Tuesday, February 4, 2025


TONIGHT's Taurus First Quarter Moon is the lunar phase of young love which, in Antinous Moon Magic, we call the AMOR MOON.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Amor Moon is the Great God of Love. Also known as Eros-Cupid, he is foremost of the Gods of the Religion of Antinous.

He is the first impulse upon which the world was created, and he is the beauty and perfection of all creation. He is called Phanes, the radiant being of beauty who emerged from the egg of night.

Others say that he is the son of Uranus and Gaia, or that he was born when Venus was born, and that he is the leader of a whole army of Erotes who attended Venus as she rose from the sea.

But Amor/Eros is also said to be the son of Venus, the Mother of Love, and his father is often said to be Mars, which is why Amor so often uses violence to obtain love.

Amor makes the world burn with the desire for beauty, he conquers all and is the drive that sustains life, Love is Life.

He inspires us through desire, to fight for our gratification, which is  why the stag grows horns, to do battle in the time of rut.

Often he is portrayed as a youth with wings because he is flighty and has no reason or control over his desires. Eros is madly in love with the soul, with Psyche, who dwells within all of us, he cannot resist the beauty that is in our hearts and so therefore, he never disdains us.

One of his twins is Anteros ... "Love Returned to the Lover" ... and Anteros can devolve into Zelus ... fear, envy, jealousy.

The First Quarter Taurus Moon is the moon of comfort and luxury and lovableness. It is the fresh bloom of love.

Meditations and rituals carried out tonight are best suited for delving into matters of love and romance.

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

LOVE is what the universe is all about. Love is the most important vibration that emitted from the divine source at the beginning of the Universe.

Whatever God, Gods, Spirits, Angels, Saints, Martyrs etc that you worship, they channel love through you and you channel it back through them to the divine source.

They are all conduits for this exchange of love.

For us, of course, Antinous is that main conduit. For him the greatest symbol of Love, given physically to him by Hadrian, was an 'Adamantine' (diamond) spear head. 

It was that symbol of Love that Antinous used to display his most courageous act of Love in return. His Adamantine tipped spear killed the lion jumping to kill Hadrian.

Above is a photo of a piece of jewellery that I commissioned to contain a beautiful crystal glass intaglio of Antinous I bought. 

It features the unfortunate lion and a spear. 

One end of the spear has a heart, the other end has a tiny diamond set into the point (not visible in the photo).

We all hope to shoot our own metaphorical arrows/spears of desire into  those things or people we love. Our loving thoughts reach out from us and connect whether we realise it or not. 

We are sometimes astonished when our objects of desire, friends, family members and even animals make it obvious to us that they know, and knew all along, that we love them. 

Don't be surprised. Love is an energy just as are hate, jealousy, indifference and murderous intent. 

Love however is the strongest of all emotions/energies. It overrides all others and ALWAYS defeats negativity or evil. 

It is immensely powerful and positive and emits strong signals that we all pick up on whether we are aware of it or not.

At this time of year, therefore, and during tonight's AMOR MOON, it is so important to meditate on whom or what you love. 

Crystals have strong energies too and can boost your love arrows as they emanate from your core. 

Perhaps unsurprisingly there are more crystals that can assist you with Love than any other energy/vibration/intention/thought process you may have. 

For this moon phase the obvious crystal is the strongest of them all and that which best reflects the light of Love brought to us from and to the Source - diamonds of course!

Diamonds - Are bringers of the purest Light and help us to focus on and receive Love in the form of relationships, commitment and fidelity. Meditations using diamonds are likely to be intense, revelatory and full of imagery.

They are, though, very expensive and I try to recommend crystals that are easily affordable from crystal shops or websites. 

So, there are other more accessible stones/crystals with Love as a key aspect of their characteristics. I list just a few...

Garnets - These inspire Love and devotion and can boost your sexual energies (which may or may not be useful in this moon phase?!!).

Rose Quartz - Perhaps those crystal most readily associated with Love. They are the crystal of true and unconditional Love and can help you to attract it. 

Topaz - These wondrous gemstones (shown at left) help you to emanate Love. They bring you good health and good fortune which, obviously, makes it easier for you to be loving.

I hope you have a Love filled moon phase!

In Light and Life,

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.


A gleaming new city rises from the desert on the banks of the Nile in the 2nd Century AD.

Julius Fidus Aquila oversees construction of the city of ANTINOOPOLIS at Hadrian's personal command. 

At his side is a centurion wearing the Lorica Segmentata ... and a slave who clearly thanks the Gods that he is only serving beverages ... and not toiling in the hot Egyptian sun.

The city rose on the shores of the Nile where Antinous died in October 130 AD during an Imperial tour of Egypt. Hadrian had arrived in Egypt intent on founding a city ... as Alexander the Great had done ... and as Hadrian had done. The death and deification of ANTINOUS THE GAY GOD turned Hadrian's plan into reality.

Antinoopolis became a model of Hadrian's dreams for creating the perfect civilization based on Hellenistic principles of tolerance, beauty and learning.

Financial and economic incentives encouraged influential people to move to and invest in the city ...

Great colonnaded streets were lined with fine homes and merchants offering wares from throughout the empire ...

Magnificent temples and a large theater were constructed of the finest stone ...

A hippodrome modeled on Rome's Circus Maximus served as the focal point of Games held in honor of Antinous which drew athletes, poets and artists from all corners of the empire to compete for riches and honorary citizenship in the city.

It was the capital city of the Thebais district in the heart of Egypt ... a center of commerce, art, learning and religious fervor for centuries to come .

Monday, February 3, 2025


THIS passage from Martin Campbell's brilliant novel THE LOVE GOD beautifully illustrates how Hadrian officiated at the "opening of the mouth" rites for Antinous (text edited for space):

"The little tomb was beside the Nile adjacent to where its occupant had died. Outside it was a very simple mastaba. Hadrian wanted no unscrupulous thieves to pay it any attention. Inside, however, it had been lavishly decorated with scenes from the Egyptian Book of the Dead ....

"Hadrian was immensely pleased with it but still couldn't really believe he was to leave part of his lovely Antinous in Egypt ....

"Despite the months since Antinous was lost, it still seemed perfectly conceivable to Hadrian that Antinous would skip into view with some quote or other from the latest scroll he'd been reading. Hadrian had to work hard, mentally, to shake these visions from his head and face his grandly dressed new priests with dignity.

"The mummy of Antinous was carried in on a boat-shaped bier. Three men carried it on each side with one behind to steady it. Hadrian walked in front - his head shrouded in a white hood. The preserved body was now placed on top of a sarcophagus. Hadrian now turned to address his seven pallbearers ....

"Hadrian stood before each man and dipped his thumb into a vial of liquid. It contained collected, salty liquid from his tears. To each man, he said, 'Accept Antinous as your God. Carry forward his name as our God with my blessing.' He then pressed his damp thumb onto the centre of their foreheads."

(Editor's note: This passage has been shortened for space. Afterwards, Hadrian and the newly ordained Antinous priests watched as Egyptian embalming priests of Anubis, while chanting the sacred words of the Book of the Dead, ritually opened the mouth of Antinous, thereby allowing his spirit to receive homage, which was the high ceremony that opened the way for the immortality of the body. Now we continue with Martin Campbell's narrative.)

"The next stage of the ceremony would normally have been to return the mummy to its sarcophagus and seal it with wax, further ceremony and chanting. Today, however, the mummy was gently carried back out of the tomb. It would accompany Hadrian back to the villa at Tibur.

"... Hadrian was soon outside supervising the final stage of today's event. Near to the tomb, Hadrian was watching as masons heaved an obelisk into place on its plinth .... on each of its four sides hieroglyphs had been carved with words written by Hadrian and the priests ....

"... Hadrian was satisfied. The tomb and the obelisk were effectively his foundation stones for the new city that would emerge triumphant from these barren sands. 

"Antinoopolis, Hadrian's great earthbound tribute to Antinous, was beginning to take shape"

Editor's note: This text has been greatly shortened for space considerations with kind permission of the author.

Martin Campbell's "The Love God" is available as paperback or Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/The-Love-God-Martin-Campbell/dp/1500902543

Sunday, February 2, 2025


AFTER the process of mummification had been completed, and the ceremony of the Opening of the Mouth had given life to the eternal vessel of Antinous, his body was carried on a boat shaped bier into the newly constructed and consecrated tomb.

The tomb was perhaps located in the sacred city of Antinoopolis, but this is not certain.

It might have also been located in Rome, at Hadrian's Mausoleum, or at the Villa of Tibur.

No one knows, because the tomb and the body of Antinous are lost.

Flamen Antonius Subia says:

"We must search for his remains and for his final resting place within our selves. The Entombment of Antinous, like his return to Bithynia, is a final triumph of the Body of Antinous, it is the final part of the earthly journey, and the occasion of the most solemn ceremonies of dedication. We are the Tomb of Antinous, and the Entombment is our moment of impregnation."

This 1938 painting by Robert Hale Ives Gammell is entitled "The Garden of Persephone."

Antonius interprets it thusly:

"Antinous reaps the harvest of our destinies ... Venus and Persephone stand behind him ... his temple blossoms again upon the Holy Mountain."

Saturday, February 1, 2025


ON February 1st the Religion of Antinous commemorates the Opening of the Mouth ceremony which was undertaken on the mummy of Antinous to ensure his ability to breathe and speak in the Dwat underworld.

By this date in the year 131 the mood of the entire voyage had changed from rapture to disappointment and finally to all-out grief for Hadrian. 

After the death of Antinous on October 28, his body had undergone the 72-day-long process of mummification, which ended in January. Now, Hadrian returned to preside over the ancient Egyptian ritual called the Opening of the Mouth.

Author MARTIN CAMPBELL provides a very moving fictional recreation of this scene in the Nile-side Tomb of Antinous in his newly published novel THE LOVE GOD

While we don't know whether that tomb ever existed, Martin Campbell agrees with historian Royston Lambert that Hadrian most certainly would have presided over some such ceremonies on Egyptian soil.

In this brilliant new novel, the mummy of Antinous is carried into the tomb by seven pallbearers … men who have been hand-picked by the Emperor to become the first priests of Antinous.

They set the mummy in its place for the ceremony and Hadrian explains to each man what he envisions for the new religion. Martin Campbell writes:

"Hadrian stood before each man and dipped his thumb into a vial of liquid. It contained collected, salty liquid from his tears. To each man, he said, 'Accept Antinous as your God. Carry forward his name as our God with my blessing.' He then pressed his damp thumb onto the centre of their foreheads."

Afterwards, the newly ordained Antinous priests watched as Egyptian embalming priests of Anubis, while chanting the sacred words of the Book of the Dead, opened the mouth of Antinous, thereby allowing his spirit to receive homage, which was the high ceremony that opened the way for the immortality of the body.

Antinous was fitted with a vessel of flesh that would last for all eternity.

Antonius Subia explains:

"The Process of mummification was completed on the body of Antinous and the priests of Anubis, while chanting the sacred words of the Book of the Dead, opened the mouth of Antinous, thereby allowing his spirit to receive homage, which was the high ceremony that opened the way for the immortality of the body.

"Antinous was fitted with a vessel of flesh that would last for all eternity. The location of the body of Antinous is unknown, like Isis, a component of the Religion of Antinous is composed of the never-ending search for his scattered, eternal limbs.

"The Opening of the Mouth is sacred to Anubis, the god of mummification, who like a scavenging dog, consumes the flesh of the once living and guides the soul to immortality."

Friday, January 31, 2025


ON January 31st the Religion of Antinous celebrates the life of Saint Derek Jarman.

St. Derek, born on this day in 1942, created eleven extraordinary feature films ... including "Sebastiane," "Jubilee," "The Tempest," "Caravaggio," "The Last Of England," and "Edward II" ... and over three dozen shorts.

This multi-talented artist is also acclaimed for his painting (several major exhibits), stage and film design (for director Ken Russell and for a glorious Pet Shop Boys concert tour), gay and human rights activism, literature (memoirs, social criticism, poetry), and, on a serene note, his exquisite gardens full of "found" art.

Most gay men have seen Sebastiane which, when it came out more than 30 years ago, was the first British film to feature positive images of gay sexuality, not to mention the first film entirely in Latin.

Edward II raised eyebrows among critics for its upfront depiction of the brutal assassination of England's openly gay monarch by means of rectal assault.

The exquisitely beautiful Caravaggio is Saint Derek's best-known film.

We Antinoians remember Saint Derek for his art and we honor him as well for his boundless courage. His death from AIDS was cruelly slow and agonizing. And yet, as AIDS robbed him of his mobility and even of his eyesight, he turned the tables on Death and Dying by turning Death and Dying into an art form. 

His last feature-length film, Blue, consists of a single shot of saturated blue color filling the screen as Derek talks about his "vision" of life and art. How very typical of Derek Jarman.

Thumbing his nose at fate right up to the end. A dying man who is blind and yet who talks about his vision.

The light of his eyes faded until all he saw was the darkness where the Night Terrors feed on fear and doubt. And what did Derek do? He turned the darkness into vibrant color. He turned his fear and his worries into artistic energy. The dramatic lighting and brilliant colors of his films were so very dramatic and brilliant because they were always, always set against the inky darkness.

That is why we consecrate Derek Jarman a Saint of Antinous. Just like Saint Caravaggio, also one of our Blessed Saints, Martyrs and Exemplars, his "vision" lay in turning the Darkness into Light and Color. He died February 19, 1994.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

ASTRO FORECAST: JAN. 30th—FEB. 9th, 2025

Antinous is a Moon God. He is, of course, many other things and he wears many hats. But one of the ways he was worshiped in Antiquity was as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD.

His worshipers looked skyward and saw His beautiful face perpetually turned towards the Earth. The Man in the Moon was actually the Blessed Boy in the Moon for the ancient priests and worshipers of Antinous. Swiftest and most youthful of all the Zodiacal deities, Antinous speeds through an entire year's worth of Astrological signs in just 28 days.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious gay selves. Where Hadrian the Sun acts, Antinous the Moon REACTS. How do we instinctively react or respond to problems? What do we feel we need for a sense of security? Look to ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD for answers.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is both our inner boy child and our inner lover. His ever changing phases, as he sweeps past all the other Planets in all the Signs, make us at turns responsive, receptive, and reflective. Eternally youthful, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our childlike spontaneous and instinctual reactions.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD beams down on us to make us imaginative, creative, intuitive, sentimental, adaptable, introspective, and protective. On the negative side, and depending on where he is in the Zodiac, he can make us moody, restless, and irrational.

Antinous Astrology Forecast

JANUARY 30th to FEBRUARY 9th, 2025

THURS-FRIDAY, January 30th-31st, 2025

This week, Uranus, the planet of revolutionary change, stops dead in its tracks (as seen from Earth) and goes Direct (forwards) ... ending the Retrograde Uranus crisis of the last five months. Even when going forward, Uranus shakes things up. Uranus still shakes things up for us when it goes retrograde, but it starts to do so in a very pushy way. It pushes us to dig deep and really face the problems and the roadblocks that have impeded progress. It forces us to re-evaluate our values and our priorities. From now on, you can expect only the "usual chaos" in your life, and not the shocking chaos that has occurred since 29th August 2024, when Retrograde Uranus began.

SAT-SUNDAY, February 1st-2nd, 2025

This weekend turns romantic when love goddess Venus and emotionally deep Neptune align in conjunction in dreamy Pisces. Passion and compassion are the bywords — but watch out for over-indulgence in Neptunian party drugs and alcohol.

MONDAY, February 3rd, 2025

This week, Venus leaves dreamy and romantic Pisces and charges into hot and horny Aries. Sitting in front of your computer wistfully fantasizing about Mr. Right suddenly gives way to the urge to go out and find him ... and not stop until you have found him. Aries Venus can be overly assertive and me-firsty in relationships. But if you are congenitally shy and retiring, this means you may finally work up the audacity to stand up for yourself ... and about time, too.

TUESDAY, February 4th, 2025

To kick start the year 2025, Retrograde Jupiter ends its "backwards" period and goes "direct" (forwards), which allows the expansive emotional connections to bring new people into your life. Retrograde Jupiter occurs once every 13 months and last about four months. Retrograde Jupiter shines a spotlight on areas of the world ... and on people ... who have become consumed with greed, gluttony, megalomania and addiction. Retrograde Jupiter has pushed you beyond your comfort zone and now that Jupiter turns direct, more people will be venturing into your life to connect and communicate in ways that are important to you. New information seems to stream in opening the doors of communication as you reach out to connect with people, sharing your common perspective. However, if your goals are unrealistic, deceitful or greedy, then the Jupiter direct phase from now until November 11th, 2025, may result in disappointment and loss.

WEDNESDAY, February 5th, 2025

Overnight Tuesday-Wednesday, we come to the Taurus First Quarter Moon, the lunar phase of young love which, in Antinous Moon Magic, we call the ANTINOUS AMOR MOON ... this moon is perfect to get you in the mood for Valentine's Day!

THURSDAY, February 6th, 2025

In ancient times Antinous was famous for love spells and you can see for yourself this week when love goddess Venus forms a sexy sextile aspect with darkly magical Pluto. Venus sextile Pluto gives you the ability to cast a really powerful kind of love spell on others. We all know that love spells can go any which way. They can bind two people’s affections together in ways that are movingly romantic and passionate or dangerously unbalanced and obsessive. Pluto tends to manifest in extremes, so with this planet in aspect to Venus, your planet of romance, love affairs tend to swing from one end of the emotional spectrum to the next. You'll often find yourself on the receiving end of some obsessively intense attractions but you’re certainly prone to experiencing all-consuming feelings of attraction toward the object of your desire. Go ahead, give it love a chance.

FRIDAY, February 7th, 2025

This week healing energies get a sudden and dramatic boost when Mercury aligns in conjunction with the Sun and both form a powerful sextile aspect with CHIRON IN ARIES. This is a good time for health checkups and medical treatment ... also, you can expect a positive and expansive outlook, which can benefit your well-being at this time. You may be more open-minded with regard to experiencing new things, which will allow healing of your mind, body, and spirit. For instance, you could seek higher understanding and meaning in your life through a guide, mentor, or spiritual person or increase your inner knowledge by means of educational processes, religion, or meditative practices during this period. An urge to travel to far-away places (real or imaginary) may also be experienced. You may discover new perspectives on your beliefs, faith, and sense of hope. Restoring peace and harmony in your personal life and relationships is possible now through your interest in healing your own wounds, as well as extending compassion and generosity to others.

SAT-SUNDAY, February 8th-9th, 2025

This weekend, ambitious Mars forms a positive trine aspect with industrious Saturn to give you the drive you need to push forward projects which have been stalled in recent weeks. It's now or never. Trust Mars to give you the determination. Trust Saturn to give you the cautious determination.


Another exciting week lies ahead between February 10th and 16th, 2025, when we come to the lunar phase we call the LION HUNT MOON, the LEO FULL MOON. It is a reminder that Antinous slew a man-eating lion in Egypt. Antinous peered out into the barren wilderness with all its deep and hidden dangers. He charged forth, his bridle-reins in one hand and an adamantine-tipped spear in the other, and he faced the beast unafraid. For Antinous knew he would triumph over death. The Spirit of the Lion Hunt is the bravery of Antinous the Lion Slayer ... More details next time ....


MENTION the name Livia, who was born on 30 January in 58 or 59 BC, and the image pops to mind of a treacherous and vindictive woman, as beautiful as she was wicked and cruel. 

Second wife of the Emperor Augustus and the mother of his successor Tiberius, Livia has been vilified by posterity (most notably by Tacitus and Robert Graves) as the quintessence of the scheming Roman matriarch, poisoning her relatives one by one to smooth her son's path to the imperial throne.

Played by SiĆ¢n Phillips with viperish glee in the classic BBC TV drama series "I, Claudius", she hissed and writhed through the marble halls of the emperor's palace, leaving corpses in her wake as she ruthlessly intrigued to get her one surviving son, Tiberius, to the Imperial throne ... finally even poisoning Augustus himself and forging his will.

Now a new book says Livia was not evil, she was merely a powerful and ambitious woman ... and as such, she was damned by male historians. 

Like Egypt's Hatshepsut, Livia MUST have been a wicked and cruel step-mother who would stop at nothing in her own quest for power. Or so it was claimed by male historians from Tacitus to Robert Graves in the 20th Century. 

In recent years, Hatshepsut has been vindicated, most notably by historian Joyce Tyldesley. Dr. Tyldesley says Hatshepsut's name was erased from historical records by male successors who feared a "female pharaoh" was a dangerous precedent — dangerous to male domination.

Now it is Livia's turn to be vindicated in the new historiographical book "Empress of Rome: The Life of Livia" by Matthew Dennison. In this elegant and rigorously researched biography, Dennison rescues the historical Livia from the crudely drawn sexist caricature of the popular imagination.

He depicts a complex, courageous and richly gifted woman whose only true crime was not murder but the exercise of power, and who, in a male-dominated society, had the temerity and chutzpah to create for herself both a prominent public profile and a significant sphere of political influence.

As with the life of Hatshepsut, the challenge facing any biographer of Livia is the lack of recorded facts. To handle this problem, "Empress of Rome" tells her story in a series of thematic chapters in roughly chronological order.

It makes for riveting reading.

All that we can be certain of is that Livia enjoyed a reputation for probity and traditional values. She seems to have taken care not to interfere in politics, although always on hand to give confidential advice to her husband Augustus. And he has gone on record as having valued her advice.

Dennison convincingly demonstrates in his biography of this much put-upon woman that she hardly needed to resort to poisoning anyone in an age when poor hygiene and lack of antibiotics meant that anyone might die at any time. 

Reports of poisoning in the Roman empire tended to coincide with epidemics, unrecognised or misunderstood by the unreliable medical science of the day. 

In some cases Livia was many hundreds of miles away from her putative victims and would have had to hire agents to do the dirty deed for her — an extraordinarily foolhardy risk.

A line of hopeful young noblemen, one after another, was struck down mysteriously. The first was Marcellus, Augustus's nephew, who (probably) died of typhoid fever at the age of 20.

The whisper spread that Livia had administered poison. Similar rumours blamed her for the deaths of her younger son Drusus, the emperor's grandsons Gaius and Lucius Caesar, and even Augustus himself (supposedly she smeared figs on his favourite tree with venom).

Her alleged motive was love for her eldest boy Tiberius, in whose interest she meant to eliminate all competitors for the imperial succession. She was a Claudian and wanted to ensure a Claudian dynasty, or so the story goes.

The idea of Livia as serial killer was given new life by Robert Graves in his historical novel "I, Claudius", and she reached a mass audience in the television series of the book, memorably interpreted by SiĆ¢n Phillips.

Where did Graves get his Livia? The key figure is Tacitus, a Roman historian whose "The Annals Of Ancient Rome" is one of the great masterpieces of historical literature.

Tacitus disliked Livia. In fact he loathed her. Writing slightly more than a century after Livia's heyday, he never directly accused the empress of mass murder but slyly insinuated it with a nudge and a wink. Graves simply fleshed out those insinuations in his historical novel — historical fiction which readers accepted as historical fact.

But Dennison points out that at least two historians of the Roman Empire, who were actually writing at the time, made very few criticisms of Livia.

Born in about 58 BC, she came from an upper-class Roman family living under a strict moral code, which was even stricter for women.

They wove a lot. They looked after the household and the education of their children. A contemporary wrote that an ideal wife "can relax with her husband and he can confide all his secrets to her since it is like confiding in himself".

That explains the genuinely close relationship between Liva and Augustus.

This doesn't change the fact that she was a Claudian and family dynasties were what really mattered. Octavian Caesar (who became Augustus) married into Livia's Claudian family because it gave him more power. She conveniently left her husband to marry Augustus because he was rich and powerful.

The problem for Livia was that Augustus wanted to create, in essence, a hereditary monarchy. That would exclude her sons by Claudius Nero, and she could have none by Octavian (now dubbed Augustus). 

That meant the end of the line for the Claudians. 

The rivals who stood in her way went down like ninepins, although not necessarily by Livia's hand. 

Marcellus, Augustus's nephew and the first to go, could well have died of typhoid, says Dennison.

Augustus's daughter Julia was exiled to a rocky islet off the Italian coast after Livia fed the puritanical Augustus stories of her wanton immorality. No proof, says the author.

Lucius and Gaius Caesar, grandsons of Augustus, dying abroad mysteriously? Tacitus suggests Livia's "secret hand" but no other historians mention the rumor.

Postumus, another grandchild of Augustus, murdered, while unarmed, by an unknown hand on the islet to which his mother Julia had been exiled? The identity of the killer is still open to debate, we are told.

However, there is little question about the death of Augustus himself. It is a near contemporary historian who records Livia smearing poison on some figs and offering them to him with her own hand.

And there is no question that Livia, skilled in "medicinal potions", lived to be nearly 90 years old — more than twice the average life span. And she did indeed ensure that the Claudians remained in power through Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero.

And, of course, it was her grandson Claudius who proclaimed her an immortal goddess, thus absolving her of all earthly misdeeds ... whether factual or only fictional.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


TONIGHT's Aquarius New Moon is always a special lunar occurrence. Not only is it Chinese New Year, it is also the ANTINOUS OBELISK MOON in Antinous Moon Magic.

The Aquarius New Moon is always the Chinese New Year, and it usually occurs near or on such festivals as Candlemas, Luminaria, Imbolc and Brighid's Day ... all festivals of shedding light on secrets, oracles (Groundhog Day), revealing secret knowledge, news, predictions.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Obelisk Moon is knowledge in all its forms, knowledge which is gained through study and learning.

This is the Spirit of education, training, schooling, apprenticeship and initiation into knowledge restricted to a few. In ancient times, knowledge of reading and writing was limited to a select few. Language was a matter of sacred symbols, thus the word "hieroglyphs" or "sacred writing" which was given to mortals by the scribe deity Thoth, whose sacred bird is the ibis.

The masses could not read hieroglyphs incised on an obelisk, thus the obelisk became a symbol of secret or arcane knowledge.

The Obelisk of Antinous, which now stands on the Pincian Hill in Rome, was incised with hieroglyphs which, in the 2nd Century AD, almost no one could read, not even Egyptians.

Yet the hieroglyphs on the Obelisk of Antinous give us precious information on the life and religion of Antinous. It is a key font of knowledge about Antinous.

In the Religion of Antinous, the Obelisk represents knowledge which comes from the divine. It represents the liberation from ignorance that knowledge brings about. 

It stands for the Great Library of Alexandria and for all the libraries in all the world and for all the books in all those libraries.

The Obelisk is the spirit of all-encompassing power of knowledge in all of its forms, in print, over the internet or over airwaves.

It is knowledge that enables you to broaden your mortal mind to encompass the cosmos. You are the cosmos becoming aware of itself through knowledge.

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

TONIGHT's Aquarius New Moon is the OBELISK MOON of Antinous ... the lunar phase for focusing on education, learning and expression through writing.

I am an author of historical so the ability to research and get the correct facts about something are vital to me. So I am only going to recommend one crystal for this moon as it the one I know personally works wonders - Tiger's Eye.

Tiger's Eye is also my birth stone and one of my absolute favourites to work with. 

It brings clarity to that which you are paying attention to. It has the ability to help you to bring together scattered information into a coherent whole. It helps you to accomplish goals.

It is also a stone of protection - used throughout history as a talisman.

While writing my novel about Antinous - THE LOVE GOD - I used a pendulum made of Tiger's Eye to give me guidance. 

I wanted to know specific facts about the complexities of two ancient sites in Greece and one in Egypt. 

You can only ask a pendulum questions with a 'yes' or 'no' answer as it will only rotate one way for each answer (clockwise or anti-clockwise). 

To my astonishment the pendulum answered all my questions and prompted me to formulate more which it then also answered!

The scenes were those set in Delphi and Eleusis in Greece and Antinoopolis in Egypt.

If you have read the book then the final scene was guided to me by the Tiger's Eye pendulum as I asked it to give me answers about the site.

It was a lengthy process but revealed positions of things, the gender of people and what their roles were. Truly amazing!

Love and Light!

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.


ON January 29th in the year 131 AD a new star appeared in the constellation Aquila, the Eagle.

The court astrologers declared that it was Antinous taking his place in the heavens. Hadrian ordered them to draw a new constellation embraced by the Eagle, and called it ANTINOUS.

Our Flamen Antinoalis Antonius Subia explains:

"The Roman historian Dio Cassius was skeptical that a new star had appeared in the sky, but simultaneously, the leader of the Jewish revolt named Bar Kochba, which means 'Son of the Star,' was declared the Messiah because a celestial event had proclaimed him the savior of Israel. The mystery of the star is real, a celestial even of great magnitude occurred shortly after the death of Antinous within the constellation of the Eagle for the New God.

"The three sacred stars of the constellation Aquila, named Tarzad, Altair and Alshain, rise above the horizon just after dark on this night and are an allegory of the assumption of Ganymede into heaven. This date is suggested by Chinese Novae observations which have been dated as occurring on the 29th of January 131 AD, and are compared to the Star or Comet of Antinous."

Tuesday, January 28, 2025



 (To be said before a sacred flame of Antinous)

Antinous of the Heavens, God of Eternal Fire

In your name, Uranian Lord, Antinous Phanes,

May this consecrated Lucerna shine forth

With the celestial light of your Sacred Dark Star.

Antinous our God, whose Star has Come into Being

We are the Influence of your holy constellation,

May our devotion ignite the burning embers

Of your flame among the ashes of the world.

Arise Antinous Ganymedes as the Eternal Narcissus,

Your Homotheosis shines from this tongue of fire

Let this Flame commemorate the conflagration

That once consumed the Sacred Sodomites

Purify us in the pain and brilliance of Gay Splendor.

We rise as the Unconquered Sun

Soaring as a falcon among the heroes.

Your Hand turns the everlasting sky.

You pass through Heaven before the Starry Beings

You are the Golden Eagle of the Heavens

In whose wings all Catamites are assumed

Into the glory of Eternal Homotheosis

Antinous Phanes, twofold, egg-born,

Glorying in your golden wings,

Antinous of celestial power, ineffable,

Dark Star, all-shining flower of flame, glory of the sky.

“Hadrian declared that he had seen a star

Which he took to be that of Antinous,

And gladly lent an ear to the fictitious tales woven by his associates

To the effect that the star had really come into being

From the spirit of Antinous

And had then appeared for the first time.”

Behold the Star of Antinous!

(light a flame for Antinous)

Monday, January 27, 2025


MAY the Light of the New Star of Antinous shine into all our hearts and illuminate our souls!

We are still trying to figure out exactly what took place in the sky and when, and why it was so important that it confirmed the deification of Antinous, whether it was a comet or a new star, a Nova in what is now the constellation of Aquila.  I lean towards the Nova possibility, because of the use of term "new star" by Dio Cassius, with no reference to a comet, or "long-haired" star...and also because some of the most dramatic known Novas have been located in the constellation Aquila, such as the Nova Aql of 1918

Two major novae have been observed in Aquila: the first one was in 389 BC and was recorded as being as bright as Venus; the other (Nova Aquilae 1918) briefly shone brighter than Altair, the brightest star in Aquila.

So it is possible that there was a Nova in the year 131...and by the way, our previous estimate of year 132 is most likely wrong...the year 131 would have been only a few months after Antinous died...and if this is so, then the appearance of the new star would have occurred about six months before the miraculous inundation of the Nile the following summer.  I've always wondered about the timing issue, whether or not the constellation Aquila was actually visible in the sky at the time of year...but it seems that it is, for about one hour before sunrise.  This is called a Heliacal rising, when the first appears above the horizon just before sunrise, and then on each succeeding night seems to rise higher and higher every night thereafter.  This is what they mean by the Rise of the Dog Star, which signaled the beginning of the Egyptian calendar and which signaled the annual flooding of the Nile.  The star Sirius and Altair (which is the brightest star in the constellation Aquila, the star traditionally located right above Antinous's head) are on almost exactly opposite of the night sky...yet strangely enough, they are the two brightest stars in relatively close proximity to our Sun, part of the local group.

As an argument for the comet:  It was the Chinese who recorded what is said to have been a comet on January 29th 131.  It is known that from the point of vie of China the tail of a comet might be visible, but in Europe, the the tail might be hidden...not sure if I understand why, but this is what I've read, so it may be that from Hadrian's point of view, for the brief hour or so before sunrise, all they saw was a single point of new light in the sky.  I'm still not sure what I think about this...and also...I keep thinking that I recall reading in Beloved and God a brief mention by Royston Lambert that there had been a comet in the sky in the year 130 which had given rise to foreboding prophesies...but I keep trying to find this reference and come up with nothing...if any of you can take another look at Beloved and God and find this reference, I would be much ingratiated.  And then there is the reference that in the year before Antinous died, that a Phoenix had been seen in Egypt, perhaps another allusion to a comet.  If a comet did in fact occur in the months before Antinous died then it would indeed perhaps confirm the Chinese reports, though the dates would disagree but the ancients were terrible about recording dates so there is ever possibility that some confusion might have taken place.  A comet before his death and a new star (nova) afterward would however be a significant narrative of spiritual significance.

The Star of Antinous was the proof that Antinous had indeed arisen to the heavenly sphere...that he had taken his place among the immortal gods...more than anything else..it was what all the disbelievers would have required to recognize that Antinous was more than just Hadrian's little pretty boy.  It would have needed to be a very significant new star in order to make an impact upon the general populace...it would have needed to be an obvious sign in the sky that even an untrained astrologer could look up and seen for themselves..it would have needed to be as bright as Altair...there were a great many people all over the empire who were familiar with the stars...sailors and temple soothsayers...all of whom would have had enough familiarity with the constellations to know if a new star had actually appeared in the night sky for the first time.  If there really had appeared a new star for the first time, as Dio Cassius skeptically reports, then the "experts" would have noticed it, and would have confirmed the official reports from Hadrian's court that Antinous had arisen to godliness...and the word of their confirmation would have spread, dispelling whatever  doubts the general, uninformed populace might have felt when the Edict of Deification was announced.

The Star of Antinous was the most significant event in the formation of our religion...this is what separates Antinous from other gay demi-gods such as Achilles and Hephaestion...they were deified in the same way and for similar reasons as Antinous, but their cults never assumed world-wide importance or longevity...they never crossed the line from heroism to godliness...for one basic reason...because there was no cosmic confirmation to solidify their deification.  I just read a Spanish book about Antinous by De La Maza written in 1969 which emphatically states that the New Star of Antinous was the most important event that elevated Antinous to the immortal state that we recognize him to hold to this day.

The Star of Antinous represents the spirit of Antinous within our heart...the Fire of Homotheosis...this is what I feel when I consider the star of Antinous shining inside of me.

May my light shine upon you all,
May your light shine upon me.

~Antonius Nicias Subia
Flamen Antinoalis

Sunday, January 26, 2025


WORSHIPERS on both sides of the Atlantic joined hands via Zoom in ceremonies celebrating Emperor Hadrian's birthday at the Hollywood Temple of Antinous.

Flamen Antonius Subia had issued a global invitation via social networks for participation in the evening's ceremonies commemorating the 1,949th anniversary of the birth of Hadrian.

"We honor Hadrian because without him there would be no Religion of Antinous," Flamen ANTONIUS SUBIA told the worshipers in North and South America and Europe. 

"Hadrian loved Antinous with all his heart and with all his soul. And yet, when Antinous died he could have kept Antinous in his heart to treasure alone for all eternity," Antonius said.

"But instead, he shared Antinous with the world," he added, raising his hands toward images of Hadrian and Antinous on the temple's sacred altar.

"He issued an imperial command that temples to Antinous be erected throughout the Empire," the Hollywood high priest explained, "and that statues, busts and sacred images of Antinous be created to perpetuate his memory."

Even in the darkest times after the Fall of Rome, Antinous continued to serve as a beacon for homosexuals through the centuries.

"Antinous was revered by gay people throughout the centuries, even in the Killing Times when gays were burned and persecuted, even during the Gay Holocaust at the hands of the Nazis ... and also as gay people continue to suffer today," he said.

"Instead of keeping Antinous locked in his heart, Hadrian shared a portion of Antinous with us," Antonius added. 

"He permitted us to share in his loving relationship with Antinous, and in doing so, he forever changed the way gay people have seen themselves," he told the congregants.

Officiating at the Hollywood Temple as others took part via Zoom, Antonius lighted incense and offered libations in celebration of the birth and life of Hadrian and his unprecedented step to deify his gay lover ... the ultimate Classical deity.

"He was the most powerful man in the world, who loved Antinous so much that he declared him a god," Antonius told worshipers.

"He did that as representative of Zeus on Earth, emblem of the ruler of the Cosmos, the great eagle," Antonius added. 

"Hadrian is the bringer of order out of chaos, founder of our religion," he went on. "He is the divine lover of Antinous ... our model ... and our God."