OUR sage astrological adviser Hernestus has advised me that the next moon phase is the "Tribune Moon" the Aries Third Quarter Moon. It represents an alpha male and discipline and orderliness in life, obedience, attention to detail, it is about self-assertiveness.
Monday, June 27, 2016
By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell
By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell
OUR sage astrological adviser Hernestus has advised me that the next moon phase is the "Tribune Moon" the Aries Third Quarter Moon. It represents an alpha male and discipline and orderliness in life, obedience, attention to detail, it is about self-assertiveness.
TONIGHT's Aries Third Quarter Moon is the lunar phase of the determined warrior which we call the TRIBUNE MOON in Antinous Moon Magic.
If you are someone lacking in self-assertiveness, then Antinous the Moon God is sending assertiveness your way on his moonbeams tonight ... so that you can forge ahead in with determination and vigor.
Each lunar phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype.
The Spirit of the Tribune Moon is the dominant Alpha Male, the leader of the pack. This spirit is symbolized by the Roman tribune riding in triumph through the Forum.
It is the Spirit of discipline and obeying orders ... and giving orders which earn the respect and admiration of others.
It is the Spirit that likes order and rules and expects others to abide by his own code of behavior. This Spirit leads the charge into battle and is a born leader.
Many gay men have a hard time asserting themselves. We equate assertiveness with "aggression" and "being a bully." And so, many of us gay men go through our lives trying to stifle and suppress any sort of assertiveness. We try to be good little boys ... all of our lives.
And yet ... each of us is born with Aries warrior energy in abundance. He always finds a way to get out and exert himself. If we spend our lives suppressing our inner warrior energy, then it seeps out in destructive ways. We have problems with pent-up rage. We have problems with self-destructive habits. We build an impenetrable shield of fear and disdain around ourselves.
We are afraid of being hurt. And we are afraid of hurting others. So we hurt ourselves instead. Our lives turn into chaos.
The Tribune Moon is about confronting your fears ... above all, your fear of baring your true self to others. It is about turning your weaknesses into your strengths. It is about transforming destructive energies into constructive ones. It is about finding ... and fulfilling ... your destiny ....
Meditations and rituals tonight are best suited for finding ways to assert your will constructively ... for the benefit of yourself and for others.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
JUNE 23 to JULY 10, 2016
THURSDAY-FRIDAY JUNE 23rd-24th, 2016
The stresses of the Full Moon Solstice are intensified when Mercury is in a tight, 90-degree square angle to Jupiter. Beware of online websites that promote gross exaggerations or promises that sound too good to be true — because most likely they aren't true. Or on a whim, you might take on a large assignment on the mistaken belief that you can easily manage it, when in fact it overwhelms you. Moderation and caution are the keywords for Mercury square Jupiter. On the other hand: don't be so cautious that you fail to buy a lottery ticket — because Mercury square Jupiter can sometimes favor the underdog with unexpected good fortune.
SATURDAY/SUNDAY JUNE 25th/26th, 2016
This weekend you'll be glad you bought that lottery ticket when Lady Luck smiles on you. Lucky Jupiter and career-minded Pluto form a trine aspect which is highly conducive for prosperity. This is a good weekend to sit down and update your job applications and send out new ones. Security and self-confidence underpin your dealings this weekend.
MONDAY/TUESDAY JUNE 27th/28th, 2016
The week starts off with a military bang we come to the Aries Third Quarter Moon, which is the lunar phase of the determined warrior we call the TRIBUNE MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... This lunar phase is particularly powerful this year because it occurs precisely when the Mercury is in an impulsive sextile aspect with Uranus and love goddess Venus is in a dreamy trine with Neptune. If you are someone lacking in self-assertiveness, then ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is sending assertiveness your way on his moonbeams tonight ... so that you can forge ahead in with determination and vigor ... The Tribune Moon is about confronting your fears ... above all, your fear of baring your true self to others. It is about turning your weaknesses into your strengths. It is about transforming destructive energies into constructive ones. It is about finding ... and fulfilling ... your destiny ... Meditations and rituals this night are best suited for finding ways to assert your will constructively ... for the benefit of yourself and for others.
Overnight Wednesday/Thursday a major change occurs for 2016 when Mars ends 11 weeks of retrograde (backwards) motion which began April 17th and now starts going Direct (or forward as seen from Earth) again through the Martian sign of Scorpio. Sexual and other relationship frustrations of recent months disappear when Mars marches forward again to face new challenges for the rest of the year. After all, we are in the middle of THE YEAR OF MARS 2016 and many new challenges lie ahead.
THURSDAY JUNE 30th, 2016
Early Thursday Mercury leaves its home base of Gemini and enters emotion-oriented Cancer, so that your Conscious Mind will find itself engulfed in emotions during its brief visit of only two weeks to Cancer. This is the time to give voice to your emotions.
This will be one of the most romantic weekends of the year when Venus is in powerful configurations for love ... and money. Venus is in 180-degree opposition to Pluto even as the love goddess is also in a positive sextile aspect with lucky and expansive Jupiter. In business matters, these configurations can result in highly successful financial speculation. Money drops into your lap. In romantic matters, you may find yourself falling headlong deeply in love. And because Pluto is involved, you can revive a longterm relationship and give it new life.
SUNDAY JULY 3rd, 2016
On Sunday meditation and astral travel are enhanced by the Cancer Sun and Pisces Neptune. Sun trine Neptune enhances your ability to lift the veil between the worlds and to perceive spirits in other realms. You can also receive messages from the beyond and communicate more effectively with your higher self and with spirit guides during this profoundly spiritual configurations. Because Neptune is retrograde (going "backwards" as seen from Earth) you can delve into past-life incarnations.
MONDAY JULY 4th, 2016
Monday is a holiday not only in the USA when the gentle and romantic CANCER NEW MOON soothes the tensions of recent days and weeks. In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC we call this the ADONIS MOON ... the lunar phase which enhances relationships ... Antinous has always been identified with Adonis, the god of beauty and desire, and a central figure in various mystery religions ... Adonis is the divine ideal lover ... Rituals and meditations tonight are best suited for focusing on your lover ... or how to find a lover ... or simply a good night for being with your lover.
TUESDAY JULY 5th, 2016
Tuesday promises to be a gossipy sort of day when pouty Cancer Mercury is in a trine with vague and dreamy Neptune. You will need to be careful not to misinterpret casual remarks when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in tense aspects to Venus, Mars and unpredictable Uranus.
Love is in the air on Tuesday when Venus forms a generous trine aspect with Mars. This is not a critical date but it can favor reconciling couples ... or at least reconciling masculine/feminine aspects of your own personality. You should re-evaluate the relationship rather than jump back into the situation. Relationships are one of your greatest areas of learning and it's not always easy living side-by-side with people who aren't you. Everyone’s different and sometimes those differences are extreme ... radically different opinions or different beliefs about what’s right and wrong. Sometimes those differences are not as extreme but often play out as if they are ... different culture, social class, upbringing or religion. In mythology, Venus and Mars are feisty lovers and not faithful to one another at all. Yet, there’s potential here for you to decide to live in love, to embrace a more passionate existence and to stand hand in hand with the people closest to you. Venus and Mars hold promise for sensuality, falling in love, making love, staying in love and loving the ones you're with.
Thursday is the best day of the summer for signing nuptial agreements when the Sun and Mercury align in perfect conjunction in romantic Cancer. Mercury is also in opposition to Pluto, which means any agreement signed today will last forever ... if not longer. Meanwhile, Venus square Uranus means anything might happen at the altar ... like in those screwball comedies when the groom runs off with the best man at the last minute.
FRIDAY JULY 8th, 2016
The work week could end in strife when the Sun is in opposition to Pluto. But help is on the way when Cancer Mercury forms a silver-tongued sextile aspect with Virgo Jupiter to ensure that only words fly ... and not fists.
This promises to be a highly fortuitous weekend when the Sun forms a sextile aspect with lucky Jupiter. Keep your eyes open for opportunities for good fortune.
Another exciting week lies ahead between July 11th and 17th when we come to the Libra First Quarter Moon, the beautiful moon of balance and equilibrium we call the VENUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... This is Venus Genetrix, the Mother of Rome ... Rituals and meditations tonight are best suited for questions about your mother or your "inner mother" and also about finding flexible solutions to problems. The serpentine qualities of the "Snake Goddess Moon" offer insights into how to slither around or through seemingly impervious barriers in life .... More details next time ....
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Monday, June 20, 2016
Friday, June 17, 2016
ASTRO FORECAST: JUNE 16th — 26th, 2016
JUNE 16th to 26th, 2016
THURSDAY JUNE 16th, 2016
This could be the luckiest week of the year for you when the convivial Gemini Sun firms a fortuitous sextile aspect with winner-takes-all Aries Uranus. Your mind will be brimming with creative ideas and new solutions for stubborn old problems. And because of Retrograde Neptune, be sure to pay attention to inspiration from your dreams!
FRIDAY JUNE 17th, 2016
On Friday, Venus leaves nervous Gemini (where Venus never feels entirely comfortable) and enters cozy Cancer. Venus is very much at home in Cancer, creating a spirit of emotional home-and-hearth sentimentalism. Even if you are the sort of gay person who has never taken the idea of "marriage" and "family" seriously before, don't be surprised if you now think of settling down and setting up housekeeping with that certain special someone. That may mean merely sharing a house or apartment together. Or it may mean planning a gay wedding and possibly even adopting or siring children. For the past month, Gemini Venus expressed love and money through words. Now Cancer Venus will express love and money emotionally.
SATURDAY/SUNDAY JUNE 18th/19th, 2016
This is a weekend full of contradictions when Saturn is at right angles to nebulous Neptune. Sagittarius Saturn encourages you to be fair-minded and just in all your dealings with others. But Retrograde Neptune in dreamy Pisces blurs all the distinctions between right and wrong, left and right and up and down. And because Neptune is Retrograde, you sense a vague nostalgia for the way things used to be and delude yourself into thinking things used to be more just and fair ... when in fact they weren't. On the interpersonal level, this means you tend to misinterpret or overlook the intentions of other people. On the larger level, this means carelessness and miscalculations can lead to accidents with far-reaching ramifications. Drive carefully!
MONDAY/TUESDAY JUNE 20th/21st, 2016
Overnight Monday/Tuesday we come to the SUMMER BLUE MOON of Antinous ... the second Sagittarius Full Moon in succession which coincides this year with the June Solstice. For those of you in the Northern Hemisphere this is the Summer Solstice and the days start getting shorter. For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere this is the Winter Solstice and spring will soon be on the way. Regardless where you are on this blue marble we call Earth, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD smiles down on your during this Solstice Full moon. Normally, the Sagittarius Full Moon shines forth with riches and joy. But this solstice is a bit more challenging because Mercury is in tense aspects to Saturn and Neptune, both of which are in a severe 90-degree right angle to each other and have been for much of this year. These configurations cast a pall of sadness and frustration over this normally happy Solstice. Remember that negative energies are just that — they are energies. And energies can ge channeled and transformed. You can turn these energies into more positive and constructive avenues. Look up at the big and bright Full Moon and remember that ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is smiling down at you and all of us with boundless love.
The stresses of the Full Moon Solstice are intensified when Mercury is in a tight, 90-degree square angle to Jupiter. Beware of online websites that promote gross exaggerations or promises that sound too good to be true — because most likely they aren't true. Or on a whim, you might take on a large assignment on the mistaken belief that you can easily manage it, when in fact it overwhelms you. Moderation and caution are the keywords for Mercury square Jupiter. On the other hand: don't be so cautious that you fail to buy a lottery ticket — because Mercury square Jupiter can sometimes favor the underdog with unexpected good fortune.
SATURDAY/SUNDAY JUNE 25th/26th, 2016
This weekend you'll be glad you bought that lottery ticket when Lady Luck smiles on you. Lucky Jupiter and career-minded Pluto form a trine aspect which is highly conducive for prosperity. This is a good weekend to sit down and update your job applications and send out new ones. Security and self-confidence underpin your dealings this weekend.
Another exciting week lies ahead between June 27 and July 4th when the gentle and romantic CANCER NEW MOON soothes the tensions of recent days and weeks. In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC we call this the ADONIS MOON .... More details next time ....
Saturday, June 11, 2016
By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell
By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell
PUT on your ruby slippers because our astrological expert Hernestus tells me that this moon phase is the Moon of Melancholy. Don't despair though, sadness can be lessened in many ways ... and red rubies help.
TONIGHT's Virgo First Quarter Moon is the Lunar Phase we call the MOON OF MELANCHOLY ... but don't worry ... it can be your "lucky" moon.
Each phase of the Moon represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype in ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC. The Spirit of the Moon of Melancholy is the Spirit of Despondency and Despair. It is the worrier, the pouter, the Spirit which feels guilty and inadequate.
It is the negative side of Virgo, not the caring and dutiful side, but rather the side which frets and mopes and feels inadequate for the task at hand. It is sadness for the sake of sadness, without cause. It is the Spirit of Chronic Depression.
ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD uses this lunar phase to invite you to reflect on those parts of your life or your living and job environment which may be making you sad.
You may come to the realization that the sadness you are feeling is not coming from within yourself, but rather that it is originating elsewhere — coming from someone else or from some other situation.
As you know, many gay people are highly sensitive to the emotions of others, and to the "vibes" of a location or situation. You know how you can enter a space, such as a room or a house, and you immediately sense whether it is a cheerful or a sad place. You know how the sadness of others can affect you — even at great distances.
You may be feeling sadness and then the phone rings and it is a special person who needs consolation, and you realize that the melancholy you were feeling had its origins with that person, not with yourself.
Most people ignore such "coincidences." But this sensitivity is an integral part of ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC. That is why the "Moon of Melancholy" is important. It is the best time of the year for meditation and rituals concerning sadness — in yourself and in others.
Examine your own life and see if where the source of your sadness lies.
If you find the source of sadness in your life, then this Lunar Phase provides you with the energy to effect changes which will move you out of melancholy into the next lunar phase.
More about that coming up ....
Thursday, June 9, 2016
ASTRO FORECAST: JUNE 9th — 19th, 2016
JUNE 9th to 19th, 2016
Thursday and Friday Mercury is in 180-degree opposition to Mars. Some astrologers say this is when people sharpen their swords, but we prefer to say it is when people sharpen their tongues to use as weapons! Remember that lovely line from "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde (who is a Saint of Antinous, by the way): "On an occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak one's mind. It becomes a pleasure." This is an aspect which encourages people to say vicious and intentionally hurtful things. People are overly persnickety and bitchy and downright mean. You'll be amazed how true this is.
This weekend you can expect fireworks in love and finance when Venus forms a sextile aspect with unpredictable Uranus. Whatever happens, it will be tinged with sadness when we come to the Virgo First Quarter Moon. This is the Lunar Phase we call the MOON OF MELANCHOLY ... but don't worry ... it can be your "lucky" moon ... In English-speaking countries, "Melancholy" is almost a dirty word. Puritan upbringing has conditioned us to grin and bear it, to adopt a stiff-upper-lip attitude ... Other cultures are not so uptight about acknowledging this feeling of sadness. They realize it is a necessary part of life. It is what the French call "larmoyant" — a lovely word which suggests there is great beauty in sadness ... For example, crying at the movies is very beautiful and cleansing for the soul ... it is cathartic and healthy ... Meditations and rituals on this night are best suited for identifying the source of sadness in your life. If you find the source of sadness in your life, then this Lunar Phase provides you with the energy to effect changes which will move you out of melancholy into the next lunar phase.
MONDAY JUNE 13, 2016
The good news is that Mercury enters Gemini on Monday. The not-so-good news is that Neptune turns Retrograde on Monday. Ordinarily, mental clarity shines bright and clear once again when Mercury leaves plodding Taurus and sweeps into Gemini — Mercury's astrological home sign for three weeks each year. But Retrograde Neptune negates all of that clarity. Pay attention to your nighttime dreams and don't overlook those persistent daydreams. Neptune turns Retrograde on Monday and begins retracing its steps through dreamy Pisces from now until November 20th. Retrograde Neptune in intuitive Pisces means there will be an atmosphere of nostalgia and yearning for a return to the "good old days" — which were maybe not all that good to start with. Nostalgia reigns during Retrograde Neptune in Pisces! On the negative side, Retrograde Neptune in Pisces causes addictive behaviour to resurface. But on the positive side, Retrograde Neptune shines a spotlight on the arts and spirituality. Don't be surprised when recurring dreams revisit you in coming weeks and months. ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is using Retrograde Neptune to remind you of unfinished dream work. This is your chance to practice Dreamscaping ... consciously manipulating your dreams. You are the dreamer. You can do anything you want to do in your dreams. So do it!
This could be the luckiest week of the year for you when the convivial Gemini Sun firms a fortuitous sextile aspect with winner-takes-all Aries Uranus. Your mind will be brimming with creative ideas and new solutions for stubborn old problems. And because of Retrograde Neptune, be sure to pay attention to inspiration from your dreams!
FRIDAY JUNE 17, 2016
On Friday, Venus leaves nervous Gemini (where Venus never feels entirely comfortable) and enters cozy Cancer. Venus is very much at home in Cancer, creating a spirit of emotional home-and-hearth sentimentalism. Even if you are the sort of gay person who has never taken the idea of "marriage" and "family" seriously before, don't be surprised if you now think of settling down and setting up housekeeping with that certain special someone. That may mean merely sharing a house or apartment together. Or it may mean planning a gay wedding and possibly even adopting or siring children. For the past month, Gemini Venus expressed love and money through words. Now Cancer Venus will express love and money emotionally.
This is a weekend full of contradictions when Saturn is at right angles to nebulous Neptune. Sagittarius Saturn encourages you to be fair-minded and just in all your dealings with others. But Retrograde Neptune in dreamy Pisces blurs all the distinctions between right and wrong, left and right and up and down. And because Neptune is Retrograde, you sense a vague nostalgia for the way things used to be and delude yourself into thinking things used to be more just and fair ... when in fact they weren't. On the interpersonal level, this means you tend to misinterpret or overlook the intentions of other people. On the larger level, this means carelessness and miscalculations can lead to accidents with far-reaching ramifications. Drive carefully!
Another exciting week lies ahead between June 20th and 26th when we come to the SUMMER BLUE MOON of Antinous ... the second Sagittarius Full Moon in succession which coincides this year with the June Solstice.... More details next time ....
Saturday, June 4, 2016
By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell
By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell


In Antinous Moon Magic we call the Gemini New Moon the "Mercury Moon of Antinous" because the mercurial and seemingly fickle energy of Gemini is in the spotlight during this New Moon period, amping up agitation and nervous energy.
Be patient with yourself if you find it more difficult to make decisions while also making space for others if they seem to be more capricious than normal.
If you're finding yourself indecisive, consider whether it’s because you are more clearly seeing the two sides of the proverbial coin and the fact that both of them have grace and value. Reflect upon whether it really is even necessary to choose between them; potentially you can create a structure where you are able to enjoy both paths.
Curiosity and wonder fill the air on the night of the Gemini Moon. Rituals and meditations carried out on this night are best aimed at learning and collecting information. And yet, don't be surprised if it may seem as if your attention is pulled in a spectrum of directions, since there's a heightened sense of "interesting" to the facts and figures you come across.
So if your mind begins to drift during meditation or a magical ritual, perhaps you should permit the Mercury Moon to take it off into a new direction ... which may turn out to provide the answers and results you were looking for.