Wednesday, January 29, 2025

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

TONIGHT's Aquarius New Moon is the OBELISK MOON of Antinous ... the lunar phase for focusing on education, learning and expression through writing.

I am an author of historical so the ability to research and get the correct facts about something are vital to me. So I am only going to recommend one crystal for this moon as it the one I know personally works wonders - Tiger's Eye.

Tiger's Eye is also my birth stone and one of my absolute favourites to work with. 

It brings clarity to that which you are paying attention to. It has the ability to help you to bring together scattered information into a coherent whole. It helps you to accomplish goals.

It is also a stone of protection - used throughout history as a talisman.

While writing my novel about Antinous - THE LOVE GOD - I used a pendulum made of Tiger's Eye to give me guidance. 

I wanted to know specific facts about the complexities of two ancient sites in Greece and one in Egypt. 

You can only ask a pendulum questions with a 'yes' or 'no' answer as it will only rotate one way for each answer (clockwise or anti-clockwise). 

To my astonishment the pendulum answered all my questions and prompted me to formulate more which it then also answered!

The scenes were those set in Delphi and Eleusis in Greece and Antinoopolis in Egypt.

If you have read the book then the final scene was guided to me by the Tiger's Eye pendulum as I asked it to give me answers about the site.

It was a lengthy process but revealed positions of things, the gender of people and what their roles were. Truly amazing!

Love and Light!

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.

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