Thursday, January 24, 2019

ASTRO FORECAST: JAN. 24th—FEB. 3rd, 2019

Antinous Astrology Forecast

JAN. 24th to FEB. 3rd, 2019


On Thursday, it's time to take advantage of those Clearance Sales and buy a new smartphone, tablet or other communications device when Mercury enters the tech-friendly and communications-conscious sign of Aquarius. This is the best time of year for communications technology upgrades. But hurry, because Mercury leaves Aquarius on February 10th and dives into the dreamy waters of Pisces.

FRI-SATURDAY, JANUARY 25th-26th, 2019

This weekend you may feel like a "noble knight" when Mars forms a trine aspect with the Jupiter. Unfortunately, Mars trine Jupiter many people may become deluded that they are superheroes, using others as kindling to start fires — not always literally, often metaphorically. Either way, it is just so they can be seen to be the hero and put it out and destroy the lives of others in the process. Beware of crusaders who urge you to take part in some sacred battle. And beware of demagogues who insist they are fighting a holy war, sacrificing the lives of many innocent men women and children in the name of war or competition for basic/personal needs, just so they look like the hero.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 27th, 2019

Overnight Sunday-Monday, we come to the Scorpio Third Quarter Moon. This is the Lunar Phase in Antinous Moon Magic which we call the PERDITION MOON of coming to terms with loss and diminishment. Meditations and rituals carried out during this Lunar Phase are best suited for seeking to come to terms with loss and finding areas in your life where you may unconsciously be causing yourself loss or sadness. This Lunar Phase is NOT about giving in to loss and grief, but rather it is about moving through them to find new ways towards growth and fulfillment.

MON-TUESDAY, JANUARY 28th-29th, 2019

The LGBT spiritual revolution gets a big boost again this week when Pluto is aligned with the star of Antinous in the sign of Capricorn for much of 2018/2019 ... sending transformative healing energies that can radically alter gay spirituality for centuries to come. Pluto takes more than 250 years to orbit the Sun. To give you some perspective, the last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in the late 18th Century ... the dawning of the Age of Reason and the revolutions in France and America. This time around, Capricorn Pluto is once again revolutionizing global political and economic structures along with belief systems. This is an opportunity for LGBT advancement that will not come again in our lifetimes. Seize the opportunity for transformational healing to prepare you for the world that will exist when Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius ... in 2023. More on how Capricorn Pluto and the Star of Antinous can change your life: PLUTO ALIGNS WITH THE STAR OF ANTINOUS.


On Wednesday, your brain is ablaze with often confusing and conflicting ideas when Mercury aligns with the Sun. Old astrology texts dating back to Ancient Rome call this a potentially hazardous time, and speak of a "Scorched Mercury" which impairs communications and judgment. But in ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC, we see that very differently. This Sun/Mercury conjunction is indeed intense, but in a positive way. Antinous/Mercury focuses the gay spiritual light of his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte right at you. Open your spiritual heart to the light and joy and permit it to burn away all doubt and all fear and trepidation. Most people live in spiritual darkness. They are like people who live in caves and are afraid of sunlight because it hurts their eyes. But should we shun the light and stay in the cave with them? Antinous/Mercury says it's safe to open your spiritual eyes — and spiritual heart — and become accustomed to the light.


On Thursday, life is full of contradictions when Saturn is in a sextile aspect to nebulous Neptune. Capricorn Saturn insists that you be stern and unyielding with others. But Neptune in dreamy Pisces blurs all the distinctions between right and wrong, left and right and up and down. On the interpersonal level, this means you tend to misinterpret or overlook the intentions of other people. On the larger level, this means carelessness and miscalculations can lead to accidents with far-reaching ramifications. Drive carefully!


On Friday, we come to one of the unluckiest days of the year when aggressive Mars is in a tight, 90-degree square angle to death planet Pluto. This is the textbook recipe for armed conflict, terrorist attacks and economic collapse. One the one hand, there is a powerful yearning for a dramatic new beginning. That is a good thing, in general. But on the other hand, there are ruthless people who take advantage of that yearning to push their own agendas for changing the world to fit their own selfish ends. Quite aside from global politics and economics, you will sense these tensions in your own domestic life and on the job. Remember to keep your head and strive for compromise while others lose their heads or ram their heads through the wall!


On Saturday, you might want to purchase a lottery ticket when Venus forms a trine aspect with winner-take-all Uranus. Not only are these fortuitous configurations good for making money, but they also greatly enhance chances of love and romance. So, go ahead — take a chance on love. Also on Saturday, don't believe much of anything you hear when Mercury forms a chatty sextile aspect with Jupiter. Mercury loves to tell tales and Jupiter loves to exaggerate.


On Sunday Venus (love, sexual attraction, wealth) enters Capricorn (business, practicality, hard reality) and stays there until March 1st. The goddess of love will have us reviewing and renewing many of our relationship commitments and obligations in very tangible and concrete ways. Venus in Capricorn knows the laws of sexuality in any given culture, and is skilled at bending those laws to their benefit. Capricorn wants to be the boss of itself (and possibly you) and generally goes it alone, which is an interesting modus operandi for the planet that tells us about how we do partnership. This trip through the sign of the Goat can teach us about boundaries within our unions. There's nothing sexier than someone who isn't desperate for our affections while still remaining open, transparent and available for intimacy and spontaneity. Venus in Capricorn can become a bit of a cautious ice queen if it starts to take itself, its work and its ambitions too seriously. Career can become the ultimate turn on, and social status the greatest romance when Capricorn gets out of balance. Venus in Capricorn can teach us how to be one of the most loyal and dedicated partners around.


Another exciting week lies ahead between February 4th and 10th when we come to the AQUARIUS NEW MOON — which in Antinous Moon Magic we call the OBELISK MOON — the lunar phase embodying knowledge in all its forms, knowledge which is gained through study and learning. The Aquarius New Moon is also always CHINESE NEW YEAR and 2019 is the Year of the Pig ... More details next time ....

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