Thursday, November 7, 2019


Antinous Astrology Forecast

NOVEMBER 7 to 17, 2019


This promises to be one of the unluckiest weeks of the year when aggressive Mars is in a tight, 90-degree square angle to death planet Pluto, which is aligned with the star of Antinous in the sign of Capricorn. This is the textbook recipe for armed conflict, terrorist attacks and economic collapse. One the one hand, there is a powerful yearning for a dramatic new beginning. That is a good thing, in general. But on the other hand, there are ruthless people who take advantage of that yearning to push their own agendas for changing the world to fit their own selfish ends. Quite aside from global politics and economics, you will sense these tensions in your own domestic life and on the job. Remember to keep your head and strive for compromise while others lose their heads or ram their heads through the wall! More on how Capricorn Pluto and the Star of Antinous can change your life: PLUTO ALIGNS WITH THE STAR OF ANTINOUS.

FRI-SATURDAY, NOV. 8th-9th, 2019

This weekend, the Sun forms beneficent configurations with Saturn and Neptune which enable you to unblock many blocked situations. A Sun trine Neptune aspect, as well as Sun sextile Saturn and Saturn sextile Neptune aspects enhance your ability to lift the veil between the worlds and to perceive spirits in other realms. You can also receive messages from the beyond and communicate more effectively with your higher self and with spirit guides during this profoundly spiritual configurations. Because Neptune is retrograde (going "backwards" as seen from Earth) you can delve into past-life incarnations.

For instance, you could seek higher understanding and meaning in your life through a guide, mentor, or spiritual person or increase your inner knowledge by means of educational processes, religion, or meditative practices during this period.

An urge to travel to far-away places (real or imaginary) may also be experienced. You may discover new perspectives on your beliefs, faith, and sense of hope.

Restoring peace and harmony in your personal life and relationships is possible now through your interest in healing your own wounds, as well as extending compassion and generosity to others.


On Sunday, Mercury sextile Pluto (which is aligned in conjunction with the Star of Antinous) facilitates negotiations with authority figures. At last, you can expect answers to some questions which have been plaguing you for the longest time. It may take a little digging, but Mercury sextile Pluto means that the answer will be found.


On Monday a rare and spectacular cosmic event occurs when Mercury crosses the face of the Sun. Ordinarily, Mercury is above or below the solar disc, but when Mercury transits the Sun, it can be observed as a black dot moving across the face of the sun. This is not only an awesome sight, it strikes awe and foreboding into the hearts of many people, particularly because Mercury is Retrograde right now. Old astrology texts dating back to Ancient Rome call this a potentially hazardous time, and speak of a "Scorched Mercury" which impairs communications and judgment. But in ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC, we see that very differently. This Sun/Mercury conjunction is indeed intense, but in a positive way. Antinous/Mercury focuses the gay spiritual light of his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte right at you. Open your spiritual heart to the light and joy and permit it to burn away all doubt and all fear and trepidation. Most people live in spiritual darkness. They are like people who live in caves and are afraid of sunlight because it hurts their eyes. But should we shun the light and stay in the cave with them? Antinous/Mercury says it's safe to open your spiritual eyes — and spiritual heart — and become accustomed to the light.


On Tuesday, we come to the TAURUS FULL MOON. That is the lunar phase which, in Antinous Moon Magic, is called the HADRIAN's VILLA MOON. This is a way for Antinous the Gay God to help you find your spiritual home, the celestial palace you have made for yourself. This Moon is aimed at helping you focus and center your spiritual heart.

WED-SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13th-17th, 2019

This week, conflicting energies are at work when the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto form a cluster of forces in just four adjacent signs. First of all, you may feel like a "noble knight" when Mars forms a sextile aspect with the Jupiter. Unfortunately, during Mars-sextile-Jupiter many people may become deluded that they are superheroes, using others as kindling to start fires — not always literally often metaphorically. Either way, it is just so they can be seen to be the hero and put it out and destroy the lives of others in the process. Beware of crusaders who urge you to take part in some sacred battle. And beware of demagogues who insist they are fighting a holy war, sacrificing the lives of many innocent men women and children in the name of war or competition for basic/personal needs, just so they look like the hero.

Second of all, Mercury wings his way to the rescue with two beneficent configurations: Mercury sextile Saturn and Mercury trine Neptune. You find exactly the right imaginative and inspirational words for that important email, post or tweet when Mercury forms a positive sextile aspect with precise Saturn. A Mercury trine Neptune aspect enhances your ability to lift the veil between the worlds and to perceive spirits in other realms. You can also receive messages from the beyond and communicate more effectively with your higher self and with spirit guides during this profoundly spiritual configurations. Because both Mercury and Neptune are retrograde (going "backwards" as seen from Earth) you can delve into past-life incarnations.

Furthermore, the Sun forms a sextile aspect with Pluto and the Star of Antinous which brings you recognition, success and amazing abilities to make your wishes come true.

And finally, love and money are in the air when Venus forms a 90-degree square aspect to foggy Neptune. On the positive side: you can trust your intuition to buy a lottery ticket. But on the negative side, you don't know when to stop and squander your hard-earned money on a bad bet ... in money and love.


Another exciting week lies ahead between November 18th and 24th when we come to the Leo Third Quarter Moon, which is called the BACCHANALIA MOON in Antinous Moon Magic for its gifts of transcendence ... This Lunar Phase reflects those festivals of peering into other worlds and states of being ... a restless time of high-spirited indulgence, sometimes fun, sometimes slightly scary and always capable of unleashing powerful spirits ... On a mundane level, it refers to putting on a disguise and "having a good time". On a spiritual level, it refers to entering an altered state to commune with the divine, thus this Lunar Phase is the best time of the year for trance visions ... More details next time ....

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