Friday, February 28, 2025


ON the Death and Apotheosis of Antoninus Pius in March 161 AD, Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus became co-Emperors, both surnamed Antoninus, a name which the ancient Romans equate with inestimable glory.

Marcus being the elder and wiser, was given the title Augustus, while Lucius took the name Caesar. 

They remained cordial to one another though their vastly different characters were always a cause of discord, though never of rivalry or outright animosity.

They were a harmonious and cooperative pair of rulers, the only example of effective imperial brotherhood in the long history of Rome.

Thursday, February 27, 2025


Antinous is a Moon God. He is, of course, many other things and he wears many hats. But one of the ways he was worshiped in Antiquity was as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD.

His worshipers looked skyward and saw His beautiful face perpetually turned towards the Earth. The Man in the Moon was actually the Blessed Boy in the Moon for the ancient priests and worshipers of Antinous. Swiftest and most youthful of all the Zodiacal deities, Antinous speeds through an entire year's worth of Astrological signs in just 28 days.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious gay selves. Where Hadrian the Sun acts, Antinous the Moon REACTS. How do we instinctively react or respond to problems? What do we feel we need for a sense of security? Look to ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD for answers.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is both our inner boy child and our inner lover. His ever changing phases, as he sweeps past all the other Planets in all the Signs, make us at turns responsive, receptive, and reflective. Eternally youthful, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our childlike spontaneous and instinctual reactions.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD beams down on us to make us imaginative, creative, intuitive, sentimental, adaptable, introspective, and protective. On the negative side, and depending on where he is in the Zodiac, he can make us moody, restless, and irrational.

Antinous Astrology Forecast

FEBRUARY 27th to MARCH 9th, 2025

THURS-FRIDAY, February 27th-28th, 2025

Overnight Thursday-Friday, we come to the PISCES NEW MOON. In Antinous Moon Magic this is the lunar phase we call the DOG MOON of fidelity, friendship and faithfulness. The Spirit of the Dog Moon is loving and supportive friendship. This Spirit is loving and faithful, comforting you with familiarity when you see yourself reflected in this Spirit. It is the perfect combination of comfort and stimulus to grow and provides a wonderful companion that walks with you through life, helping you define and refine who you are and who you choose to be every day.

SATURDAY, March 1st, 2025

This weekend, the Sun is in a 90-degree right angle to Jupiter. This configuration provides great opportunities for success but also some tests of character. You can be very fortunate but also have to make your own luck. Lucky breaks and popularity can lead to an inflated ego and other excesses in life. For example, you may have a tendency to over-estimate your own abilities or resources. This could lead to a scattering of energy or wasting money on unnecessary luxuries. There may also be a tendency to accumulate possessions such as collections of a special thing, coins, figurines etc. It may be that your beliefs and morals become over the top and cause difficulties with others. Excessive behaviors are most problematic because these are more likely to affect your close relationships. Overconfidence can get in the way of making lasting friendships. The key to dealing with the excessive nature of Jupiter is moderation. You can still maintain a healthy ego but you won’t want to let excess and pride damage your standing in the world. Jupiter is testing your ego. Any arrogance or boastfulness may actually be covering for a wounded ego, or a lack of self-confidence. Yes, you do wish to be of importance, to be famous or wealthy and to receive the praise and ovation you deserve. They key to dealing with this aspect, apart from moderation, is to not get ahead of yourself. Focus your energy on doing the groundwork, the daily grind needed to perfect your special gifts.

SUNDAY, March 2nd, 2025

This weekend, Venus stops and turns around. An ex-lover will call or visit you in the next 40 days ... Leo Venus goes "Retrograde" (backwards) from March 2nd until April 13th ... an unfavorable time for weddings. Retrograde Leo Venus is emotionally flirtatious and vivacious ... this is a good time to review, reassess, and revive your relationships ... and that means it may be time to end some career or personal relationships. Retrograde Venus is nostalgic for "the good old days" ... so you can expect to hear from old friends and ex-lovers. You may not have seen them for years, and suddenly they show up on your doorstep ... and the two of you have a wonderful time reviving old memories ... and possibly reconciling old differences. In fact, Retrograde Venus periods are often characterized by old lovers getting back together and re-marrying.

MONDAY, March 3rd, 2025

This week, Mercury leaves dreamy Pisces and soars into fiery Aries until May 11th when it enters placid Taurus. As Mercury transitions from peaceful Pisces to bold and brash Aries, our minds and our words will get less poetic and more action-oriented. Aries is a Fire sign known for being impulsive, so be careful what you say! Comments might come out of your mouth before they're fully formed, giving them a tinge of sarcasm or even an edge of insult — whether you intend them to or not. And even if we think we know the full impact of our words, there's the danger that we haven't thought far enough ahead about the effect they'll have on those we care about.

TUES-WEDNESDAY, March 4th-5th, 2025

This week, a planetary parade occurs when multiple planets line up in the sky from Earth's perspective. Go outside and you will see a total of seven planets ... Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune ... align on one side of the Sun. Such an alignment is extremely rare, with the next occurrence expected in 2040.

THURS-FRIDAY, March 6th-7th, 2025

This week, we come to the Gemini First Quarter moon ... the lunar phase we call the JACKAL MOON in Antinous Moon Magic. Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Jackal in Antinous oracular arts is the embodiment of cunning and skill and sleight-of-hand and being slightly dodgy and sneaky but also being incredibly adept and learned in the ways of the world. The Gemini First Quarter Moon is the March moon of the Trickster, who taunts and teases, who plays tricks, who leads the soul through dark and treacherous passages ... who is more treacherous than any Underworld foe ... but whose cunning enables him to bring his charges to their goal. Meditations and rituals carried out tonight are best suited for looking beyond the the veil of lies and deceit that others (or we ourselves) throw over our eyes to prevent us from seeing clearly. This is also a very good night for finding canny and cunning solutions to difficult problems ... strategies for out-smarting those who seek to pull the wool over our eyes.

SAT-SUNDAY, March 8th-9th, 2025

This weekend, the Sun and Mars cause unrest. Sun trine Mars encourages people to believe they can do anything ... and get away with anything. On the negative side, people run amok and even the weather can be more than usually unpredictable and destructive. On the positive side, however, you might accidentally run into the new love of your life ... while running for shelter.


Another exciting week lies ahead between March 10th and 16th, 2025, when you may find yourself feeling a bit guilty, a bit self-critical, a bit inadequate. That's the Virgo Full Moon ... but in Antinous Moon Magic, this is the DIANA MOON ... the moon of sisterhood, of kindred spirits in whom you can confide ... and a "sister" need not be blood related ... or even female ... you have a "sister" and tonight's full moon helps you find her ... More details next time ....


TONIGHT's dreamy and insightful Pisces New Moon is the lunar phase of fidelity and friendship which we call the ANTINOUS DOG MOON in Antinous Moon Magic.

The Pisces New Moon is the new moon of revelations, when you see who your true friends are ... and who aren't.

Each lunar phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Dog Moon is loving and supportive friendship.

This Spirit is loving and faithful, comforting you with familiarity when you see yourself reflected in this Spirit.

It is the perfect combination of comfort and stimulus to grow and provides a wonderful companion that walks with you through life, helping you define and refine who you are and who you choose to be every day.

The only ancient portrait which shows Antinous alongside an animal is by the artist Antonianus of Aphrodisias found at Lanuvium showing Antinous harvesting grapes ... with a small dog looking up at him adoringly ....

Flamen Antonyus Subia painted an oil-on-canvas version of the frieze (above).

Antonyus says, "Yes, the Sacred Barque of Antinous will be crammed full of animals, especially little dogs...a million shih-tzu and thing we know Antinous loves is little dogs...lions, not so much...alligators and hippopotami not at all,...but dogs, with all his heart."

Humans have "genetically engineered" wild canines over thousands of canine generations to create "the dog" ... mankind's best friend. Our ancestors adopted the runts of wolf litters ... the puny little wolf pups that were abandoned by their mothers.

And through thousands of years of breeding wolf runts, early humans created a companion species which coexists in synergy with us.

Humans and canines complement each other beautifully, for the most part. Except when we humans abuse dogs and abandon them.

Friendship is always a two-way street ... and a dog will always come trotting more than halfway to meet us ... and that is why this special lunar phase of true friendship is called the Antinous Dog Moon.

Meditations and rituals carried out during the cycle of the Pisces New Moon are best suited for delving into issues involving trust and faithfulness ... determining who your true friends are ... and how you can be your own best friend.

Tonight is also a good time for contacting and honoring friends ... of all species ... and all familiar spirits.

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

OUR astrology adviser Hernestus tells me that the Pisces New Moon is the "Dog Moon" of fidelity, friendship, trustworthiness and faithfulness. 

I hope you all have friends. They can come in many forms. 

Myself and my partner are blessed with many wonderful human friends but we are also lucky enough to have the companionship of a big, funny, ginger cat and 6 Goldfish. We will soon inherit a tortoise from a dear friend. 

They all 'give' differently and all 'receive' various levels and types of fidelity, friendship, trustworthiness and faithfulness in return. 

Don't forget, however, that even inanimate objects can be 'friends'. Objects that we love, soak up that affection. 

Hernestus, also our ancient Egyptian expert, will tell you that, in Egyptian terms, these loved objects have a 'Ka', a soul imbued in them by us. 

Favourite toys; paintings we love hung on our walls; sculptures of Antinous all receive energy from us and reflect it back at us. It is mutual attraction and affection. 

It is also thus with crystals - more so in fact. Crystals formed amid the vast, energetic turmoil of the Solar System and Earth's creation and are still being formed by the last remnants of that upheaval - volcanoes and meteorites. 

They have specific energies that they emanate constantly. We emanate vibration too - it fluctuates, ebbs and flows with our moods, health and situations. 

It is why we feel drawn to certain crystals and why certain crystals will work for you at certain times. 

With this in mind I would recommend meditations using the following crystals at this time:

Faithfulness & Fidelity - Opal brings loyalty and faithfulness

Green Sapphire brings loyalty and fidelity
Friendship - Emerald promotes friendship and partnership

Lapis Lazuli bonds friendships and aids the expression of feelings and emotions

Trustworthiness: Pink Chalcedony promotes a strong sense of empathy, inner peace and trust in a relationship. 

Chalcedony in general has always had trust attributed to it. Bowls were made from Chalcedony for sharing liquids as the stone was said to dissipate poison.

Chrysanthemum Stones are rocks with fossil flowers in them in the shape of Chrysanthemums - they are beautiful.  They help to bring security, stability and trust to a relationship. 

Our astrology adviser Hernestus also tells me that this week's moon is also a "SuperMoon" Solar Eclipse. This is a cosmic sign of rebirth and reinvigoration. With this in mind I would also recommend meditations using the following crystals at this time:

Chiastolite (or Cross Stone) - these amazing stones have a distinctive, naturally occurring, cross shape at their centre. They help in understanding the transition from your physical to non-physical state and birth and the same in reverse for rebirth.

Red Spinel - Sometimes found as crystals within a matrix of other crystals they aid energy renewal and rejuvenation.

Love and Light,

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.


February 27 is commemorated as the date of the conception of Antinous ... Antinous was born 27 November 111 AD. He is no myth. He truly was conceived. He truly was born. He lived. He died. The most powerful man in the world loved him so much that he declared Antinous to be a god ... the last Classical deity ... the ultimate Classical deity!  (Art by Priest Julien.)

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


THE 26th of February is the Feast Day of Hygeia. A Greek goddess, she is one of the daughters of Aesculapius (Aeskelapios), the god of healing. Her symbols are a water basin and a snake. Hygeia's name means "wholeness" and she is concerned with maintaining the wholeness of the body thus ensuring a long and healthy life. She is goddess of cleanliness, which give us the words "hygiene" and "hygienic". Later she became protectoress not only of the body, but also our environment, the way we live and keep our home clean to help ensure continued health. Offer her pure water and healing incenses such as white sage and lavender.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


AT the end of February and beginning of March the Religion of Antinous marks Three Holy Days involving the Divine Antoninus Pius.

On February 25th we celebrate the Adoption of Antoninus Pius by Hadrian. And on March 7th we commemorate the Apotheosis of Antoninus Pius . Also on March th, we celebrate the Ascension of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus.

After the death of Aelius Caesar, Hadrian adopted Antoninus, imposing on him the condition that he adopt two sons, Lucius Verus and Marcus Antoninus to be his successors. Antoninus supported the dying Hadrian for the remainder of his years, and obeyed his commands even after his death. For this Antoninus is called Pius.

As the Fates would have it, March 1st is the date when Antoninus Pius died in 161 AD after 23 years as Emperor. His rule is marked by an almost unbroken period of peace and tranquility. The golden era of Rome, known as the Age of the Antonines, takes its name from Antoninus, because every emperor afterward took up his name as an emblem of glory. Antoninus is the emperor most responsible for the perpetuation of the Religion of Antinous.

He had served as Proconsul of Asia Minor under Hadrian from 130 to 135, while the Religion of Antinous was being formed, and it was during his reign that construction of the Sacred City of Antinoopolis was completed.

The Senate deified Antoninus Pius shortly after his death. The base of the column erected in his honor, shows Antoninus Pius and his wife Faustina the elder, rising up to heaven. They are ascending upon the wings of an Aeon, with Mother Rome on one side, and a beautiful reclining male figure on the other who grasps an obelisk. We believe this figure to be Antinous, guardian spirit of the Age of the Antonines.

Upon the occasion of the Death and Apotheosis of Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus became co-Emperors, both surnamed Antoninus, a name which the ancient Romans equate with inestimable glory.

Marcus being the elder and wiser, was given the title Augustus, while Lucius took the name Caesar. They remained cordial to one another though their vastly different characters were always a cause of discord, though never of rivalry or outright animosity. They were a harmonious and cooperative pair of rulers, the only example of effective imperial brotherhood in the long history of Rome.

Monday, February 24, 2025


CANOPUS was the Egyptian resort where Hadrian and Antinous spent pleasant days away from the hubbub of steamy Alexandria in August and September of the year 130 ... just weeks before tragedy.

In February of 131, grieving Hadrian returned to the resort city of Canopus at the mouth of the western branch of the Nile delta, located 25 miles from Alexandria.  The Imperial court disembarked from the Nile barge and settled into the luxurious port city for a period of rest after the long journey.  

The boat-shaped sarcophagus of Antinous was ceremonially unloaded and carried to the temple of Canopic Osiris.

The city of Canopus was founded by Menelaus, returning from Troy, at the place where his navigator Canopus died and was elevated to the heroic stars.  

Canopus was young and beautiful and was desired by an Egyptian priestess named Theonoe, but he rejected her advances, so she used magic to send a poisonous snake to kill him.

Canopus was the oldest Greek trading port on the Nile, and later became a luxury resort.

Osiris was worshiped in the temple in the form of a pot-shaped image that may have held sacred Nile water, from which the term Canopic jars was taken.

Hadrian later built the famous Canopus area of his Villa in memory of his somber return to the city of Canopus, the gay navigator, without Antinous who had become the navigator of stars.

Sunday, February 23, 2025


THE 23rd of February is the Terminalia, the feast of the Roman God Terminus, god of boundaries who stops intruders while protecting everyone inside his boundaries. Terminus is associated with Zeus/Jupiter because he deified Jupiter by establishing his position atop Capitoline Hill. Thus, statues of Terminus/Jupiter (like this modern replica) symbolize devotion and steadfastness. Today is an appropriate day to create or renew a magical boundary around your home, to keep out psychic nasties and any negative energies. A simple way to do this is to walk the boundary of your home three times, as you do so imagine magical blue light springing up as you walk. You can also carry with you a bowl containing an offering for Terminus: grain, honey and wine are traditional, you can also include an egg as a "sacrifice." When you have walked three times around, dig a hole at the boundary and put your offering into it, then fill in the hole and put a marker stone on top. Another year you can carry a lit incense stick around the boundary and leave an offering of incense and flowers at your stone.

Saturday, February 22, 2025


OUR spiritual leader ANTONIUS SUBIA witnessed one of the world's most spectacular cosmic events when, at the climax of his sacred pilgrimage to Egypt in February 2020, he saw the rays of the rising sun illuminate the inner sanctum of the main temple at Abu Simbel.

On two days, traditionally the anniversary of the birthday and coronation of pharaoh Ramses II, a shaft of sunlight pierces the gloom, illuminating statues of gods and the king in the temple's inner sanctum.

On February 22, a day celebrating the king's birthday and again on October 22, a day celebrating his coronation, sunlight illuminates seated statues of the sun gods Re-Horakhte and Amon-Re, as well as a statue of king Ramses II. 

The statues sit in the company of the Theban god of darkness, Ptah (who remains in the shadows all year).

The spectacle ... which has endured more than 3,200 years of Egyptian history ... draws thousands of tourists to Abu Simbel to watch this ancient tribute to a pharaoh whose name is still known up and down the Nile Valley for his military exploits and monumental building projects.

Ramses, who ruled Egypt for 66 years from 1270 to 1213 BC (about 50 years after the death of Tutankhamen, better known as King Tut) made a name for himself by battling the Hittites and the Syrians, Egypt's enemies to the north.

To celebrate his victories, Ramses erected monuments up and down the Nile with records of his achievements. 

He completed the hypostyle hall at Karnak (Thebes), and completed the funerary temple of his father, Seti I, at Luxor on the West Bank of the Nile.

The main temple at Abu Simbel, which Ramses ordered built near the border of Nubia and Upper Egypt, was dedicated to two sun gods, Amen-Re and Re-Horakhte. 

Standing 100 feet (33 meters) tall, the temple was carved into an already-standing sandstone mountain on the banks of the Nile.

Four colossal statues of Ramses, each 66 feet (22 meters) high, guard the entrance to the temple.

Rising to the pharaoh's knees are smaller statues of family members: his mother; favorite wife, Nefertari; and son, Prince Amonherkhepshef.

Inside the temple, three connected halls extend 185 feet (56 meters) into the mountain. 

Images of the king's life and many achievements adorn the walls. 

A second temple at Abu Simbel is dedicated to Nefartari, who appears to have been Ramses' favorite wife.

"Abu Simbel was one of, if not the largest, rock-cut temples in Egypt," says Bruce Williams of the Oriental Institute of Chicago, "The rock was sacred because the Egyptians believed the deity was living inside the mountain."

Rock-cut temples may have been especially significant in ancient Egypt because the bulge in the otherwise flat land may have signified the location where the gods emerged from the Earth, says Williams.


Friday, February 21, 2025


FEBRUARY 21st is the Day of Counting the Parts of the Eye of Horus. During one of the battles between Horus and Seth, Seth shattered one of Horus' eyes. Thoth, the god of writing and magic, found all the pieces and numbered them as fractions and reconstructed the Horus eye. But nothing on Earth is perfect, and when Thoth remade the eye, he found that he only had 63/64ths ... one tiny piece was missing ... the missing fraction is magic! Each fraction of the Eye also represents one of the senses: 1/64 is Touch, 1/32 Taste, 1/16 Hearing, 1/8 Thought, 1/4 Sight, and 1/2 Smell. And when these are added together we also find it is 63/64ths ... and thanks to Thoth, the last 64th is Magic!

Thursday, February 20, 2025


Antinous is a Moon God. He is, of course, many other things and he wears many hats. But one of the ways he was worshiped in Antiquity was as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD.

His worshipers looked skyward and saw His beautiful face perpetually turned towards the Earth. The Man in the Moon was actually the Blessed Boy in the Moon for the ancient priests and worshipers of Antinous. Swiftest and most youthful of all the Zodiacal deities, Antinous speeds through an entire year's worth of Astrological signs in just 28 days.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious gay selves. Where Hadrian the Sun acts, Antinous the Moon REACTS. How do we instinctively react or respond to problems? What do we feel we need for a sense of security? Look to ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD for answers.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is both our inner boy child and our inner lover. His ever changing phases, as he sweeps past all the other Planets in all the Signs, make us at turns responsive, receptive, and reflective. Eternally youthful, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our childlike spontaneous and instinctual reactions.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD beams down on us to make us imaginative, creative, intuitive, sentimental, adaptable, introspective, and protective. On the negative side, and depending on where he is in the Zodiac, he can make us moody, restless, and irrational.

Antinous Astrology Forecast

FEBRUARY 20th to MARCH 2nd, 2025

THURS-FRIDAY, February 20th-21st, 2025

This week, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is at right angles to the Sun. This is the SAGITTARIUS THIRD QUARTER MOON, which we call the SACRED STAR phase in Antinous Moon Magic. In the midst of confusion and chaos, the Spirit of the Star touches the top of your head and conveys sudden and total clarity. This Spirit is never deceived by appearances. Meditations and rituals conducted during this lunar phase are ideal for discerning clarity in opaque situations, for clearing the mind of nebulous distractions and for seeing clearly into other worlds ... the perfect night for clairvoyance.

SATURDAY, February 22nd, 2025

This weekend, Mercury is in a good trine aspect to Mars to help you get your point across articulately and strongly to others.

SUNDAY, February 23rd, 2025

Today could be a lucky day for 2025 when Mars ends two months of retrograde (backwards) motion which began December 6th, 2024, and now starts going Direct (or forward as seen from Earth) again through the sign of Cancer. Stubborn business, political, sexual and other frustrations of recent months disappear when Mars marches forward again to face new challenges for the new year. When a planet is retrograde, it appears to be moving backward in the sky from the perspective of the Earth. Of course, the planet is actually continuing in its usual orbit, and the retrograde effect is a kind of optical illusion. Since perspective is so important in astrology, however, retrograde planets do correspond to recognizable meanings. Mars is the planet associated with the Warrior archetype. It is therefore the planet we look to when we want to know about assertiveness, aggression, determination, and action. Mars is also closely associated with sexuality — not the love and romance aspect of sex, but the more instinctual, desire-driven side of it. Retrograde Mars is usually is considered to be a poor time to begin a new sexual relationship, but there is no reason to abstain altogether for ten weeks. The underlying meaning of Mars retrograde is that energy is lacking — and that's why new sexual relationships are seen as being doubtful: the desire may not last. Now ... finally ... you can move forward and begin new relationships.

MON-WEDNESDAY, February 24th-26th, 2025

This is a pivotal week for the year 2025 when Mercury aligns first with Saturn and then with Neptune in intuitive Pisces. When Mercury aligns in perfect conjunction with Saturn you find the courage to vocalize your feelings. Then later in the week, your mind shifts into visionary mode when Mercury aligns with Neptune in dreamy Pisces. Pay special attention to your dreams ... and that includes day dreams.

THURS-FRIDAY, February 27th-28th, 2025

Overnight Thursday-Friday, we come to the PISCES NEW MOON. In Antinous Moon Magic this is the lunar phase we call the DOG MOON of fidelity, friendship and faithfulness. The Spirit of the Dog Moon is loving and supportive friendship. This Spirit is loving and faithful, comforting you with familiarity when you see yourself reflected in this Spirit. It is the perfect combination of comfort and stimulus to grow and provides a wonderful companion that walks with you through life, helping you define and refine who you are and who you choose to be every day.

SATURDAY, March 1st, 2025

This weekend, the Sun is in a 90-degree right angle to Jupiter. This configuration provides great opportunities for success but also some tests of character. You can be very fortunate but also have to make your own luck. Lucky breaks and popularity can lead to an inflated ego and other excesses in life. For example, you may have a tendency to over-estimate your own abilities or resources. This could lead to a scattering of energy or wasting money on unnecessary luxuries. There may also be a tendency to accumulate possessions such as collections of a special thing, coins, figurines etc. It may be that your beliefs and morals become over the top and cause difficulties with others. Excessive behaviors are most problematic because these are more likely to affect your close relationships. Overconfidence can get in the way of making lasting friendships. The key to dealing with the excessive nature of Jupiter is moderation. You can still maintain a healthy ego but you won’t want to let excess and pride damage your standing in the world. Jupiter is testing your ego. Any arrogance or boastfulness may actually be covering for a wounded ego, or a lack of self-confidence. Yes, you do wish to be of importance, to be famous or wealthy and to receive the praise and ovation you deserve. They key to dealing with this aspect, apart from moderation, is to not get ahead of yourself. Focus your energy on doing the groundwork, the daily grind needed to perfect your special gifts.

SUNDAY, March 2nd, 2025

This weekend, Venus stops and turns around. An ex-lover will call or visit you in the next 40 days ... Leo Venus goes "Retrograde" (backwards) from March 2nd until April 13th ... an unfavorable time for weddings. Retrograde Taurus Venus is emotionally flirtatious and vivacious ... this is a good time to review, reassess, and revive your relationships ... and that means it may be time to end some career or personal relationships. Retrograde Venus is nostalgic for "the good old days" ... so you can expect to hear from old friends and ex-lovers. You may not have seen them for years, and suddenly they show up on your doorstep ... and the two of you have a wonderful time reviving old memories ... and possibly reconciling old differences. In fact, Retrograde Venus periods are often characterized by old lovers getting back together and re-marrying.


Another exciting week lies ahead between March 3rd and 9th, 2025, when we come to the Gemini First Quarter moon ... the lunar phase we call the JACKAL MOON in Antinous Moon Magic. Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Jackal in Antinous oracular arts is the embodiment of cunning and skill and sleight-of-hand and being slightly dodgy and sneaky but also being incredibly adept and learned in the ways of the world. The Gemini First Quarter Moon is the March moon of the Trickster, who taunts and teases, who plays tricks, who leads the soul through dark and treacherous passages ... who is more treacherous than any Underworld foe ... but whose cunning enables him to bring his charges to their goal. Meditations and rituals carried out tonight are best suited for looking beyond the the veil of lies and deceit that others (or we ourselves) throw over our eyes to prevent us from seeing clearly. This is also a very good night for finding canny and cunning solutions to difficult problems ... strategies for out-smarting those who seek to pull the wool over our eyes ... More details next time ....


TONIGHT Antinous the Moon God is at right angles to the Sun. This is the SAGITTARIUS THIRD QUARTER MOON, which we call the SACRED STAR phase in Antinous Moon Magic.

Each lunar phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the SACRED STAR lunar phase is the embodiment of clarity and insight.

In the midst of confusion and chaos, the Spirit of the Star touches the top of your head and conveys sudden and total clarity. This Spirit is never deceived by appearances.

It always sees clearly. It sees through every facade. It sees behind all barriers. It sees through the blackest darkness. It shines as a beacon, lighting the way ahead.

The Star of Antinous was named shortly after the death of Antinous, perhaps in the year 131, when the Nile flooded over the embankments and a new star appeared in the sky to announce the deification of the new god. 

Hadrian's Astrologers noticed the new star which appeared suddenly within the constellation now known as Aquila, the Eagle.

A new constellation was drawn within Aquila that was named Antinous, and officially recognized by Astronomers and Astrologers all around the world, as recently as the last century.

The Sagittarius Third Quarter Moon is concerned with getting clear on idealistic matters.

Meditations and rituals conducted during this lunar phase are ideal for discerning clarity in opaque situations, for clearing the mind of nebulous distractions and for seeing clearly into other worlds ... the perfect night for clairvoyance.

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

TO create/gain absolute clarity about the situation you are in, or striving for, use Jade (especially Green Jade) in meditations during tonight's Sagittarius Third Quarter Moon.

Jade helps you to channel passion into constructive approaches to situations with the people around you whether family, friends, colleagues or enemies.

It is not surprising, therefore, that Chinese people have held Green Jade as sacred for over a millennium.

Love and Light


To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.


I was totally and completely overwhelmed by Karnak.

I knew that it is the biggest temple in the world but I did not expect the scale of how magnificent it is and what it must have looked like when it was intact and functioning ... it brought me to tears.

In a secluded side temple away from all the millions of tourists the attendant took us into off limits areas, opening locked doors, down unlit stairways, across single beam walkways over deep pits to see amazing, beautiful rooms that I'm sure most people never see ... all for a heavy tip of course. 

He knew that we were there for religious purposes and took us to the secret shrines.

He even left us alone in an off limits "chapel," closed the door behind him and let us pray ... it was really great ... and extremely moving to have opportunity to see so many beautiful rooms that most people never see.

We took a carriage along the Nile-side Corniche from the hotel to Karnak, and I told the kid who was driving to come back and pick us up if he wanted.

And when we came out, there he was waiting so I gave them a nice tip. The boy insisted that I sit up front with him and gave me the reins to drive the horse.

I actually was driving the horse who's name was Rambo. I pulled him to the right because a car was coming and he responded. He was very cool.

We ended our day watching the sun go down from the rooftop area ... a beautiful day in Luxor.

Ave Antinous!


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Wednesday, February 19, 2025


ON the 19th of February we celebrate the birthday of Minerva/Athena, goddess of wisdom, trade and commerce, arts and crafts, music, poetry, strategy and weaving.

She was said to have invented numbers and medicine and to have taught weaving. 

She knows war, being the goddess of strategy, but understands that there are both winners and losers, and rather than standing in triumph over her enemies, she empathises with them. 

Ovid called her "Goddess of a thousand works" and she can be approached in many ways. One of her symbols is the spider, as it weaves its web, she weaves the web of destiny, and into it the strands of magic. 

If you have been a victim of theft, then you can also appeal to Minerva for restitution. Image: Athena/Minerva by Chrisra.

19 de fevereiro é o aniversário de Minerva / Athena , deusa da sabedoria, comércio, artes e artesanato , música, poesia , estratégia e tecelagem. Ela foi dito ter números inventados e medicina e ter tecelagem ensinado. Ela sabe guerra, sendo a deusa da estratégia, mas entende que há vencedores e perdedores, e ao invés de em pé no triunfo sobre os seus inimigos , ela empathises com eles. Ovid a chamou de " Deusa de mil obras ", e ela pode ser abordada de várias maneiras. Um de seus símbolos é a aranha , uma vez que tece sua teia , ela tece a teia do destino , e nele os fios de magia. Se você tiver sido vítima de roubo, então você também pode apelar para Minerva de restituição .

19 de de febrero es el cumpleaños de Minerva / Athena , diosa de la sabiduría , el comercio y el comercio, artes y artesanías , la música , la poesía , la estrategia y el tejido. Ella se dice que tienen números inventados y medicina y tener tejer enseñado. Ella sabe que la guerra , siendo la diosa de la estrategia, pero entiende que existen ganadores y perdedores, y en lugar de pie en el triunfo sobre sus enemigos, empatiza con ellos . Ovidio la llamó " la diosa de un millar de obras " y que se puede abordar de muchas maneras . Uno de sus símbolos es la araña , mientras teje su tela, teje la red de destino, y en ella los hilos de magia. Si usted ha sido víctima de un robo , entonces también puede apelar a Minerva para la restitución.