Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Weekly Sacred Astrology Forecast

MAY 31 to JUNE 10, 2012

THURSDAY May 31st 2012

Overnight Wednesday and Thursday Gemini Mercury moves into a 90-degree right angle aspect to no-nonsense Virgo Mars. This square aspect dominates both days and, indeed, tinges the whole week to come. Many astrologers say that this aspect is when people sharpen their swords. But in my experience in casting gay horoscopes, I find that a Mercury/Mars square involving chatty Gemini and overly critical Virgo indicates that people will be sharpening their tongues to use as weapons! Remember that lovely line from "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde (who is a Saint of Antinous, by the way): "On an occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak one's mind. It becomes a pleasure." This is an aspect which encourages people to say vicious and intentionally hurtful things. People are overly persnickety and bitchy and downright mean. You'll be amazed how true this is. And if you want to remain above the fray, just remember when something cruel is on the tip of your tongue to bite your tongue. That's because Gemini will move into a kissy aspect with Venus on Friday and you don't want to say something on Thursday that you'll regret this coming weekend ....

FRIDAY JUNE 1st 2012

On Friday you'll be glad you bit your vicious tongue Thursday, and refrained from uttering dissy remarks, because Mercury aligns in conjunction with love planet Venus on Friday in time for the weekend. Gemini Mercury is very chatty and Gemini Venus is in the mood for a party. And because Venus is Retrograde (going "backwards" as seen from the Earth), don't be surprised if you look across a crowded dance floor and see someone from your past, an old flame you lost touch with, someone you always wanted to see again so you could tell him how much he meant to you back then. Tonight's the night for a potentially hot reunion.


On Saturday the passion that was kindled on Friday flares into something really hot when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms sexy sextiles to horny Mars and determined Pluto. Whether you go shopping or out to the clubs -- you'll definitely find what you are looking for.

SUNDAY JUNE 3rd 2012

On Sunday your appetites for food, sex and every other appetite go right off the scale when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in opposition to exaggeration-prone Jupiter and square to Neptune, planet of addictions. You may find yourself going overboard. Be careful with alcohol and other substances of choice.

MONDAY JUNE 4th 2012

On Monday the SAGITTARIUS FULL MOON opens your mind and your heart to spiritual wonders. In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC we call this Full Moon the DENARIUS MOON because it refers not only to material riches but most especially to your inner storehouse of resources. Also on Monday Neptune does an about-face on Monday and goes Retrograde from now until November 11th. Retrograde Neptune in intuitive Pisces means there will be an atmosphere of nostalgia and yearning for the goold old days from now until the second week of November — which means the US presidential campaign will be dominated by a desire to return to those "good old days" — which were not all that good to start with. The combination of the SAGITTARIUS FULL MOON and Retrograde Neptune means that Monday is possibly the best day of the year to get in touch with your elders — whether living or not. The stars are opening the portals between the worlds for you to contact your ancestral spirits, guardians, or past-life soul mates. On the mundane level, it's a good day to call your grandparents. You may be surprised at the Sagittarian wealth of advice they have to offer.


On Tuesday/Wednesday, one of the most extraordinary celestial events occurs when the orb of Venus passes directly in front of the face of the sun. Basically an "eclipse," this event is called a VENUS OCCULTATION and occurs in pairs eight years apart only every 121 years! Indeed, only six such events have occurred since the invention of the telescope (1631,1639, 1761,1769, 1874 and 1882). The first part of this current pair of Venus Eclipses took place in 2004, and the one in 2012 will be visible over Eastern Asia and Australia (early Wednesday) as well as the west coast of North America (sunset Tuesday evening). These occultations only ever occur in November and June. Astrologically, Venus has to do with interpersonal relationships, both social and financial. So Gemini Venus crossing the face of the sun strongly impacts social and business interaction. Just look at the last occultation in the years 1874-82 — that was when the invention of the telephone began to revolutionize the world. Now fast-forward to the VENUS OCCULTATION of 2004-12 — and you can see that the social networking revolution coincides with those years. Venus is signalling that the next 121 years will see a revolution in interactive networking, just as the past 121 years were dominated by the telephone.


On Thursday, Mercury leaves its home base of Gemini and plunges into the emotional depths of Cancer. You can expect communications over the next three weeks to be less friendly/excited, and instead more mushy/romantic. Cancer is the sign of family and homebodies. Call your mother!

FRIDAY JUNE 8th 2012

On Friday, the work week ends on on an antigonistic note when the Su and Mars are in a 90-degree right angle. You can expect to be defensive and annoyed by others, especially by authority figures.


On Saturday, romance is in the air when Mercury is in a flirty trine with Retrograde Pisces Neptune. You can expect to hear from an old flame or to rekindle an old romance.

SUNDAY JUNE 10th 2012

On Sunday, the weekend ends on a dreamy note when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in nice aspects to Mercury and Pluto and in a tense square to Retrograde Venus. The old flame who contacted you yesterday is still in your thoughts and you will want to take definite steps to rekindle that romance.


An exciting week lies ahead between June 11th and 17th, when Jupiter leaves plodding Taurus, where it has been for the past 12 months, and enters exuberant Gemini. That means social networking will get a tremendous boost from exaggeration-prone Jupiter in propaganda-prone Gemini during the coming 12 months. More details next time ....

Wednesday, May 30, 2012



OVERNIGHT Wednesday and Thursday Gemini Mercury moves into a 90-degree right angle aspect to no-nonsense Virgo Mars. This square aspect dominates both days and, indeed, tinges the whole week to come. 

Many astrologers say that this aspect is when people sharpen their swords. But in my experience in casting gay horoscopes, I find that a Mercury/Mars square involving chatty Gemini and overly critical Virgo indicates that people will be sharpening their tongues to use as weapons! 

Remember that wonderfully bitchy line from "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde (who is a Saint of Antinous, by the way): "On an occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak one's mind. It becomes a pleasure." 

This is an aspect which encourages people to say vicious and intentionally hurtful things. People are overly persnickety and bitchy and downright mean. You'll be amazed how true this is. 

Each of us have Mercurial and Martian energies involved in a tug-of-war inside of us. For more insights into your own inner Mercury and Mars energies, check out Dr. Shankar Adawal's brilliant book "Know About Mars and Mercury".
Meantime, if you want to remain above the fray this week, just remember when something cruel is on the tip of your tongue to bite your tongue. 

That's because Gemini will move into a kissy aspect with Venus on Friday and you don't want to say something on Thursday that you'll regret this coming weekend ....

More details tomorrow!

Monday, May 28, 2012


ON MONDAY it's time for something completely different when Gemini Mercury and the Gemini Sun both form surprise-filled sextiles to impulsive Uranus. You will want a change of scenery and a total change from your usual routine. Now is the time for a big change and you will be brimming with great ideas to implement change.

Ah, but you ask yourself: "If this is such a positive day, why am I feeling so sad?"

For the answer, look down the right-hand column on this page to the "CURRENT MOON" box. It shows the right-hand half of the Moon illuminated and the left-hand side dark.

This is the VIRGO FIRST QUARTER MOON, which we call the MOON OF MELANCHOLY. Each phase of the Moon represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype in ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC. The Spirit of the Moon of Melancholy is the Spirit of Despondency and Despair. It is the worrier, the pouter, the Spirit which feels guilty and inadequate.

It is the negative side of Virgo, not the caring and dutiful side, but rather the side which frets and mopes and feels inadequate for the task at hand. It is sadness for the sake of sadness, without cause. It is the Spirit of Chronic Depression.

In English-speaking countries, "Melancholy" is almost a dirty word. Puritan upbringing has conditioned us to grin and bear it, to adopt a stiff upper lip attitude. But suppressing this feeling is as bad as wallowing in it. 

Other cultures are not so uptight about acknowledging this feeling of sadness. They realize it is a necessary part of life. It is what the French call "larmoyance" a lovely word which rolls off your tongue so languidly. It describes a lack of joy, a vague feeling that life is not what it should be. It is Peggy Lee singing that minor-key ballad "Is That All There Is?" 

This moon signals those areas of your life where things are not going well and you have a right to sing the blues. But it also signals those moments when we wallow in self-sorrow and almost enjoy brow-beatingaourselves for no good reason.  

Don't suppress this sadness, but don't wallow in it. Instead, savor it for a moment and discern what your gay spiritual heart is trying to tell you. ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD uses this lunar phase to invite you to reflect on those parts of your life or your living and job environment which may be making you sad. You may come to the realization that the sadness you are feeling is not coming from within yourself, but rather that it is originating elsewhere — coming from someone else or from some other situation.

As you know, many gay people are highly sensitive to the emotions of others, and to the "vibes" of a location or situation. You know how you can enter a space, such as a room or a house, and you immediately sense whether it is a cheerful or a sad place. You know how the sadness of others can affect you — even at great distances.

You may be feeling sadness and then the phone rings and it is a special person who needs consolation, and you realize that the melancholy you were feeling had its origins with that person, not with yourself.

Most people ignore such "coincidences." But this sensitivity is an integral part of ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC. That is why the "Moon of Melancholy" is important. It is the best time of the year for meditation and rituals concerning sadness — in yourself and in others.

Examine your own life and see if where the source of your sadness lies. The Gemini Sun and Mercury are both in change-promiting aspects to change-loving Uranus.

If you find the source of sadness in your life, then these planetary aspects are providing you with the energy to effect changes which will move you out of melancholy into the next lunar phase — the SAGITTARIUS FULL MOON next week, which is the phase we call the DENARIUS MOON — the time of acknowledgement of inner and outer wealth.

More about that coming up ....  

Sunday, May 27, 2012


ON SUNDAY Mercury aligns in conjunction with the Sun. Old astrology texts dating back to Ancient Rome call this a potentially hazardous time, and speak of a "Scorched Mercury" which impairs communications and judgment. 

But in ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC, we see that very differently. This Sun/Mercury conjunction is indeed intense, but in a positive way. Antinous/Mercury focuses the gay spiritual light of his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte right at you. 

Open your spiritual heart to the light and joy and permit it to burn away all doubt and all fear and trepidation. 

Most people live in spiritual darkness. They are like people who live in caves and are afraid of sunlight because it hurts their eyes. But should we shun the light and stay in the cave with them? 

Antinous/Mercury says it's safe to open your spiritual eyes — and spiritual heart — and become accustomed to the light.

Friday, May 25, 2012


A MYSTERIOUS Ancient Egyptian papyrus with mystical occult listings of "lucky" and "unlucky" days has provided a team of modern astronomers with proof that star-gazers 3,000 years ago were aware of the periodicity of binary variable stars.

A report on studies of the "Demon star" Algol by a research group from the University of Helsinki, Finland, stunned the astronomical community this week by indicating that the Ancient Egyptians had calculated the periodicity of Algo.
The Emperor Hadrian is known to have been fascinated by astronomy and astrology and even cast his own astrological charts.  Antinous and Hadrian visited Egypt and conferred with magician/priests. After the tragic death of Antinous, Hadrian discovered a new star, THE STAR OF ANTINOUS.

Thus, it is highly possible that the Emperor was aware of this famous text because it was recorded on many papyrus scrolls, several of which are in museums around the world.

This ancient text, which was so important that it was recorded on so many scrolls, is known as THE EGYPTIAN BOOK OF DAYS

The Finnish scholars studied one such papyrus, the Egyptian papyrus "Cairo Calendar 86637," parts of which are in the British and Cairo Museums. This astrological calendar is probably the oldest preserved historical document of bare eye observations of a , the Finnish astronomers said. Egyptologists have been baffled by the papyrus and its inscrutable calculations. 

In this calendar, each day of the Egyptian year was divided into three aspects, each ruled by a stellar deity. A favorable or unfavorable quality was assigned to each of the three divine aspects of a day. Two "lucky" aspects made a day "mostly lucky" while two "unlucky" aspects made it "mostly unlucky." Three "lucky" or "unlucky" aspects on any given day gave a clear astrological prediction either way.

Until now, it was wholly unclear how the Ancient Egyptian priest/astronomers arrived at their conclusions. The Finnish astronomers are convinced the prognostications were based on mathematical calculations of stellar brightness, among other things.

"The texts regarding the prognoses are connected to mythological and astronomical events," says Professor Sebastian Porceddu of Helsinki University.

"A modern period analysis revealed that two statistically significant periods of 29.6 and 2.850 days have been recorded into the good prognoses. The former is clearly the period of the Moon. The second period differs slightly from the period Algol. In this eclipsing binary, the dimmer star partially covers the brighter star with a period of 2.867 days," he wrote.

"These eclipses last about ten hours and they can be easily observed with bare eyes. Their period was discovered by Goodricke in the year 1783," says docent Lauri Jetsu.

"We can explain why the period of Algol has increased by about 0.017 days," Jetsu adds. "The period increase during the past three millennia could have been caused by the observed mass transfer between the two members of this binary. In fact, this would be the first observation that confirms the period increase of Algol and it also gives an estimate of the mass transfer rate."

In conclusion, the Finnish experts wrote: "The Ancient Egyptians made accurate measurements that provide useful constraints for modern astronomers."

"It seems that the first observation of a variable star was made 3,000 years earlier than was previously thought," says Dr. Jetsu. "However, I want to emphasize that our research has only been sent to a scientific journal about two weeks ago. This type of results can raise a lot of controversy before they are accepted."

The research was made in collaboration by the researchers from the Department of Physics and the Department of World Cultures of the University of Helsinki. It has been published electronically in the arXiv. The Egyptological part of the research will be published separately.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Weekly Sacred Astrology Forecast

MAY 24 to JUNE 3, 2012

THURSDAY May 24th 2012

On Thursday mental clarity shines bright and clear once again when Mercury leaves plodding Taurus and sweeps into Gemini — Mercury's astrological home sign. This shift dramatically improves communications for the next three weeks. And since Mercury also watches over commerce, the coming three weeks will also be an ideal time for financial and career decisions.

FRIDAY May 25th 2012

On Friday you should be especially wary of promises which sound too good to be true when Mercury squares off against nebulous Neptune. Remember the Mercury is not only god of merchants but also the god of thieves. Neptune makes the most outrageous exaggerations sound plausible. Otherwise, this is a fortuitous day because ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a luck-promoting sextile to Jupiter. Just be sure to place your trust in people and things you can trust.

SATURDAY May 26th 2012

On Saturday the weekend party atmosphere gets a boost when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in kissy aspects to Mercury, the Sun and impetuous Uranus. Whether it's shopping, gardening, traveling or entertaining — this should be a nice weekend for it.

SUNDAY May 27th 2012

On Sunday Mercury aligns in conjunction with the Sun. Old astrology texts dating back to Ancient Rome call this a potentially hazardous time, and speak of a "Scorched Mercury" which impairs communications and judgment. But in ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC, we see that very differently. This Sun/Mercury conjunction is indeed intense, but in a positive way. Antinous/Mercury focuses the gay spiritual light of his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte right at you. Open your spiritual heart to the light and joy and permit it to burn away all doubt and all fear and trepidation. Most people live in spiritual darkness. They are like people who live in caves and are afraid of sunlight because it hurts their eyes. But should we shun the light and stay in the cave with them? Antinous/Mercury says it's safe to open your spiritual eyes — and spiritual heart — and become accustomed to the light.

MONDAY May 28th 2012

On Monday it's time for something completely different when Gemini Mercury and the Gemini Sun both form surprise-filled sextiles to impulsive Uranus. You will want a change of scenery and a total change from your usual routine. Now is the time for a big change and you will be brimming with great ideas to implement change.

TUESDAY May 29th 2012

On Tuesday you will find practical ways for implementing those big changes that came to you in a flash of Uranian inspiration on Monday. On Tuesday ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with Mars and forms a square to Retrograde Venus. That means decisions will be made on the practical basis of good common sense.

WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY May 30th/31st 2012

Overnight Wednesday and Thursday Gemini Mercury moves into a 90-degree right angle aspect to no-nonsense Virgo Mars. This square aspect dominates both days and, indeed, tinges the whole week to come. Many astrologers say that this aspect is when people sharpen their swords. But in my experience in casting gay horoscopes, I find that a Mercury/Mars square involving chatty Gemini and overly critical Virgo indicates that people will be sharpening their tongues to use as weapons! Remember that lovely line from "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde (who is a Saint of Antinous, by the way): "On an occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak one's mind. It becomes a pleasure." This is an aspect which encourages people to say vicious and intentionally hurtful things. People are overly persnickety and bitchy and downright mean. You'll be amazed how true this is. And if you want to remain above the fray, just remember when something cruel is on the tip of your tongue to bite your tongue. That's because Gemini will move into a kissy aspect with Venus on Friday and you don't want to say something on Thursday that you'll regret this coming weekend ....

FRIDAY JUNE 1st 2012

On Friday you'll be glad you bit your vicious tongue Thursday, and refrained from uttering dissy remarks, because Mercury aligns in conjunction with love planet Venus on Friday in time for the weekend. Gemini Mercury is very chatty and Gemini Venus is in the mood for a party. And because Venus is Retrograde (going "backwards" as seen from the Earth), don't be surprised if you look across a crowded dance floor and see someone from your past, an old flame you lost touch with, someone you always wanted to see again so you could tell him how much he meant to you back then. Tonight's the night for a potentially hot reunion.


On Saturday the passion that was kindled on Friday flares into something really hot when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms sexy sextiles to horny Mars and determined Pluto. Whether you go shopping or out to the clubs -- you'll definitely find what you are looking for.

SUNDAY JUNE 3rd 2012

On Sunday your appetites for food, sex and every other appetite go right off the scale when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in opposition to exaggeration-prone Jupiter and square to Neptune, planet of addictions. You may find yourself going overboard. Be careful with alcohol and other substances of choice.


An exciting week lies ahead between June 4th and 10th, when a Lunar Eclipse during the SAGITTARIUS FULL MOON on Monday ushers in a series of dramatic astrological alignments including the VENUS OCCULTATION. That's when Venus passes directly across the orb of the Sun -- which occurs only every 121 years. More details next time ....

Saturday, May 19, 2012


SUNDAY May 20, 2012, is a powerfully magical day which ushers in a powerfully magical week. The big celestial show gets off to a bang when the Sun and Moon enter Gemini and align for the GEMINI NEW MOON

In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC, we call this New Moon the CATAMITUS MOON -- named for Ganymede (Latin: Catamitus), the beautiful youth who so enraptured Jupiter that the king of the Gods swooped down from Olympus in the form of an eagle and carried Ganymede off to be at his side forever, serving as his cup bearer. This is a powerfully magical moon for working gay magical spells in the Gemini areas of friendships, finances and getting in contact with prospective lovers.

Meanwhile, the magic is further enhanced because Mercury and Jupiter are also in perfect alignment. This power lineup will affect Gemini-related communications issues for weeks to come. 

But that's not all! This New Moon is the first SOLAR ECLIPSE in the 21st Century to be visible over the continental United States at an hour when millions of people will be watching. 

This SOLAR ECLIPSE will be exact at 4:47 p.m. Pacific Time, and will be visible over the western half of the US as well as the Pacific, Japan and the eastern coast of China. 

It is an "Annular Eclipse," meaning the Moon creates a black disk which fits inside the orb of the sun, making the Sun appear to be a ring of fire in the sky. 

An Eclipse in an air sign like Gemini is believed to coincided with storms, wildfires and tornadoes. 

And because this Gemini alignment is within a few degrees of President Obama's Natal Moon, you can expect some sort of revelation concerning a certain dark secret to be made during this SOLAR ECLIPSE, and this revelation will send shock waves through the rest of the US presidential election campaign this summer and autumn.

The effects of an eclipse are felt for weeks afterwards, and this SOLAR ECLIPSE comes less than two weeks before Venus crosses the face of the sun -- the VENUS OCCULTATION -- which occurs only once in more than 120 years and which signals tremendous breakthroughs in the sign in which it occurs. 

Since these celestial events -- the SOLAR ECLIPSE and the VENUS OCCULTATION -- are occurring in Gemini, this means 2012 will be a turning point in the Gemini areas of communications and commerce. More about all of this in coming days ....

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Weekly Sacred Astrology Forecast

MAY 17th to 27th, 2012

THURSDAY May 17th 2012

On Thursday you'll want to roll up your sleeves and tackle noisome chores that you have been putting off when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms a productive sextile to Retrograde Venus and is in opposition to Saturn. Retrograde Venus is stressing the need to go back and "re-view," "re-do" and "re-work" things while Saturn makes it imperative that you stop procrastinating and get to work now.

FRIDAY May 18th 2012

On Friday the work week ends on a dreamy note when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a sextile to nebulous Neptune. You tend to get lost in daydreams and find it hard to focus on work. Be especially careful in drive-time Friday afternoon traffic — even if you manage to keep your eyes on the road, lots of other motorists will be daydreaming at the wheel.

SATURDAY May 19th 2012

On Saturday an energy-filled weekend gets underway when the waning Taurus Moon forms happy trines with Pluto and Mars. This is a good day for pampering yourself and splurging on yourself and doing things to make your home more beautiful.

SUNDAY May 20th 2012

Sunday is a powerfully magical day which ushers in a powerfully magical week. The big celestial show gets off to a bang when the Sun and Moon enter Gemini and align for the GEMINI NEW MOON. Meanwhile, Mercury and Jupiter are also in perfect alignment. This power lineup will affect Gemini-related communications issues for weeks to come. But that's not all! This New Moon is the first SOLAR ECLIPSE in the 21st Century to be visible over the continental United States at an hour when millions of people will be watching. This SOLAR ECLIPSE will be exact at 4:47 p.m. Pacific Time, and will be visible over the western half of the US as well as the Pacific, Japan and the eastern coast of China. It is an "Annular Eclipse," meaning the Moon creates a black disk which fits inside the orb of the sun, making the Sun appear to be a ring of fire in the sky. An Eclipse in an air sign like Gemini is believed to coincided with storms, wildfires and tornados. And because this Gemini alignment is within a few degrees of President Obama's Natal Moon, you can expect some sort of revelation concerning a certain dark secret to be made during this SOLAR ECLIPSE, and this revelation will send shock waves through the rest of the US presidential election campaign this summer and autumn.

MONDAY May 21st 2012

On Monday the powerful reverberations of the SOLAR ECLIPSE continue full force even after the fast-moving Gemini Moon glides onward to new aspects. ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD creates squares to Neptune and Mars and a surprise-filled sextile with Uranus. Ideas will come to you from out of no where and you will be surprised at how intuitive you can be.

TUESDAY May 22nd 2012

On Tuesday you might want to take a chance on the lottery when Mercury aligns with lucky Jupiter even as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns with Venus in money-minded Gemini. In matters of money — and love — this promises to be a lucky day.

WEDNESDAY May 23rd 2012

On Wednesday you can expect misunderstandings of all sorts when the Sun is at right angles to Neptune, something which happens twice a year. It is as if someone has placed a diffuse filter over a camera lens so that images are all in soft-focus. It is like a fog bank on an otherwise sunny day which prevents you from seeing clearly where you are going. You will find yourself speaking in what you feel are the most certain terms — only to find that others totally misunderstand and misinterpret you. Likewise, you think others are saying one thing when they insist they mean something ese entirely. But there is a positive side to Sun-square-Neptune — this is one of the best days of the year for intense meditation and astral travel.

THURSDAY May 24th 2012

On Thursday mental clarity shines bright and clear once again when Mercury leaves plodding Taurus and sweeps into Gemini — Mercury's astrological home sign. This shift dramatically improves communications for the next three weeks. And since Mercury also watches over commerce, the coming three weeks will also be an ideal time for financial and career decisions.

FRIDAY May 25th 2012

On Friday you should be especially wary of promises which sound too good to be true when Mercury squares off against nebulous Neptune. Remember the Mercury is not only the god of merchants but also the god of thieves. Neptune makes the most outrageous exaggerations sound plausible. Otherwise, this is a fortuitous day because ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a luck-promoting sextile to Jupiter. Just be sure to place your trust in people and things you know you can trust.

SATURDAY May 26th 2012

On Saturday the weekend party atmosphere gets a boost when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in kissy aspects to Mercury, the Sun and impetuous Uranus. Whether it's shopping, gardening, traveling or entertaining — this should be a nice weekend for it.

SUNDAY May 27th 2012

On Sunday Mercury aligns in conjunction with the Sun. Old astrology texts dating back to Ancient Rome call this a potentially hazardous time, and speak of a "Scorched Mercury" which impairs communications and judgment. But in ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC, we see that very differently. This Sun/Mercury conjunction is indeed intense, but in a positive way. Antinous/Mercury focuses the gay spiritual light of his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte right at you. Open your spiritual heart to the light and joy and permit it to burn away all doubt and all fear and trepidation. Most people live in spiritual darkness. They are like people who live in caves and are afraid of sunlight because it hurts their eyes. But should we shun the light and stay in the cave with them? Antinous/Mercury says it's safe to open your spiritual eyes — and spiritual heart — and become accustomed to the light.


An exciting week lies ahead between May 28th and June 3rd, when Mercury squares off against Mars before aligning in conjunction with love planet Venus. That means this week will be a bit like those romantic comedies about two people who are total opposites and who fight constantly — before finally falling in love. More details next time ....

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


HEALING energies get a sudden and dramatic boost this week when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns with impulsive Uranus while Mars forms an energy-loaded trine to Pluto. 

All of that forms an electric backdrop for the really big celestial event of the week — when Chiron the Healer forms a beneficent sextile to revolution-minded Pluto. Both heavenly bodies are so slow-moving that this positive aspect is rare indeed. 

This obscure asteroid plays only a peripheral role in most daily astrology forecasts. But this strong aspect to Pluto the transformer — an aspect which will last for nearly half a year — means that Chiron becomes a major player this year. 

In Greek mythology, Chiron was one of the Titans, the greatest of the Centaurs. Chiron was the tutor to a great many gods and demigods, including Prometheus, Theseus, Achilles and Hercules, to name but a few.

Astrologically, Chiron represents a person's healing energies and, indeed, the word for "surgery" in many European languages (chirurgie in French and German, cirugya in Spanish, chirugia in Italian and Portuguese) comes directly from the Ancient Greek words for "Chiron Hands" — a healer with the skilled hands of the Titan Chiron. The "special gifts" of the coming months involve psychic healing.

You may have been feeling that you are trapped in feelings of guilt, remorse or pain. You feel like the scapegoat or even the victim of change and circumstances beyond your control. 

You feel like you're in some horrific Harry Potter scenario and are all alone in a dark and spooky forest. This is when Chiron the Centaur gallops to your rescue and carries you to safety. 

Chiron shows you why all of this has happened, and Chiron offers you options for moving forward — out of the darkness. Chiron and Pluto are so slow-moving that these powerful energies will last for weeks and will be reinforced once more when Chiron and Pluto sextile is exact again on September 6th.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


ON TUESDAY get ready for a blast from the past when Venus does an about-face and goes Retrograde (goes "backwards" as seen from the Earth) from now until June 27th. Retrograde Venus is about re-visiting, re-working or re-vising relationships of all kinds.

Because Venus is in Gemini, the emphasis is on interpersonal communications and commerce. On the business level, Retrograde Venus prompts you to go back and re-work financial, career and job relationships.

On the personal relationships level, Retrograde Venus means you can expect to hear from "old flames" and ex-partners and people you haven't heard from in years. They'll suddenly be inviting you to "Friend" them.

But Retrograde Venus warns you that you can never go backwards in relationships, only forwards. Remember that the emphasis is on "re-working" and "re-viewing" — and that means you need to take a good, hard look at those old relationships and see whether they still have any promise for the future. You may find that you don't need to "Friend" just every old friend.

And on a Gay Spiritual level RETROGRADE GEMINI VENUS is reminding you to look into your own depths to find your GAY SPIRITUAL TWIN. Gemini is the Sign of the Twins and you will doubtless be feeling this Gemini Twins effect tugging at you stronger and stronger in coming weeks when Venus crosses the face of the Sun and when Jupiter also enters Gemini.

Venus entered Gemini on April 4th and — thanks to this Retrograde phase — Venus will remain in Gemini until August 4th. That's a whopping four months — which is especially impressive when you consider that Venus takes only eight months to go through all 12 signs. It is spending half its Venusian Year in the Sign of the Twins — this only happens once every seven or eight years — so it is a special time in your life.

RETROGRADE GEMINI VENUS invites you to look into the depths of yourself — find your Spiritual Twin. You may call this twin your "Soul," "Higher Self," "KA," "Spirit Guide" or "Guardian Angel." The terminology is unimportant. What is important is that you become aware of your Second Self.

In the Religion of Antinous, we call this the NARCISSUS PRINCIPLE, which is one of the founding principles of our religion. It is at the basis of the Spirit of Homosexuality -- Love of the Divine Self.

Most of us go through life unaware of this Other Self. We do what is expected of us. We do what we feel others want us to do. We put the perceived wants and needs of others ahead of our own. We think that it's "selfish" to put our own interests first.

But RETROGRADE GEMINI VENUS is reminding us that there is another Self -- a Spiritual Self -- without which we are not spiritually whole. For it is only by "looking out for Number 1" that we are physically, mentally and spiritually able to love ourselves. And only then can we truly love others.

RETROGRADE GEMINI VENUS invites you to take a deep and profound look at yourself, with all your strengths and all your weaknesses, all your virtues and all your faults, all your courageous achievements and all your failures. Become aware of your Spiritual Twin, so that together, as one spiritual entity, you can fulfill your destiny.

Sunday, May 13, 2012



JUPITER aligns with the Sun on Sunday, May 13th. It is one of the most fortuitous days of the year as the Sun and Jupiter make their annual rendezvous. This year they are in perfect alignment in comfort-loving Taurus. It's Mother's Day in most countries, and this planetary alignment ensures that family encounters will be surprisingly pleasant.

The whole purpose of this blog is to encourage you to see how ANTINOUS THE GAY GOD can be relevant to your daily life. The Ancients had no difficulty with this. They saw that the Divine was "immanent" (dwelling within) everything around them.

We look at the sky and see the Sun and are aware (if we are aware at all) that the gas-giant planet Jupiter is hundreds of millions of miles directly behind the Sun on the other side of the Solar System from us.

But the Ancient Priests of Antinous saw it very differently. They perceived Jupiter as symbolizing Emperor Hadrian. And they saw the Sun as symbolizing Apollo/Helios -- an aspect of ANTINOUS THE GAY GOD.

So the Ancient Priests would have appreciated the gloriously spiritual image above showing a bearded older man resembling Hadrian giving instruction to a fair-haired youth. They would recognize Jupiter and Antinous/Helios!

The image is by the late artist and art-history scholar BRIAN WILLIAMS (self-portrait at left with Antinous/Eros), who sadly died in 2002, exactly ten years ago. (Photo: Gary Ormond)

Brian was an openly gay artist who specialized in Tarot card decks, and this stunning image is from his beautiful "RENAISSANCE TAROT" deck, which we reproduce here with deepest humility and respect for Brian. May Antinous bless him forever!

The Ancient Priests of Antinous would have praised Brian's interpretation of the XIX Trump, The Sun, and would have interpreted this planetary alignment as being an exceedingly fortuitous day indeed.

It is important that we remember that the Ancient Priests of Antinous conceived of a world which was -- unlike our own -- an ANIMATED world from the beginning. Everything in their physical world was alive with spiritual dimensions.

They didn't PROJECT a spiritual entity into a hunk of carved marble. Instead, they APPREHENDED (or "saw") the spiritual entity that was already inside the stone. They didn't PROJECT spiritual interpretations onto the stars in the heavens. They APPREHENDED the Divine forces that were already there.

They had the spiritual eyes to "see" what their physical eyes could not apprehend. But that ability has been lost over the ages.

Most modern people think of ourselves as being isolated in a soulless universe. Those humans who have any religious background at all tend to think of God or the Gods as being "out there" somewhere on Cloud Nine or Olympus or some place.

The Ancient Priests of Antinous would think of us modern 21st Century people as being seriously bipolar and schizophrenic -- totally disjointed from each other and from all of the universe. The Ancients would think we are having a perpetual "out of body" experience which leaves us isolated in an inanimate world.

To the Ancients, NOTHING was inanimate. EVERYTHING had a soul. Every stone. Every plant. Every animal. Everything we eat. Everything we make. Every man-made object. 


Everything is alive. Everything has a soul. And Everything is interconnected. And yet ... and yet ... each of us is separate, moving around on our own two legs in our own modest and humdrum little lives full of modest joys and -- often -- very great woes.
The Ancients understood this paradox between separation and interconnectedness. They knew they were each separate but, unlike us, they also knew they were all interconnected with everybody and with everything else in the universe.

Modern civilization has lost that conscious awareness of Spiritual Interconnectedness. For 2,000 years, the Judeo/Islamic/ Christian tradition has taught that god is separate from us and that he lives "out there somewhere" and that we are the only sentient beings in a lonely and inanimate world -- each of us alone and separated from the Divine Spirit.

One of the main goals of the Religion of Antinous is to restore the pre-Abrahamic spiritual interconnectedness -- at the very least among gay people. To do so, we have to address the paradox of existence/non-existence.

Take a look at Brian Williams' beautiful interpretation of the Jupiter/Sun alignment. Allow yourself to dive inside the card. You are the Emperor. You are Antinous/Helios. You are the Sun. Open yourself to all the Divine Light and Joy that this day has to offer you.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


THE ANCIENT Priests of Antinous were known for making oracles, taking auspices and casting magical prayer spells. The Phases of the Moon were vitally important, especially since Antinous was worshiped as a Lunar Deity. Each major phase of the moon had a specific oracular significance.

Each Lunar Phase occurs at a particular time of year and represents a particular archetypal astrological meaning.

Tonight's AQUARIUS THIRD QUARTER MOON comes on the heels of last week's SCORPIO FULL MOON and a week prior to the upcoming GEMINI NEW MOON. In the Religion of Antinous we call this Lunar Phase THE FORUM MOON, named for the Roman Forum.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the FORUM MOON is the Spirit of the Public Person. This is the Mood and Spirit of a city, neighborhood or work place. It is the combined Spirit of all the people who inhabit that place and indeed the very Spirit of the place itself.

This is the best Lunar Phase of the year for oracles or spell work involving interaction with groups or a public setting. Gathering place. Club. Work place. Any place where numerous people gather. It is also the best moon for rituals focusing on parks, gardens and the outdoors in general, such as working rituals for protecting a back garden or outdoor venue.

It is also the best moon for working spells involving "strangers," by which we mean people outside your immediate circle of family and close friends. The Environment. Crowds. Society at large. Stage. Audience. It represents strangers and crowds. People you work with.

It represents your interaction with the world beyond your doorstep. It is the world at large. It is Internet groups and forums. It is the company you work for. It is schools and hospitals. It is the perfect Lunar Phase for for what Chaos magicians call cyber-magic.

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Weekly Sacred Astrology Forecast

MAY 10th to 20th, 2012

THURSDAY May 10th 2012
On Thursday you'll find yourself walking a tightrope between logic and emotions when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a dreamy sextile with intuitive Neptune while, at the same time, the Capricorn Moo is in positive aspects to Mars and Pluto while squaring off against erratic Uranus. This logic/emotions tightrope can be confusing. Just remember — when in doubt, listen to your inner voice.

FRIDAY May 11th 2012
On Friday the work week ends on an electric note when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with the STAR OF ANTINOUS in Capricorn with Mercury in near-conjunction to both. Words and ideas come to you serendipitously. Your mind and heart are in perfect harmony.

SATURDAY May 12th 2012
On Saturday a fortuitous weekend dawns with the Sun inching into alignement with Jupiter. Look forward to a weekend of adventure, pleasure and meeting new people and seeing new things.

SUNDAY May 13th 2012
Sunday promises to be one of the most fortuitous days of the year when the Sun and Jupiter make their annual rendezvous. This year they are in perfect alignment in comfort-loving Taurus. It's Mother's Day in most countries, and this planetary alignment ensures that family encounters will be surprisingly pleasant.

MONDAY May 14th 2012
On Monday the work week gets off to a promising start when ANTNOUS THE MOON GOD forms sextiles with Mercury and Pluto, both of which are in a potential-boosting trine to each other. This is one of those rare days of the year when you can stand up and speak out and let yourself be heard. Toot your own horn. This is the day when it will sound loudest.

TUESDAY May 15th 2012
On Tuesday get ready for a blast from the past when Venus does an about-face and goes Retrograde (goes "backwards" as seen from the Earth) from now until June 27th. Retrograde Venus is about re-visiting, re-working or re-vising relationships of all kinds. Because Venus is in Gemini, the emphasis is on interpersonal communications and commerce. On the business level, Retrograde Venus prompts you to go back and re-work financial, career and job relationships. On the personal level, Retrograde Venus means you can expect to hear from "old flames" and ex-partners and people you haven't heard from in years. They'll suddenly be inviting you to "Friend" them. But Retrograde Venus warns you that you can never go backwards in relationships, only forwards. Remember that the emphasis is on "re-working" and "re-viewing" — and that means you need to take a good, hard look at those old relationships and see whether they still have any promise for the future. You may find that you don't need to "Friend" just every old friend.

WEDNESDAY May 16th 2012
On Wednesday healing energies get a sudden and dramatic boost when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns with impulsive Uranus while Mars forms an energy-loaded trine to Pluto. All of that forms an electric backdrop for the really big celestial event of the day — when Chiron the Healer forms a beneficent sextile to revolution-minded Pluto. Both heavenly bodies are so slow-moving that this positive aspect is rare indeed. You may have been feeling that you are trapped in feelings of guilt, remorse or pain. You feel like the scapegoat or even the victim of change and circumstances beyond your control. You feel like you're in some horrific Harry Potter scenario and are all alone in a dark and spooky forest. This is when Chiron the Centaur gallops to your rescue and carries you to safety. Chiron shows you why all of this has happened, and Chiron offers you options for moving forward — out of the darkness. Chiron and Pluto are so slow-moving that these powerful energies will last for weeks and will be reinforced once more when Chiron and Pluto sextile is exact again on September 6th.

THURSDAY May 17th 2012
On Thursday you'll want to roll up your sleeves and tackle noisome chores that you have been putting off when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms a productive sextile to Retrograde Venus and is in opposition to Saturn. Retrograde Venus is stressing the need to go back and "re-view," "re-do" and "re-work" things while Saturn makes it imperative that you stop procrastinating and get to work now.

FRIDAY May 18th 2012
On Friday the work week ends on a dreamy note when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a sextile to nebulous Neptune. You tend to get lost in daydreams and find it hard to focus on work. Be especially careful in drive-time Friday afternoon traffic — even if you manage to keep your eyes on the road, lots of other motorists will be daydreaming at the wheel.

SATURDAY May 19th 2012
On Saturday an energy-filled weekend gets underway when the waning Taurus Moon forms happy trines with Pluto and Mars. This is a good day for pampering yourself and splurging on yourself and doing things to make your home more beautiful.

SUNDAY May 20th 2012
Sunday is a powerfully magical day which ushers in a powerfully magical week. The big celestial show gets off to a bang when the Sun and Moon enter Gemini and align for the GEMINI NEW MOON. Meanwhile, Mercury and Jupiter are also in perfect alignment. This power lineup will affect Gemini-related communications issues for weeks to come. But that's not all! This New Moon is the first SOLAR ECLIPSE in the 21st Century to be visible over the continental United States at an hour when millions of people will be watching. This SOLAR ECLIPSE will be exact at 4:47 p.m. Pacific Time, and will be visible over the western half of the US as well as the Pacific, Japan and the eastern coast of China. It is an "Annular Eclipse," meaning the Moon creates a black disk which fits inside the orb of the sun, making the Sun appear to be a ring of fire in the sky. An Eclipse in an air sign like Gemini is believed to coincided with storms, wildfires and tornados. And because this Gemini alignment is within a few degrees of President Obama's Natal Moon, you can expect some sort of revelation concerning a certain dark secret to be made during this SOLAR ECLIPSE, and this revelation will send shock waves through the rest of the US presidential election campaign this summer and autumn.

An exciting week lies ahead between May 21st and 27th, when Mercury aligns first with Jupiter and then squares off against Neptune before finally aligning in conjunction with the Sun. This means the week will be an optimal time for honing your dreams in preparation for making them come true. More details next time ....

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Weekly Sacred Astrology Forecast

Antinous is a Moon God. He is, of course, many other things and he wears many hats. But one of the ways he was worshiped in Antiquity was as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD.

His worshipers looked skyward and saw His beautiful face perpetually turned towards the Earth. The Man in the Moon was actually the Blessed Boy in the Moon for the ancient priests and worshipers of Antinous. Swiftest and most youthful of all the Zodiacal deities, Antinous speeds through an entire year's worth of Astrological signs in just 28 days.
ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious gay selves. Where Hadrian the Sun acts, Antinous the Moon REACTS. How do we instinctively react or respond to problems? What do we feel we need for a sense of security? Look to ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD for answers.
ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is both our inner boy child and our inner lover. His ever changing phases, as he sweeps past all the other Planets in all the Signs, make us at turns responsive, receptive, and reflective. Eternally youthful, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our childlike spontaneous and instinctual reactions.
ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD beams down on us to make us imaginative, creative, intuitive, sentimental, adaptable, introspective, and protective. On the negative side, and depending on where he is in the Zodiac, he can make us moody, restless, and irrational.

MAY 3rd to MAY 13th

THURSDAY May 3rd 2012
On Thursday try not to take rash comments seriously when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD opposes erratic Uranus and is at right angles to rebellious Pluto. People around you may spout off without considering the consequences.

FRIDAY May 4th 2012
On Friday the Libra Moon makes its monthly conjunction with Spica and a lovely trine to Gemini Venus. Because Spica is a fixed star — known as the "Fortunate One" that brings wealth, fame and honor to anything it contacts — this is the best week to sign a contract or make a commitment.

SATURDAY May 5th 2012
On Saturday the weekend gets off to a passionate start when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms a trine to intuitive Neptune and a sexy sextile to Mars and Pluto. This erotic atmosphere increases by the hour and reaches its climax overnight Saturday/Sunday ....

SUNDAY May 6th 2012
Overnight Saturday/Sunday we come to the sexiest Full Moon of the year, the SCORPIO FULL MOON. This Full Moon is exact shortly after midnight New York time (before dawn Sunday in the UK and Europe). With the Sun in tactile Taurus and the Moon in passionate Scorpio, this is the perfect weekend for getting to the bottom of sexual secrets. On a gay spiritual level, this is the Full Moon for penetrating the veil of lies and illusion and seeing clearly who are your friends (and who are not) and also seeing yourself for who and what you are.

MONDAY May 7th 2012
On Monday you may feel yourself drawn to spiritual discussions or to browsing through books at the library when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD squares off against Neptune and Mars whilst engaging in a positive trine with impulsive Uranus. Browsing through a book shop in a haze of daydreams, don't be surprised when you come across some tome which will prompt you to exclaim with surprised glee.

TUESDAY May 8th 2012
On Tuesday it's downright fun to tackle new and future-oriented projects when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD opposes enterprise-oriented Venus and strikes a positive aspect to ambitious Saturn. Contact friends or co-workers and spread your enthusiasm for some new idea or project. Start making plans for an outing or gettogether on Sunday (see below).

WEDNESDAY May 9th 2012
On Wednesday Mercury completes its second tour of Aries and FINALLY enters Taurus after shifting to and fro for six weeks. For the next three weeks all forms of self-expression will move at a much slower but more thorough pace. If you are trying to get an idea across, your best bet is to use direct experience and a tactile, hands-on type of presentation.

THURSDAY May 10th 2012
On Thursday you'll find yourself walking a tightrope between logic and emotions when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a dreamy sextile with intuitive Neptune while, at the same time, the Capricorn Moo is in positive aspects to Mars and Pluto while squaring off against erratic Uranus. This logic/emotions tightrope can be confusing. Just remember — when in doubt, listen to your inner voice.

FRIDAY May 11th 2012
On Friday the work week ends on an electric note when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with the STAR OF ANTINOUS in Capricorn with Mercury in near-conjunction to both. Words and ideas come to you serendipitously. Your mind and heart are in perfect harmony.

SATURDAY May 12th 2012
On Saturday a fortuitous weekend dawns with the Sun inching into alignement with Jupiter. Look forward to a weekend of adventure, pleasure and meeting new people and seeing new things.

SUNDAY May 13th 2012
Sunday promises to be one of the most fortuitous days of the year when the Sun and Jupiter make their annual rendezvous. This year they are in perfect alignment in comfort-loving Taurus. It's Mother's Day in most countries, and this planetary alignment ensures that family encounters will be surprisingly pleasant.

An exciting week lies ahead between May 14th and 20th, when Chiron the Healer forms a beneficent sextile to revolution-minded Pluto. Both heavenly bodies are so slow-moving that this positive aspect is rare indeed. You may have been feeling that you are trapped in feelings of guilt, remorse or pain. You feel like the scapegoat or even the victim of change and circumstances beyond your control. You feel like you're in some horrific Harry Potter scenario and are all alone in a dark and spooky forest. This is when Chiron the Centaur gallops to your rescue and carries you to safety. Chiron shows you why all of this has happened, and Chiron offers you options for moving forward — out of the darkness. Also next week, the Sun and Moon both move into Gemini for the GEMINI NEW MOON. This is the New Moon for increased communications as well as social and academic celebrations such as weddings, graduations and conferences during the coming month. More details next time ....