Tuesday, December 20, 2022

ASTRO FORECAST: DEC. 21st, 2022—JAN. 1st, 2023

Antinous is a Moon God. He is, of course, many other things and he wears many hats. But one of the ways he was worshiped in Antiquity was as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD.

His worshipers looked skyward and saw His beautiful face perpetually turned towards the Earth. The Man in the Moon was actually the Blessed Boy in the Moon for the ancient priests and worshipers of Antinous. Swiftest and most youthful of all the Zodiacal deities, Antinous speeds through an entire year's worth of Astrological signs in just 28 days.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious gay selves. Where Hadrian the Sun acts, Antinous the Moon REACTS. How do we instinctively react or respond to problems? What do we feel we need for a sense of security? Look to ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD for answers.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is both our inner boy child and our inner lover. His ever changing phases, as he sweeps past all the other Planets in all the Signs, make us at turns responsive, receptive, and reflective. Eternally youthful, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our childlike spontaneous and instinctual reactions.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD beams down on us to make us imaginative, creative, intuitive, sentimental, adaptable, introspective, and protective. On the negative side, and depending on where he is in the Zodiac, he can make us moody, restless, and irrational.

Antinous Astrology Forecast

DECEMBER 21st, 2022, to JANUARY 1st, 2023


Now we come to the December Solstice. Check out the nearly 20,000 worshipers of Antinous at the ANTINOUS THE GAY GOD FACEBOOK PAGE and you see there are people in South Wales (UK) and New South Wales (Australia). There are people in Sao Paulo and Sydney. There are people in California and Cape Town, and there are some in Portland Oregon and Portland Maine.

For some of us the days are getting shorter and Winter is approaching. For others of us the days are getting longer and Summer is on the way. For our brothers in Brazil and South Africa and Australia, the jacarandas are in bloom and the days are hot and balmy. Sydneysiders are bracing for another bush fire season.

For our brothers here in Britain and Europe, the days are short and almost completely sunless and the scent of roasted chestnuts and mulled wine fills the air from vendors on city streets.

For our brothers in the US and Canada, ice storms and the icy fear of pandemic disaster have put a chill on this Solstice Season.

Wherever we are, regardless of the season, Antinous the Gay God looks into our hearts.

And it is all happening at this magical moment. Twice a year there is a moment — in fact, a few days — when the sun seems to "stand still" in the heavens. From the Latin "sol stasis" we derive our name for these events: solstices.

That's the very odd thing about this blue marble upon which we live. The Solstice occurs at the same moment everywhere. But the hands on the clocks point to 23 different hours. And in some places it signals the start of summer (though the days start getting shorter), while in others the it signals the start of winter (though the days start getting longer).

But it is really the same moment and we are all living and breathing at this same moment, though we live in places where the hands of the clock point in all different directions. Each of us is alone. All of us are together in this aloneness. It is the same phenomenon. But how you see it depends on how you look at it.

The days are getting longer. The days are getting shorter. It all depends on how you look at it.

However you look at it, remember that we are all brothers, lovers and comrades. And we are all turning, turning toward our own true delight.


This week, the Sun is in a 90-degree right angle to Jupiter. This configuration provides great opportunities for success but also some tests of character. You can be very fortunate but also have to make your own luck. Lucky breaks and popularity can lead to an inflated ego and other excesses in life. For example, you may have a tendency to over-estimate your own abilities or resources. This could lead to a scattering of energy or wasting money on unnecessary luxuries. There may also be a tendency to accumulate possessions such as collections of a special thing, coins, figurines etc. It may be that your beliefs and morals become over the top and cause difficulties with others. Excessive behaviors are most problematic because these are more likely to affect your close relationships. Overconfidence can get in the way of making lasting friendships. The key to dealing with the excessive nature of Jupiter is moderation. You can still maintain a healthy ego but you won’t want to let excess and pride damage your standing in the world. Jupiter is testing your ego. Any arrogance or boastfulness may actually be covering for a wounded ego, or a lack of self-confidence. Yes, you do wish to be of importance, to be famous or wealthy and to receive the praise and ovation you deserve. They key to dealing with this aspect, apart from moderation, is to not get ahead of yourself. Focus your energy on doing the groundwork, the daily grind needed to perfect your special gifts.


On Friday, we come to the Capricorn New Moon, which we call the LAMIA MOON of dark magic. Meditation and rituals conducted tonight are best suited for rooting out malaise and sickness and for diminishing evil sendings. Look for areas in your life where you may be detrimental to yourself, may be working against yourself or may be making yourself sick, perhaps literally so.

SAT-SUNDAY, DEC. 24th-25th, 2022

The pandemic year 2022 ends on an optimistic note when CHIRON IN ARIES ends its four-month retrograde period and begins moving forward towards better health horizons. This is a good time for health checkups and medical treatment ... also, you can expect a positive and expansive outlook, which can benefit your well-being at this time. You may be more open-minded with regard to experiencing new things, which will allow healing of your mind, body, and spirit. For instance, you could seek higher understanding and meaning in your life through a guide, mentor, or spiritual person or increase your inner knowledge by means of educational processes, religion, or meditative practices during this period. An urge to travel to far-away places (real or imaginary) may also be experienced. You may discover new perspectives on your beliefs, faith, and sense of hope. Restoring peace and harmony in your personal life and relationships is possible now through your interest in healing your own wounds, as well as extending compassion and generosity to others.

MON-TUESDAY, DEC. 26th-27th, 2022

The final week of the year 2022 ends on a creative note when Capricorn Venus is in a creative sextile with Pisces Neptune. Trust your intuition on all matters of money and love. And when you go out this week, you can expect romance because Pisces Neptune loves romance.

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28th, 2022

Mercury rings out the old year in reverse when Mercury does an about-face and goes "backwards" as seen from Earth until January 17th, 2023. This RETROGRADE MERCURY phase is a time of confusion in communications and commerce. About three times each year, Mercury the communications wizard turns into Mercury the fast-talking con man. This is the RETROGRADE MERCURY phase, and it lasts about three weeks. RETROGRADE MERCURY will be serving up glitches and snafus in communications, computers, transport, travel and social media. If you are buying a new mobile phone, be sure to read the fine print about hidden costs. Planning to move into a new apartment? Check the kitchen and bathroom for tell-tale signs of mold before signing the lease. Remember over the next three weeks that MERCURY wants you to play his sly game to win — not to be a whining victim. Make him proud of the way you play his game!

THURS-FRIDAY, DEC. 29th-30th, 2022

Overnight Thursday-Friday we come to the Aries First Quarter Moon, which is the Lunar Phase we call the INVICTUS MOON ... the Antinous Moon Magic spirit of Mithras ... because this lunar phase always occurs in December or January near the Solstice Birthday of Mithras ... Invictus is the bold light that shines forth from a gay man's eyes to illuminate those around him. It is the warmth of your every being ... It is the optimism which brightens a dismal day when things are going wrong. Invictus is indomitable, unbeatable, unconquerable ... It is a determined spirit which never admits defeat, never gives up, never quits ... Invictus is a beacon which dispels darkness and casts out shadows ... In Antinous Moon Magic, tonight is an ideal time for meditation and rituals aimed at illuminating opaque situations or questions ... It is well-suited for planning assertive, goal-oriented action aimed at whole-heartedly positive results.

SAT-SUNDAY, DEC. 31st, 2022 - JAN. 1st, 2023

On New Year's Eve, momentous cosmic events are occurring near Pluto aligned with THE STAR OF ANTINOUS in Capricorn. First of all, your emotions get their knickers in a twist when love planet Venus aligns in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. This once-a-year Venus/Pluto rendezvous is always a time of transformation in matters of love and money. On the downside, it also produces feelings of jealousy, envy, possessiveness and greed. But that's not all, because your intuition is enhanced when Mercury also backs up into alignment with Venus and Pluto and the Star of Antinous to ensure that you pay attention to unfinished business from the old year before the new year begins.


Another exciting week lies ahead between January 2nd and 8th, 2023, when we come to the Cancer Full Moon. It is the lunar phase we call the LUNUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic — the Moon of Moons! This is a Full Moon which brings out powerful emotions. Because this Full Moon always occurs during December/January, it is emotional farewell to the old year and heart-felt welcoming of the new year. You will shed sentimental tears for loved ones you have lost during the past year, not to mention a job or other things you may have lost ... More details next time ....

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