Thursday, March 30, 2017

ASTRO FORECAST: MARCH 30-April 9, 2017

Antinous Astrology Forecast

MARCH 30-April 9, 2017

THURS-SUNDAY, MARCH 30-April 2, 2017

This is one of the most dramatic weeks of the astrological year ... a time when you must be very careful in traffic ... avoid public places where terrorist attacks could occur ... and when reckless rules could cause global havoc. For the second time since last November, Libra Jupiter is in a 90-degree square aspect to Capricorn Pluto. This is happening again because Retrograde Jupiter has reversed back into this dire configuration. And when Jupiter goes Direct in a few weeks, this configuration will occur a third time ... causing more havoc. This aspect heralds disaster on the global political and financial markets — a restructuring of the world's political and economic systems. The arrogance of unbridled growth (Jupiter) will be put into question by thorough and deep-seated structural reordering (Pluto) for the benefit of all humanity, not just for a few. This configuration is warning you — no, ordering you — to reassess your assets. Money and property are transitory things. Reflect on what is truly valuable to you.

MONDAY, April 3rd, 2017

On Monday, Retrograde Venus backs out of fiery Aries and dives into the romantic depths of Pisces, for the second time this year. This sign change marks a major change not only in love but also in finances. Pisces Venus is not only loving and compassionate but also creative and generous. The motto for the next few weeks is: "Give, and you shall receive!" Pisces Venus is super-compassionate and over-generous. For the next month you may find yourself obsessed with spirituality and consumed with compassionate charity for others. On the negative side, common-sense practicality may be hard to muster.

MON-WEDS., April 3-5, 2017

This week we come to the Cancer First Quarter Moon. It is the Lunar Phase of reflection and insight which we call the NARCISSUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... Narcissus is the Spirit which tunes out all distractions and all other people in order to focus on the Divinity within. This Lunar Phase is the Spirit of Self-Love and Same-Sex Love. It is forever gazing into its own reflection and whispering to itself: You are Divine! The reflection and the viewer are one and the same. The Spirit of Narcissus is the Divinity which holds a mirror up to ourselves.

THURSDAY, April 6th, 2017

On Thursday, Saturn the ringed planet shifts into reverse gear to go Retrograde or "backwards" as seen from Earth. As Saturn retraces its steps for the next four months, we will all revisit issues and problems in our lives which need to be remedied before we move on. From now until August 26th, when Saturn goes Direct or "forwards" again, you can expect to have Saturn, the school teacher of the Zodiac, to force you to sit down and complete your homework before moving forward to the next class.

FRIDAY, April 7th, 2017

On Friday, the Sun is in direct opposition to Jupiter, causing a sense of over-exuberance, over-exaggeration and over-exertion in all areas. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing ... but don't forget that Jupiter is in a tight, 90-degree square angle to Pluto and in near-opposition to Uranus. Expect the unexpected. The coming weeks will show whether you bit off more than you can handle.

SATURDAY, April 8th, 2017

On Saturday, Venus is in a 90-degree right-angle square to stubborn Saturn ... for the second time this year. Both planets are Retrograde (going "backwards" as seen from Earth). Venus-square-Saturn means that relationship discussions are fraught with stumbling blocks. And because Venus and Saturn also have a play in money and business, you can expect problems in that area as well. Think back to what happened during the last week of January when these two planets were in a square configuration. The problems that cropped up then will be revisited ... and now is your opportunity to resolve them.

SUNDAY, April 9th, 2017

On Sunday, batten down the hatches and take cover when the Sun squares off against Pluto — a configuration which occurs only twice a year and which invariably spawns strife, conflict, warfare, earthquakes and even bad weather.


Another exciting week lies ahead between April 10th and 16th when we come to the Libra Full Moon ... the lunar cycle we call the ORATOR MOON of diplomacy and balanced thinking. This is the perfect time for fulfilling dreams of finding just the right partner, the person who balances out your needs and desires perfectly. But remember that diplomacy is the key. Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Orator Moon is the embodiment of articulate expression in all forms and in all media, whether spoken, written or visual ... More details next time ....

Monday, March 27, 2017

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

OUR astrological expert Hernestus describes tonight's Aries New Moon phase period as the "FASCES MOON" a time to stand up for yourself and confront your fears head on and go for it. The danger being, of course, that you may regret not being cautious. 

Priest Hernestus reminds us that the ancient Roman 'fasces' were a bundle of wooden sticks with an axe blade emerging from the centre, they symbolized the power of Rome. In 1930s Italy the far right-wing dictator Mussolini modeled himself on the worst of the ancient Roman emperors. 

So he adopted the symbol for his political symbol - hence the term 'Fascism'. 

Mussolini, of course, allied his country with the German Nazis and ended up leading his nation into war, leaving it impoverished and in ruins. He himself ended up killed, hung upside down, with his mistress beside him. 

A cautionary tale far all considering charging ahead with hot-headed ideas!

My crystal suggestions for meditations during this moon phase are: 

Moss Agate - These are beautiful stones which can promote self-expression, relieve fear and strengthen your more positive personality traits. 

Red Chalcedony - These can help you to to be persistent and confident while acknowledging when to give in gracefully (Mussolini definitely needed one!).

Chrysocolla - These lovely stones (top of entry) can bring confidence and enhanced personal power while maintaining a cool head.

Life and Light,

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.


TONIGHT Antinous the Moon God aligns with his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte for the Aries New Moon which we call the FASCES MOON.

The Aries New Moon is the moon of abrupt beginnings which may not be followed through, and of things said which are later regretted, of capricious actions ... shoot first, ask questions later. If you have been stalling on starting something new ... now is the time to go for it. Others will warn you that you should exercise caution ... but the Fasces Moon says "no pain, no gain" and urges you to press forward.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Fasces Moon is the embodiment of blunt forcefulness. This spirit is plain-spoken, candid, spares no feelings and is not afraid to humiliate or offend. It is sharp-tongued and aggressive. It carries a weapon and is not afraid to use it.

It metes out punishment and retribution willingly and without hesitation. It enjoys inflicting pain. It uses pain as its keenest and sharpest weapon, because pain elicits a reflexive response where lesser warnings may go unheeded.

This Spirit holds a knife to your throat and says: No pain, no gain! It wields a sword and shouts: Might makes right! It skillfully uses a scalpel to cut out a cancerous growth, saying: This will hurt terribly, but it will save your life!

The ancient Roman fasces was a bundle of wooden sticks with an ax blade emerging from the center, which is an image that traditionally symbolizes the force of Roman law and might.

They were carried by the lictors who accompanied the magistrates. The ax represents the force of punishment and the power over life or death.

During times of emergencies when the Roman Republic declared a dictatorship (dictatura), lictors attending to the dictator kept the ax-blades even inside the Pomerium ... a sign that the dictator wielded ultimate force of law and could mete out punishment as he saw fit.

Meditations and rituals tonight should focus on new projects or new beginnings. Perhaps you want to break a habit or undertake a bold new enterprise. Tonight's Fasces Moon gives you the kick-start you need to go ahead.

This is also a good night to focus on areas in your life where assertiveness is out of balance ... perhaps you are being overly assertive. But more likely, you are deficient in self-assertiveness.

Many gay men have a hard time asserting themselves. We equate assertiveness with "aggression" and "being a bully." And so, many of us gay men go through our lives trying to stifle and suppress any sort of assertiveness. We try to be good little boys ... all of our lives.

And yet ... each of us is born with Fasces Moon  energy in abundance. It always finds a way to get out and exert itself. If we spend our lives suppressing this energy, then it seeps out in destructive ways. We have problems with pent-up rage. We have problems with self-destructive habits. We build an impenetrable shield of fear and disdain around ourselves.

We are afraid of being hurt. And we are afraid of hurting others. So we hurt ourselves instead. Our lives turn into chaos.

The Fasces Moon is about standing up for yourself and confronting your fears ... above all, your fear of baring your true self to others. It is about turning your weaknesses into your strengths. It is about transforming destructive energies into constructive ones. It is about finding ... and fulfilling ... your destiny ....

Friday, March 24, 2017

ASTRO FORECAST: MARCH 23-April 2, 2017

Antinous Astrology Forecast

MARCH 23-April 2, 2017

THURS-FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd/24th, 2017

As the work week ends Mercury is in opposition to Jupiter even as Mercury is also square to Pluto. These configurations mean that negotiations with authority figures such as your boss will turn out well for the long run. At last, you can expect answers to some questions which have been plaguing you for the longest time. It may take a little digging, but Mercury opposite Jupiter and square Pluto mean that the answer will be found.

SAT-TUESDAY, MARCH 25th/28th, 2017

This weekend expected the unexpected when Mercury aligns in conjunction with surprise-filled Uranus even as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns with his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte for the Aries New Moon which we call the FASCES MOON. The Aries New Moon is the moon of abrupt beginnings which may not be followed through, and of things said which are later regretted, of capricious actions — shoot first, ask questions later. If you have been stalling on starting something new ... now is the time to go for it. Others will warn you that you should exercise caution ... but the Fasces Moon says "no pain, no gain" and urges you to press forward.

WEDS-SUNDAY, MARCH 29-April 2, 2017

This is one of the most dramatic weeks of the astrological year ... a time when you must be very careful in traffic ... avoid public places where terrorist attacks could occur ... and when reckless rules could cause global havoc. For the second time since last November, Libra Jupiter is in a 90-degree square aspect to Capricorn Pluto. This is happening again because Retrograde Jupiter has reversed back into this dire configuration. And when Jupiter goes Direct in a few weeks, this configuration will occur a third time ... causing more havoc. This aspect heralds disaster on the global political and financial markets — a restructuring of the world's political and economic systems. The arrogance of unbridled growth (Jupiter) will be put into question by thorough and deep-seated structural reordering (Pluto) for the benefit of all humanity, not just for a few. This configuration is warning you — no, ordering you — to reassess your assets. Money and property are transitory things. Reflect on what is truly valuable to you.


Another exciting week lies ahead between April 2nd and 8th when we come to the Cancer First Quarter Moon. It is the Lunar Phase of reflection and insight which we call the NARCISSUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... Narcissus is the Spirit which tunes out all distractions and all other people in order to focus on the Divinity within. This Lunar Phase is the Spirit of Self-Love and Same-Sex Love. It is forever gazing into its own reflection and whispering to itself: You are Divine! The reflection and the viewer are one and the same. The Spirit of Narcissus is the Divinity which holds a mirror up to ourselves ... More details next time ....

Monday, March 20, 2017


FROM an astrological viewpoint, the Astrological Year 2017-18 ... which begins with the March Equinox 2017 ... is ushering in a golden opportunity for progress and vision.

According to a rather obscure astrological text called the "Galendarjum Oeconomicum Practicum Perpetuum," the Year 2017 is the "Year of the Sun."

The Year 2015 was the optimistic YEAR OF JUPITER and 2016 was the YEAR OF MARS with all the tumultuous upheavals of the past 12 months.

Now Antinous in his guise as Helios-Apollo takes over from War God Mars. While the outgoing astrological year was fraught with fear and peril, this new astrological year will shine with insights into how to transform our world.

German alchemist and astrologer Dr. Mauritius Knauer devised a perpetual calendar based on planetary rulerships in the late 18th Century.

His "Galendarjum Oeconomicum Practicum Perpetuum" was published just as the planet Pluto was entering the Sign of Capricorn.

And now in 2017-18 Pluto is again in the Sign of Capricorn for the first time since the 18th Century.

Pluto in Capricorn is about revolutionizing age-old political and economic structures and replacing them with completely new and different structures.

Just look at the changes which occurred in the late 18th Century ... the French Revolution and the American Revolution, for starters.

Look at all the political turmoil in the world since Pluto entered Capricorn in early December 2008.

And just look at all the turmoil on the global financial markets, the Arab Spring, uprisings and warfare around the world ... and a horrific resurgence of Islamic terrorism.

Pluto will remain in Capricorn until the year 2024 ... by which time many cherished and time-honored political and economic institutions will have been swept aside forever.

Ironically, the planet Uranus was also discovered in the 18th Century, and many astrologers consider its discovery to have marked the first faint Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the sign which Uranus rules.

Uranus and Pluto have been in a tight 90-degree square aspect to each other on and off for the past two years ... exacerbating all the global tensions forcing renewal and renovation. In 2017-18 Pluto and Uranus will move out of this right-angle configuration ... allowing the Year of the Sun to radiate healing energies.

Antinous as Apollo-Helios empowers you to use those healing energies to grow beyond yourself ... to discover hitherto unknown strengths and talents within yourself ... to waken slumbering powers of growth and protection deep within your being.

Despite all the turmoil in the world ... in the face of pessimism and doubt ... you find new self-confidence, enthusiasm and a new spirit of joy.

There will be new challenges, but the feeling of dread and fear which dominated the preceding 12 months is banished by the warmth and brightness of the Year of the Sun 2017-18.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

THE Hadrian's Wall Moon is a time of stubborn intransigence and immovable barriers'. 

Anyone who visits Hadrian's Wall is confronted with that incredible, imposing, 79 mile division that separated the Romans from the terrifying and annoying Pict tribes of Caledonia (from whom, of course, I am descended!). 

Visitors are also reminded that here was the 'end' of Rome. Britannia was safe, prosperous but strictly controlled and emphatically Roman. Beyond the wall was freedom of expression and the continuity of ancient traditions and religious practices. 

We may experience obstacles in our paths but they are not always bad. We can reflect on the life either side of that obstacle and may sometimes find that the life we have on the side seen as less desirable may actually be the most liberating one.

Meditations during this moon phase are best enhanced by the use of the following crystals:

Amethyst - One of my regular recommendations (I hope I'm not boring you with it!) it is a beautiful multi-purpose crystal.

As you wage an internal battle with an emotional, social, work, artistic or intellectual blockage you will want a feeling of resolution.

Among many other attributes Amethyst can help you overcome blockages and even addictions. It can help you to transition to a new state of being.

Red Calcite - These crystals help remove blockages emotionally and shift negative energies. It also helps constipation!!!

Larimar (AKA Dolphin Stone) - These beautiful, pale turquoise coloured, stones have only recently been found and mined in the Caribbean.

They help to remove self-imposed blockages.

Love and Light,

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.


TONIGHT's Capricorn Third Quarter Moon is the Lunar Phase which, in Antinous Moon Magic, we call the HADRIAN'S WALL MOON of stubborn intransigence and immovable barriers.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Hadrian's Wall Lunar Phase is the embodiment of hindrances and blockages.

It is the personification of all that stands in your way. It is all barriers and obstacles to progress.

This Spirit locks you up in a prison cell, either literally or figuratively.

It rises up like a mountain to see if you have the stamina and ingenuity to scale it or get around it. But remember that Hadrian's Wall was not impregnable. It was not particularly high. It was not meant to be an impenetrable barrier, but only a hindrance to mass assault or rampant smuggling of goods and livestock.

Thus this Spirit is not insurmountable. It can be overcome, a way can be found around, under, over or through it. This Spirit challenges you to find that way.

The key words are: Barrier. Hindrance. Setback. Confinement. Blockage. Unyielding stubbornness.

This can be a physical barrier, but it can also be an emotional, financial, job or relationship "prison" which blocks your progress.

Meditations and rituals conducted tonight are best suited for focusing on blockages in your life, situations and issues which prevent you from moving forward. 

These can be manifested by persons or situations around you. But most often, we find during meditations on this night that we have erected prison walls around ourselves, we are blocking ourselves from the freedom we so earnestly desire.

This Lunar Phase is saying it is time to break out!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


THE Sun and Mercury align with the minor planet Chiron in Pisces this week to empower you to access your inner healer.

By sacred synchronicity, the DVD of the Oscar-winning film "Moonlight" is being released this week.

One question is asked repeatedly throughout the movie "Moonlight": "Who is you, Chiron?" So, when you see the movie, it is nice to remember who Chiron is ... the wisest and noblest of all the Centaurs in Classical Mythology. 

While all the other centaurs galloped off to riotous ruin and drunken oblivion, Chiron alone shared the knowledge he had inherited from the Titans ... tutoring a series of sensitive youths ... Achilles, Jason, Perseus, Theseus, Ajax, Dionysus, Hercules ... an endless list of heroes and demigods. He schooled them in the arts and sciences ... teaching them to be musicians and physicians.

It is said that Aesculapius himself became the god of medicine only through the skilled hands of Chiron ... "Chiron's skilled hands" in Greek "kheirourgos" living on today in the word "chirurgie" ... "surgeon."

Alas ... to use another word found in most Greek Myths ... Chiron was accidentally wounded by a hydra-venom arrow whilst teaching Hercules archery.

Rather than use all his powers to heal himself ... leaving nothing for his pupils ... Chiron voluntarily relinquished immortality and died ... whereupon his half-brother Zeus placed him amongst the stars as the Constellation of Sagittarius.

Grieving Hercules went on to tutor a series of twinkish youths himself ... most notably his beloved Hylas ... who was abducted by nymphs, never to be seen again ... prompting Hercules to search the world ... shouting "Hylas! Hylas!" everywhere he went.

Hylas is the source of the English word: "Alas!"

Drawing on Classical Mythology, Carl Jung coined the term "wounded healer" to describe how psychotherapists must connect with the archetype of Chiron. Jung said that the best psychoanalysts are themselves in desperate need of healing ... and that, by identifying with their inner "wounded healer," they can heal their patients ... even if they are unable to heal themselves.

So, as you watch Moonlight, you realize at some point that Chiron is the wounded healer ... and you the audience are his patient in desperate need of healing.

Watch the trailer:

Monday, March 13, 2017

ASTRO FORECAST: MARCH 9th — 26th, 2017

Antinous Astrology Forecast

MARCH 9th to 26th, 2017


This week the Sun aligns with Mercury and both of them form a fortuitous sextile aspect with Pluto Mercury and Pluto which facilitates negotiations with authority figures such as your boss. At last, you can expect answers to some questions which have been plaguing you for the longest time. It may take a little digging, but Mercury sextile Pluto mean that the answer will be found. This Mercury/Sun-sextile-Pluto aspect sextile brings you recognition, success and amazing abilities to make your wishes come true. You may also find that your skills at haggling are improved — enabling you to make cost-effective bargains in negotiations ... and in purchases.

FRIDAY, MARCH 10th, 2017

On Friday Mars the planet of action will enter Taurus and remain there until April 21st. When the God of War meets the sign of the Bull, things can plod along slowly and move at a snail's pace. While it may seem like slow going, it is a wonderful time to tackle those projects that need endurance and stamina. Mars is all about action, ambition, impulse and drive. The planet Mars was named for the ancient Roman God of War. When channeled improperly Mars energy can lead to excessive anger, violence and war. However, when used constructively this energy can invoke passion, motivation and determination. Now consider the energy of Taurus. The Bull is a stubborn and territorial animal; large and capable of aggression when provoked. While it may seem like slow going, it is a wonderful time to tackle those projects that need endurance and stamina. So putting the forces of Mars and the sign of the Bull together is a little bit like having an irresistible force meet an immovable object. Mars wants to go, go, go and Taurus wants to stubbornly remain still. Things will seem like they are at a standoff during this period. However that doesn’t mean you won't get things accomplished.

SAT.-SUNDAY, MARCH 11th-12th, 2017

This weekend you may find yourself feeling a bit guilty, a bit self-critical, a bit inadequate and very defensive when Mercury squares off against Saturn and when we come to the Virgo Full Moon. In Antinous Moon Magic, this is the DIANA MOON ... the moon of sisterhood, of kindred spirits in whom you can confide ... and a "sister" need not be blood related ... or even female ... you have a "sister" and tonight's full moon helps you find her.

MONDAY, MARCH 13th, 2017

On Monday Mercury leaves dreamy Pisces and soars into fiery Aries until April 1st when it enters placid Taurus. As Mercury transitions from peaceful Pisces to bold and brash Aries, our minds and our words will get less poetic and more action-oriented. Aries is a Fire sign known for being impulsive, so be careful what you say! Comments might come out of your mouth before they're fully formed, giving them a tinge of sarcasm or even an edge of insult — whether you intend them to or not. And even if we think we know the full impact of our words, there's the danger that we haven't thought far enough ahead about the effect they'll have on those we care about.

TUES-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14th/15th, 2017

This week relief gallops to the rescue when the Sun and Mercury both align in perfect conjuntion in Pisces with Chiron the healer. Tuesday/Wednesday and in fact most of this week is an ideal time for medical checkups and procedures. This obscure minor planet plays only a peripheral role in most daily astrology forecasts. But this strong configuration with the Sun and Mercury means that Chiron becomes a major player. In Greek mythology, Chiron was one of the Titans, the greatest of the Centaurs. Chiron was the tutor to a great many Gods, Demigods and fellow Titans, including Prometheus, Theseus, Achilles and Hercules, to name but a few. Astrologically, Chiron represents a person's healing energies and, indeed, the word for "surgery" in many European languages (chirurgie in French and German, cirugya in Spanish, chirugia in Italian and Portuguese) comes directly from the Ancient Greek words for "Chiron Hands" — a healer with the skilled hands of the Titan Chiron.

THURS-FRIDAY, MARCH 16th/17th, 2017

As the work week ends problems arise out of no where when the Sun squares off against Saturn, as it does twice a year. Saturn is the cosmic teacher, focusing the rays of the intuitive Pisces Sun on problems in your life which need to be corrected ... and giving you insights to solutions to those problems.

SAT-SUNDAY, MARCH 18th/19th, 2017

This weekend we come to the Capricorn Third Quarter Moon which, in Antinous Moon Magic, we call the HADRIAN'S WALL MOON of stubborn intransigence and immovable barriers. Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Hadrian's Wall Lunar Phase is the embodiment of hindrances and blockages. It represents the barriers that stand in your way. It is all barriers and obstacles to progress. Meditations and rituals conducted on this night are best suited for focusing on blockages in your life, situations and issues which prevent you from moving forward. These can be manifested by persons or situations around you. But most often, we find during meditations on this night that we have erected prison walls around ourselves, we are blocking ourselves from the freedom we so earnestly desire. This Lunar Phase is saying it is time to break out!

MON-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20th/22nd, 2017

This week is dominated by the Sun's entry into Aries on Monday for the Equinox ... first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and first day of autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. The Equinox is the start of the astrological new year. This is the first day of Spring for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere and the first day of Autumn for our brothers in the Southern Hemisphere. Either way, this EQUINOX is the traditional starting gun for new starts and new projects. This is also one of the most romantic weeks of the year because love goddess Venus aligns with intellectual Mercury in dreamy Pisces. Passion and compassion are the bywords.

THURS-FRIDAY, MARCH 23rd/24th, 2017

As the work week ends Mercury is in opposition to Jupiter even as Mercury is also square to Pluto. These configurations mean that negotiations with authority figures such as your boss will turn out well for the long run. At last, you can expect answers to some questions which have been plaguing you for the longest time. It may take a little digging, but Mercury opposite Jupiter and square Pluto mean that the answer will be found.

SAT-SUNDAY, MARCH 25th/26th, 2017

This weekend expected the unexpected when Mercury aligns in conjunction with surprise-filled Uranus even as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns with his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte for the Aries New Moon which we call the FASCES MOON. The Aries New Moon is the moon of abrupt beginnings which may not be followed through, and of things said which are later regretted, of capricious actions — shoot first, ask questions later. If you have been stalling on starting something new ... now is the time to go for it. Others will warn you that you should exercise caution ... but the Fasces Moon says "no pain, no gain" and urges you to press forward.


Another exciting week lies ahead between March 27th and April 2nd when we come to the Cancer First Quarter Moon. It is the Lunar Phase of reflection and insight which we call the NARCISSUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... Narcissus is the Spirit which tunes out all distractions and all other people in order to focus on the Divinity within. This Lunar Phase is the Spirit of Self-Love and Same-Sex Love. It is forever gazing into its own reflection and whispering to itself: You are Divine! The reflection and the viewer are one and the same. The Spirit of Narcissus is the Divinity which holds a mirror up to ourselves ... More details next time ....

Saturday, March 11, 2017

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

FOR the DIANA MOON phase I have been advised by our moon phase and astrology expert that we should be delving into sibling issues as well as seeking the advice of your spiritual twin. All with a focus on "sisterhood" without gender limitations.  

Of course our siblings or sisters do not necessarily need to be living or even of the earthly realm. Many of us draw wisdom and protection from female angels, spirit guides or goddesses. 

Crystal healing and guided meditations tends to be a female dominated craft. Hence the female attributes for crystals are often very focused on menstrual cycles and childbirth. 

Not applicable to most people who will be reading this blog and not wholly pertinent to non gender specific or spiritual sisterhood either! 

So I can only recommend the following crystals:

Amazonite - these turquoise coloured crystals (above right) balance male and female energies and help you to see both sides of a situation.

Ametrine - these are increasingly rare crystals as they only come from one mine in Bolivia! I don't usually recommend rarer crystals but these help to unite female and masculine energies. 

Aventurine - these green stones (above left) help to balance male and female energies.

Moonstone - these often beautiful stones (right) also help to balance male and female energies but also assist those with male energies to get in touch with their feminine side...

Love and Light

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.


TONIGHT's Virgo Full Moon is the February/March moon of sisterhood, of kindred spirits in whom you can confide, the Full Moon in the Sign the Virgin.

The Virgo Moon is always a tense time of trying not to be obsessive-compulsive and overly critical.

In Antinous Moon Magic this full moon is called the DIANA MOON. We recognize that the Moon of Diana is the Moon of Antinous. We venerate the Virgin, she who guides new life into the world, goddess of beasts, the mistress of the hounds, the archeress, the young Great Mother of Ephesus, the twin sister of Antinous the Gay God.

Diana is loving and compassionate, but she is rigorously demanding and picky.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of Diana is the great huntress, the goddess of the moon and twin sister to Antinous.

The key word is "sisterhood" ... without gender limitations. A sister is someone who is closer even than your best friend. She is your twin, just as Diana and Antinous are twins.

When you are going through a difficult time, you may hesitate to call even your best friends because you do not want to burden them with your troubles. This is when you need a sister.

This can be a biological sibling, but more often it is a person who, regardless of gender and kinship, is your most intimate confidante. A sister is someone who, at times like these, sincerely wants to be there for you whenever she can. And she knows you are always there for her. When you do this, you invite your sister to bring her whole self to the relationship as well ... so that Diana and Antinous are one.

During the cycle of the Diana Moon, meditations and rituals are best suited for delving into sibling issues as well as seeking the advice of your spiritual twin ... whether a physical being or a spiritual entity.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

THE Gemini First Quarter moon (the "Jackal Moon") is tricky. Many crystals can give you a boost or help you to relax. This moon phase is all about seeking clarity amid deliberate distractions. 

You need intelligence, cunning and a strategic approach. It is hard to find crystals which will help you to meditate specifically on these combined attributes. 

That cunning Jackal is pulling the wool over my eyes too! However, I remain stoic in such situations and have found some crystals that may help guide in meditations this moon phase. 

PINK AGATE (top) - they can help you to see the bigger picture behind a dispute and seek solutions rather than dwelling on the situation.

FIRE AGATE (my old favourite!) - these lovely crystals allows particular meditative focus on strength whilst also having a function where it mellows the soul. 

GREEN JADE - they channel passion into constructive approaches to situations with the people around you whether family, friends, colleagues or enemies. 

They smash away illusions to create absolute clarity about the situation you are in or striving for. 

It is not surprising, therefore, that Chinese people have held Green Jade as sacred for over a millennia.

Love and Light,

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him


TONIGHT's Gemini First Quarter moon is the lunar phase we call the JACKAL MOON in Antinous Moon Magic.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Jackal in Antinous oracular arts is the embodiment of cunning and skill and sleight-of-hand and being slightly dodgy and sneaky but also being incredibly adept and learned in the ways of the world.

Think of the jackal sneaking through the night, or think of a fox sneaking into a chicken coop. Or think of a coyote ... sly, foxy, intelligent, just out of sight. But these are not entirely negative energies, of course.

Each of us needs wily abilities to get through life. We need to tell a white lie now and then or to turn on the charm to get past some obstreperous person or to ferret out the best way to get something done ... by hook or by crook.

Faced with an uphill legal battle to prove your innocence, you need a cunning and sharp-witted lawyer who knows all the tricks in the book in order for justice to prevail.

The Jackal is very positive in the sense that it provides us with slyness, quick-wittedness, good strategies skills and the ability to sniff out danger ... the way a coyote does.

The negative down side is that it encourages us to forget the fine line between truth and fiction, and it encourages us to play false and cheat to get our way. Although, that having been said, the Jackal says that Truth is sometimes a variable and vague thing, and what seems false can sometimes turn out to have been the truly right thing to do.

The Gemini First Quarter Moon is the March moon of the Trickster, who taunts and teases, who plays tricks, who leads the soul through dark and treacherous passages ... who is more treacherous than any Underworld foe ... but whose cunning enables him to bring his charges to their goal.

Meditations and rituals carried out tonight are best suited for looking beyond the the veil of lies and deceit that others (or we ourselves) throw over our eyes to prevent us from seeing clearly. This is also a very good night for finding canny and cunning solutions to difficult problems ... strategies for out-smarting those who seek to pull the wool over our eyes.

The vibration of this lovely Lunar Phase has a number of other positive attributes, including its action to help you to release anger and by making you aware of your personal power. This energy also aids you to be aware of anyone who tries to take advantage of you, and to deal with this in a new creative way.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

ASTRO FORECAST: MARCH 2nd — 12th, 2017

Antinous Astrology Forecast

MARCH 2nd to 12th, 2017


This entire week is one of the most extraordinary in years when Mars engages in volatile configurations with a number of major planets to shake up not only the world, but also your personal life. This is the flaming climax to the THE YEAR OF MARS 2016-17 which began at the March Equinox last year and will end at this year's Equinox. The final few weeks will be explosive now that Mars is in its home base of Aries. This week you can brace for Mars conjunction Uranus, Mars opposition Jupiter and Mars trine Saturn even as Jupiter opposition Uranus revs up the energy even higher. This is a week when you must expect the unexpected: assassinations, revolutions, financial chaos, political coups ... just for starters. And in your personal life you must brace for microcosm reverberations in your domestic relations and job situations.

FRIDAY, MARCH 3rd, 2017

On Friday Venus turns around and goes Retrograde (going "backwards" as seen from Earth) from now until April 15th. Retrograde Venus is about re-visiting, re-working or re-vising relationships of all kinds. On the personal relationships level, Retrograde Venus means you can expect to hear from "old flames" and ex-partners and people you haven't heard from in years. They'll suddenly be inviting you to "Friend" them. But Retrograde Venus warns you that you can never go backwards in relationships, only forwards. Remember that the emphasis is on "re-working" and "re-viewing" — and that means you need to take a good, hard look at those old relationships and see whether they still have any promise for the future. You may find that you don't need to "Friend" just every old friend.

SAT.-SUNDAY, MARCH 4th-5th, 2017

This weekend we come to the Gemini First Quarter moon ... the lunar phase we call the JACKAL MOON in Antinous Moon Magic. Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Jackal in Antinous oracular arts is the embodiment of cunning and skill and sleight-of-hand and being slightly dodgy and sneaky but also being incredibly adept and learned in the ways of the world. The Gemini First Quarter Moon is the March moon of the Trickster, who taunts and teases, who plays tricks, who leads the soul through dark and treacherous passages ... who is more treacherous than any Underworld foe ... but whose cunning enables him to bring his charges to their goal. Meditations and rituals carried out tonight are best suited for looking beyond the the veil of lies and deceit that others (or we ourselves) throw over our eyes to prevent us from seeing clearly. This is also a very good night for finding canny and cunning solutions to difficult problems ... strategies for out-smarting those who seek to pull the wool over our eyes.

MON.-THURSDAY, MARCH 6th-9th, 2017

This week the Sun aligns with Mercury and both of them form a fortuitous sextile aspect with Pluto Mercury and Pluto which facilitates negotiations with authority figures such as your boss. At last, you can expect answers to some questions which have been plaguing you for the longest time. It may take a little digging, but Mercury sextile Pluto mean that the answer will be found. This Mercury/Sun-sextile-Pluto aspect sextile brings you recognition, success and amazing abilities to make your wishes come true. You may also find that your skills at haggling are improved — enabling you to make cost-effective bargains in negotiations ... and in purchases.

FRIDAY, MARCH 10th, 2017

On Friday Mars the planet of action will enter Taurus and remain there until April 21st. When the God of War meets the sign of the Bull, things can plod along slowly and move at a snail's pace. While it may seem like slow going, it is a wonderful time to tackle those projects that need endurance and stamina. Mars is all about action, ambition, impulse and drive. The planet Mars was named for the ancient Roman God of War. When channeled improperly Mars energy can lead to excessive anger, violence and war. However, when used constructively this energy can invoke passion, motivation and determination. Now consider the energy of Taurus. The Bull is a stubborn and territorial animal; large and capable of aggression when provoked. While it may seem like slow going, it is a wonderful time to tackle those projects that need endurance and stamina. So putting the forces of Mars and the sign of the Bull together is a little bit like having an irresistible force meet an immovable object. Mars wants to go, go, go and Taurus wants to stubbornly remain still. Things will seem like they are at a standoff during this period. However that doesn’t mean you won't get things accomplished.

SAT-SUNDAY, MARCH 11th-12th, 2017

This weekend you may find yourself feeling a bit guilty, a bit self-critical, a bit inadequate and very defensive when Mercury squares off against Saturn and when we come to the Virgo Full Moon. In Antinous Moon Magic, this is the DIANA MOON ... the moon of sisterhood, of kindred spirits in whom you can confide ... and a "sister" need not be blood related ... or even female ... you have a "sister" and tonight's full moon helps you find her.


Another exciting week lies ahead between March 13th and 19th when we come to the Capricorn Third Quarter Moon which, in Antinous Moon Magic, we call the HADRIAN'S WALL MOON of stubborn intransigence and immovable barriers. Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Hadrian's Wall Lunar Phase is the embodiment of hindrances and blockages. It represents the barriers that stand in your way. It is all barriers and obstacles to progress. Meditations and rituals conducted on this night are best suited for focusing on blockages in your life, situations and issues which prevent you from moving forward. These can be manifested by persons or situations around you. But most often, we find during meditations on this night that we have erected prison walls around ourselves, we are blocking ourselves from the freedom we so earnestly desire. This Lunar Phase is saying it is time to break out! ... More details next time ....