JULY 26 to AUG 5, 2012
On Thursday, your intuition gets a boost when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms positive aspects to dreamy Neptune and bold Pluto. But beware of interpersonal friction when the Moon briefly is at odds with the Sun and Mercury. This is also the Scorpio First Quarter Moon which we call the PROMETHEUS MOON.
FRIDAY JULY 27th 2012
On Friday, the work week ends on a blissfully quiet note devoid of any annoying planetary aspects.
On Saturday, a powerful weekend starts on a sunny note when Retrograde Mercury backs up to exact alignment with the optimistic Leo Sun. Ambition and optimism are the keywords for this alignment. But because Mercury is Retrograde, you should be aware that this optimism may be slightly misplaced. Sometimes things that seem too good to be true actually aren't true. So a bit of skepticism won't hurt.
SUNDAY JULY 29th 2012
On Sunday, you will feel like having an impromptu picnic or house party when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a sexy sextile to impulsive Uranus and that efficient party-organizer, Libra Saturn. Just be careful not to take casual remarks too personally when the Moon is in opposition to Venus for a couple of hours Sunday evening.
MONDAY JULY 30th 2012
On Monday, the Sun forms a perfect trine with impetuous Uranus. This happens only twice a year, and it is a big, wide window of opportunity which is perfect for artists, scientists, gay activists and freedom-seekers of all sorts.
TUESDAY JULY 31st 2012
On Tuesday, the good vibes continue when Saturn and Venus form the same kind of beneficent trine that the Sun and Uranus formed on Monday and whose inspirational glow continues into Tuesday. The Saturn-Venus trine provides new impetus for love and the Sun/Uranus trine indicates that you can expect the unexpected.
WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY August 1st/2nd 2012
Overnight Wednesday/Thursday, the AQUARIUS FULL MOON occurs. This is the summertime moon of generous gifts which we associate with Antinous/Vertumnus, the shape-shifting God of summertime bounty and generous gifts. We call this the DONUM MOON when magical rituals are performed for fortuitous gifts. And these rituals will get real help tonight from a well-aspected Jupiter!
FRIDAY August 3rd 2012
On Friday, the work week ends on a positive note when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms positive aspects to Saturn, Venus and dreamy Neptune. This combination of practicality, sociality and intuition creates an atmosphere of harmony which segues nicely into a hot summer's evening of socializing.
SATURDAY August 4th 2012
On Saturday, you should brace yourself for a hectic and noisy weekend when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD squares off against Jupiter and forms a sextile to Pluto. All you want is to chill and relax, but niggling little errands and chores get in the way.
SATURDAY August 4th 2012
On Saturday, you should brace yourself for a hectic and noisy weekend when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD squares off against Jupiter and forms a sextile to Pluto. All you want is to chill and relax, but niggling little errands and chores get in the way.
SUNDAY August 5th 2012
On Sunday, you might want to avoid discussions with your partner about relationship issues. ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is at right angles to Venus, which is a recipe for disputes and outright arguments.
Another exciting week lies ahead between August 6th and 12th when love planet Venus finally leaves flirty Gemini — where it has been coy and playful since April — and enters romantic Cancer. If you have felt you have been strung along by a boyfriend for the past few months, you can expect your relationship with him to become more serious during the next six weeks. More details next time ....