Friday, November 9, 2018


Antinous Astrology Forecast

NOVEMBER 8th-18th, 2018


On Thursday, Jupiter leaves suspicious Scorpio and soars into jovial Sagittarius, from 8 November 2018 to 3 December 2019. JUPITER IN SAGITTARIUS means visions of a new future are likely to abound both personally and globally, with a multitude of advocates for a more moral and ethical world appearing. There is a strong urge to move on, to improve things, to have more freedom of movement, to accept and learn from other cultures and beliefs, to make the world a better place. So there is likely to be an increase in people on the move, searching for a new and better life. The quest for something more means restlessness is likely to be rife but a much greater sense of optimism, for what can be, uplifts and energizes, to give a much greater faith in the future and even the belief in miracles!


On Friday, Retrograde Venus trine Mars (the third and last Venus-Mars trine this year) creates a magical moment. It is possible now to take a balanced approach to conflict, problems and projects that require effort. This can combine both a gentle touch and firm action, sensitivity and forcefulness. Negotiation and interaction with others could be aggressive and determined now, but also balanced with sensitivity and style. Any expressions of anger, frustration or discontent are more likely to be tempered with fairness, moderation and composure.

SAT-SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10th-11th, 2018

This weekend, the Sun forms a sextile aspect with Pluto which brings you recognition, success and amazing abilities to make your wishes come true.


Mars is the star of this week. First of all, dreams really can come true when ambitious Mars forms a positive sextile aspect with impulsive, anything-goes Uranus. This powerful configuration throws open all the doors and windows so that a breath of fresh air comes blowing through your life on all levels ... at work and also in your interpersonal relationships. Uranus throws everything up in the air and opens new possibilities. Then at mid-week Mars leaves cold and logical Aquarius and dives into the waters of Pisces ... this is like lava dropping into the sea ... lots of steam and boiling ... and the cosmos conspires to make your dreams come true! In watery Pisces, Mars's fiery impulsive energy is converted to steamy dreams and hot emotions. For the next six weeks, until Mars enter Aries on New Year's Day January 2019, your artistic endeavours will get a big energy boost from Mars. But just remember that any assertive decision-making can be skewed by your emotional bias.


On Thursday, we come to the Aquarius First Quarter Moon ... the Lunar Phase in Antinous Moon Magic which we call the altruistic and magnanimous CONCORDIA MOON ... the perfect night for laying enmity and strife to rest ... and open your heart to healing love.

FRI-SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16th-18th, 2018

This weekend there are two major direction changes. First, Retrograde Venus turns around and goes Direct (forwards as seen from Earth) for the first time in six weeks. Have you been confused about gender roles and former friends over the past six weeks? Blame retrograde Venus! Old friends suddenly resurfaced, old questions about your identity recurred. But now, retrograde Venus turns direct and is going forward again. Friendships, financial questions and identity confusion will become clearer and more transparent now.

But that is not all this weekend. Mercury does an about-face and goes "backwards" as seen from Earth until December 7th. This RETROGRADE MERCURY phase is a time of confusion in communications and commerce. About three times each year, Mercury the communications wizard turns into Mercury the fast-talking con man. This is the RETROGRADE MERCURY phase, and it lasts about three weeks. RETROGRADE MERCURY will be serving up glitches and snafus in communications, computers, transport, travel and social media. If you are buying a new mobile phone, be sure to read the fine print about hidden costs. Planning to move into a new apartment? Check the kitchen and bathroom for tell-tale signs of mold before signing the lease. Remember over the next three weeks that MERCURY wants you to play his sly game to win — not to be a whining victim. Make him proud of the way you play his game!


Another exciting week lies ahead between November 19th and 25th when we come to the Gemini Full Moon, which is the CATAMITUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic, the moon signaling where change will occur in your life during the coming year. This is a powerfully magical moon for working gay magical spells in the Gemini areas of friendships, finances and getting in contact with prospective lovers ... More details next time ....

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