Tuesday, September 10, 2024


By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

OUR well traveled astrological expert Hernestus has prompted me that the coming moon phase is theEquestrian Moon (Sagittarius First Quarter Moon). It will bring thoughts of  travel - both physical and spiritual journeys.

There are some among us who have traveled in the footsteps of Antinous and Hadrian. 

Right now our companion in Antinous,  Andriy Bendyna, is following our gods Antinous and Hadrian through Greece - keeping us up to date via Facebook as he sees each divine place and relic. Blessed be to him. 

I have trodden in those same footsteps and also followed my gods across Britain, Italy and Egypt. An epic journey but worth every penny/cent and every step.

Of course we spiritual folk also take spiritual leaps of faith and journeys into our hearts and those of our gods. These are perhaps the hardest of all journeys at the outset. We may need guidance to start or to understand what it is we see, think or feel as the journey unfolds. They can be epic too. 

We are all on the path - enjoy the ride!

To help you to meditate on these journeys and during this moon, I  recommend that you use the following crystals to enhance your experience:

Yellow Jasper - These attractive stones protect you during journeys and helps to feel energized to do so. 

No doubt that is one reason the artesans of Ancient Egypt created the breath-taking head of a queen or princess (shown above) out of yellow jasper. This fragment was found in the ruins of "heretic" Pharaoh Akhenaten's city ... a scant 20 km south of Antinoopolis.

Amethyst - Yes my old favourite again! One of its many attributes is to help you to have out of body experiences and intuitive dreams if you sleep with it under your pillow. 

Love and Light,

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE

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