FOR tonight's CONSORTIUM MOON, which shines its moonbeams on interpersonal relationships, I would suggest:
They regulate fluids in the body and aid cell reproduction in blood.
Thursday is not only US Thanksgiving but also the birthday of Antinous, who was born on this date in 111 AD in Bithynia, modern-day Turkey. And this year it is a particularly spontaneous and surprise-filled day because Venus is in a rosy trine aspect to Uranus. This is a recipe for impromptu meetings with unexpected guests. You encounter strangers who turn out to be long-lost soul mates ... or at least they are people you would like to become your soul mate.
On Friday Mercury leaves dour Scorpio and wings its way into high-spirited Sagittarius. No matter what your Sun sign is, this abrupt change will lighten your spirits. It is like tossing and turning all night and then seeing the pink glow of dawn on the eastern horizon. Everything will be better. Now, this does not mean that Scorpio Mercury is bad. On the contrary, Scorpio Mercury urges you to probe into deep thoughts and dig out the truth, even if it is unpleasant. That is very important. But Sagittarius Mercury urges you to look on the bright side, to find joy in your life and pursue the light at the end of the tunnel. The only disadvantage to Sadge Mercury is a certain tendency to be so busy talking about the light at the end of the tunnel that you miss the freeway exit to the tunnel — but Sagittarius Mercury is always optimistic and will find an innovative way to reach the destination.
On Saturday we come to the Pisces First Quarter Moon. In Antinous Moon Magic this is the "Consortium Moon" of partnership, commitment and belonging ... it is symbolized by the wedding ring ... Because it always occurs towards the end of the year, the Consortium Moon represents the cyclical nature of the year, the ending of one year and the beginning of a new year ... Tonight is a beneficent night for meditation or rituals concerning relationships and all things that are bound by a circle of togetherness ... In health matters, it refers to blood and the circulatory system ... This is the Lunar phase of the Circle of Life, the inter-connectedness of all things.
On Sunday you can expect to feel a need for cocooning and nesting and generally spending time at home in front of a cozy fire when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is at right angles to Venus while being positively aspected to Mars and Saturn. Don't bother making big plans. Take a relaxing bath and just chill.
On Monday disagreements and misunderstandings kick off the new work week when Mercury (mind) and Neptune (subconscious) are at right angles to each other even as arrogant Mars is in a strong sextile aspect to stubborn Saturn.
On Tuesday you zip through the day in giant strides when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms positive aspects with spontaneous Uranus, vivacious Venus and optimistic Jupiter.
On Wednesday you will want to enjoy the sweeter side of life when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD empowers you to strive to realize your dreams by forming a 90-degree square aspect to Mars and a sextile aspect to dreamy Neptune.
On Thursday you might want to purchase a lottery ticket when Venus is in a trine with lucky Jupiter even as the optimistic Sagittarius Sun forms a trine with winner-take-all Uranus. Not only is this Venus/Jupiter configuration good for making money, but it also greatly enhances chances of love and romance. So, go ahead — take a chance on love.
On Friday Mars leaves stodgy Capricorn and enters rational, logical Aquarius — the Warrior Planet Mars becomes First Officer Spock! Aquarius Mars carries out his "battles" on a highly cerebral level. This is the nerd gamer who loves 3-D chess and role-playing games. Mars in Aquarius signals a time when emotions are sublimated as people engage in mind games. That is not a bad thing — as long as people don't get so caught up in the chatter of their brains that they forget to listen to their hearts.
On Saturday we come to the December Full Moon ... The Gemini Full Moon is the CATAMITUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic, the moon signaling where change will occur in your life during the coming year. This is a powerfully magical moon for working gay magical spells in the Gemini areas of friendships, finances and getting in contact with prospective lovers.
Sunday is perfect for a brunch or other social gathering of friends when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms party-prone aspects to Jupiter and Venus.
Another exciting week lies ahead between December 8 and 14 when we come to the we come to the Virgo Third Quarter Moon, which brings down powerful healing energies. In Antinous Moon Magic we call this the AESCULAPIUS MOON in honor of the Classical god of the physician's art. Meditation and rituals carried out tonight are ideal for bringing down healing energies for yourself and those you love .... More details next time ....
On Thursday you see the world through rose-colored glasses when Venus forms a 90-degree square angle to Neptune. This is a good day for smooth-talking gigolos who pay fanciful compliments to you — and you find yourself actually believing them ... And why not? Is that such a bad thing? Why not enjoy the fantasy as long as it lasts ... and as long as you know it's a fantasy?
On Friday the work week culminates in the perfect day for a job interview or for a presentation of a special project. Mercury is in a good sextile to Mars to help you get your point across articulately and strongly to others.
On Saturday the Sun enters Sagittarius and only about 10 minutes later ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte for the SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON. In Antinous Moon Magic, this is the lunar phase we call the FORTUNA MOON. This is the classic good luck moon of the astrological year.
On Sunday beware of online websites that promote gross exaggerations or promises that sound too good to be true — because most likely they aren't true. That's because Mercury and Jupiter are at right angles on Sunday.
On Monday the work week gets off to a fortuitous start when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms a trine aspect with luky Jupiter. Pay no attention to chronic complainers and follow your inner compass to your own future.
On Tuesday don't be surprised when seeming setbacks turn out to be blessings in disguise when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in positive aspects to dreamy Neptune and no-nonsense Pluto but is in a tense configuration with surprise-filled Uranus.
On Wednesday your brain becomes finely honed to precision thinking when Mercury aligns in perfect conjunction with Saturn in incisive Scorpio. You see clearly into the darkest cranny of any difficult situation.
Thursday is not only US Thanksgiving but also the birthday of Antinous, who was born on this date in 111 AD in Bithynia, modern-day Turkey. And this year it is a particularly spontaneous and surprise-filled day because Venus is in a rosy trine aspect to Uranus. This is a recipe for impromptu meetings with unexpected guests. You encounter strangers who turn out to be long-lost soul mates ... or at least they are people you would like to become your soul mate.
On Friday Mercury leaves dour Scorpio and wings its way into high-spirited Sagittarius. No matter what your Sun sign is, this abrupt change will lighten your spirits. It is like tossing and turning all night and then seeing the pink glow of dawn on the eastern horizon. Everything will be better. Now, this does not mean that Scorpio Mercury is bad. On the contrary, Scorpio Mercury urges you to probe into deep thoughts and dig out the truth, even if it is unpleasant. That is very important. But Sagittarius Mercury urges you to look on the bright side, to find joy in your life and pursue the light at the end of the tunnel. The only disadvantage to Sadge Mercury is a certain tendency to be so busy talking about the light at the end of the tunnel that you miss the freeway exit to the tunnel — but Sagittarius Mercury is always optimistic and will find an innovative way to reach the destination.
On Saturday we come to the Pisces First Quarter Moon. In Antinous Moon Magic this is the "Consortium Moon" of partnership, commitment and belonging ... it is symbolized by the wedding ring ... Because it always occurs towards the end of the year, the Consortium Moon represents the cyclical nature of the year, the ending of one year and the beginning of a new year ... Tonight is a beneficent night for meditation or rituals concerning relationships and all things that are bound by a circle of togetherness ... In health matters, it refers to blood and the circulatory system ... This is the Lunar phase of the Circle of Life, the inter-connectedness of all things.
On Sunday you can expect to feel a need for cocooning and nesting and generally spending time at home in front of a cozy fire when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is at right angles to Venus while being positively aspected to Mars and Saturn. Don't bother making big plans. Take a relaxing bath and just chill.
Another exciting week lies ahead between December 1 and 7 when we come to the December Full Moon ... The Gemini Full Moon is the CATAMITUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic, the moon signaling where change will occur in your life during the coming year. This is a powerfully magical moon for working gay magical spells in the Gemini areas of friendships, finances and getting in contact with prospective lovers .... More details next time ....
1. Joy/excess - Alexandrite Beryl (shown above). It brings joy and expands creativity.
2. Channeling - Angelite. It facilitates contact with the spirits and angels.
3. Fearful surprises - Orange Calcite. It removes fear and balances the emotions.
4. Positive surprises - Emerald. It enhances the enjoyment of the world and all it brings.
5. Good fortune - Sunstone. It helps you to link with benevolent gods and good fortune.
6. Positive manifestation - Citrine. It helps you to accept the positive flow of energies that will take you to where you sub-consciously (or even consciously) know you really need to be (physically, emotionally or spiritually).
Love and Light
To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE. |
It is very hard for most LGBTIU people to muster up self-confidence and self-assertiveness. If we speak up or assert ourselves, we think we are being aggressive and nasty. We are used to being nice, good, well-behaved people.
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We tend to repress our "Mars Energy" and try to ignore it. But Mars is in the natal horoscope of every person on this planet -- even nice, good, well-behaved gay boys like us. A certain amount of self-confidence and self-assertiveness is very healthy and good for us.If we try to repress this gods-given natal energy, then the aggression turns inwards.
This is the most explosive week of the year when Mars aligns in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn before squaring off against Uranus on Thursday — there might literally be explosions or at least volcanic eruptions when the warrior god teams up with the lord of the underworld and is at odds with unpredictable Uranus. Pent-up anger bursts out into all-out armed conflict. This is a classic textbook recipe for terrorist attacks. It definitely spells trouble for the world's hot spots such as the Mideast and the Ukraine. And it does not bode well for the Ebola outbreak either. On the personal level, you need to be on guard for outbursts of rage. The important thing is to be aware where your rage is coming from. Don't vent your rage on innocent victims. Instead, be consciously aware of the source of your anger so that you can harness the powerful energies of Mars/Pluto/Uranus to carry out constructive projects you have been stalling on for way too long.
On Friday we come to the Leo Third Quarter Moon, which is called the BACCHANALIA MOON in Antinous Moon Magic for its gifts of transcendence ... This Lunar Phase reflects those festivals of peering into other worlds and states of being ... a restless time of high-spirited indulgence, sometimes fun, sometimes slightly scary and always capable of unleashing powerful spirits ... On a mundane level, it refers to putting on a disguise and "having a good time". On a spiritual level, it refers to entering an altered state to commune with the divine, thus this Lunar Phase is the best time of the year for trance visions.
On Saturday the fog bank rolls in when Neptune goes Direct. Nebulous Neptune ... the planet of illusion and confusion ... has been retrograde since June 9, which has required us to get real for the last five months. Neptune is the dreamy planet, which at its best makes us see beyond the tangible world and explore spirituality, faith and fantasy. The dark side of Neptune is that its love of illusion can inspire us to escape to alternate realities we've created for ourselves ... a.k.a. delusions. So yes, with Neptune moving direct it can once again encourage us to live in denial. We all have specific fears and hangups we don't want to deal with ... perhaps you ignore nagging financial issues or tell yourself that your less-than-satisfying romantic relationship is exactly what you need. Chances are, Neptune is behind any excuses you invent to support these ideas. The good news about Neptune Direct is that overt expressions of idealism, compassion, imagination and spirituality come more easily with Neptune's forward turn. Dreams held silently in our hearts may slowly rise to the surface where we can take steps to turn them into reality.
On Sunday Venus soars into jovial Sagittarius, leaving behind the murky moodiness of Scorpio for another year. Sagittarius Venus is supremely optimistic and eager to give everybody the benefit of the doubt when it comes to trust in matters of love. This is in stark contrast to wary suspicions which abounded when Venus was in Scorpio. From now until December 10th, Sadge Venus encourages you to give love a chance.
Overnight Monday/Tuesday we come to our annual reality check when the Sun aligns with Saturn. This year's Sun/Saturn rendezvous is in the incisive sign of Scorpio, the Zodiac's bank vault of hidden secrets. So the Sun and Saturn serve as a high-power spotlight to illuminate every dark corner, every dirty secret, every sneaky subterfuge, every underhanded trick. It is the day when all the skeletons are hauled out of your closet and given a good and thorough dusting off ... and a style make-over if needed. Yes, that is the secret to coping with this Scorpio Sun/Saturn conjunction: Haul out all the other junk that has accumulated over the past year and toss out everything that is no longer useful ... and repair, refurbish and restyle the things in your life which can be useful to you in the coming 12 months ... until the Sun and Saturn meet up again.
On Wednesday don't forget to buy a mid-week lottery ticket when ANTINOUS THE GAY GOD forms a fortuitous sextile aspect with lucky Jupiter. Remember what the Romans said: "audica favet fortuna" ... fortune favors the audacious.
On Thursday you see the world through rose-colored glasses when Venus forms a 90-degree square angle to Neptune. This is a good day for smooth-talking gigolos who pay fanciful compliments to you — and you find yourself actually believing them ... And why not? Is that such a bad thing? Why not enjoy the fantasy as long as it lasts ... and as long as you know it's a fantasy?
On Friday the work week culminates in the perfect day for a job interview or for a presentation of a special project. Mercury is in a good sextile to Mars to help you get your point across articulately and strongly to others.
On Saturday the Sun enters Sagittarius and only about 10 minutes later ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte for the SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON. In Antinous Moon Magic, this is the lunar phase we call the FORTUNA MOON. This is the classic good luck moon of the astrological year.
On Sunday beware of online websites that promote gross exaggerations or promises that sound too good to be true — because most likely they aren't true. That's because Mercury and Jupiter are at right angles on Sunday.
Another exciting week lies ahead between November 24 and 30 when Mercury leaves spooky Scorpio and wings his way into cheerful Sagittarius in time for Thanksgiving in the US and when we come to the Pisces First Quarter Moon. In Antinous Moon Magic this is the "Consortium Moon" of partnership, commitment and belonging ... it is symbolized by the wedding ring ... Because it always occurs towards the end of the year, the Consortium Moon represents the cyclical nature of the year, the ending of one year and the beginning of a new year ... Tonight is a beneficent night for meditation or rituals concerning relationships and all things that are bound by a circle of togetherness ... In health matters, it refers to blood and the circulatory system ... This is the Lunar phase of the Circle of Life, the inter-connectedness of all things .... More details next time ....
Overnight Thursday/Friday we come to the TAURUS FULL MOON. That is the lunar phase which, in Antinous Moon Magic, is called the HADRIAN's VILLA MOON. This is a way for Antinous the Gay God to help you find your spiritual home, the celestial palace you have made for yourself. This Moon is aimed at helping you focus and center your spiritual heart.
On Saturday Mercury re-enters Scorpio after having temporarily backed out of the sign of the scorpion in September during its Retrograde phase. After the light and diplomatic banter of Mercury in Libra, conversations deepen now as the communication planet moves into the fixed and secretive waters of Scorpio. Much of our mental processing will now be taking place behind-the-scenes, which could make business dealings a tad uncomfortable to say the least. You must become a very good face reader, strategist and psychic to really work this transit to your advantage. Mercury in Scorpio is all about getting to the bottom line and plummeting to the core of the truth. Our psyches are now more attuned to the hidden motives, agendas and ulterior motives of others.We may also be looking for things that aren't there, just to protect ourselves. When Mercury is in Scorpio, our minds are more locked into the fear of loss and the need to keep that which we have under control — especially when money is involved. Scorpio is one of the most resourceful signs of the zodiac, but also on the defense when it comes to protecting what has been built through time and sustained efforts.
We're all more prone to feel like "don't mess with our money" during this phase, so now is not the time to spontaneously ask for a raise or bonus. It's better to use this influence to have the challenging conversations around money that require getting to the bottom of a very complex financial structure that needs deep and long-term change.
Now is the time to talk about all of those shadows and skeletons in the closet. They will be crawling out and rearing their head regardless, so why not work with them so they don’t work against you?
On Sunday indulgent Venus squares excessive Jupiter. If you are planning to go to an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast ... then you will pig out because it's easy to fall victim to temptation during this configuration. We need to be wary of overdoing it with rich food, intoxicating drinks and other "vices." It will be difficult switching gears and getting back to work. There's even a possibility we’ll forget responsibilities altogether. This isn't a good time to make luxury purchases. A sports car could require costly repair, a gourmet meal may be less than satisfying or an expensive outfit may be made with inferior materials. Wait another day to splurge. Getting good value for money will be very difficult under this configuration.
This is the most explosive week of the year when Mars aligns in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn overnight Monday/Tuesday before squaring off against Uranus on Wednesday — there might literally be explosions or at least volcanic eruptions when the warrior god teams up with the lord of the underworld and is at odds with unpredictable Uranus. Pent-up anger bursts out into all-out armed conflict. This is a classic textbook recipe for terrorist attacks. It definitely spells trouble for the world's hot spots such as the Mideast and the Ukraine. And it does not bode well for the Ebola outbreak either. On the personal level, you need to be on guard for outbursts of rage. The important thing is to be aware where your rage is coming from. Don't vent your rage on innocent victims. Instead, be consciously aware of the source of your anger so that you can harness the powerful energies of Mars/Pluto/Uranus to carry out constructive projects you have been stalling on for way too long.
On Friday we come to the Leo Third Quarter Moon, which is called the BACCHANALIA MOON in Antinous Moon Magic for its gifts of transcendence ... This Lunar Phase reflects those festivals of peering into other worlds and states of being ... a restless time of high-spirited indulgence, sometimes fun, sometimes slightly scary and always capable of unleashing powerful spirits ... On a mundane level, it refers to putting on a disguise and "having a good time". On a spiritual level, it refers to entering an altered state to commune with the divine, thus this Lunar Phase is the best time of the year for trance visions.
On Saturday the fog bank rolls in when Neptune goes Direct. Nebulous Neptune ... the planet of illusion and confusion ... has been retrograde since June 9, which has required us to get real for the last five months. Neptune is the dreamy planet, which at its best makes us see beyond the tangible world and explore spirituality, faith and fantasy. The dark side of Neptune is that its love of illusion can inspire us to escape to alternate realities we've created for ourselves ... a.k.a. delusions. So yes, with Neptune moving direct it can once again encourage us to live in denial. We all have specific fears and hangups we don't want to deal with ... perhaps you ignore nagging financial issues or tell yourself that your less-than-satisfying romantic relationship is exactly what you need. Chances are, Neptune is behind any excuses you invent to support these ideas. The good news about Neptune Direct is that overt expressions of idealism, compassion, imagination and spirituality come more easily with Neptune's forward turn. Dreams held silently in our hearts may slowly rise to the surface where we can take steps to turn them into reality.
On Sunday Venus soars into jovial Sagittarius, leaving behind the murky moodiness of Scorpio for another year. Sagittarius Venus is supremely optimistic and eager to give everybody the benefit of the doubt when it comes to trust in matters of love. This is in stark contrast to wary suspicions which abounded when Venus was in Scorpio. From now until December 10th, Sadge Venus encourages you to give love a chance.
Another exciting week lies ahead between November 17 and 23 when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte for the SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON. In Antinous Moon Magic, this is the lunar phase we call the FORTUNA MOON. This is the classic good luck moon of the astrological year we come to the .... More details next time ....