Thursday, February 6, 2020


Antinous Astrology Forecast

FEBRUARY 6th-16th, 2020


This week, you will really want to get together with good friends when caring-sharing Venus forms an exceedingly fortuitous sextile aspect with insightful Saturn. We're talking about long-term friends, people you have known and loved the longest — or people with whom you really want to form a long-lasting friendship.


On Friday, Venus leaves dreamy and romantic Pisces and charges into hot and horny Aries. Sitting in front of your computer wistfully fantasizing about Mr. Right suddenly gives way to the urge to go out and find him ... and not stop until you have found him. Aries Venus can be overly assertive and me-firsty in relationships. But if you are congenitally shy and retiring, this means you may finally work up the audacity to stand up for yourself ... and about time, too. But move fast because Venus leaves Aries on March 5th to settle down in placid and docile Taurus, where Venus prefers the comforts of home.

SAT-SUNDAY, FEB 8th-9th, 2020

This weekend, we come to the lunar phase we call the LION HUNT MOON, the LEO FULL MOON. It is a reminder that Antinous slew a man-eating lion in Egypt. Antinous peered out into the barren wilderness with all its deep and hidden dangers. He charged forth, his bridle-reins in one hand and an adamantine-tipped spear in the other, and he faced the beast unafraid. For Antinous knew he would triumph over death. The Spirit of the Lion Hunt is the bravery of Antinous the Lion Slayer.

MON-FRIDAY, FEB. 10th-14th, 2020

This week, Jupiter blesses Neptune — Jupiter-sextile-Neptune is a configuration that occurs only rarely — so this is your best chance this year for big change! Are you afraid of failure? Are you trapped in a vicious circle of fear and doubt? Remember Icarus! Right now Jupiter Square Neptune encourages you to take a big risk, just as Icarus did. We call this configuration the ICARUS ASPECT. Priests of Antinous say: Don't condemn Icarus for flying too high. Praise him for daring to escape the imprisoning labyrinth of darkness and despair.

SAT-SUNDAY, FEB. 15th-16th, 2020

This weekend, we come to the Scorpio Third Quarter Moon. This is the Lunar Phase in Antinous Moon Magic which we call the PERDITION MOON of coming to terms with loss and diminishment. Meditations and rituals carried out during this Lunar Phase are best suited for seeking to come to terms with loss and finding areas in your life where you may unconsciously be causing yourself loss or sadness. This Lunar Phase is NOT about giving in to loss and grief, but rather it is about moving through them to find new ways towards growth and fulfillment.

Also this weekend, you will be more determined than ever to take care of business from now through March 30th, as action-planet Mars is exalted in efficient Capricorn. If you've been putting off important duties, the guilt is unbearable now, and you'll experience renewed focus to get things done. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which rules time. Now you will be more aware of how precious passing moments are, and thus more likely to make a structured schedule. When you schedule your days, time expands. When you just leave it up in the air, time dissolves. Therefore, schedule everything, even — and especially — leisure time so you'll have more of it during this phase. It's also easier to get your priorities straight under this influence, as Capricorn has a tendency to get the most out of what's useful.

In addition this weekend, Mercury does an about-face and goes "backwards" as seen from Earth until March 9th. This RETROGRADE MERCURY phase is a time of confusion in communications and commerce. About three times each year, Mercury the communications wizard turns into Mercury the fast-talking con man. This is the RETROGRADE MERCURY phase, and it lasts about three weeks. RETROGRADE MERCURY will be serving up glitches and snafus in communications, computers, transport, travel and social media. If you are buying a new mobile phone, be sure to read the fine print about hidden costs. Planning to move into a new apartment? Check the kitchen and bathroom for tell-tale signs of mold before signing the lease. Remember over the next three weeks that MERCURY wants you to play his sly game to win — not to be a whining victim. Make him proud of the way you play his game!


Another exciting week lies ahead between February 17th and 23rd when we come to the PISCES NEW MOON. In Antinous Moon Magic this is the lunar phase we call the DOG MOON of fidelity, friendship and faithfulness. The Spirit of the Dog Moon is loving and supportive friendship. This Spirit is loving and faithful, comforting you with familiarity when you see yourself reflected in this Spirit. It is the perfect combination of comfort and stimulus to grow and provides a wonderful companion that walks with you through life, helping you define and refine who you are and who you choose to be every day ... More details next time ....

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