conjunction with Pluto and with the THE STAR OF ANTINOUS in Capricorn. This planetary configuration has not occurred for many centuries and certainly will not occur again during our lifetimes. The giant and the dwarf planets may seem quite different from each other, but both of them represent an aspiration for growth and prosperity. Jupiter-Pluto cycles work on both the material level, where they increase ambition for greater abundance and development, and the spiritual level, where they reflect a deep yearning for Truth. And the Star of Antinous underscores their importance to LGBT people. In short, we can be certain that 2020 will go down in history as a turning point for LGBT spirituality and legal rights. In a positive way, these configurations reflect a remarkable ability to transform difficulty into opportunity, both individually and collectively.


Another exciting week lies ahead between April 6th and 12th when we come to the Libra Full Moon ... the lunar cycle we call the ORATOR MOON of diplomacy and balanced thinking. This is the perfect time for fulfilling dreams of finding just the right partner, the person who balances out your needs and desires perfectly. But remember that diplomacy is the key. Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Orator Moon is the embodiment of articulate expression in all forms and in all media, whether spoken, written or visual ... More details next time ....

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