Thursday, October 31, 2024

ASTRO FORECAST: OCT. 31st—NOV. 10th, 2024

Antinous is a Moon God. He is, of course, many other things and he wears many hats. But one of the ways he was worshiped in Antiquity was as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD.

His worshipers looked skyward and saw His beautiful face perpetually turned towards the Earth. The Man in the Moon was actually the Blessed Boy in the Moon for the ancient priests and worshipers of Antinous. Swiftest and most youthful of all the Zodiacal deities, Antinous speeds through an entire year's worth of Astrological signs in just 28 days.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious gay selves. Where Hadrian the Sun acts, Antinous the Moon REACTS. How do we instinctively react or respond to problems? What do we feel we need for a sense of security? Look to ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD for answers.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is both our inner boy child and our inner lover. His ever changing phases, as he sweeps past all the other Planets in all the Signs, make us at turns responsive, receptive, and reflective. Eternally youthful, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our childlike spontaneous and instinctual reactions.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD beams down on us to make us imaginative, creative, intuitive, sentimental, adaptable, introspective, and protective. On the negative side, and depending on where he is in the Zodiac, he can make us moody, restless, and irrational.

Antinous Astrology Forecast

OCTOBER 31st to NOVEMBER 10th, 2024

THURSDAY, October 31st, 2024

This week is perfect for a job interview or for a presentation of a special project when Mercury is in a good trine aspect to Mars to help you get your point across articulately and strongly to others. But that's not all! This week, a Mercury trine Neptune aspect enhances your ability to lift the veil between the worlds and to perceive spirits in other realms. You can also receive messages from the beyond and communicate more effectively with your higher self and with spirit guides during this profoundly spiritual configurations.

FRIDAY, November 1st, 2024

This week, we come to the SCORPIO NEW MOON. In Antinous Moon Magic this lunar phase is called the ZELUS MOON of fear, angst and anxiety ... and using Antinous Moon Magic to triumph over fear.

SATURDAY, November 2nd, 2024

This weekend, Mercury leaves dour Scorpio and wings its way into high-spirited Sagittarius, where it will stay until 28th January 2025. No matter what your Sun sign is, this abrupt change will lighten your spirits. It is like tossing and turning all night and then seeing the pink glow of dawn on the eastern horizon. Everything will be better. Now, this does not mean that Scorpio Mercury is bad. On the contrary, Scorpio Mercury urges you to probe into deep thoughts and dig out the truth, even if it is unpleasant. That is very important. But Sagittarius Mercury urges you to look on the bright side, to find joy in your life and pursue the light at the end of the tunnel. The only disadvantage to Sadge Mercury is a certain tendency to be so busy talking about the light at the end of the tunnel that you miss the freeway exit to the tunnel — but Sagittarius Mercury is always optimistic and will find an innovative way to reach the destination.

SUNDAY, November 3rd, 2024

This weekend, you will want to watch out for excesses in eating, drinking, spending money and falling in love when indulgent Venus is in 180-degree opposition to exaggeration-prone Jupiter,. If you are a latent shopoholic, this is the one week of the year when you will max out on your addiction ... while maxing out on your credit card. This is a good time for smooth-talking gigolos who pay fanciful compliments to you ... and you find yourself actually believing them ... And why not? Is that such a bad thing? Why not enjoy the fantasy as long as it lasts ... and as long as you know it's a fantasy?

Also this weekend, Mars is in opposition to Pluto, which is an age-old recipe for destruction, war, conflict and even earthquakes and volcanoes. For "normal" people this means this weekend will be a day of unexpected and even cataclysmic upheaval. For spiritually minded LGBTQ people, this is a fine opportunity for working some startlingly effective Antinous Moon Magic.

MONDAY, November 4th, 2024

This week, Mars enters Leo, to stay there until January 6th, 2025. In this period, you will feel very invigorated, with loads of energy to do just about anything. The planet Mars thrives in Leo, so it is a good period for getting lots of things done, even quickly solving problems that used to be just too much. Mars passes through Leo every year and a half, so it's not a life-changing thing. But Mars truly enjoys this period of endless energy and heightened capacity. Make the most of it!

TUES-WEDNESDAY, November 5th-6th, 2024

This week, the Sun forms a brilliant and glowing trine aspect with Saturn which empowers you with perseverance and clear vision to make some serious long-term plans for the future.

THURS-FRIDAY, November 7th-8th, 2024

This week, love and money are in the air when Venus forms a 90-degree square aspect to foggy Neptune. On the positive side: you can trust your intuition to buy a lottery ticket. But on the negative side, you don't know when to stop and squander your hard-earned money on a bad bet ... in money and love.

SAT-SUNDAY, November 9th-10th, 2024

This weekend, we come to the Aquarius First Quarter Moon ... the Lunar Phase in Antinous Moon Magic which we call the altruistic and magnanimous CONCORDIA MOON ... the perfect night for laying enmity and strife to rest ... and open your heart to healing love.


Another exciting week lies ahead between November 11th and 17th, 2024, when we come to the TAURUS FULL MOON. That is the lunar phase which, in Antinous Moon Magic, is called the HADRIAN's VILLA MOON. This is a way for Antinous the Gay God to help you find your spiritual home, the celestial palace you have made for yourself. This Moon is aimed at helping you focus and center your spiritual heart ... More details next time ....


ANTINOUS the mortal is dead. Antinous the God is born! 

On this day, October 31st, we surrender ourselves, body and soul, to the joy of Lord Liber, and join in the festival of Halloween, spreading the Love and Liberation of Antinous to the world of the living and the dead. This is the second day of the Ecclesiastic Year.

The festival of Antinous Liberator, the New Dionysus, is the place from which life comes and all love-joy with the ever-present specter of Our Lady death by its side.

The New God Antinous Liberator, sets us free with a wave of his hand. 
He destroys the bondage that holds our immortal spirit prisoner to the cycles of life and death, as the chains of time and matter fall of their own accord.

In benediction, Antinous Liberator confers the flame of Homotheosis upon the hearts of his chosen lovers so that we may indulge and burn in the ecstasy of being One with HIM.

We are free from the masquerade of the spirit in this world of illusion, we are unclothed before him. 

From his lips we drink the winged intoxication of the flesh and abandoned all reason and logic at his feet.

Antinous stands upon the crescent of the Moon. He passes through the Arches of the spheres, the 7 Archons bow down before HIM.

The god-power of Antinous shines over the face of darkness. The Spirits of the Dead awaken to dance as the wine of freedom flows down into the spider-heart of Tartarus.

As Dark as events in the world may become ... a powerful light is shining stronger for Gay, Bi, Lesbian and Transgender people everywhere in the world!

Every day, more and more of us come together,

Every day, the fire of Antinous spreads

His name becomes less a strange, unheard of and difficult to pronounce name from Ancient times ... and more a realization that once there was a time when being gay was a sacred state of being, and that there was a god who represented us, and spoke on our behalf to the immortal powers.

Antinous is with us again ... his power is growing stronger in our hearts.

Antinous is within all of US!

The Blessing of Antinous is with us all!

The Arisen Antinous has Come Again! 

Ave Antinous!


Wednesday, October 30, 2024


NEW saints of Antinous were announced by the Hollywood Temple of Antinous tonight during Foundation Day ceremonies shared globally with worshipers in North America, Britain, Europe and Africa via Zoom.

Foundation Day commemorates the founding of the city of Antinoopolis by Emperor Hadrian on 30 October 130 AD on the shores of the Nile where Antinous died a few days earlier.

That was 1,894 years ago, and Foundation Day marks the beginning of our liturgical calendar ... Happy New Year 1894!

After weeks of deliberations, FLAMEN ANTONIUS SUBIA announced the following New Year's List of SAINTS OF ANTINOUS for the new liturgical year.


JOHN HENRY MACKAY (February 6, 1864 – May 16, 1933) was a Scottish-German egoist anarchist, thinker and writer. Born in Scotland and raised in Germany, Mackay was the author of Die Anarchisten (The Anarchists, 1891) and Der Freiheitsucher (The Searcher for Freedom, 1921). 

WILLIAM GRANT (Bill) WHITEHEAD (September 19, 1943 – October 9, 1987) was a trailblazing editor and publisher who was a welcoming beacon and a nurturing supporter to a generation of post-Stonewall-era authors who identified as gay. He made his mark in the international literary community by signing and editing queer writers for Dutton, when few mainstream publishers would acquire their work. Following his death from AIDS, the Publishing Triangle debuted The Bill Whitehead Award for Lifetime Achievement, annually honoring writers in the LGBTQ+ community.


Ulises Salvador Nava, Mexico, 29. was head of the department of sexual diversity of the UAGro, was assassinated in the central state of Aguascalientes, on July 15, 2023, where he had participated in the country’s first National Congress of Strategic Litigation for the Defense of the Rainbow Quota.

Jesús Ociel Baena Saucedo (9 December 1984 – 13 November 2023) was a Mexican activist for non-binary and LGBT+ rights and electoral magistrate at the State Electoral Court of Aguascalientes. On 1 October 2022, they became the first non-binary magistrate in Latin American history. Baena was a prominent activist of non-binary and LGBT+ rights. Baena and their partner, Dorian Daniel Nieves Herrera, were found dead in their home by Baena's housekeeper on 13 November 2023.


ON this day we commemorate the founding of the Sacred City of Antinous, the glorious city of ANTINOOPOLIS in Egypt as it originally was called and later Ansenand Antinoé.

Our Lord Hadrian Augustus, Emperor of Rome, Pontifex Maximus, the New Jupiter, Hercules reborn, consecrated the shore of the Nile where Antinous fell, and solemnly founded the Holy City of Antinoopolis in Egypt in the year 130 AD

Antinous had risen again from the depths of Tartarus, he had conquered death and returned to the place of the living.

By Victory and Proclamation, Antinous was elevated to godliness, and the ancient religion of Our God was set in motion. 

The Priesthood of Antinous was ordained, sacred statues and images proliferated, and Temples rose up in every corner of the world, for the glory of Antinous the God.

We exalt in the deification of Antinous, and marvel at his assumption into heaven. 

On this day we concelebrate the Foundation of Antinoopolis by re-founding the sacred city within our hearts, declaring ourselves the New Stones of Antinoopolis. 

With love for Antinous in our hearts, the New Temple of Antinous was founded in 2002, called Ecclesia Antinoi, and the New Priesthood of Antinous initiated.

We recognize the Foundation of Antinoopolis as the first day of the New and Holy Year of Religion of Antinous.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024


ANTINOUS is dead. Hadrian is weeping over his limp body on the banks of the Nile where his beloved perished in late October of the year 130 AD.

While mourners wail in the world of the living, Antinous descends into the Underworld. The modern Religion of Antinous commemorates this descent into the Egyptian Duat on October 29th.

Flamen Antonius Subia says:

Antinous is embraced by Osiris beneath the water of the Holy Nile, and he is given over to Hermes-Anubis and led into the underworld.

He appears before the Lords of the scale of Maat, but his spirit is divine and the scales crumble at his touch.

Hermes-Anubis escorts Antinous into the Hall of the Queen of the Dead, Persephone, and because he is a witness of the Mysteries of Eleusis, he obtains from her the pomegranate of immortality.

The immortal spirit of Antinous does not taste death, and he is given to drink of the fountain that restores memory because he has learned from Orpheus that he is from the Earth but is a Child of the Stars.

Antinous conquers death and returns from darkness. At midnight Antinous the God arises from the Nile and steps onto the shore from which he fell. The spirits of the entourage of Dionysus attend his resurrection and he is reborn as the New Osiris-Dionysus.

In the Religion of Antinous, this is the last day of the Ecclesiastic Year, it is spent in darkness and in solemn devotion.

As Antinous journeys through the underworld, we confront the weakness of being without our god, we reflect on the passage of the year, and on the influence of Antinous upon our lives, and we pray for the triumph of his return.

At midnight, a pure candle is ignited to symbolize the deification of Antinous Our God.

Monday, October 28, 2024


ANTINOUS worshipers on three continents tonight took part via an interactive online conference call in a candlelight vigil in memory of martyr victims of homophobia.

The vigil drew Zoom participants from across the United States, as well as from South America and Europe. The ceremonies coincided with the October 28 observance of the Death of Antinous on that date in the year 130 AD.

At the Hollywood Temple of Antinous, the founder of the modern religion of Antinous, ANTONIUS SUBIA, related the true-life story of how Antinous drowned in the Nile at the end of October in the year 130 AD, and how Hadrian proclaimed him the last deity of the Classical Era.

Priest HERNESTUS, participating from Germanysolemnly read out the names of martyr saints ... and linked them to the tragic death of Antinous.

With a quavering voice, Hernestus paused from time to time to remark on individuals whose names were on the list. 

He also honoured hundreds of victims of homophobic attacks around the world.

Antonius noted that the list of names represents only the tip of the iceberg ... and only one 12-month period. Countless thousands more suffer and are murdered on a daily basis around the world.

On October 28th we commemorate the death of Antinous and his descent into the Underworld.

"Antinous passes out of the world of the living tonight and enters the Underworld, where he hears the names of all these people and gathers them to him and embraces them and saves them from oblivion," Antonius told worshipers.

"I pray to Antinous to watch over them, now as his divine spirit sinks down into the place of the dead ... and when he returns, that he will bring for hope again, that these deaths will stop," Antonius said. "This is what I wish for."

On October 30th, another international interactive online ceremony will be held consecrating newly nominated saints of Antinous for 2024 and also ritually celebrating the return of Antinous from the Underworld and the establishment of the city of   ANTINOOPOLIS by Emperor Hadrian on that date in 130 AD.


Jacob (Jake) Carter Jacob was vacationing with his husband when an unknown gunman shot him once and fled, leaving Jacob dead at the scene. "He died in my arms," Daniel Blagovich, Jacob’s husband and business partner, told The News Tribune. The two founded their business, Howdy Bagel in Tacoma, Washington, at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
John Walter Lay, USA, aged 52. He was a gay man from Florida man who was fatally shot by a 65-year-old fellow dog owner at a Tampa area park. The shooter claims he acted in self-defence, but friends say he had been harassing the victim for months with threats and homophobic slurs.
Nex Benedict, USA, aged 16. They were a non-binary, Native American, sophomore who was reportedly beaten to death by three older female students in the restroom of Owasso High School in Oklahoma. The school neither called an ambulance for the injured teen nor informed police of the attack until Nex was later admitted into the hospital — Nex died the next day.

Jesse Baird aged 26 and his boyfriend Luke Davies aged 29, Australia. The two men were murdered in their home near Sydney Australia.
Dime Doe, USA, age unknown. Black transgender woman Dime Doe became the subject of the first federal hate crimes trial for a hate crime based on gender identity.

Diamond Brigman, USA, aged 36, was a black transgender woman who was gunned down in the United States.
Semsem, Iraq, age unknown. Semsem was a young trans woman who was brutally stabbed to death in the streets of Diwaniyah in Iraq.
Gerald Don Henderson, USA, aged 72. He was a gay man who was slain by a 28-year-old and a 31-year-old who were members of the Aryan Knights prison gang who were later arrested by police in Twin Falls, Idaho.
Cecilia Gentili, USA, aged 52. Cecilia was an Argentinian trans woman who founded a drug treatment center for trans people in New York City and who appeared in the TV series “Pose”. She was murdered by two men.

Carlos Collins, USA, aged 25. Carlos was a gay man who died from gunshot wounds, and an axe wound inflicted by his 33-year-old ex-boyfriend in Louisiana.

Kawaski Trawick, USA, aged 32. Kawasaki was a dancer and personal trainer killed by police in his own apartment in what was called an act of police brutality
River Nevaeh Goddard, USA, 17. River was a non-binary 17-year-old who was found dead in New Hampshire, USA.
Andrea Doria Dos Passos, USA, aged 37. Andrea was a homeless transgender woman who was brutally beaten to death in while sleeping near the entrance to Miami City Ballet in South Beach Florida.
Pamela Cobas, Argentina, age unknown. She was a lesbian woman. She, her partner and two other lesbian were attacked when a man set fire to the room the four women were sharing in a Buenos Aires boarding house.
Starr Brown, USA, aged 28. She was a Black trans woman in who was found dead inside of a crashed car in a Memphis, Tennessee neighborhood.
Jazlynn Johnson, USA, aged 18. She was a transgender woman from Las Vegas, Nevada, She was allegedly shot by 17-year-old. He called his parents and said he accidentally shot his friend. He begged his parents not to tell the police, but they did. He told police he didn’t know where the gun was. Police have charged him with murder with the use of a deadly weapon and destroying or concealing evidence.
Tay Dior, USA, aged 17. Tay was a trans girl in Mobile, Alabama. She was killed by an assailant who has not yet been identified in the press.
Pauly Likens, USA, aged 14.  Police discovered the dismembered body parts of Pauly scattered around Shenango River Lake in Sharpsville, Pennsylvania.

Dylan Gurley, USA, aged 20. Dylan was a trans woman from Little Elm, Texas and was just a few weeks shy of her 21st birthday when police found her unconscious in a Denton, Texas, home.
Nombulelo Bhixa, 28, and Minenhle Ngcobo, 22, South Africa. Nombulelo and Minenhle were a lesbian couple who both worked together at a store in Edendale city center. They were shot to death as they were getting into a taxi in an act of violence being investigated as a hate crime.
Micah Laureano, USA, aged 19. He was a Black gay man who was killed by a 24-year-old white man who had been placed in a cell with the Green Bay Correctional Institute.
Savannah Williams, USA, aged 39. She was a trans woman in Georgia, who was paid to have sex with her killer.

Kesaria Abramidze, Georgia (the nation), aged 37. Kesaria was a transgender woman and a popular influencer. She was stabbed to death in her apartment in a “premeditated” attack, according to authorities, a day after Parliament passed a sweeping bill aimed at erasing LGBTQ+ identity in the former Soviet republic.
Honee Walker, USA, aged 37. Honee was a Black transgender woman was killed in a hit-and-run incident in New York State.
Andrew Wagstaff, Belgium, aged 69. Andrew was a British priest. His apparent killer was a 60-year-old Anglican priest stationed in Kalmthout, Belgium. He was arrested after his male partner, died during a drug-fuelled night of gay sex together.
Janne Puhakka, Finland, aged 29. Janne was a gay man who came out in 2019. He was the first Finnish hockey player to speak about his sexuality and discussed having to hide his it from teammates because of the homophobia in the sport. Finnish news outlet Ilta-Sanomat reported that he was murdered at his home in the southern city of Espoo.


Ulises Salvador Nava, Mexico, 29. was head of the department of sexual diversity of the UAGro, was assassinated in the central state of Aguascalientes, on July 15, 2023, where he had participated in the country’s first National Congress of Strategic Litigation for the Defense of the Rainbow Quota.

Jesús Ociel Baena Saucedo (9 December 1984 – 13 November 2023) was a Mexican activist for non-binary and LGBT+ rights and electoral magistrate at the State Electoral Court of Aguascalientes. On 1 October 2022, they became the first non-binary magistrate in Latin American history
Baena was a prominent activist of non-binary and LGBT+ rights. Baena and their partner, Dorian Daniel Nieves Herrera, were found dead in their home by Baena's housekeeper on 13 November 2023.


ON October 28th we commemorate the tragic death of Antinous in the Nile in October 130 AD. October 28th is also the Egyptian Day of Transformation into the Bennu Bird. 

This festival is the conclusion of the Mysteries of Osiris ... a festival which Antinous and Hadrian witnessed in Hermopolis during the final days of the mortal life of Antinous. 

They had already visited the Shrine of the Bennu (phoenix) Bird in Heliopolis Egypt. 

Now in Hermopolis, during the passion play, Antinous and Hadrian see how Isis and Nephthys search for and finally find the body of Osiris. 

Then, using the Scroll of Thoth from the sacred library at Hermopolis, Isis raises Osiris from the dead and transforms him into a spirit which can pass from the Underworld into the world of the living.

At the end of the Festival of the Passion of Isis and Osiris, Antinous plunges into the Nile under mysterious circumstances. Grieving Hadrian proclaims him a god ... he is worshiped throughout the Empire as Antinous in the form of Osiris. And Antinous is worshiped as a lunar deity. 

There is a spell of Transformation in the Book of the Dead, Chapter 83 (LXXXIII): 

I fly up and out of the Primeval Waters 
I come into being as the God Kheper
I am the Bennu, the Soul of Ra,
and the guide of the gods in the Tuat.
I become a Shining One, 
I am Mighty,
I become sacred among the Gods,
I am the Moon God
who vanquishes all darkness.

The OBELISK OF ANTINOUS speaks of Antinous becoming "a shining one" and also of being full of the "Semen of the First God" which is the creative force of the universe. That means Antinous can assume "any form his heart desires" since he (like Osiris) is one with the First God ... and one with the Bennu Bird.

Antinous IS the Phoenix.


ON October 28 the Religion of Antinous commemorates The Death of Antinous.

Near the village of Hir-wer, Antinous fell into the Nile and drowned.

There are those who believe that he was murdered, or that he willingly gave himself over to human sacrifice to prolong the life of his beloved Hadrian, or that his death was the suicidal effect of teenage melodrama, or that is was merely an accident, but there is no way to know, no way to be certain.

Grief-stricken Hadrian only said he "plunged into the Nile" but never elaborated on the circumstances of the death of his beloved.

Flamen Antinoalis Antonius Subia says:

We priests of Antinous do not take a definite position and leave the matter as an unknowable mystery. The manner in which Antinous died is not important, only the effect that his death had upon the world has significance.

On this day, we solemnly and silently mourn the Death of Antinous whom Hadrian loved and for whom he wept, and we sorrow for the loss of such great beauty at so young an age.

We pray for the Bithynian boy who died so far from home.

With his death, our religion was set in motion.

We lament and exalt in the grief of Hadrian that was so strong and so powerful that it spread to the whole face of the world, and affects us still today.

We pray also for all those homosexuals who have died in youth as a consequence of repression, we mourn the suicides, and commit them to the soothing arms of Antinous, who was assumed into the Nile for all of us.

It is one of the great ironies of history that, by dying dramatically, a  young person who was unremarkable except for his beauty became irrevocably bound with the most powerful man in the world. 

Emperor Hadrian proclaimed Antinous a God. He established a city on the bend of the Nile where the young man died — Antinoopolis. 

He named a constellation in the heavens after Antinous.

And without gentle Antinous at his side, Hadrian became an embittered and broken man. He became capricious and at times cruel. A reign which had been marked by Hellenistic principles of tolerance descended into bloodshed.

It is indeed remarkable how one young man, a commoner with no wealth or political influence, changed the course of history simply by dying. And the thousands of statues sculpted on orders of grieving Hadrian became the iconic image of Classical beauty — the last deity of Ancient Greece and Rome.

Antinous fell into the Nile, beneath the swirling waves, but when his body was pulled from the water ... a God emerged. Antinous is our God, he has accomplished the salvation of all lovers of his beauty. His is our salvation. He is Antinous the Gay God. He is the last pagan God of Classical Rome.

For centuries, he was worshiped in secret by gay men who were afraid to worship him publicly. Men such as Oscar Wilde and Walt Whitman sang his praises. When the Nazis marched into the offices of gay-rights advocate Magnus Hirschfeld in Berlin, they smashed a ceramic wall relief of Antinous which Dr. Hirschfeld had set in a place of reverence over the doorway.

And now, in the 21st Century, the "Most Great and Good God" (as he was known among his followers) is being discovered by a whole new generation of people seeking gay spirituality.

We dedicate our lives and our souls to fulfilling the Divine Hadrian's command to establish the Religion of Antinous for all who seek gay spirituality. We dedicate our lives and our souls to serving Antinous the Gay God.

Sunday, October 27, 2024


AS we commemorate the death of Antinous on October 28th, we need to remember what likely transpired during the hours leading up with his demise and deification.

On October 27th Antinous and the Imperial entourage were in the ancient city of Hermopolis, the Sacred City of Thoth/Hermes during the celebration of the Death and Resurrection of Osiris.

We believe that the spiritual forces of this occasion, and the Mysteries divulged to him by the Hermetic priests of the god Thoth, were the inspiration for this ascension into godliness.

The Passion of Isis and Osiris was played out annually in Ancient Egypt and formed the cornerstone of the Egyptian belief system, a belief system which taught that you could die horribly and tragically and yet you could be revived and restored and in fact you could become a god.

Sacred players acted out the roles of Osiris, his murderous brother Set and his faithful consort Isis. It was through the magical spells contained in the fabled "Scroll of Thoth" that Isis brought Osiris back from the dead.

At Oxyrhynchus Antinous had seen just how potent the magical spells of Isis were.

The festival of Osiris celebrated at Hermopolis and observed by Hadrian and Antinous commemorated the rending of the body of Osiris and the searching of Isis for each of the parts.

We believe that something of a cathartic nature happened within the soul of Antinous at Hermopolis just before he plunged into the Nile on the opposite bank across from Hermopolis.

We will never know precisely what happened. Did Antinous get a glimpse at the fabled Scroll of Thoth? Did some Egyptian magician-priest teach him a bit about spellcasting? Did Antinous perhaps believe that he could use a spell to prolong Hadrian's life?

The Egyptians believed anyone who drowned in the Nile would become "a deified Osiris". Some Egyptian magical spells call for the magician to "deify a scarab beetle" -- which means to drown it in Nile water and thus make it sacred and magical.

We will never know for sure what happened as a result of the ceremonies on October 27th, the last day and the last sunset of the brief mortal life of Antinous. The sun would rise on October 28th and, although the mortal Antinous would die, there would never be another setting of the sun for Antinous the Gay God!


Like Osiris, Antinous descended into the Nile, and arose to bring the blessing of eternal life to the world. The Religion of Antinous, like the body of Osiris was scattered over the face of the world, and we who worship him, are like Isis, gathering the fragments together again.

Hermopolis was the last city that Antinous ever saw, and the Passion of Osiris was the last religious ceremony in which he took part. Certainly it was here and at this time that an Awakening occurred, dark in its implications, causing Antinous to relinquish his life.

But it was of splendid power in that, from the death of the boy, a god emerged. We observe that in Hermopolis, the scattering of the body of Osiris was the moment when the sperm of the blessed one was planted in the immortal spirit of Antinous, Our God.

The Sacred Nights of Antinous begin tomorrow ....

Saturday, October 26, 2024

By Our Flamen Antinoalis Antonius Subia

THE  Ancient city of Hermopolis was the center of the religion of Thoth, the ibis-headed the scribe god, which held a cosmology that is believed to have been much older than those of other Egyptian cities. 

It was said that Thoth laid an egg in the void from which emerged eight beings in the form of frogs and snakes, who together are called the Ogdoad, and are the creators of the universe. 

Their names are Naun and Naunet (initial waters-inertia) Heh and Hehet (spatial infinity) Kek and Keket (darkness) and Amun and Amunet (That which is hidden.) 

The Ogdoad created a lotus flower which rose up from the primordial waters and when the lotus blossomed, the god Re was born. Re then proceeded to bring order to the universe, which is where the other cosmologies are concerned. 

The Greeks called Hermopolis "The City of Hermes" because they identified Hermes with Thoth, and from this union was born the mystical religion called Hermeticism whose patron deity was the teacher of knowledge known as Hermes Trismegistus. 

Hermopolis was the last city that Antinous ever saw. He was present during the festival of the Passion of Osiris, and was mystically consecrated to become Osiris. 

We celebrate the visitation of Antinous to Hermopolis as the moment in which our religion became infused with the mysteries of Hermes Trismegistus.


By Our Flamen Antinoalis Antonius Subia

I go over this question again and again,
I haven't stopped wondering... and quite honestly,
I still don't know what to think...about how Antinous died.
Any possibility is probable...even Human sacrifice.
The ancients alluded to the anyone who repeats them being a scholar.

Dio Cassius suggested (or rather claimed) that Hadrian
Had the body of Antinous cut open for the examination of his organs,
Not to find the cause of death, as in an autopsy
But to examine the organs...for divination.
These were the organs of a god to be.

Horrible, and macabre
but why wouldn't Hadrian have every inch and morsel
Of his beloved Antinous examined and studied,
...Treated like sacred jewels from the depths
Of the most beautiful corpse?

I think we are all in agreement that,
The Body of Antinous was very likely Mummified.
That it was not buried in the a Greek of a Christian,
Nor laid in the tomb, covered in oil and herbs like a Jew
Nor burned on the a Roman,
But that Antinous was very likely given the burial rites
Of an Egyptian King...a fashion still popular
Among the rich Hellenistic- Roman Nobility.
We have all seen the fayoum funereal paintings.
If you could afford would be given the very best version
Of an ancient Egyptian Royal burial,
Your Body would be preserved to the very best of Mummification
Possible at that time...not quite as well as the ancients, but basically well preserved.

Hadrian, I imagine, paid top Sesterses
To have the Body of Antinous treated with the greatest and most sacred respect
Due the highest of kings
The best of the best were brought to Antinoopolis to Mummify the body of Antinous.
It seems very likely to think that the Roman Augurs,
Who were always part of the court, would want to examine
The organs of Antinous, before they were preserved in salt and nitron,
And gain whatever spiritual significance they might reveal, a sacrificial Animal.
Why wouldn't they want to know if there was anything to be known
From the lobes of his liver and spleen,
Ridiculous as it may sound to us now,
And scandalous as it might seem to a Roman...and especially to a Christian.
Why wouldn't they make their examination,
Before his beautiful organs were dried and placed in their eternal alabaster urns?
Hadrian would have wanted to know why.

Maybe the slander came from the fact that his organs were examined,
Like a sacrificial lamb, or a bull.
Many of the coins of Antinous have a bull or a ram on the reverse,
Perhaps because Antinous was the "Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world."
In slanderous minds...some would say
That he died..for no other reason than to be examined, though Hadrian slit his neck.

Antinous threw himself into the Nile...he died,
But even Hadrian had no idea why,
Hadrian only said that Antinous fell,
...if we are going to be scholars,
The ancient suggest that he drowned to prolong Hadrian's life,
Or rather...if Hadrian represents the Empire,
Then Antinous died for the benefit of the Roman Empire.
Dio Cassius, in his effort to belittle Hadrian,
Made the death of Antinous out to be a sacrifice to Hadrian's vanity,
But avoided the relevance of Hadrian's life to the benefit of all Romans.
If Antinous gave his life to prolong the life of Hadrian,
He was actually giving his human sacrifice,
To prolong the benefit that Hadrian had brought to mankind,
To the whole of the Roman Empire.
If it was suggested to Antinous that by the sacrifice
Of that which was most dear to Hadrian,
That Hadrian would continue to live beyond his natural years,
If Antinous Loved I feel that he did,
And if Antinous believed in Hadrian...what he meant to the world,
What he had done for Rome...for all mankind,
And what he could do in the future,
If someone were to suggest that through his own death,
Antinous could benefit Hadrian and ensure that Hadrian would continue to reign,
Do you think that Antinous would hesitate?

Of course he would hesitate.
There was more involved than we know,
Something happened...there was some kind of separation of the heart.
Antinous would have found some other way to benefit Hadrian,
With his living...unless there was no other way.
If Antinous gave his life as a human sacrifice,
It would have been a very extreme psychological despair
That led him to take his own life...what could that have been?

Knowing what I know about Love,
I would say that it was simple acts of cruelty
That led to the end of Antinous.
Hadrian must have treated Antinous in a cruel manner
leading up to that sacred night in October of 130.
Antinous must have felt worthless to Hadrian,
Ruler of the Known World,
Hadrian might have said something that pushed Antinous
Over the edge.

Antinous was only a boy of 18 or 19,
Full of emotional turmoil,
The slightest word from Hadrian
Might have set Antinous...full of teenage hormones,
into an unbalanced, irrational state,
in which he was capable of anything.

Their relationship had no equality,
Hadrian was ruler of the world,
Antinous was nobody...a pretty boy
With thousands of rivals, an Empress who probably didn't approve,
And a rival in Lucius Verus...Antinous was harassed
On all sides by everyone who had something to gain,
And then there was that person who suggested 
That if Antinous gave his life,
That the reign of Hadrian would continue.

Hadrian cried as woman because he knew the real reason why 
Antinous died...Hadrian knew...and he cried...because he knew.

There must have been a final moment between them,
A final goodbye....that left Hadrian full of regret,
Our Religion is founded on Hadrian's regret

I think Antinous drowned for his own personal reasons,
He fell into the Nile by accident,
Maybe he was drunk,
Maybe he was suicidal...drowning off a boat is
A hard way to kill your self on purpose,
But there are others who have slipped into the river
And drowned...who were considered gods.
Who knows...rivers have no answers.

In Antinous...I feel that he gave himself to the Nile
He gave himself to such an extent that he died,
Whether by accident.... drunk...or visionary,
Antinous died in the Nile...he drowned.

So why do we worship him?
because Antinous is the god of the gays
There is no other gay god except Antinous,
Find fault in H.I.M. if you wish,
But Antinous is great and strong....
For those who see and know HIM,
There is no such thing as weakness,
Nor strength.

Friday, October 25, 2024


THE Sacred Nights of Antinous are fast approaching: The dark nights between the death of Antinous (28 October) and his Triumph over Death (31 October). 

This is a magical Space/Time event when the veil between the worlds is lifted. (Painting by RYAN MARTIN.)

This magical event is known by many names: Halloween ... Samhain ... Día de los Muertos ... All Saints/Souls Day ... it is also when we change the clocks (in most countries) ... an hour forward in some places ... or an hour backwards in other places ... the time displayed on the clock is unimportant ... your location in the Time/Space continuum is unimportant.

This Shoegazer video by Washed Out, which is a favourite of Antonius Subia, best illustrates what happens to each of us during the Sacred Nights of Antinous.

We become "Weightless" ... as the Time/Space boundaries between Dreaming and Waking evaporate ... we see waking life as a dream ... we "dreamscape" our dreams to make them real ... we see the world through the eyes of Antinous ... we see Antinous in the eyes of all around us ... the Ancient Priests in Rome see through our eyes ... we see through the eyes of the Future Priests on distant planets ... we see through the eyes of Antinous ... for whom all dimensions are HERE and NOW.

You open your eyes and see through the eyes of all your incarnations ... past incarnations ... your present incarnation ... future incarnations ... all simultaneously ... bundling and harnessing all the spiritual power from all your incarnations (and all the difficult lessons) in an illuminating flash of insight ... A moment which is eternity.

You become weightless. You take the leap of faith ... HOMOTHEOSIS ... Gay-Man-Godliness-Becoming-the-Same ... the same leap of faith that Antinous took when he plunged into the Nile on 28 October 130 AD.

He did not take that leap of faith in order to die ... he took that leap of faith in order to fill his lungs with the Semen of the First God ... in order to transcend Time and Space ... so that all moments in Time are NOW ... all points in Space are HERE ... so that he can LIVE CONSCIOUSLY.

It is his gift to each of us. All he asks is that we open our eyes to ...

Thursday, October 24, 2024

ASTRO FORECAST: OCT. 24th—NOV. 3rd, 2024

Antinous is a Moon God. He is, of course, many other things and he wears many hats. But one of the ways he was worshiped in Antiquity was as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD.

His worshipers looked skyward and saw His beautiful face perpetually turned towards the Earth. The Man in the Moon was actually the Blessed Boy in the Moon for the ancient priests and worshipers of Antinous. Swiftest and most youthful of all the Zodiacal deities, Antinous speeds through an entire year's worth of Astrological signs in just 28 days.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious gay selves. Where Hadrian the Sun acts, Antinous the Moon REACTS. How do we instinctively react or respond to problems? What do we feel we need for a sense of security? Look to ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD for answers.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is both our inner boy child and our inner lover. His ever changing phases, as he sweeps past all the other Planets in all the Signs, make us at turns responsive, receptive, and reflective. Eternally youthful, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our childlike spontaneous and instinctual reactions.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD beams down on us to make us imaginative, creative, intuitive, sentimental, adaptable, introspective, and protective. On the negative side, and depending on where he is in the Zodiac, he can make us moody, restless, and irrational.

Antinous Astrology Forecast

to NOVEMBER 3rd, 2024

THURS-FRIDAY, October 24th-25th, 2024

This week, we come to the Leo Third Quarter Moon, which is called the BACCHANALIA MOON in Antinous Moon Magic for its gifts of transcendence ... This Lunar Phase reflects those festivals of peering into other worlds and states of being ... a restless time of high-spirited indulgence, sometimes fun, sometimes slightly scary and always capable of unleashing powerful spirits ... On a mundane level, it refers to putting on a disguise and "having a good time". On a spiritual level, it refers to entering an altered state to commune with the divine, thus this Lunar Phase is the best time of the year for trance visions.

SAT-SUNDAY, October 26th-27th, 2024

This weekend it is high time to break free of chains which have bound you for far too long when Cancer Mars forms a liberating sextile aspect with Taurus Uranus. In Antinous Moon Magic we call this the "Stonewall Configuration" because the Stonewall Riots best demonstrate what can happen ... an explosive and wholly unexpected rebellion. This aspect can spawn a sudden rupture or disruption of global consequences ... with long-lasting consequences. Mars in emotional Cancer says it is time to break the chains, and Uranus in bull-headed Taurus says the chains must be broken with no regard for danger or peril.

MONDAY, October 28th, 2024

This week, Venus and Saturn spawn relationship challenges. Venus is in a 90-degree right-angle square to stubborn Saturn. Venus-square-Saturn means that relationship discussions are fraught with stumbling blocks. And because Venus and Saturn also have a role to play in money and business, you can expect problems in that area as well.

TUESDAY, October 29th, 2024

This week, powerful energies are at play when Mars and forms a 120-degree trine aspect to dreamy Neptune. Imagine yourself barreling down a freeway at high speed ... and suddenly being enveloped in a fog bank which cuts visibility to zero. If you don't reduce speed immediately, you are bound for disaster. Mars is the fast sports car thundering down the highway ... and Neptune is the fog bank ... and you are in the driver's seat. This astrological configuration spells trouble for people who proceed full speed through life without any regard to their surroundings. They will come a cropper this week. However, this Mars/Neptune trine configuration is excellent for people who have latent intuitive, artistic or spiritual talents ... like Antinous-Dionysus. Mars invigorates and enlivens these talents. So the answer is: Proceed with caution, but keep your eyes open for brilliant new opportunities and insights which otherwise would have flashed past you unseen at high speed.

WEDNESDAY, October 30th, 2024

This week, Mercury is in opposition to Uranus, igniting spontaneous verbal explosions. Pent-up anger bursts out into all-out armed conflict. This is a classic textbook recipe for terrorist attacks. It definitely spells trouble for the world's hot spots. The threat of assassination looms large, as does the danger of terrorism. You need to be on guard for outbursts of rage. The important thing is to be aware where your rage is coming from. Don't vent your rage on innocent victims. Instead, be consciously aware of the source of your anger so that you can harness the powerful energies to carry out constructive projects you have been stalling on for way too long.

THURSDAY, October 31st, 2024

This week is perfect for a job interview or for a presentation of a special project when Mercury is in a good trine aspect to Mars to help you get your point across articulately and strongly to others. But that's not all! This week, a Mercury trine Neptune aspect enhances your ability to lift the veil between the worlds and to perceive spirits in other realms. You can also receive messages from the beyond and communicate more effectively with your higher self and with spirit guides during this profoundly spiritual configurations.

FRIDAY, November 1st, 2024

This week, we come to the SCORPIO NEW MOON. In Antinous Moon Magic this lunar phase is called the ZELUS MOON of fear, angst and anxiety ... and using Antinous Moon Magic to triumph over fear.

SATURDAY, November 2nd, 2024

This weekend, Mercury leaves dour Scorpio and wings its way into high-spirited Sagittarius, where it will stay until 28th January 2025. No matter what your Sun sign is, this abrupt change will lighten your spirits. It is like tossing and turning all night and then seeing the pink glow of dawn on the eastern horizon. Everything will be better. Now, this does not mean that Scorpio Mercury is bad. On the contrary, Scorpio Mercury urges you to probe into deep thoughts and dig out the truth, even if it is unpleasant. That is very important. But Sagittarius Mercury urges you to look on the bright side, to find joy in your life and pursue the light at the end of the tunnel. The only disadvantage to Sadge Mercury is a certain tendency to be so busy talking about the light at the end of the tunnel that you miss the freeway exit to the tunnel — but Sagittarius Mercury is always optimistic and will find an innovative way to reach the destination.

SUNDAY, November 3rd, 2024

This weekend, you will want to watch out for excesses in eating, drinking, spending money and falling in love when indulgent Venus is in 180-degree opposition to exaggeration-prone Jupiter,. If you are a latent shopoholic, this is the one week of the year when you will max out on your addiction ... while maxing out on your credit card. This is a good time for smooth-talking gigolos who pay fanciful compliments to you ... and you find yourself actually believing them ... And why not? Is that such a bad thing? Why not enjoy the fantasy as long as it lasts ... and as long as you know it's a fantasy?

Also this weekend, Mars is in opposition to Pluto, which is an age-old recipe for destruction, war, conflict and even earthquakes and volcanoes. For "normal" people this means this weekend will be a day of unexpected and even cataclysmic upheaval. For spiritually minded LGBTQ people, this is a fine opportunity for working some startlingly effective Antinous Moon Magic.


Another exciting week lies ahead between November 4th and 10th, 2024, when we come to the Aquarius First Quarter Moon ... the Lunar Phase in Antinous Moon Magic which we call the altruistic and magnanimous CONCORDIA MOON ... the perfect night for laying enmity and strife to rest ... and open your heart to healing love ... More details next time ....


TONIGHT's Leo Third Quarter Moon is called the BACCHANALIA MOON in Antinous Moon Magic for its gifts of transcendence. 

This Lunar Phase usually occurs close to the ancient festivals of Samhain, Halloween, All Souls Day, Dia de los Muertos and All Saints Day. This Lunar Phase reflects those festivals of peering into other worlds and states of being.

In ancient times, the Bacchanalia were wild and mystic festivals of the Greco-Roman god Bacchus (or Dionysus) aimed at achieving a transcendent state of spiritual awareness.

Antinous was often associated with Dionysus. Antinous/Dionysus is portrayed alongside Silenus god of wine and revelry in the image above from l'Oracolo della Sibilla, a traditional European oracle card deck created by Italian artist Giorgio Tavaglioni.

The Leo Third Quarter Moon is therefore a restless time of high-spirited indulgence, sometimes fun, sometimes slightly scary and always capable of unleashing powerful spirits.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. 

The Spirit of the Bacchanalia Moon is the Spirit of Gaiety, Fun, Pretend and Revelry. 

This Spirit likes to dress up in fancy dress or in a costume and pretend to be someone else. This Spirit likes to transcend other realities and, for a time, actually become someone else.

This Spirit knows that the cosmos is a big toy and that we are here to play a game. We are dervishes dancing ourselves into a trance. We are musicians and singers who use music to gain access to other realms. We are actors on a stage who have an entrance and who play a role and then depart.

There is no end to the performance and nobody actually dies for real. We just undergo a costume change and take on a new role.

In magical rituals, oracles and meditations, the keywords for this Magical Lunar Phase are: Gaiety. Revelry. Joy. Fun. Frivolity. Partying. Playing. Acting. Performing. Dancing. Theater and the Arts. 

This Lunar Phase represents "play time" of all sorts, from sports and games to New Year's Eve partying to shamanistic spiritual trance rituals. Also "playing" an instrument or "playing" a role on stage or on the screen. 

This Lunar Phase represents the transformational power of make-believe and "let's play like" which all performers know how to do.

On a mundane level, it refers to "having a good time". On a spiritual level, it refers to entering an altered state to commune with the divine, thus this Lunar Phase is the best time of the year for trance visions.

In health questions, meditations and rituals during this time can reference chronic substance abuse.

By Our Crystal Meditation Adviser Martin Campbell

THE dark nights of autumn (or spring if you live in the Southern Hemisphere) are a transitional period illuminated by two bright lunar phases: The BACCHANALIA MOON and the FORTUNA MOON.

The Bacchanalia Moon is a time of spring/harvest festivals and merry-making. This lunar phase is the patron moon of performers, musicians, actors, dancers and also of shamans and mediumistic channelers ... people who put on a mask and take on a different character for the evening. It is also a time for merry-making.

The Fortuna Moon is the luckiest lunar phase of the year, the time when meditations focus on areas in our lives where we are looking for success or for counting our blessings.

My crystal meditation choices for these two lunar phases are:

1. Joy/excess - Alexandrite Beryl (shown above). It brings joy and expands creativity.

2. Channeling - Angelite. It facilitates contact with the spirits and angels.

3. Fearful surprises - Orange Calcite. It removes fear and balances the emotions. 

4. Positive surprises - Emerald. It enhances the enjoyment of the world and all it brings.

5. Good fortune - Sunstone. It helps you to link with benevolent gods and good fortune.

6. Positive manifestation - Citrine. It helps you to accept the positive flow of energies that will take you to where you sub-consciously (or even consciously) know you really need to be (physically, emotionally or spiritually).

I had a very powerful visualisation when meditating with a beautiful little piece of Citrine recently. 

I was guided to a vast cave where I found a pool of water illuminated by a shaft of light. I saw a marble bust of Antinous laid on its back in the water, so his face looked up at me. I am clairaudient so heard his voice say “remember I am always here”. 

I think he meant both in terms of omnipotence but also within that crystal. I now carry it with me everywhere!

Love and Light

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.