FROM an astrological viewpoint, the Year 2019 is ushering in an opportunity to enhance these areas of our lives: Mind. Communication. Intellect. Reason. Language. Intelligence.
According to a rather obscure astrological text called the "Galendarjum Oeconomicum Practicum Perpetuum," the Year 2019 is the "Year of Mercury."
The Year 2015 was the "Year of Jupiter" and 2016 it was Mars's turn to take over, then 2017 was the year of the Sun. That was followed by 2018 the "Year of Venus."
While political upheaval and emotional turmoil were the themes of 2017 and 2018, Mercury ushers in a year of verbal and mental gymnastics in 2019 ... remember that Mercury-Hermes is the Classical god of rogues, thieves and con-men ... as well as of commerce, communications and travel.
To understand fully how the Year of Mercury affects our lives, it is important to understand the other major celestial event dominating the year 2019 ... the STAR OF ANTINOUS aligned in conjunction with both PLUTO and SATURN IN CAPRICORN.
It is highly ironic that the German alchemist and astrologer Dr. Mauritius Knauer devised his perpetual calendar based on planetary rulerships in the late 18th Century. His "Galendarjum Oeconomicum Practicum Perpetuum" was published just as the planet Pluto was entering the Sign of Capricorn.
But there is also hope ... because Mercury is a playful trickster. He plays tricks on you and forces you to play his game ... but he does not do this in order to defeat you ... no, Mercury wants you to win at his game ... by employing all your wits and all your cunning and all your skill ... to win his game.
Of major importance during this Year of Mercury will be the three RETROGRADE MERCURY periods when Mercury appears to go "backwards" (as seen from the Earth) for about three weeks.
Here are the three Mercury Retrograde periods in 2019:
Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini and Virgo, so if you were born under those signs, then 2019 is your year. But all of the signs benefit from Mercury's cunning and slyness during this year. Here are a few pointers:
ARIES: Be alert for new opportunities to fulfil your heart's desire. Your dreams won't wait. Mercury will help you make them a reality.
TAURUS: Get out of that comfortable rut you have been living in and wallowing in. Mercury is eager to put wings on your feet and help you to fly.
GEMINI: Mercury rules your birth sign and rules this year, so this is your year to shine. In business and in personal relationships you will make lots of new contacts.
CANCER: Look deep within your heart to see what is truly important to you to achieve this year. Mercury will give you the insight and perspective to see clearly.
LEO: It's time to devote yourself to your career, because nothing can hold you back. Mercury will shine the spotlight on you as you step onto the stage.
VIRGO: Stop fretting and be proud of your ability to bring order and discipline out of the chaos of life. Mercury will help you make sense of the chaos around you so you can focus on helping others.
LIBRA: Charm your way into the good graces of important people you can advance your projects. Mercury will giving you the articulate phraseology (lies if necessary) to sweet-talk others into doing what they should do anyway to start with.
SCORPIO: Those thorny problems which have been hampering you need to be eliminated. Mercury will give you the ingenuity to find a way around them ... or through them.
SAGITTARIUS: Go ahead and allow your imagination to be fired up by new impressions all around you. Mercury will give flight to your fantasies and turn them into realities.
CAPRICORN: How about further education? Or perhaps you want to learn another language? Mercury loves people who like to learn.
AQUARIUS: You hate sameness and you love change. Mercury is ready and eager to help you discover totally new avenues of communication and ways of thinking ... and will introduce you to lots of new people too.
PISCES: Your career has been in the doldrums too long. Starting in April you can expect a big boost. Mercury will gladly give you a boost ... but you can't be shy ... be bold!
While political upheaval and emotional turmoil were the themes of 2017 and 2018, Mercury ushers in a year of verbal and mental gymnastics in 2019 ... remember that Mercury-Hermes is the Classical god of rogues, thieves and con-men ... as well as of commerce, communications and travel.
To understand fully how the Year of Mercury affects our lives, it is important to understand the other major celestial event dominating the year 2019 ... the STAR OF ANTINOUS aligned in conjunction with both PLUTO and SATURN IN CAPRICORN.

And now Pluto is again in the Sign of Capricorn for the first time since the 18th Century.
Pluto in Capricorn is about revolutionizing age-old political and economic structures and replacing them with completely new and different structures.
Just look at the changes which occurred in the late 18th Century ... the French Revolution and the American Revolution, for starters.
Look at all the political turmoil in the world since Pluto entered Capricorn in early December 2008.
And just look at all the turmoil on the global financial markets, the Arab Spring, uprisings and warfare around the world ... and a horrific resurgence of Islamic terrorism.
Pluto will remain in Capricorn until the year 2024 ... by which time many cherished and time-honored political and economic institutions will have been swept aside forever.
Ironically, the planet Uranus was also discovered in the 18th Century, and many astrologers consider its discovery to have marked the first faint Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the sign which Uranus rules.
Uranus, Saturn and Pluto have been in tense aspects to each other on and off for the past several years ... exacerbating all the global tensions forcing renewal and renovation.
It is going to be a very tumultuous and frightening year for many people, and it is very fitting for you to feel fear and panic in this "Year of Mercury 2019".
It is going to be a very tumultuous and frightening year for many people, and it is very fitting for you to feel fear and panic in this "Year of Mercury 2019".
But there is also hope ... because Mercury is a playful trickster. He plays tricks on you and forces you to play his game ... but he does not do this in order to defeat you ... no, Mercury wants you to win at his game ... by employing all your wits and all your cunning and all your skill ... to win his game.
Of major importance during this Year of Mercury will be the three RETROGRADE MERCURY periods when Mercury appears to go "backwards" (as seen from the Earth) for about three weeks.
Here are the three Mercury Retrograde periods in 2019:
- March 5th to March 28th 2019
- July 7th to August 1st 2019
- October 31st to November 11th 2019
Mercury is the planetary ruler of Gemini and Virgo, so if you were born under those signs, then 2019 is your year. But all of the signs benefit from Mercury's cunning and slyness during this year. Here are a few pointers:

TAURUS: Get out of that comfortable rut you have been living in and wallowing in. Mercury is eager to put wings on your feet and help you to fly.
GEMINI: Mercury rules your birth sign and rules this year, so this is your year to shine. In business and in personal relationships you will make lots of new contacts.
CANCER: Look deep within your heart to see what is truly important to you to achieve this year. Mercury will give you the insight and perspective to see clearly.
LEO: It's time to devote yourself to your career, because nothing can hold you back. Mercury will shine the spotlight on you as you step onto the stage.
VIRGO: Stop fretting and be proud of your ability to bring order and discipline out of the chaos of life. Mercury will help you make sense of the chaos around you so you can focus on helping others.
LIBRA: Charm your way into the good graces of important people you can advance your projects. Mercury will giving you the articulate phraseology (lies if necessary) to sweet-talk others into doing what they should do anyway to start with.
SCORPIO: Those thorny problems which have been hampering you need to be eliminated. Mercury will give you the ingenuity to find a way around them ... or through them.
SAGITTARIUS: Go ahead and allow your imagination to be fired up by new impressions all around you. Mercury will give flight to your fantasies and turn them into realities.
CAPRICORN: How about further education? Or perhaps you want to learn another language? Mercury loves people who like to learn.
AQUARIUS: You hate sameness and you love change. Mercury is ready and eager to help you discover totally new avenues of communication and ways of thinking ... and will introduce you to lots of new people too.
PISCES: Your career has been in the doldrums too long. Starting in April you can expect a big boost. Mercury will gladly give you a boost ... but you can't be shy ... be bold!
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