Thursday, November 21, 2019

ASTRO FORECAST: NOV. 21st — DEC. 1st, 2019

Antinous Astrology Forecast

NOV. 21st to DEC. 1st, 2019


Aren't you tired of all the computer glitches, "lost" files, travel delays and snafus of recent weeks? Take heart! Today Mercury does an about-face and starts going forward again as seen from Earth, ending three weeks of Retrograde "backwards" travel. So you can safely message friends and co-workers a prediction that certain "lost" computer files or parcels will show up by the time they go to work tomorrow morning. Mercury going backwards creates this sort of impish mayhem with matters concerning communications, documents and money. Misplaced tickets, keys, "lost" computer files, letters and packages which vanish into postal limbo ... all are typical of Retrograde Mercury. The "lost" things turn up again as if by magic when Mercury goes Direct again. A skilled astrologer, Hadrian no doubt amazed his courtiers by accurately predicting when some "lost" document or wayward courier message would finally re-appear out of no where.


On Friday, the Festive Season officially starts (astrologically speaking) when the Sun leaves suspicious Scorpio and enters sunny Sagittarius. The next four weeks will be a time of travel, questing, exploring new avenues and generally being open to blessings.


On Saturday, we come to some good news after weeks of tension when Venus aligns in conjunction with Jupiter. Venus conjunction Jupiter is a textbook alignment for love and good fortune in all sorts of relationships ... romantic relationships and business relationships. A chance meeting or unexpected phone call or message can open a window of opportunity to make things happen fast.


On Sunday, war god Mars is in 180-degree opposition to Uranus. This configuration occurs only every two years and it spawns rebelliousness and dissatisfaction resulting in riots, revolutions or, at the very least, arguments with your neighbors. Or ... you can harness this powerful Mars/Uranus energy to achieve something constructive to help people who are weaker than you ... people who need your help very desperately.


On Monday Venus (love, sexual attraction, wealth) enters Capricorn (business, practicality, hard reality) and stays there until December 20th. The goddess of love will have us reviewing and renewing many of our relationship commitments and obligations in very tangible and concrete ways. Venus in Capricorn knows the laws of sexuality in any given culture, and is skilled at bending those laws to their benefit. Capricorn wants to be the boss of itself (and possibly you) and generally goes it alone, which is an interesting modus operandi for the planet that tells us about how we do partnership. This trip through the sign of the Goat can teach us about boundaries within our unions. There's nothing sexier than someone who isn't desperate for our affections while still remaining open, transparent and available for intimacy and spontaneity. Venus in Capricorn can become a bit of a cautious ice queen if it starts to take itself, its work and its ambitions too seriously. Career can become the ultimate turn on, and social status the greatest romance when Capricorn gets out of balance. Venus in Capricorn can teach us how to be one of the most loyal and dedicated partners around.


On Tuesday ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte for the SAGITTARIUS NEW MOON. In Antinous Moon Magic, this is the lunar phase we call the FORTUNA MOON. This is the classic good luck moon of the astrological year.


On Wednesday Neptune turns direct. The planet Neptune, long considered the planet of make believe, rules our dreams, fantasies and illusions. Retrograde since June 21st, Neptune finally turns direct on November 27th. When Neptune turns retrograde, logic falls to the wayside in favor of esoteric interests and intuition. People begin to pay more attention to their dreams and explore more creative outlets.

Now that Neptune turns direct, dreams that have been bubbling below the surface may begin to rise to consciousness. You may also feel an increase of compassion, rebirth of idealism and an increased spiritual awareness. Make a plan to re-connect with your goals and ideals, and cultivating a big-picture approach!

Did you know that it takes 165 years for Neptune to circle the Sun one time, long enough for this planet to spend 14 years in each sign of the zodiac? Stationary for two weeks or so at a time, Neptune goes into retrograde five months out of every year.

If Neptune is retrograde in your chart, you may be deeply involved in escapism, or living in a dream world. No one really knows what goes on behind your eyes and, though you may be sitting at a desk in an office, you're probably dancing ballet or hunting wolverines in your mind. The position of this planet can make some people more inhibited and unable to realize their dreams. Alternatively, some can be plunged into a dream world from which they can't resurface. This could even include drug or alcohol abuse, constant escapism, running away or absolutely shutting out reality.

THURS-SUNDAY, NOV. 28th - DEC. 1st, 2019

This Thanksgiving holiday weekend, your intuition is on high alert and serendipity smiles on you when Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune engage in positive configurations. Mercury wings his way to the rescue with two beneficent configurations: Mercury sextile Saturn and Mercury trine Neptune. You find exactly the right imaginative and inspirational words for that important email, post or tweet when Mercury forms a positive sextile aspect with precise Saturn. A Mercury trine Neptune aspect enhances your ability to lift the veil between the worlds and to perceive spirits in other realms. You can also receive messages from the beyond and communicate more effectively with your higher self and with spirit guides during this profoundly spiritual configurations.

Also this weekend, you might want to purchase a lottery ticket when Venus forms a trine aspect with winner-take-all Uranus. Not only are these fortuitous configurations good for making money, but they also greatly enhance chances of love and romance. So, go ahead — take a chance on love.


Another exciting week lies ahead between December 2nd and 8th when we come to the Pisces First Quarter Moon. In Antinous Moon Magic this is the CONSORTIUM MOON of partnership, commitment and belonging ... it is symbolized by the wedding ring ... Because it always occurs towards the end of the year, the Consortium Moon represents the cyclical nature of the year, the ending of one year and the beginning of a new year ... Tonight is a beneficent night for meditation or rituals concerning relationships and all things that are bound by a circle of togetherness ... In health matters, it refers to blood and the circulatory system ... This is the Lunar phase of the Circle of Life, the inter-connectedness of all things ... More details next time ....

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