Thursday, April 25, 2013



TONIGHT's Scorpio Full Moon occurs during the first Lunar Eclipse of 2013. The Scorpio Full Moon is a moon for penetrating the veil of lies and illusion and seeing clearly who are your friends (and who are not) and also seeing yourself for what you are.

For that reason, we call it the ENEMY MOON in Antinous Moon Magic.

We use the symbolism of a Lunar Eclipse to remind ourselves that, while we peer at the Moon in hopes of divining signs, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is looking back at us on Earth. What he sees is a dark orb obscuring the light of his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte ... like this stunning 1930s painting by Charles Bittinger

He sees us surrounded by darkness ... looking out into the night sky ... unable to perceive our foes.

This is the spookiest Full Moon of the year. Beltane, Walpurgis Night and May Day are all based on the solar calendar and are celebrated on May Eve.

But the older, lunar calendar celebrates those Rites of Spring during the SCORPIO FULL MOON. If you are a bit clairvoyant, or if you have a gift for healing, your powers will be enhanced tremendously during the SCORPIO FULL MOON. Just be careful — everyone else's unconscious powers will also be enhanced, so there will be lots of mind-games going on tonight.

For gay men, especially, the Scorpio Full Moon is a time of hotly erotic spiritual discovery. As any gay wizard knows, it is the best night of the year for Sacred Sex.

This is the truth-or-dare Full Moon; a time to honor the transformative power of truth-telling and a very intense Full Moon to put into action (through ritual release) the goals you set at the New Moon in Taurus.

Since this Full Moon falls in a water sign, releasing your intentions near a stream, river, lake, or ocean is particularly powerful.

But before you let go, have one last look at your goals. Whom do they truly serve? What will they bring to the world? Since Scorpio demands depth and fearlessness, this last look will have to be brutally honest. If your goals require a change of mind, of heart, and/or of action, this is the night to successfully tackle fears that could impede the ability to fully embrace change. Scorpio seeks deep truth by peeling back layers of lies and half-truths—inside us and outside of us.

This is a Full Moon to see things as they truly are, not as you wish them to be.

Meditations and rituals during the Scorpio Full Moon are best suited for helping you identify who and what your "enemies" are. This could indeed be a person who is your enemy, someone who is working against you, trying to impede your progress. 

But more often it represents the "inner enemy" ... your own worst enemy sometimes being yourself. It represents habitual thought patterns, low self-esteem, irrational fears and other "enemies" which work against you. 

You must face and confront your enemy ... especially if that means confronting your true self.
Antinous Astrology Forecast

April 25 to May 5, 2013

THURSDAY April 25th 2013

On Thursday the SCORPIO FULL MOON occurs during the first Lunar Eclipse of 2013. The Scorpio Full Moon is a moon for penetrating the veil of lies and illusion and seeing clearly who are your friends (and who are not) and also seeing yourself for what you are. For that reason, we call it the ENEMY MOON in Antinous Moon Magic. Meditations and rituals during the Scorpio Full Moon are best suited for helping you identify who and what your "enemies" are. This could indeed be a person who is your enemy, someone who is working against you, trying to impede your progress. But more often it represents the "inner enemy" — your own worst enemy sometimes being yourself. It represents habitual thought patterns, low self-esteem, irrational fears and other "enemies" which work against you. You must face and confront your enemy — especially if that means confronting your true self.

FRIDAY April 26th 2013

On Friday you can forget about getting any work done when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD goes VOID OF COURSE for 26 hours — causing delays, rescheduling, lost messages and missed opportunities. Remember we always say you should think of ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD as your favorite rock or pop star giving a concert. The VOC MOON is the break between sets. The singer goes back stage for a costume change and psychs themselves up for the next set. Meanwhile, the audience is waiting impatiently out front while video projections and doo-wah girls fill the interlude. That's what a VOID OF COURSE MOON feels like. Nothing much will happen during this VOC period — on the plus side, a VOC is perfect for meditation, dreamscaping and contact the spirit world.

SATURDAY/SUNDAY April 27/28th 2013

On Saturday/Sunday you get your annual lesson in patience when the Sun goes opposite Saturn. This happens once a year and always puts the spotlight on problem areas. This time around, the Sun is in Taurus and Saturn is in Scorpio. So the frustrations you experience most likely pertain to questions of trust and honesty involving money and stability. As always, the Sun is pointing a spotlight and Saturn is pointing a gnarly finger at the problems which you need to focus on.

MONDAY April 29th 2013

On Monday the work week gets off to a lively start when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms joyous aspects to Mercury and inspirational Neptune. Get lots of work done and enjoy all this energy ... you will need it later in the week.

TUESDAY April 30th 2013

On Tuesday niggling little frustrations begin to nag at you when Mars slowly moves into opposition to Saturn ... an aspect which will dominate most of this week.

WEDNESDAY May 1st 2013

On Wednesday the frustrating Mars-Saturn opposition is exact, creating a situation in which you feel you have one foot on the accelerator and the other firmly on the brake. On the plus side, Mercury enters Taurus, aiding commercial a financial enterprises.

THURSDAY May 2nd 2013

On Thursday the Moon squares off against the Sun for the Aquarius Third Quarter Moon which in Antinous Moon Magic we call the FORUM MOON. This is the best Lunar Phase of the year for oracles or spell work involving interaction with groups or a public setting. Gathering place. Club. Work place. Any place where numerous people gather. It is also the best moon for rituals focusing on parks, gardens and the outdoors in general, such as working rituals for protecting a back garden or outdoor venue.

FRIDAY May 3rd 2013

On Friday you can catch your breath as the frustrations of a powerful Mars/Saturn opposition begin to wane. You can get the work load off your desk before the weekend ... and you will be glad because ....

SATURDAY/SUNDAY May 4th/5th 2013

This weekend your best-laid plans for socializing, traveling or getting work done are foiled when Mercury is in 180-degree opposition to stern and stubborn Saturn on Saturday and Sunday. Last week it was a Mars/Saturn opposition which thwarted your ambition. This weekend it is your communications and travel which come in for havoc when Mercury wants to press the pedal to the metal ... and Saturn just won't budge.


Another exciting week lies ahead between May 6th and 12th when the Moon aligns with the Sun in Taurus for an Annular Solar Eclipse visible over Australia and New Zealand. In Antinous Moon Magic we call the TAURUS NEW MOON the MARCUS AURELIUS MOON because he was a man of judicious might and justice, a warrior and a poet, a man whose reign was called a Golden Age. The TAURUS NEW MOON highlights Taurean qualities (determined, practical, devoted, grounded, dependable) and 2nd House themes (material security, values, self-worth). On a spiritual/higher plane, the New Moon in Taurus seeks inner peace through stability and contentment. More details next time ....

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Antinous Astrology Forecast

April 18th to 28th, 2013

THURSDAY April 18th 2013

On Thursday the Sun and Mars are perfectly aligned in conjunction in Taurus to boost energy levels even as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is at right angles to the Sun for the CANCER FIRST QUARTER MOON which we call the NARCISSUS MOON of Antinous ... Narcissus is the Spirit which tunes out all distractions and all other people in order to focus on the Divinity within. This Lunar Phase is the Spirit of Self-Love and Same-Sex Love. It is forever gazing into its own reflection and whispering to itself: You are Divine! The reflection and the viewer are one and the same. The Spirit of Narcissus is the Divinity which holds a mirror up to ourselves.

FRIDAY April 19th 2013

On Friday Taurus Venus and Pisces Neptune create the right atmosphere for a date night when you just want to kick back and enjoy all the pleasures life has to offer — to excess. You have been warned.

SATURDAY/SUNDAY April 20th/21st 2013

This weekend you will notice a palpable shift in energies when both the Sun and Mars leave jumpy Aries and sail into more placid Taurus. The result of these three powerful planets in the Sign of the Bull can result in stubbornness and refusal to change attitudes — and a "Bull in the China Shop" tendency to smash resistance from others.

MONDAY April 22nd 2013

On Monday moody frustration gums up the relationship works when Venus and Saturn are in opposition to each other. Little things get in the way and slow down or even halt any forward movement in your dealings with others. But remember that Saturn is the cosmic teacher — take a moment to focus on those areas where the roadblocks and barriers are worst. Saturn wants you to roll up your sleeves and find a way to resolve those problems.

TUESDAY April 23rd 2013

On Tuesday the Venus-Saturn opposition continues to cast long shadows over all relationships, both at home and at work. Pay heed to the little problems which Saturn indicates need special attention now — before they grow into bigger relationship problems.

WEDNESDAY April 24th 2013

On Wednesday we come to the luckiest day of the week. ANTINOUS THE GAY GOD is in fortuitous aspects to Jupiter, Venus and Pluto while the Sun enjoys a dreamy sextile with intuitive Neptune. Follow your intuition ... this might be your lucky day to pick winning lottery numbers.

THURSDAY April 25th 2013

On Thursday the SCORPIO FULL MOON occurs during the first Lunar Eclipse of 2013. The Scorpio Full Moon is a moon for penetrating the veil of lies and illusion and seeing clearly who are your friends (and who are not) and also seeing yourself for what you are. For that reason, we call it the ENEMY MOON in Antinous Moon Magic. Meditations and rituals during the Scorpio Full Moon are best suited for helping you identify who and what your "enemies" are. This could indeed be a person who is your enemy, someone who is working against you, trying to impede your progress. But more often it represents the "inner enemy" — your own worst enemy sometimes being yourself. It represents habitual thought patterns, low self-esteem, irrational fears and other "enemies" which work against you. You must face and confront your enemy — especially if that means confronting your true self.

FRIDAY April 26th 2013

On Friday you can forget about getting any work done when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD goes VOID OF COURSE for 26 hours — causing delays, rescheduling, lost messages and missed opportunities. Remember we always say you should think of ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD as your favorite rock or pop star giving a concert. The VOC MOON is the break between sets. The singer goes back stage for a costume change and psychs themselves up for the next set. Meanwhile, the audience is waiting impatiently out front while video projections and doo-wah girls fill the interlude. That's what a VOID OF COURSE MOON feels like. Nothing much will happen during this VOC period — on the plus side, a VOC is perfect for meditation, dreamscaping and contact the spirit world.

SATURDAY April 27th 2013

On Saturday you get your annual lesson in patience when the Sun goes opposite Saturn. This happens once a year and always puts the spotlight on problem areas. This time around, the Sun is in Taurus and Saturn is in Scorpio. So the frustrations you experience most likely pertain to questions of trust and honesty involving money and stability. As always, the Sun is pointing a spotlight and Saturn is pointing a gnarly finger at the problems which you need to focus on.


Another exciting week lies ahead between April 29th and May 5th when Mercury flies into Taurus on May 1st — the first of its three sign changes this calendar month. More details next time ....

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



TONIGHT's Cancer First Quarter Moon is the Lunar Phase of reflection and insight which we call the NARCISSUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Narcissus Moon is the Lover of the Self. It is the Spirit which tunes out all distractions and all other people in order to focus on the Divinity within. It is the Spirit of Self-Love and Same-Sex Love.

It is forever gazing into its own reflection and whispering to itself: You are Divine! The reflection and the viewer are one and the same. The Spirit of Narcissus is the Divinity which holds a mirror up to ourselves.

It invites you to look into the depths of yourself — find your Spiritual Twin. You may call this twin your "Soul," "Higher Self," "KA," "Spirit Guide" or "Guardian Angel." The terminology is unimportant. What is important is that you become aware of your Second Self.

In the Religion of Antinous, we call this the NARCISSUS PRINCIPLE, which is one of the founding principles of our religion. It is at the basis of the Spirit of Homosexuality -- Love of the Divine Self.

Most of us go through life unaware of this Other Self. We do what is expected of us. We do what we feel others want us to do. We put the perceived wants and needs of others ahead of our own. We think that it's "selfish" to put our own interests first.

But the Narcissus Moon reminds us that there is another Self -- a Spiritual Self -- without which we are not spiritually whole. For it is only by "looking out for Number 1" that we are physically, mentally and spiritually able to love ourselves. And only then can we truly love others.

The Narcissus Moon invites you to take a deep and profound look at yourself, with all your strengths and all your weaknesses, all your virtues and all your faults, all your courageous achievements and all your failures. Become aware of your Spiritual Twin, so that together, as one spiritual entity, you can fulfill your destiny.

Meditations and rituals on this night are well suited for delving into your inner self, for exploring the spiritual being which dwells within. This is also a good time for determining whether you are perhaps too self-centered and introspective and whether you focus on yourself to the exclusion of others.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Antinous Astrology Forecast

April 11th to 21st, 2013

THURSDAY April 11th 2013

On Thursday the tempo down-shifts to a slower pace when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms a lazy sextile to dreamy Neptune and goes into tense opposition to intense Scorpio Saturn. Don't allow Scorp Saturn's suspicions and doubts put you in a depressed mood. Things will look brighter by the weekend.

FRIDAY April 12th 2013

On Friday the global political and economic turmoil redoubles when strong-willed Capricorn Pluto turns retrograde — going backwards as seen from the Earth until September 20, 2013. Some financial and political crises we thought had cooled off will begin boiling again. With Pluto in Capricorn, the focus is on who is in control. Major power struggles run rampant. Little countries threaten to upset the global financial system — an adolescent dictator tries to push superpowers around. This happens on the personal level too, of course, and everyone seems to be taunting and bullying you. Retrograde Pluto is a time to cut the anchor chain, drop ballast and set off on a course of your own. And if you can't do that, then just remember that bending your knee before tyrants doesn't mean bending your will to them. Pluto thinks in the long-term. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in the late 18th Century — the age of the US and French Revolutions. This time around, Capricorn Pluto is once again revolutionizing global political and economic structures. You can use the next five months to work on furthering your plans for where you want to end up in the new world order that will exist when Pluto leaves Capricorn — in 2023.

SATURDAY April 13th 2013

On Saturday you an expect intense dreams as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms an intuitive sextile to Mercury, which is hovering on the very last degree of dreamy Pisces. Pay close attention to your dreams as Pisces Mercury channels messages from the great unconsciousness to you before Sunday when ....

SUNDAY April 14th 2013

On Sunday you wake up with a clear mind and can't remember your dreams after Mercury leaves wispy Pisces and streaks into fiery Aries. The next three weeks, when Mercury is in Mars-ruled Aries, communications and business matters will be assertive and aggressive, blunt and to the point. Things will be fast and furious, exacerbating Mercury's natural tendency to fly off the mouth without thinking.

MONDAY April 15th 2013

On Monday you will want to savor the good things in life when love planet Venus leaves rambunctious Aries and settles into the comfort zone of Taurus. Relationships may lose their fiery edge as you down-shift to a more leisurely tempo. If Aries Venus launched you into a hot new relationship last month, Taurus Venus will encourage you to take that relationship to the next level of settling down together.

TUESDAY April 16th 2013

On Tuesday ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms dreamy aspects to Venus, Neptune and Saturn but squares off against Mercury. The result is a day when you tend to get a bit flustered and distracted from work, but things somehow managed to turn out all right by the end of the day.

WEDNESDAY April 17th 2013

On Wednesday you may be frustrated by lack of commitment to pressing work issues when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms tense aspects to Uranus and Pluto.

THURSDAY April 18th 2013

On Thursday ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is at right angles to the Sun for the CANCER FIRST QUARTER MOON which we call the "Narcissus Moon" of Antinous ... Narcissus is the Spirit which tunes out all distractions and all other people in order to focus on the Divinity within. This Lunar Phase is the Spirit of Self-Love and Same-Sex Love. It is forever gazing into its own reflection and whispering to itself: You are Divine! The reflection and the viewer are one and the same. The Spirit of Narcissus is the Divinity which holds a mirror up to ourselves.

FRIDAY April 19th 2013

On Friday Taurus Venus and Pisces Neptune create the right atmosphere for a date night when you just want to kick back and enjoy all the pleasures life has to offer — to excess. You have been warned.

SATURDAY/SUNDAY April 20th/21st 2013

This weekend you will notice a palpable shift in energies when both the Sun and Mars leave jumpy Aries and sail into more placid Taurus. The result of these three powerful planets in the Sign of the Bull can result in stubbornness and refusal to change attitudes — and a "Bull in the China Shop" tendency to smash resistance from others.


Another exciting week lies ahead between April 22nd and 28th when the SCORPIO FULL MOON occurs during the first Lunar Eclipse of 2013. The Scorpio Full Moon is a moon for penetrating the veil of lies and illusion and seeing clearly who are your friends (and who are not) and also seeing yourself for what you are. For that reason, we call it the ENEMY MOON in Antinous Moon Magic. Meditations and rituals during the Scorpio Full Moon are best suited for helping you identify who and what your "enemies" are. This could indeed be a person who is your enemy, someone who is working against you, trying to impede your progress. But more often it represents the "inner enemy" — your own worst enemy sometimes being yourself. It represents habitual thought patterns, low self-esteem, irrational fears and other "enemies" which work against you. You must face and confront your enemy — especially if that means confronting your true self. More details next time ....

Tuesday, April 9, 2013



TONIGHT Antinous the Moon God aligns with his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte for the Aries New Moon which we call the FASCES MOON.

The Aries New Moon is the moon of abrupt beginnings which may not be followed through, and of things said which are later regretted, of capricious actions — shoot first, ask questions later. If you have been stalling on starting something new ... now is the time to go for it. Others will warn you that you should exercise caution ... but the Fasces Moon says "no pain, no gain" and urges you to press forward.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Fasces Moon is the embodiment of blunt forcefulness. This spirit is plain-spoken, candid, spares no feelings and is not afraid to humiliate or offend. It is sharp-tongued and aggressive. It carries a weapon and is not afraid to use it.

It metes out punishment and retribution willingly and without hesitation. It enjoys inflicting pain. It uses pain as its keenest and sharpest weapon, because pain elicits a reflexive response where lesser warnings may go unheeded.

This Spirit holds a knife to your throat and says: No pain, no gain! It wields a sword and shouts: Might makes right! It skillfully uses a scalpel to cut out a cancerous growth, saying: This will hurt terribly, but it will save your life!

The ancient Roman fasces was- a bundle of wooden sticks with an ax blade emerging from the center, which is an image that traditionally symbolizes the force of Roman law and might.

They were carried by the lictors who accompanied the magistrates. The ax represents the force of punishment and the power over life or death.

During times of emergencies when the Roman Republic declared a dictatorship (dictatura), lictors attending to the dictator kept the ax-blades even inside the Pomerium -- a sign that the dictator wielded ultimate force of law and could mete out punishment as he saw fit.

Meditations and rituals tonight should focus on new projects or new beginnings. Perhaps you want to break a habit or undertake a bold new enterprise. Tonight's Fasces Moon gives you the kick-start you need to go ahead.

This is also a good night to focus on areas in your life where assertiveness is out of balance ... perhaps you are being overly assertive. But more likely, you are deficient in self-assertiveness.

Many gay men have a hard time asserting themselves. We equate assertiveness with "aggression" and "being a bully." And so, many of us gay men go through our lives trying to stifle and suppress any sort of assertiveness. We try to be good little boys -- all of our lives.

And yet -- each of us is born with Fasces Moon  energy in abundance. It always finds a way to get out and exert itself. If we spend our lives suppressing this energy, then it seeps out in destructive ways. We have problems with pent-up rage. We have problems with self-destructive habits. We build an impenetrable shield of fear and disdain around ourselves.

We are afraid of being hurt. And we are afraid of hurting others. So we hurt ourselves instead. Our lives turn into chaos.

The Fasces Moon is about standing up for yourself and confronting your fears -- above all, your fear of baring your true self to others. It is about turning your weaknesses into your strengths. It is about transforming destructive energies into constructive ones. It is about finding ... and fulfilling ... your destiny ....

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Antinous Astrology Forecast

April 4th to 14th, 2013

THURSDAY April 4th 2013

On Thursday you find inventive and highly clever solutions to daily problems when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD enters cognitively-enhanced Aquarius to round out this somewhat awkward work week on a productive note Thursday and Friday.

FRIDAY April 5th 2013

On Friday you'll be itching to leave work and go out and over-indulge in party fun when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a festive trine with joyous Jupiter. Go ahead ... it's Friday night, date night.

SATURDAY/SUNDAY April 6th/7th 2013

This weekend will surely be remembered as the hottest and sexiest weekend of 2013 ... when Mars and Venus align in perfect conjunction all weekend long — an alignment which occurs only every two years or so. And the fact that this Venus/Mars union is occurring in the fiery sign of Aries makes it all the more special. Aries is about new beginnings, springtime frolicking, sowing wild oats and taking risks. So don't be surprised if you lock eyes with someone across a crowded dance floor — and it is like teenage puppy love all over again ... regardless of your age.

MONDAY April 8th 2013

On Monday you should pay attention to your dreams ... and daydreams ... when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns with Mercury in the intuitive sign of Pisces. Most people ignore their daydreams ... but this is a day when you should heed them.

TUESDAY April 9th 2013

On Tuesday you should expect the unexpected ... anything might happen when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with unpredictable Uranus and is also in a sextile with exaggeration-prone Jupiter and (a bit later) squares off against revolution-minded Pluto. Globally, this is a recipe for unrest and conflict. In your personal life this can lead to sudden outbursts and unpleasant surprises.

WEDNESDAY April 10th 2013

On Wednesday it is definitely time for spontaneous new beginnings when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns with his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte for the ARIES NEW MOON which we call the FASCES MOON. The Aries New Moon is the moon of abrupt beginnings which may not be followed through, and of things said which are later regretted, of capricious actions — shoot first, ask questions later. If you have been stalling on starting something new ... now is the time to go for it. Others will warn you that you should exercise caution ... but the Fasces Moon says "no pain, no gain" and urges you to press forward.

THURSDAY April 11th 2013

On Thursday the tempo down-shifts to a slower pace when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms a lazy sextile to dreamy Neptune and goes into tense opposition to intense Scorpio Saturn. Don't allow Scorp Saturn's suspicions and doubts put you in a depressed mood. Things will look brighter by the weekend.

FRIDAY April 12th 2013

On Friday the global political and economic pressure eases off when Pluto turns retrograde — going backwards as seen from the Earth until September 20, 2013. What pressure? With Pluto in Capricorn, the issue is who's in control. Major power struggles run rampant. So some relief from that would be very welcome indeed. During the retrograde periods we can expect life to be a little more like normal. There aren't so many people in your face all the time and the male posturing that's happening on the world scale recedes into talk of how to make peace work so we can get on with the job of living. We can use these times to work on furthering our plans for where we want to end up in the new world order that will exist when Pluto leaves Capricorn — in 2023.

SATURDAY April 13th 2013

On Saturday you an expect intense dreams as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms an intuitive sextile to Mercury, which is hovering on the very last degree of dreamy Pisces. Pay close attention to your dreams as Pisces Mercury channels messages from the great unconsciousness to you before Sunday when ....

SUNDAY April 14th 2013

On Sunday you wake up with a clear mind and can't remember your dreams after Mercury leaves wispy Pisces and streaks into fiery Aries. The next three weeks, when Mercury is in Mars-ruled Aries, communications and business matters will be assertive and aggressive, blunt and to the point. Things will be fast and furious, exacerbating Mercury's natural tendency to fly off the mouth without thinking.


Another exciting week lies ahead between April 15th and 21st when the rumors hit the fan with a conjunction alignment between chatty Mercury and impulsive Uranus in tactless Aries. Also next week, both the Sun and Venus enter the placid and comfy turf of Taurus for a month of pleasant relation. More details next time ....

Tuesday, April 2, 2013



TONIGHT's Capricorn Third Quarter Moon is the Lunar Phase which, in Antinous Moon Magic, we call the HADRIAN'S WALL MOON of stubborn intransigence and immovable barriers.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Hadrian's Wall Lunar Phase is the embodiment of hindrances and blockages.

It is the personification of all that stands in your way. It is all barriers and obstacles to progress.

This Spirit locks you up in a prison cell, either literally or figuratively.

It rises up like a mountain to see if you have the stamina and ingenuity to scale it or get around it. But remember that Hadrian's Wall was not impregnable. It was not particularly high. It was not meant to be an impenetrable barrier, but only a hindrance to mass assault or rampant smuggling of goods and livestock.

Thus this Spirit is not insurmountable. It can be overcome, a way can be found around, under, over or through it. This Spirit challenges you to find that way.

The key words are: Barrier. Hindrance. Setback. Confinement. Blockage. Unyielding stubbornness.

This can be a physical barrier, but it can also be an emotional, financial, job or relationship "prison" which blocks your progress.

Meditations and rituals conducted tonight are best suited for focusing on blockages in your life, situations and issues which prevent you from moving forward. 

These can be manifested by persons or situations around you. But most often, we find during meditations on this night that we have erected prison walls around ourselves, we are blocking ourselves from the freedom we so earnestly desire. 

This Lunar Phase is saying it is time to break out!