Thursday, July 28, 2016

ASTRO FORECAST: JULY 28th — AUG. 7th, 2016

Antinous Astrology Forecast

JULY 28th-AUG. 7th, 2016

THURSDAY 28th, 2016

On Thursday, Mercury is at right angles to Mars. Some astrologers say this is when people sharpen their swords, but we prefer to say it is when people sharpen their tongues to use as weapons! Remember that lovely line from "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde (who is a Saint of Antinous, by the way): "On an occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak one's mind. It becomes a pleasure." This is an aspect which encourages people to say vicious and intentionally hurtful things. People are overly persnickety and bitchy and downright mean. You'll be amazed how true this is.

FRIDAY 29th, 2016

On Friday, Uranus the planet of revolutionary change stops dead in its tracks (as seen from Earth) and goes Retrograde (backwards) for the next five months until December 29th. Even when going forward, Uranus shakes things up. Uranus still shakes things up for us when it goes retrograde, but it starts to do so in a very pushy way. It pushes us to dig deep and really face the problems and the roadblocks that have impeded progress. It forces us to re-evaluate our values and our priorities.

If we've been turning a blind eye to a problem, Uranus retrograde will put that problem in our face, front and center, and make it impossible to ignore. If we've been too willing to settle and reluctant to venture from our comfort zones, Uranus will shake us out of it like you shake ants out of a picnic blanket.

Uranus sparks awakenings and inspires us to challenge what we accept as the norm, but when it goes retrograde it forces us to do so through an overhaul.

While Uranus is in retrograde, on a personal level, you may find Uranus forces you to re-evaluate your life — what you've accepted, what you've settled for, the choices you have made. If you've been mindlessly heading down the wrong path, Uranus retrograde gives you the proverbial slap in the face to bring you back to your senses — the kind of slap that stings, but for which you are grateful. After something happens, you may find yourself wondering, "what am I doing? Why am I doing this?" That's the planet's influence on you while in retrograde.

As a society, you'll find Uranus retrograde is when there is unrest and that brings attention to things we've let slide for far too long. More people begin to rethink the direction we've been taking, challenge convention and advocate for change.

You can really use Uranus retrograde to your advantage. It is an ideal time to reflect on your life. Examine your past in relation to your future, and if there is an "Aha!" moment to be had, Uranus retrograde can help you find it.

Have you fallen into bad patterns of thought or behavior? Have you trapped yourself in a lifestyle or job that hasn't really been working for you, but you stuck with it because it was easier than changing? Uranus retrograde is going to make you see what brought you to where you are, face your fears and take you out of your comfort zone, ultimately guiding you to the realization that there are better paths to take.

SATURDAY/SUNDAY 30th/31st, 2016

This weekend, you should try to avoid any bickering over the breakfast table. Call a truce until later in the weekend when you will find healing words for your sweetie after Mercury leaves selfish Leo and enters compassionate Virgo. It has been said that Virgo Mercury is like having a cyber-servant or surrogate replicant who anticipates all your inter-personal communications needs and rushes to your beck and call. Mercury will be in Virgo until October 7th due to a Retrograde Mercury, which means you can expect advice and supportive suggestions for "upgrading" your cognitive and communications skills for the next nine weeks.


On Monday you might want to purchase a lottery ticket when the Sun forms a trine aspect with lucky Jupiter even as Venus forms a trine with winner-take-all Uranus. Not only are these fortuitous configurations good for making money, but they also greatly enhance chances of love and romance. So, go ahead — take a chance on love. Also on Monday, THE YEAR OF MARS 2016 lives up to its name when Mars enters fiery Sagittarius for the second time this year. Retrograde Mars backed out of Sagittarius and re-entered Scorpio in March. If there were people or projects which were abandoned in March, you can expect to renew their acquaintance now. For the next eight weeks, the Martian energy will help you to discover new vistas in your love and sex life. You may even go somewhere you've never been before! This is one of best times of the year to be incredibly open-minded and experimental — just as the Sagittarian energy would have it. Sadge is also a very athletic sign, so you might find that your libido is strong enough that you don’t even need to hit the gym. If you're usually shy about asking your partner for what you want in bed, this is a wonderful opportunity to explore, because he or she is likely to be just as curious as you are. If you or your lover are Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) you'll feel this influence even more. Watch out, you could be too hot to handle


Overnight Tuesday/Wednesday we come to the Leo New Moon. That is the lunar phase we call the SACERDOTE MOON which spiritually kick-starts your life ... Take time to reflect on becoming who you were born to be ... Rather than focusing on a specific task, go to the center of your heart and meditate on the core strength of your soul ... Perhaps you are here to bring beauty, whether through art, justice, or fashion ... Perhaps you are here to help heal the offering of the world, whether through your writing, activism, or as a physician ... Or maybe you are here to bring insight and truth where there is confusion and ignorance.

THURSDAY-FRIDAY AUG. 4th/5th, 2016

Overnight Thursday/Friday you can start making plans for a weekend party when Venus enters Virgo — Virgo Venus is the ultimate party organizer. Just avoid the Virgo Venus tendency to over-analyze and to offer "advice" (which is to say "criticism") where it is not wanted. Virgo Venus also likes to worry and fret and feel inadequate. Instead, play up the Virgo Venus panache at being the hostess with the mostest and plying your guests with food and drink and ensuring they are having a fabulous time.

SATURDAY/SUNDAY AUG. 6th/7th, 2016

This first weekend of August is particularly contentious when Mercury squares off against Saturn and Venus and Mars are in a 90-degree right angle to each other, causing chaos in love relationships. Meanwhile Mercury is in opposition to nebulous Neptune, filling your mind with unfulfilleld fantasies. This is the astrological textbook recipe for a relationship in which tempers are always hot, the sex is always hot, passions are always hot and in which you are fighting violently with each other one moment — and then violently having sex the next moment. Just saying.


Another exciting week lies ahead between August 8th and 14th when we come to the Scorpio First Quarter Moon, which is the lunar phase we call the THIEF MOON in honor of Prometheus ... the first thief ... and it was thanks to his larcenous thievery that humans are not living in burrows and dens like animals ... Rituals and meditations tonight can focus on your "inner thief" — the things you rob yourself of — self-esteem, self-love, self-confidence, for example. By robbing yourself of these qualities, you are vulnerable to real-life thieves ... Tonight's lunar phase is also reminding us about the ability to take what we need without asking in advance. It is about getting back what is rightfully ours .... More details next time ....

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

OUR venerable astrology expert Hernestus has informed me that today is the Taurus Third Quarter Moon or "Lucius Moon of Antinous". Hernestus suggests that this moon will encourage us to focus on brothers and brotherhood.

Every July I get an interesting insight into this. Living in the Pagan heartland of England - Glastonbury - we see regular spiritual events to mark the Pagan calendar, solstices etc. Many of these involve a procession through the streets of the town. 

Glastonbury has the only temple to the Goddess (representing all of the divine feminine aspects of any faith) in the UK (and maybe Europe).

Consequently this little town (10,000 inhabitants) has the only national Goddess Conference attracting priestesses, speakers and delegates from all over the world every July. To end the conference there is a parade through the streets.

Soman and I had never seen this so we wandered down (2 minutes from our house) to where the parades start. We fully expected to see lots of 'buxom', middle aged women in flowing, tie-dye dresses, long hair and festooned with crystal jewelry. 

There were hundreds of them! They sang songs about their goddesses, played drums and chanted that they 'walked with the goddess' as the procession moved through the streets.

Then, suddenly, there was a surprise. There was a man on the parade! A gay man, carrying a rainbow flag and proudly chanting along with the women about his devotion to a goddess! I nearly cried with joy! 

You see we all have moments where our expectations and stereotypes get challenged. These wonderful women were devoted spiritual beings. Of course they would embrace a brother into their faith - especially a gay one! 

I too have female deities I hold in my worship. It could have been me walking, singing and laughing under that banner. 

These colourful women were my sisters and that  joyous gay guy in the parade was my spiritual brother. You reading this are my brotherly companions in adoration of Antinous. 

If you want to meditate on your brother, brothers, spiritual brothers or brotherhood in general I would suggest the following crystals to hold and focus your energies through while meditating during this moon:

Chalcedony - This beautiful crystal comes in many forms (stones, crystals, geodes etc.). Generally they are pale white, pink or blue. 

In ancient times (probably known to Hadrian who was paranoid about such things) Chalcedony was sometimes formed into chalices for leaders to drink from as it was said to dispel poisons. 

It certainly dissipates negative energy. Perhaps its key attribute, though, is to help us focus on brotherhood and goodwill to all men.   

Rhodonite - This red or pink stone was used in ancient times as an emotional ' First Aid' kit. It was believed to heal torment, shock and pain arising from deeply emotional situations. As a result, this crystal encourages you to focus on brotherhood and humanity."

Love and Light,

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.


TONIGHT  is the night of the Taurus Third Quarter Moon which we call the "Moon of Brothers" in honor of Lucius Aelius Caesar who was a veritable brother to Antinous at the imperial court of Emperor Hadrian.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the "Lucius Moon" is the Spirit of Brotherhood. This is the Kindred Spirit who accompanies you all your life and who is there for you through thick and thin. 

Even when all others abandon you, your brother stands by you. But he is no pushover. 

He admonishes you to do better, to straighten up and fly right, even though he himself is no paragon of virtue. 

This Spirit knows you a bit too well, perhaps. He is cocky and has a tendency to swagger and boast. He can be a free spirit who is a high-stepper, a bit of a dandy, a man with a chip on his shoulder, a brother who exudes "attitude".

On this night we remember Lucius Aelius Caesar (January 13, 101 - January 1, 138), who became the adopted son and intended successor of Hadrian, but who never attained the throne, dying of illness before Hadrian after a brief life of licentious love of luxury. 

Aelius Caesar is a major character in Marguerite Yourcenar's epic historical novel MÉMOIRES D'HADRIEN (MEMOIRS OF HADRIAN). Lucius, as we affectionately call him, is the recipient of much bittersweet love and adoration from followers of the Religion of Antinous. 

For us he represents so many pretty young men whose bright futures are thwarted by tragic illness. 

Aelius Caesar is often called the Western Favorite, because of the possibility that he rivaled Antinous for Hadrian's love. We venerate Aelius Caesar as the fallen Prince of Flowers, the spiritual twin brother of Antinous.

The Taurus Third Quarter Moon is about comfort and luxury along with practicality.

This is the night for ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC rituals on behalf of your "brothers", whether biological, social or spiritual brothers, and regardless of gender. 

This is the night you celebrate a brotherly good friend (generally male) who definitely is on your side, as in this image by FELIX D'EON showing two brothers-in-spirit "At the Altar of Morpheus" the God of Dreams.

Your brother shares your dreams. This brother may have a bit of "attitude". He loves comfort and style and can be a bit superficial at times. But he stands beside you to help you fulfill your dreams.

This can be a biological brother, but more likely a brother in spirit. He may tease you and be your rival but, when the chips are down, he will stand up for you and fight valiantly for you. Honor him, he is your brother!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

OUR wonderful astrological adviser Hernestus has advised me that the next moon phase is the Capricorn Full Moon which is the Antinous Tower Moon in honor of Hadrian's Observatory at his villa in Tivoli near Roma. 

Hernestus advised me that this moon would focus on sudden events but also a Gay wizard; a widower; a Grandfather; an old sage or a tribal chieftain. Someone who has become isolated and out of touch with the rest of the world living far removed from his lowly origins. Career advancement or success could also be indicated.

Hernestus also pointed out that Venus (love, finances and interpersonal relationships) is aligned with Jupiter (higher self spiritual goals) along with the Full Moon which stresses achievement. 

With all of this remarkable energy created by unusual conjunctions I have focused my crystal meditation advice on how to achieve your spiritual goals, isolation, masculinity, love and romance. 

With all of this in mind I recommend that your meditations during this moon phase would be best enhanced by holding, or placing near you, the following crystals:

Agate - These crystals (all photos in this entry) can be found in an array of different colours - some of them very spectacular. They have a similarly wide range of specific attributes. However, in general they help you to connect with the universal spiritual source and its interation with the oneness of your physical life on Earth. It will help you achieve spiritual growth. 

Almandine Garnet - This crystal is uncommon but can be found online. I recommend it because it brings strength and stamina but also supports you in taking valuable time to focus on your self positively while being separate from life for a while (voluntary or forced).

Bronzite - These beautiful mottled stones  help to support masculine energies within your body but also in your consciousness.

Sardonyx - These beautiful stones were much loved by the Romans for carving stunning cameos and other jewels - particularly those representing relationships. Sardonyx stones are perfect for this moon phase because they bring lasting happiness and stability to relationships. They also resensitize the sensory organs.

Light and Life,

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.


TONIGHT's Capricorn Full Moon is the lunar phase of lofty achievement and remote exaltation which we call the TOWER MOON in Antinous Moon Magic.

Like the visitors in this image climbing to the tower atop Glastonbury Tor, this is the lunar phase for going to the top ... scaling new heights ... reaching for the stars ... seeking job promotions ... stretching on tiptoes to grasp something previously unattainable.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Tower Moon is Aloofness. This is a haughty Spirit which demands respect on the basis of seniority and exalted status.

This is the clan elder, the tribal chief, the head of an extended family.

This is the mighty Pharos lighthouse at the entrance to Alexandria Harbor pictured on this page ... proud and strong and daunting every storm ... showing the way through the darkness to a safe haven.

This Spirit is the senior drag queen in a house of young acolytes. This is the rock star who is so famous that he must live in isolation and seclusion. 

This Spirit is aloof, but out of touch. This Spirit is lonesome.

We remember the tower which Emperor Hadrian built at his Villa at Tiber outside Rome. He used it as a Temple to Isis and as an observatory to scan the heavens ... alone and remote from the common plebs, Hadrian scanned the heavens in search of celestial signs from his lost Antinous.

The loneliness which you feel during this lunar phase is not necessarily a bad thing. It reminds you that you have responsibilities ... that you alone must make life-changing decisions affecting not only yourself but also those who depend upon you.

Think of the celebrity or world leader who skyrockets to fame and fortune and lofty heights. This person wields enormous influence and power, touching the hearts and minds of millions. But the price is detachment from others ... shielded and cut off from the crowds behind cordons of bodyguards ... secluded in a gated compound ... sealed off in a penthouse office with a view overlooking everyone and everything ... but with no contact.

Meditations and rituals tonight are ideally suited for focusing on achievement and excelling in your own life and helping others to achieve and excel in theirs. 

Tonight's rites and prayers enhance your ability to waken the Antinous Tower Moon Spirit within yourself ... the spirit which enables you to achieve lofty heights so that you serve as a beacon for others ... a lone light which saves others from dark perils.

Monday, July 18, 2016

ASTRO FORECAST: JULY 14th — 31st, 2016

Antinous Astrology Forecast

JULY 14th to 31st, 2016

THURSDAY/FRIDAY JULY 14th-15th, 2016

This week is roaring when both Mercury and Venus leave sensitive Cancer and charge into fiery Leo. Venus, the planet of love, leaves down-home Cancer and struts into show-off Leo, where she remains throughout the rest of the month. This is a chance to put on high heels and strut your stuff and make yourself attractive to others so your popularity soars. When you look good, you feel good so treat yourself to a new outfit or a facial or a haircut or any other pampering session that boosts your self esteem. Old-school astrology texts like to call Leo a Drama Queen. They like to paint planets in the sign of Leo as people with superiority complexes. This happens occasionally, but mostly it doesn't. Leo is the sign of Royalty, and royalty, the kind that stays in power, doesn't lord over others. True royalty is generous, humane and often quietly dignified. Venus in Leo gives you the expressive dignity of a Queen or King, you have creative dominion over an artistic field… and the hearts of others. Then Mercury leaves Cancer, the one Sign where Mercury feels really bored. Starting now, Mercury fast-forwards through fiery Leo in just two weeks, exiting on July 30th. This will be an exciting two weeks of tweeting, chatting, messaging, emailing, blogging and vlogging for sure.

SATURDAY/SUNDAY JULY 16th/17th, 2016

This weekend you would be well-advised to avoid crowds and potential terrorism targets when the moody Cancer Sun is in a 90-degree right angle to impulsive Uranus even as Mercury and Venus align in conjunction in selfish Leo and the sun forms a powerful trine aspect with Mars. Sun trine Mars encourages people to believe they can do anything ... and get away with anything. On the negative side, people run amok and even the weather can be more than usually unpredictable and destructive. On the positive side, however, you might accidentally run into the new love of your life ... while running for shelter. Venus and Mercury aligned in Leo the lion makes for a hot weekend of big-cat loving.

MONDAY JULY 18th, 2016

On Monday Mercury forms a brilliant and glowing trine aspect with Saturn which empowers you with perseverance (Saturn) and clear forms of expression (Mercury) to make some serious long-term plans for the future.


Overnight Tuesday/Wednesday we come to the Capricorn Full Moon, which is the lunar cycle we call the TOWER MOON in memory of the observatory tower which Emperor Hadrian built at his Villa to study the stars. This is the moon for reaching for the stars ... seeking job promotions ... stretching on tiptoes to grasp something previously unattainable.

THURSDAY JULY 21st, 2016

On Thursday love planet Venus forms a sexy trine aspect with steadfast Saturn to show you which relationships in your life have long-term possibilities, and which friends will be by your side for the long run.

FRIDAY JULY 22nd, 2016

On Friday the Sun enters Leo, which will help inspire creativity and a sense of fun. Leo is the home sign of the Sun, which means the next four weeks encourage leadership and creative expression. The Sun is most comfortable in Leo, and helps those with genuine intentions step into the limelight. If you're looking to get ahead, now's the time to shine! Promote your talents and ensure higher-ups understand exactly what you're capable of — and what you're looking for. Progress is possible, especially if you're prepared to boldly express your desires. The Sun in Leo symbolizes royalty, so be firm as well as considerate now. Working with others helps you get ahead — but be upfront about your intentions, and don't be bossy.

SATURDAY-MONDAY JULY 23rd-25th, 2016

This promises to be the quietest weekend for a long time to come with no major planetary configurations. Enjoy the lull while it lasts.

TUESDAY 26th, 2016

On Tuesday we come to the Taurus Third Quarter Moon — the LUCIUS MOON OF BROTHERS — when we honor Lucius Aelius, who was like a brother to Antinous in the imperial court of Hadrian. This night is when we celebrate our gay brothers.

WEDNESDAY 27th, 2016

On Wednesday, you can expect surprise tidings from the past when Mercury is in a very conducive karmic-healing trine to nearly-Retrograde Uranus. Mercury-trine-Uranus always creates optimal energies for breaking down encrusted old structures and for mentally visualizing bold new solutions. Because Uranus is poised to go Retrograde, the emphasis is on the past. Retrograde Uranus opens the portals of Time and Space and Mercury enables you to go through those portals to engage in healing magic involving your own past, or past-life incarnations. Even if you do not work any magic, you can definitely count on receiving a message involving someone or something from the past.

THURSDAY 28th, 2016

On Thursday, Mercury is at right angles to Mars. Some astrologers say this is when people sharpen their swords, but we prefer to say it is when people sharpen their tongues to use as weapons! Remember that lovely line from "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde (who is a Saint of Antinous, by the way): "On an occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak one's mind. It becomes a pleasure." This is an aspect which encourages people to say vicious and intentionally hurtful things. People are overly persnickety and bitchy and downright mean. You'll be amazed how true this is.

FRIDAY 29th, 2016

On Friday, Uranus the planet of revolutionary change stops dead in its tracks (as seen from Earth) and goes Retrograde (backwards) for the next five months until December 29th. Even when going forward, Uranus shakes things up. Uranus still shakes things up for us when it goes retrograde, but it starts to do so in a very pushy way. It pushes us to dig deep and really face the problems and the roadblocks that have impeded progress. It forces us to re-evaluate our values and our priorities.

If we've been turning a blind eye to a problem, Uranus retrograde will put that problem in our face, front and center, and make it impossible to ignore. If we've been too willing to settle and reluctant to venture from our comfort zones, Uranus will shake us out of it like you shake ants out of a picnic blanket.

Uranus sparks awakenings and inspires us to challenge what we accept as the norm, but when it goes retrograde it forces us to do so through an overhaul.

While Uranus is in retrograde, on a personal level, you may find Uranus forces you to re-evaluate your life — what you've accepted, what you've settled for, the choices you have made. If you've been mindlessly heading down the wrong path, Uranus retrograde gives you the proverbial slap in the face to bring you back to your senses — the kind of slap that stings, but for which you are grateful. After something happens, you may find yourself wondering, "what am I doing? Why am I doing this?" That's the planet's influence on you while in retrograde.

As a society, you'll find Uranus retrograde is when there is unrest and that brings attention to things we've let slide for far too long. More people begin to rethink the direction we've been taking, challenge convention and advocate for change.

You can really use Uranus retrograde to your advantage. It is an ideal time to reflect on your life. Examine your past in relation to your future, and if there is an "Aha!" moment to be had, Uranus retrograde can help you find it.

Have you fallen into bad patterns of thought or behavior? Have you trapped yourself in a lifestyle or job that hasn't really been working for you, but you stuck with it because it was easier than changing? Uranus retrograde is going to make you see what brought you to where you are, face your fears and take you out of your comfort zone, ultimately guiding you to the realization that there are better paths to take.

SATURDAY/SUNDAY 30th/31st, 2016

This weekend, you should try to avoid any bickering over the breakfast table. Call a truce until later in the weekend when you will find healing words for your sweetie after Mercury leaves selfish Leo and enters compassionate Virgo. It has been said that Virgo Mercury is like having a cyber-servant or surrogate replicant who anticipates all your inter-personal communications needs and rushes to your beck and call. Mercury will be in Virgo until October 7th due to a Retrograde Mercury, which means you can expect advice and supportive suggestions for "upgrading" your cognitive and communications skills for the next nine weeks.


Another exciting week lies ahead between August 1st and 7th when we come to the Leo New Moon. That is the lunar phase we call the SACERDOTE MOON which spiritually kick-starts your life ... Take time to reflect on becoming who you were born to be ... Rather than focusing on a specific task, go to the center of your heart and meditate on the core strength of your soul ... Perhaps you are here to bring beauty, whether through art, justice, or fashion ... Perhaps you are here to help heal the offering of the world, whether through your writing, activism, or as a physician ... Or maybe you are here to bring insight and truth where there is confusion and ignorance .... More details next time ....

Monday, July 11, 2016

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

OUR venerable astrological adviser Hernestus has informed me that this moon phase is the Libra First Quarter Moon when the Roman Emperors honoured Venus Genetrix (Venus Universal Mother). 

As such, we celebrate it as the "Venus Moon" of Antinous. This moon helps you to be nurtured or be nurturing to yourself. In doing so, blockages can be removed. 

With all of this in mind I suggest that you meditate with the following crystals during this moon phase:

Blue Lace Agate - These stunning, pale blue, stones (above right) are the best for nurturing and supportive yourself. They also help you to dissolve old patterns you may have of self repression. In particular these stones help men to embrace their more feminine aspects.

Larimar (AKA Dolphin Stone) - These beautiful, pale turquoise coloured stones (top photo) have only recently been found and mined in the Caribbean. They help to remove self-imposed blockages.

Red Calcite - Red Calcite - These crystals help remove blockages emotionally and shift negative energies.

Love and Light,

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE


TONIGHT's Libra First Quarter Moon is the beautiful moon of balance and equilibrium at right angles to the emotional Cancer Sun which we call the VENUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic.

The Libra First Quarter Moon is about flexibility and seeking balance between extremes enroute to the stability of the Capricorn Full Moon. This is the Lunar Phase which enhances nurturing and maternal instincts. It brings out the "inner mother" in each of us and reminds us that maternal love can be fierce and fearsome.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Sabina Moon is the Spirit of Motherhood and also the Spirit of the Caduceus. It is the Maternal Spirit which is soullessly devoted to its offspring and which will do anything to protect its babies.

It is at the same time the Spirit of the Serpent Goddess who writhes and coils. It is the Spirit which stops at nothing to achieve its aims. It is poison. And it is medicine.

It is the most slippery Lunar Spirit, the one which is most difficult to grasp. And it is quite possibly the most influential because it is the mother of all the others.

We remember Venus Genetrix (Venus Universal Mother), who was honored by every emperor after Julius Caesar as the Mother of Rome. In the time of Antinous, Venus Genetrix was identified with Empress Sabina Augusta, wife of Emperor Hadrian.  Much has been said over the centuries about how the marriage was a "sham" and that Hadrian and Sabina did not care for each other.

But the historical record shows that Hadrian cared a great deal ... he severely punished those who besmirched her name.

Flamen Antonyus Subia goes so far as to say there was genuine love between Hadrian and Sabina, and that Hadrian's respect for his wife was the prime reason why he was not more upfront about his relationship with Antinous.

Antonyus says: "Hadrian was very, very discreet about his relationship with Antinous .... That's why there is no direct evidence that the Religion of Antinous was a Gay or Homosexual religion, and there is no irrefutable evidence that Hadrian and Antinous even had a sexual relationship at all.

"Hadrian maintained discretion, for Sabina's sake...why would Hadrian want to shame Sabina? What had she done or said?" Antonyus asks. "Hadrian wanted to hold his love for Antinous up to the celestial sphere, but he would never push Sabina down into the mud...Hadrian had class."

Rituals and meditations tonight are best suited for questions about your mother or your "inner mother" and also about finding flexible solutions to problems. The serpentine qualities of the "Snake Goddess Moon" offer insights into how to slither around or through seemingly impervious barriers in life.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

ASTRO FORECAST: JULY 6th — 17th, 2016

Antinous Astrology Forecast

JULY 6th to 17th, 2016


Love is in the air on Wednesday when Venus forms a generous trine aspect with Mars. This is not a critical date but it can favor reconciling couples ... or at least reconciling masculine/feminine aspects of your own personality. You should re-evaluate the relationship rather than jump back into the situation. Relationships are one of your greatest areas of learning and it's not always easy living side-by-side with people who aren't you. Everyone’s different and sometimes those differences are extreme ... radically different opinions or different beliefs about what’s right and wrong. Sometimes those differences are not as extreme but often play out as if they are ... different culture, social class, upbringing or religion. In mythology, Venus and Mars are feisty lovers and not faithful to one another at all. Yet, there’s potential here for you to decide to live in love, to embrace a more passionate existence and to stand hand in hand with the people closest to you. Venus and Mars hold promise for sensuality, falling in love, making love, staying in love and loving the ones you're with.


Thursday is the best day of the summer for signing nuptial agreements when the Sun and Mercury align in perfect conjunction in romantic Cancer. Mercury is also in opposition to Pluto, which means any agreement signed today will last forever ... if not longer. Meanwhile, Venus square Uranus means anything might happen at the altar ... like in those screwball comedies when the groom runs off with the best man at the last minute.

FRIDAY JULY 8th, 2016

The work week could end in strife when the Sun is in opposition to Pluto. But help is on the way when Cancer Mercury forms a silver-tongued sextile aspect with Virgo Jupiter to ensure that only words fly ... and not fists.


This promises to be a highly fortuitous weekend when the Sun forms a sextile aspect with lucky Jupiter. Keep your eyes open for opportunities for good fortune.

MONDAY JULY 11th, 2016

This powerful week starts off on an assertive note when Mercury forms powerful aspects to Mars and Uranus. Mercury trine Pluto prompts us all to be self-assertive and very sure of ourselves and our opinions and intent of letting others know it. Mercury square Uranus, meanwhile, means that you can expect to hear the unexpected ... wholly surprising and even shocking things will bombard your ears. On the global level, these configurations produce highly volatile statements. On the personal level, you can expect amazing disclosures.

TUESDAY-FRIDAY JULY 12th-15th, 2016

This week is roaring when both Mercury and Venus leave sensitive Cancer and charge into fiery Leo. On Tuesday we come to the Libra First Quarter Moon, the beautiful moon of balance and equilibrium we call the VENUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... This is Venus Genetrix, the Mother of Rome ... Rituals and meditations tonight are best suited for questions about your mother or your "inner mother" and also about finding flexible solutions to problems. The serpentine qualities of the "Snake Goddess Moon" offer insights into how to slither around or through seemingly impervious barriers in life. Later Tuesday Venus, the planet of love, leaves down-home Cancer and struts into show-off Leo, where she remains throughout the rest of the month. This is a chance to put on high heels and strut your stuff and make yourself attractive to others so your popularity soars. When you look good, you feel good so treat yourself to a new outfit or a facial or a haircut or any other pampering session that boosts your self esteem. Old-school astrology texts like to call Leo a Drama Queen. They like to paint planets in the sign of Leo as people with superiority complexes. This happens occasionally, but mostly it doesn't. Leo is the sign of Royalty, and royalty, the kind that stays in power, doesn't lord over others. True royalty is generous, humane and often quietly dignified. Venus in Leo gives you the expressive dignity of a Queen or King, you have creative dominion over an artistic field… and the hearts of others. Then on Thursday Mercury leaves Cancer, the one Sign where Mercury feels really bored. Starting now, Mercury fast-forwards through fiery Leo in just two weeks, exiting on July 30th. This will be an exciting two weeks of tweeting, chatting, messaging, emailing, blogging and vlogging for sure.

SATURDAY/SUNDAY JULY 16th/17th, 2016

This weekend you would be well-advised to avoid crowds and potential terrorism targets when the moody Cancer Sun is in a 90-degree right angle to impulsive Uranus even as Mercury and Venus align in conjunction in selfish Leo and the sun forms a powerful trine aspect with Mars. Sun trine Mars encourages people to believe they can do anything ... and get away with anything. On the negative side, people run amok and even the weather can be more than usually unpredictable and destructive. On the positive side, however, you might accidentally run into the new love of your life ... while running for shelter. Venus and Mercury aligned in Leo the lion makes for a hot weekend of big-cat loving.


Another exciting week lies ahead between July 18th and 24th when we come to the Capricorn Full Moon, which is the lunar cycle we call the TOWER MOON in memory of the observatory tower which Emperor Hadrian built at his Villa to study the stars. This is the moon for reaching for the stars ... seeking job promotions ... stretching on tiptoes to grasp something previously unattainable .... More details next time ....

Monday, July 4, 2016


ON July 4, NASA's un-crewed Juno spacecraft ended its nearly 5-year journey through space and now embarks on a mission to study the planet Jupiter like never before.

From an astrological standpoint this is fortuitous since Jupiter forms luck-bringing sextile aspects with both the Sun and Mercury. Keep your eyes open for opportunities for good fortune this week!

First, the spacecraft had to lock on to Jupiter into what's called a polar orbit.

This was the most dangerous part of the entire Juno mission, and was what NASA were watching instead of fireworks this 4th of July holiday weekend.

As Juno approached its destination on July 4, Jupiter's tremendous gravitational pull accelerated the spacecraft to blazing speeds of more than 150,000 mph, making Juno one of the fastest human-made objects ever built.

After reaching a max speed of 165,000 mph — fast enough to fly around Earth in 9 minutes — Juno slammed on the brakes by firing its engines.

The Juno spacecraft weighs 3,500 pounds and was barreling through space at 215 times the speed of sound. To slow down, the engines fired for 35 minutes straight, burning through 17,600 pounds of fuel in the process.

All went according to plan, and this perilous maneuver placed Juno into orbit around Jupiter, where the spacecraft will remain over the next 18 months, providing an unprecedented look at Jupiter's powerful gravitational and magnetic fields.

If something had gone wrong, the $1.13 billion mission would have shot past Jupiter, into deep space with no chance of return. So a huge cheer of elation went up at command headquarters when everything went well.

Essentially, this is the closest humans have come to landing on the planet Jupiter ... very fortuitous configurations indeed!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

TONIGHT is the Cancer New Moon, the Adonis Moon of Antinous honouring our spouses, partners and significant others.

From the start, Antinous has always been identified with Adonis, as with the breath-taking Farnese statue of Antinous/Adonis above.

If you want to meditate with his image in mind or that of a loved one or lover then I would recommend holding some Onyx.

Typically black (although can be found in other colours) Onyx is a powerful stone which can help you to recognize and integrate the dualities we often have within us such as homotheosis - man = god, god = man. 

This will lead to better self-control. Onyx can also improve stamina..!

Every New Moon my love Soman and I write down our intentions and aspirations for the coming moon phase. 

We stand under the moon and read an incantation over them asking for the blessing of the goddess.

We then place them under the pillows we sleep on until the next Full Moon ... in two weeks' time.

Then we read an incantation of thanks and offering while burning the intentions in a cauldron. I then soak the ashes in water and sprinkle them around the base of our roses. 

Our intentions almost always come true and our roses are magnificent. Last year, one orange rose was still flowering in mid November!

So tonight might be a very good night to start such a cycle for yourselves folks!

Love and Moon Light

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.


TONIGHT's Cancer New Moon is the moon of romantic renewal which we call the ADONIS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... the lunar phase which enhances partnerships.

Each lunar phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Adonis Moon is the Perfect Lover.

This is the Spirit which dwells in each gay heart. It is the ultimate friend, partner, soul mate and lover.

This Spirit embodies the perfection of a gay relationship, the perfect friend, the perfect companion.

This Spirit defies all conventions and may not conform to societal formats for partnership, but it nonetheless constitutes the perfect partner.

To paraphrase a classic Grace Jones song, this  Spirit may not be perfect, but this spirit is perfect for you.

Throughout history, Antinous has always been identified with Adonis, the god of beauty and desire, and a central figure in various mystery religions. The statue shown here is of Antinous in his guise as Adonis.

Adonis is one of the most complex figures in classical times. He has had multiple roles, and there has been much scholarship over the centuries concerning his meaning and purpose in Greek religious beliefs. He is an annually-renewed, ever-youthful vegetation god, a life-death-rebirth deity whose nature is tied to the calendar.

His name is often applied in modern times to handsome youths, of whom he is the archetype. Adonis is often referred to as the mortal god of Beauty.

Rituals and meditations tonight are best suited for focusing on your partner ... or how to find a partner ...  or simply a good night for being with your partner.