Saturday, May 25, 2024


AFTER what receiving the power of Homotheosis, Antinous ascended beyond the celestial sphere to the spine of the cosmos where he came into the presence of Mithras, the god of light, who advances the heavens with the turn of his hand.

Serpent entwined, he is the lion-headed god of endless time. 

The bull slayer, arisen from stone, with crown of stars, who holds the sky beneath his starry cloak, who sets time in motion, turning the clockwork of the cosmos, stands before Antinous illuminating the ascending youth with his light.

Antinous is greeted by the ascended fathers of the mysteries, because he is among the initiated through the tauromachia where he received the blood of the bull.

An initiated raven escorts him into the cavern of the sky, he passes between two mighty torch bearers who mark the turning of the sun.

A majestic table is set within the celestial dome, where Mithras sits enthroned, together with Sol Invictus and Lunus the Moon by his side.

All around are the ascended initiates, charioteers and fathers and the sacred soldiers of Rome who serve the god of light.

Antinous is given a seat in the presence of the gods.  He is served the sacred meat of the Bull of Heaven.  His cup is filled with the libations of those who know the mysteries.

The great god Mithras bestows his blessing upon Antinous who is illuminated with rays of shining light, becoming as one with the unconquered sun, becoming the bull-slayer, the savior of all those who enter the sacred mysteries.

Ave Antinous-Mithras

We pray to the Unconquered Sun, Pater Saturnus, serpent entwined, leontocephalus
Who walks across the spine of the cosmos
Here, now, always in darkness, 
The blood of the bull is my cup
The stars are my crown
The lotus-rose is my heart
My hooves are cloven among the tombs
Rising from stone by night I am Bacchus, Capricornius returned, 
For the semen of the first god truly is in my body!

Ave Antinous-Mithras

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