Friday, March 15, 2019

ASTRO FORECAST: MARCH 14th—24th, 2019

Antinous Astrology Forecast

MARCH 14th to 24th, 2019

THURSDAY, MARCH 14th, 2019

On Thursday, we come to the Gemini First Quarter moon ... the lunar phase we call the JACKAL MOON in Antinous Moon Magic. Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Jackal in Antinous oracular arts is the embodiment of cunning and skill and sleight-of-hand and being slightly dodgy and sneaky but also being incredibly adept and learned in the ways of the world. The Gemini First Quarter Moon is the March moon of the Trickster, who taunts and teases, who plays tricks, who leads the soul through dark and treacherous passages ... who is more treacherous than any Underworld foe ... but whose cunning enables him to bring his charges to their goal. Meditations and rituals carried out tonight are best suited for looking beyond the the veil of lies and deceit that others (or we ourselves) throw over our eyes to prevent us from seeing clearly. This is also a very good night for finding canny and cunning solutions to difficult problems ... strategies for out-smarting those who seek to pull the wool over our eyes.

FRIDAY, MARCH 15th, 2019

On Friday, your brain is ablaze with often confusing and conflicting ideas when Retrograde Mercury aligns with the Sun. Old astrology texts dating back to Ancient Rome call this a potentially hazardous time, and speak of a "Scorched Mercury" which impairs communications and judgement. But in ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC, we see that very differently. This Sun/Mercury conjunction is indeed intense, but in a positive way. Antinous/Mercury focuses the gay spiritual light of his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte right at you. Open your spiritual heart to the light and joy and permit it to burn away all doubt and all fear and trepidation. Most people live in spiritual darkness. They are like people who live in caves and are afraid of sunlight because it hurts their eyes. But should we shun the light and stay in the cave with them? Antinous/Mercury says it's safe to open your spiritual eyes — and spiritual heart — and become accustomed to the light.

SAT-MONDAY, MARCH 16th-18th, 2019

This weekend Mercury plays mind games with you. First, Mercury is in a tight, 90-degree square angle to Jupiter. Beware of online websites that promote gross exaggerations or promises that sound too good to be true — because most likely they aren't true. Or on a whim, you might take on a large assignment on the mistaken belief that you can easily manage it, when in fact it overwhelms you. Moderation and caution are the keywords for Mercury square Jupiter. On the other hand: don't be so cautious that you fail to buy a lottery ticket — because Mercury square Jupiter can sometimes favor the underdog with unexpected good fortune.

Then on Sunday, Mercury and Pluto form a sextile aspect which illuminates the entire coming week. Mercury sextile Pluto facilitates negotiations with authority figures. At last, you can expect answers to some questions which have been plaguing you for the longest time. It may take a little digging, but Mercury sextile Pluto mean that the answer will be found.

And finally, on Monday Mercury is in a good sextile aspect to Mars to help you get your point across articulately and strongly to others. And because Mercury is Retrograde, you can rehash, rewrite or revise proposals and re-present them to your best advantage.

TUES-FRIDAY, MARCH 19th-22nd, 2019

As if the Equinox on March 20th were not enough, this week is dominated by powerful cosmic configurations, climaxing with a Super Full Moon coinciding with the entry of the Sun into Aries. First, you can count on cosmic help to assert your wishes and stand up to your boss when Mars and Pluto form a healthy trine aspect.

Then later, you find exactly the right imaginative and inspirational words for that important email, post or tweet when Mercury forms a positive sextile aspect with precise Saturn. And because Mercury is Retrograde, you can review, revise or reiterate statements that may have led to misunderstandings.

Overnight Wednesday-Thursday the Sun enters the sign of Aries for the Equinox. In the Northern Hemisphere springtime is on the way, but in the Southern Hemisphere autumn is coming. The March Equinox is the official zodiacal start of the astrological year and 2019 IS THE YEAR OF MERCURY, according to an ancient astro-alchemical calendar. Jupiter ruled 2015. Mars ruled 2016. The Sun ruled 2017. And 2018 was "The Year of Venus." Now 2019 is the "Year of Mercury" when the challenge will be to use all your cunning and mental acuity to enhance these areas of our lives: Mind. Communication. Intellect. Reason. Language. Intelligence.

Coinciding with the Equinox is a Super Moon ... the second Libra Full Moon in succession which, in Antinous Moon Magic, is called the SPRING BLUE MOON. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is the Autumn Blue Moon. Whether Springtime or Autumn, you should remember your inner child. Regardless of your age, rediscover the sense of wonder, curiosity and magic you had as a child. Perhaps you have forgotten how wonderful life can be. Perhaps you have forgotten how to play like a child. Rediscover the joy and fun you had as a child. You are never too old to have fun and to be joyful.

On Thursday, Venus and Mars are in a 90-degree right angle to each other, causing chaos in love relationships. This is the astrological textbook recipe for a relationship in which tempers are always hot, the sex is always hot, passions are always hot and in which you are fighting violently with each other one moment — and then violently having sex the next moment. Just saying.

Also on Thursday, you will want to watch out for excesses in eating, drinking, spending money and falling in love when indulgent Venus forms an expansive sextile aspect with exaggeration-prone Jupiter. If you are a latent shopoholic, this is the one week of the year where you will max out on your addiction ... while maxing out on your credit card. This is a good day for smooth-talking gigolos who pay fanciful compliments to you ... and you find yourself actually believing them ... And why not? Is that such a bad thing? Why not enjoy the fantasy as long as it lasts ... and as long as you know it's a fantasy?

On Friday, healing energies get a sudden and dramatic boost when the Sun aligns in perfect conjunction with CHIRON IN ARIES. This is a good time for health checkups and medical treatment ... also, you can expect a positive and expansive outlook, which can benefit your well-being at this time. You may be more open-minded with regard to experiencing new things, which will allow healing of your mind, body, and spirit. For instance, you could seek higher understanding and meaning in your life through a guide, mentor, or spiritual person or increase your inner knowledge by means of educational processes, religion, or meditative practices during this period. An urge to travel to far-away places (real or imaginary) may also be experienced. You may discover new perspectives on your beliefs, faith, and sense of hope. Restoring peace and harmony in your personal life and relationships is possible now through your interest in healing your own wounds, as well as extending compassion and generosity to others.

SAT-SUNDAY, MARCH 23rd-24th, 2019

This weekend, your mind shifts into visionary mode when Mercury aligns with Neptune in dreamy Pisces. Pay special attention to your dreams ... and that includes day dreams. And because Mercury is Retrograde, you can expect to dream about a person from the past ... and then receive a message from that person. You can also delve into past-life incarnations for lessons from the past that may benefit you now ... and in the future.


Another exciting week lies ahead between March 25th and 31st when we come to the Capricorn Third Quarter Moon which, in Antinous Moon Magic, we call the HADRIAN'S WALL MOON of stubborn intransigence and immovable barriers. Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Hadrian's Wall Lunar Phase is the embodiment of hindrances and blockages. It represents the barriers that stand in your way. It is all barriers and obstacles to progress. Meditations and rituals conducted on this night are best suited for focusing on blockages in your life, situations and issues which prevent you from moving forward. These can be manifested by persons or situations around you. But most often, we find during meditations on this night that we have erected prison walls around ourselves, we are blocking ourselves from the freedom we so earnestly desire. This Lunar Phase is saying it is time to break out! ... More details next time ....

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