Thursday, July 30, 2015

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

OUR astrology adviser Hernestus has advised me that today is the Aquarius Full Moon which is the Donum Moon of Amtinous Vertumnus. 

Hernestus further advised me that crystals for any meditation today should have attributes which focus on the Aquarian ability to appreciate the bounty of life. 

It is about giving and being open to receiving gifts. 

With this in mind I would recommend that you meditate using the following crystals:

Cinnabar - this unusual red crystal (below right) can be quite expensive but it is worth considerings because of its appropriate attributes for today's focus on abundance. Cinnabar is known to attract abundance. This may be particularly via trade but it will only focus on trade which is positive and undertaken with no ill intent or aggression.

Diamond - you knew I was going to say that didn't you?! Hopefully you have one or know someone who has one ... like Hernestus in the photo above. 

Maybe you have given one as a gift or may receive one as a gift. 

Whatever the circumstances they help you to manifest - attract - abundance into your life. This abundance will most often be in love, relationships or wealth. 

People have not given diamonds for millennia for no reason.  The givers were usually wealthy, the receivers usually delighted and loving in return. 

Hadrian gave Antinous a spear head made from diamond. Antinous both treasured it and used it to save the man he loved by killing a charging lion with that same spear head.

Carnelian - these lovely orange or light reddish brown stones are my favourite crystals I carry one with me always. They bring joy and vitality, energy but also ground you in the current reality. 

I have them in many forms and have just commissioned a new silver ring set with a Carnelian - the ring is the eternal snake of life forever eating its own tail. 

Anyway, Carnelian also invites abundance into your home (especially if you have a Carnelian near your front door). 

Since I have loved and cherished my Carnelians I have paid off the loan for my house, bought a much bigger 'new ' house (its Victorian) and have abundance of love, happiness and joy in my life."

Love and Light from my screen


To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.


TONIGHT'S Aquarius Full Moon is the summertime moon of generous gifts which we associate with Antinous in his guise as Vertumnus, the shape-shifting God of summertime bounty and generous gifts.

This is the full moon of letting go, breaking out of restrictions, busting out of prisons, liberating yourself from the chains which restrain you.

It represents a boon (material or otherwise) which comes your way through generosity. It is an unexpected gift from someone else.

Or it is a gift you give to yourself. The Aquarius Full Moon is about philanthropic generosity

 In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC we call this the DONUM MOON when magical rituals are performed for fortuitous gifts. 

Antinous/Vertumnus is the divine aspect of Antinous representing his gift-giving ability. He holds a symbolic gift of fresh-ripened fruit and summertime blossoms which he is eager to give to you without reservation.

It is yours. No questions asked. Take it.

Vertumnus also symbolizes his ability to morph and change bad luck into good luck. The Ancient Etruscans believed Vertumnus was a shape-shifter who could change his form at will. He brought gifts and bounty to those who had the "eyes" to perceive him in his many guises.

The Romans adopted Vertumnus and he became associated with the changing bounty of summertime, when fruit and vegetables materialized out of the ground and ripened and were ready for harvest — the bountiful gifts of nature.

According to Ovid's Metamorphoses, Vertumnus was enthralled with Pomona, the goddess of orchard fruits, and desired to be one with her. But she spurned him.

He assumed many guises — a fisherman, a soldier, a peasant, a reaper, etc. — but she turned him away every time. Finally, he assumed the form of an old woman and was so aged and unattractive that Pomona let down her guard.

Thus, Vertumnus engaged her in conversation and they became inseparable — which was what Vertumnus had wanted all along.

Ovid says that the moral of the tale of Vertumnus and Pomona is that you should never judge a gift by its outward appearances. Never reject the hand of friendship.

The Aquarius Full Moon is about philanthropic generosity. The Ancient Romans celebrated the feast day of Vertumnus — the Vertumnalia — during the cycle of the Aquarius Full Moon in early times (and on August 13th in later times) by giving each other baskets of fruit, flowers and other symbols of nature's bounty. The Aquarius Full Moon is associated with Antinous/Vertumnus in Antinous Moon Magic rituals.

Go outside tonight and look up at the full moon, with shooting stars cascading from all sides. This is the FULL MOON to wake up and break free of all mental, spiritual, political and ideological strictures. It is the gift of an opportunity.

The PERSEID METEORS (which reach their peak at this time of year) are symbolically aimed at you. 

Antinous is aiming his gifts of new opportunity directly your way. All you have to do is reach out and grasp it — and it's yours.

Friday, July 24, 2015

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

IT is the Summer Blue Moon this Friday 24th July coinciding with the celebrations forthe Nile Inundation in Egypt. 

Here in the UK it feels like the inundation is coming. There is very heavy rain here and it is forecast to continue all day. In Sussex where I recently moved from there are severe flood warnings!

So I thought I would write a few lines about water and how it affects our lives in more ways than are obvious.

We know that Antinous and Hadrian would have come into contact with water in many different ways in the ancient world they explored. Apart from the water fed to Roman cities by the ingenious aqueducts (some designed by Hadrian) they would have visited water in some very significant places. 

In my research  into the life of Antinous (culminating in my novel THE LOVE GOD) I am certain they would have:

- Sailed the Mediterranean Sea
- Sailed the Aegean Sea
- Crossed the Black Sea
- Crossed the English Channel
- Sailed the North Sea
- Sailed up the River Tyne in northern England to reach Hadrian’s Wall
- Walked beside the Tiber river in Rome
- Bathed in the sacred water at various temples across the Roman Empire
- Bathed in the sacred Well of Castalia at Delphi in Greece
- Crossed the River Jordan
- And, of course, sailed the river Nile in Egypt with its tragic outcome…

Why is all of this significant to us as companions of the modern Antinous faith? Well, science has proven that water came to the earth on comets and asteroids which collided with the earth millions of years ago. 

It probably brought the microbes which developed into all the life we see on our blue planet this Blue Moon. 

That water is a constant on earth and in our atmosphere. It never goes away, it just circulates constantly through the soil, oceans, rivers, rainfall, drains, gutters and through all plant and animal life.

Every drop of water you drink, bathe with or swim in has been everywhere (universally and on earth) and in everything. When you come into contact with water you are coming into contact with the planets, the moons, the asteroids, the earth, the oceans and all life, now and throughout all time to date. 

Our descendants will drink and swim in us too! 

You have drunk, bathed in and swum in water Antinous did exactly the same in. Of course he also died in water – you will have imbibed some of that sacred blessing too.

Myself and my lovely partner Soman (photo above) are blessed to have been surrounded by water. Soman was born in Brighton, England, beside the English Channel. I was born in High Wycombe, England, beside the rivers Thames and Wye. We both lived in Brighton but have now moved to Glastonbury, England – a town where water has defined it. 

Until 100 years ago the town was an island of a few hills surrounded by marsh and boggy land that became inundated every year. 

You could sail from the coast to Glastonbury during those inundations. 

Since medieval times the hills became known as the borough of the Glass town because the water was so still it reflected things like glass does. They would have said ‘Glass Town Bury (Borough)’ which became Glastonbury. 

The main island was (and is) a steep, breast shaped tor (hill) which, in ancient times was known as Avalon. Here, it is said, King Arthur had isCamelot settlement from where he set out to find the Holy Grail. 

What prompted him to do that? Maybe the story that Joseph of Aremethia (Jesus’ uncle) brought the Holy Grail Chalice to England. Indeed he is reported to have placed the chalice in a natural well at the base of the Tor. 

An ancient Roman glass bowl was, indeed, discovered near the well in the 19th Century. That well is now a World Peace garden called The Chalice Well.

Each year The Chalice Well hosts a ceremony where it blesses water. 

Myself and Soman will be attending (the photo above shows us there in 2012). 

People gather from all over the world to bring water from sources near them (this has included vials from the Ganges, Jordan and Nile in previous years). I brought some from the Well of Castalia in Delphi once. 

With guided blessings, these small amounts of water are collected into one lovely glass chalice. The contents are then poured into the well. The concept is that all water meets all water as I described above. 

The blessings are led by followers of the findings of the late MASURU EMOTO who proved scientifically that water that is blessed is healthier than water that is ignored or abused.

Soman and I have built a pond and waterfall in our garden. 

It is constructed deliberately to naturally attract pond dwelling creatures and insects. 

We already have several frogs and a newt. 

Dragon flies swoop over it, cats and birds drink from it. It has created an abundance of life. It also creates peace and gentleness in the garden for us.

In our garage we discovered a hatch which covered a natural spring water well of our own! We intend to use it to water our garden and maybe for use in the house.

So the next time you come into contact with water take a moment to consider where it has been and that it will have touched all that and those you hold dear spiritually, historically and emotionally. 

It is literally the life blood of our planet and of us all.

Should you want to meditate with or about water this Nile Inundation day I would suggest holding those crystals that purify water. 

The most regularly used is clear quartz which, if left in a bottle of water overnight, will purify the water and give it a higher energetic vibration than ordinary water (which can be very good for you).

Quartz increases the vibration of any crystal if you hold them together. 

A more recent discovery has been the stone SHUNGITE

It was first discovered (only recently) in Japan but is most prevalent in Russia. It is a high vibrational crystal and a very strong water cleanser. 

My suggestion would be to meditate on the wonder of water, and its holy connection to Antinous, while holding a piece of Shungite and a clear quartz crystal.

Blessed be to you all on this day of celebrating water.

Love and Light


To get more advice from Martinus and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Antinous Astrology Forecast

JULY 23 to AUG. 2, 2015


On Thursday and Friday the Sun and Mercury leave emotional Cancer and enter Leo where they instantly align in conjunction in the sign of the Lion just in time for the SUMMER BLUE MOON, which is the first of two Scorpio First Quarter Moons in succession this year. The Summer Blue Moon coincides with the celebration of the First Miracle performed by Antinous as a God ... the Miraculous Nile Inundation of the Year 131 AD which ended a long drought. This is a celebration of ebullient joy and triumph and the excitement is contagious.


On Saturday you must be sure to drive very carefully indeed when Mars and Uranus are in a 90-degree square angle to each other. This is a classic textbook recipe for road rage. Also Saturday, Venus turns around and goes Retrograde (going "backwards" as seen from Earth) from now until September 6th. Retrograde Venus is about re-visiting, re-working or re-vising relationships of all kinds. On the personal relationships level, Retrograde Venus means you can expect to hear from "old flames" and ex-partners and people you haven't heard from in years. They'll suddenly be inviting you to "Friend" them. But Retrograde Venus warns you that you can never go backwards in relationships, only forwards. Remember that the emphasis is on "re-working" and "re-viewing" — and that means you need to take a good, hard look at those old relationships and see whether they still have any promise for the future. You may find that you don't need to "Friend" just every old friend.

SUNDAY JULY 26, 2015

On Sunday a quantum shift occurs which affects the rest of the year 2015 when Uranus stops dead in space and turns around and goes Retrograde (moving "backwards" as seen from Earth) from now until December 26th. Uranus, bringer of change, entered aggressive Aries in May 2010, sparking the "Islamic Spring" which toppled governments. Retrograde Uranus makes things even more volatile. Over this five months, Uranus will continue to shake us out of our comfort zones until it goes direct again on December 26th — and we'll feel it on both an individual and a global scale. While Uranus has been known to inspire wars and revolutions, it will also create change from the inside out. Gandhi once said, "Be the change you want to see in the world," and this is exactly what Uranus Retrograde will push you to do! But Uranus Retrograde also forces us to confront our own fears and personal roadblocks, so we can all expect a few "Ah ha!" moments of realization. This is a time for us to consider what the concept of "freedom" means to us, and what we need to fix or change in our lives to get it. Uranus also forces us to get real about who we are and what we want, so if you're in the wrong job, working toward the wrong degree or dating the wrong person, Uranus Retrograde will let you know. While Uranus usually forces the changes that need to happen, over this five months, it will quiet down and simply make you feel what needs an overhaul. So pay attention to Uranus's tough-love advice!

MONDAY JULY 27, 2015

On Monday the new work week gets off to a fiery start when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms an energy-filled trine aspect with Leo Mercury that gives you the erudition you need to state your heart's desire.


On Tuesday you can anticipate a pleasant romantic surprise when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD engages in positive trine aspects with Uranus, Jupiter and Venus. Your lucky stars are on your side tonight.


On Wednesday your mind focuses on responsible plans for the future when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns with Pluto and the STAR OF ANTINOUS in dutiful Capricorn.


On Thursday frantic and hectic chaos dominates the day when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in tense aspects with Uranus, Mars and Saturn. Remember that your strength depends on your ability to ground yourself and focus your intentions.

FRIDAY JULY 31, 2015

On Friday we come to the AQUARIUS FULL MOON. This is the summertime moon of generous gifts which we associate with Antinous/Vertumnus, the shape-shifting God of summertime bounty and generous gifts. We call this the DONUM MOON when magical rituals are performed for fortuitous gifts.


On Saturday the year 2015 gets a reboot when Saturn turns around in space and goes Direct ("forward" as seen from Earth) again for the first time since it went Retrograde on March 14, 2015. As Saturn retraced its steps over the last four months, we all revisited issues and problems in our lives which needed to be remedied before we move on. Saturn, the school teacher of the Zodiac, forced you to sit down and complete your homework before moving forward to the next class.Now, with Saturn moving forward again, this means a breakthrough in logjams in Scorpio Saturn topics such as karmic trust issues in relationships, business partnerships and legal matters. You will see progress again in those areas and can make new commitments and set new boundaries for Saturn's reentry into upbeat Sagittarius in a few weeks.


On Sunday you can expect surprise tidings from the past when Mercury is in a very conducive karmic-healing trine to Retrograde Uranus. Mercury-trine-Uranus always creates optimal energies for breaking down encrusted old structures and for mentally visualizing bold new solutions. Because Uranus is Retrograde, the emphasis is on the past. Retrograde Uranus opens the portals of Time and Space and Mercury enables you to go through those portals to engage in healing magic involving your own past, or past-life incarnations. Even if you do not work any magic, you can definitely count on receiving a message involving someone or something from the past.


Another exciting week lies ahead between August 3 and 9 when we come to the Taurus Third Quarter Moon — the LUCIUS MOON OF BROTHERS — when we honor Lucius Aelius, who was like a brother to Antinous in the imperial court of Hadrian. This night is when we celebrate our gay brothers .... More details next time ....

Friday, July 17, 2015

ASTRO FORECAST: JULY 16 — 26, 2015

Antinous Astrology Forecast

JULY 16 to 26, 2015


Overnight Wednesday/Thursday the gentle and romantic CANCER NEW MOON soothes the tensions of recent days and weeks. In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC we call this the ADONIS MOON. And there are a lot of tensions to be soothed because Mercury and Mars align in emotional Cancer in 180-degree opposition to Pluto in stubborn Capricorn. This is when NASA's NEW HORIZONS probe to Pluto arrives at its destination after a 10-year voyage. Capricorn Pluto, which has been pulling down and reassembling political and economic infrastructures around the world for several years, is in the spotlight this week. All eyes are on Pluto. And Mercury/Mars are on the far side of the Sun from Earth and Pluto at this moment to exacerbate all the world's upheavals.

FRIDAY JULY 17, 2015

On Friday this horrific week of cataclysmic upheavals comes to an end not with a bang but with a whimper as tensions slowly subside and the NEW HORIZONS probe to Pluto heads on out of our Solar System on a trajectory to the STAR OF ANTINOUS.


This weekend vengeance and enmity ignite anew when Mercury and Uranus are in a 90-degree right angle to each other as the Sun and Uranus were at the beginning of last week. People act impulsively without thinking of the consequences ... consequences the will surely regret.

MONDAY JULY 20, 2015

On Monday the week gets off to a disciplined and orderly start when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms positive aspects with Pluto and Mars. Mars provides the energy and Pluto the determination to ensure that you get the job done. Just don't forget your sense of humor.


On Monday and Tuesday the Sun and Mercury form a brilliant and glowing trine aspect with Saturn which empower you with perseverance (Saturn) and clear forms of expression (Mercury) to make some serious long-term plans for the future.


On Thursday and Friday the Sun and Mercury leave emotional Cancer and enter Leo where they instantly align in conjunction in the sign of the Lion just in time for the SUMMER BLUE MOON, which is the first of two Scorpio First Quarter Moons in succession this year. The Summer Blue Moon coincides with the celebration of the First Miracle performed by Antinous as a God ... the Miraculous Nile Inundation of the Year 131 AD which ended a long drought. This is a celebration of ebullient joy and triumph and the excitement is contagious.


On Saturday you must be sure to drive very carefully indeed when Mars and Uranus are in a 90-degree square angle to each other. This is a classic textbook recipe for road rage. Also Saturday, Venus turns around and goes Retrograde (going "backwards" as seen from Earth) from now until September 6th. Retrograde Venus is about re-visiting, re-working or re-vising relationships of all kinds. On the personal relationships level, Retrograde Venus means you can expect to hear from "old flames" and ex-partners and people you haven't heard from in years. They'll suddenly be inviting you to "Friend" them. But Retrograde Venus warns you that you can never go backwards in relationships, only forwards. Remember that the emphasis is on "re-working" and "re-viewing" — and that means you need to take a good, hard look at those old relationships and see whether they still have any promise for the future. You may find that you don't need to "Friend" just every old friend.

SUNDAY JULY 26, 2015

On Sunday a quantum shift occurs which affects the rest of the year 2015 when Uranus stops dead in space and turns around and goes Retrograde (moving "backwards" as seen from Earth) from now until December 26th. Uranus, bringer of change, entered aggressive Aries in May 2010, sparking the "Islamic Spring" which toppled governments. Retrograde Uranus makes things even more volatile. Over this five months, Uranus will continue to shake us out of our comfort zones until it goes direct again on December 26th — and we'll feel it on both an individual and a global scale. While Uranus has been known to inspire wars and revolutions, it will also create change from the inside out. Gandhi once said, "Be the change you want to see in the world," and this is exactly what Uranus Retrograde will push you to do! But Uranus Retrograde also forces us to confront our own fears and personal roadblocks, so we can all expect a few "Ah ha!" moments of realization. This is a time for us to consider what the concept of "freedom" means to us, and what we need to fix or change in our lives to get it. Uranus also forces us to get real about who we are and what we want, so if you're in the wrong job, working toward the wrong degree or dating the wrong person, Uranus Retrograde will let you know. While Uranus usually forces the changes that need to happen, over this five months, it will quiet down and simply make you feel what needs an overhaul. So pay attention to Uranus's tough-love advice!


Another exciting week lies ahead between July 27 and August 2 when we come to the AQUARIUS FULL MOON occurs. This is the summertime moon of generous gifts which we associate with Antinous/Vertumnus, the shape-shifting God of summertime bounty and generous gifts. We call this the DONUM MOON when magical rituals are performed for fortuitous gifts .... More details next time ....

Thursday, July 16, 2015

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

TONIGHT is the Cancer New Moon, the Adonis Moon of Antinous honouring our spouses, partners and significant others.

From the start, Antinous has always been identified with Adonis, as with the breath-taking Farnese statue of Antinous/Adonis at right.

Every New Moon my love Soman and I write down our intentions and aspirations for the coming moon phase. 

We stand under the moon and read an incantation over them asking for the blessing of the goddess.

We then place them under the pillows we sleep on until the next Full Moon ... in two weeks' time.

Then we read an incantation of thanks and offering while burning the intentions in a cauldron. I then soak the ashes in water and sprinkle them around the base of our roses. 

Our intentions almost always come true and our roses are magnificent. Last year, one orange rose was still flowering in mid November!

So tonight might be a very good night to start such a cycle for yourselves folks!

Love and Moon Light

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


TONIGHT's Cancer New Moon is the moon of romantic renewal which we call the ADONIS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... the lunar phase which enhances partnerships.

Each lunar phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Adonis Moon is the Perfect Lover.

This is the Spirit which dwells in each gay heart. It is the ultimate friend, partner, soul mate and lover.

This Spirit embodies the perfection of a gay relationship, the perfect friend, the perfect companion.

This Spirit defies all conventions and may not conform to societal formats for partnership, but it nonetheless constitutes the perfect partner.

To paraphrase a classic Grace Jones song, this  Spirit may not be perfect, but this spirit is perfect for you.

Throughout history, Antinous has always been identified with Adonis, the god of beauty and desire, and a central figure in various mystery religions. The statue shown here is of Antinous in his guise as Adonis.

Adonis is one of the most complex figures in classical times. He has had multiple roles, and there has been much scholarship over the centuries concerning his meaning and purpose in Greek religious beliefs. He is an annually-renewed, ever-youthful vegetation god, a life-death-rebirth deity whose nature is tied to the calendar.

His name is often applied in modern times to handsome youths, of whom he is the archetype. Adonis is often referred to as the mortal god of Beauty.

Rituals and meditations tonight are best suited for focusing on your partner ... or how to find a partner ...  or simply a good night for being with your partner.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


ALL eyes are on Pluto for this spectacular first close-up photograph today sent to Earth by NASA's NEW HORIZONS probe after a 10-year voyage.

Magically, this celestial rendezvous coincides with a rare planetary configuration ... on Bastille Day. 

Mercury and Mars are aligned on the far side of the Sun in 180-degree opposition to Capricorn Pluto.

Pluto has been pulling down and reassembling global political, societal and economic institutions since it entered the Sign of Capricorn in 2008.

Since then, Capricorn Pluto has been pawning economic crises, political upheavals and dramatic restructuring of societal institutions ... including marriage equality. 

Because Pluto takes some 250 years to orbit the Sun, the last time it was in Capricorn coincided with the American Revolution and the French Revolution ... giving an added significance to this Bastille Day Rendezvous!

Mars and Mercury are giving added urgency to Capricorn Pluto's determination to tear down, raze and disassemble institutions of every sort ... and to rebuild them in a revolutionary new way. 

By the time Pluto leaves Capricorn in 2024, the political, economic and societal institutions of the world will be radically different from the way they were when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008.

Pluto is also aligned in Capricorn with the STAR OF ANTINOUSIt is no coincidence that the institution of marriage is being revolutionized.

In a way, conservatives are correct when they say that the institution of marriage is being reinvented! 

Now the New Horizons probe leaves Pluto and speeds on toward the Star of Antinous ... on the same trajectory at 20 degrees Capricorn.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


THE PERSEID meteors streak across the heavens from mid-July to mid-August. Go outside on a clear night and you will see dozens of meteors.

They appear to originate in the Constellation of Antinous right in the middle of the July and August night sky — as though Antinous is shooting arrows at you.

The CONSTELLATION OF ANTINOUS is directly right overhead in mid-heaven at this time of year. Go outside about 10 p.m. when it is good and dark and look up. You will see the Milky Way bisecting the sky from north to south. Look for the "Summer Triangle" formed by the stars Vega, Deneb and Altair — they seem to straddle the brightest part of the Milky Way.

Altair is the head of Aquila the Eagle — and Antinous is directly under the Eagle. 

The PERSEIDS are a great opportunity for ANTINOUS STAR MAGIC. 

How you cast the wish is up to you. If you re a Druid, Wiccan or even just a lapsed Catholic, you know some simple rituals. You can write a wish on a piece of paper and then go outside and look up and, as you repeat the wish aloud while tearing up the piece of paper, a shooting star will catch your eye — and you hold the palm of your hand in front of your mouth and blow away the bits of paper.

The Shooting Star does the rest.

There are many, many other ways of working ANTINOUS STAR MAGIC. As always with such things, the "magic" is within your heart and soul. So there are no firm-and-fast rules ... it all depends on you. 

If you are an ARIES, you probably don't believe in such foolishness as "wishing on a star" — but you love to gamble, and so you'll make a wish. And when it comes true, you'll be all the happier.

If you are a TAURUS, you know precisely what you want to wish for, something you've wanted for a long, long time. A leatherette recliner, for example. You love the romance and beauty of a summer evening. You've brought along a lawn chair and a hamper full of food and drink. 

If you are a GEMINI, you will be out with friends and you will be talking, laughing or else texting and twittering so much that you may forget to look up and make a wish.

If you are a CANCER you will be overwhelmed by the sheer romantic beauty of it all. You love the cosy setting and being with close friends or family. When you look up, you will make a special wish upon a star in hopes of finding that certain someone. You may stop pouting about how that other special someone broke your heart.

If you are a LEO, you will be convinced that Antinous is indeed shooting these love arrows your way — just for your own personal benefit, of course! And you will make a very grand wish, and you can't wait to show off and brag when it comes true.

If you are a VIRGO, you don't believe in luck, only in thankless hard work, and so you doubt that any wishes ever come true. You are wary of lying back on the grass because you are worried that a tick might bite you and you would contract Lyme Disease. It would be just your luck — Besides, you know it's selfish to wish for things for yourself. And anyway, you think you don't deserve to have a wish come true. But you DO deserve it!

If you are a LIBRAN, you can't decide on just one wish. So you make two wishes (at least). You secretly know you deserve to have your wishes come true more than anybody else, but you are far too diplomatic and tactful ever to say so openly. Your wishes involve matters of love and grace and beauty. You publicly wish good luck to all the others and they all thank you and think you're so nice. Everyone thinks you're their friend and you encourage them in that. Of course, secretly you think they're all morons, and if their lame wishes come true and your lovely wish doesn't come true — then there's no justice in this world.

If you are a SCORPIO, then you will also wish for love — but skip the grace and beauty and get down to the hot and heavy. Something with gleaming black leather and chrome steel chains. That wish better come true, too. You demand obedience.

If you are a SAGITTARIUS, your wish comes true instantaneously — or perhaps has already come true before you actually made the wish. Sagittarians have a direct hotline to the stars, so you always get your wishes -- and don't mind letting others know about it, either.

If you are a CAPRICORN, you don't believe in such frivolous nonsense as wishing on a star. But you have a list of very practical things you would like to wish for. Good dividends on investments, for example. So there's no harm in making a wish. If it comes true, it was "coincidence".

If you are an AQUARIUS, you will be counting the shooting stars ("Wow, 60 in just one hour, that's one a minute!") and you will be estimating what speed they must be traveling to reach the burn-out temperature. You're indoors, of course, watching the spectacle on NASA's streaming video website. You wrote down a wish for a new iPhone on a slip of paper, but you forgot where you put it, maybe it's stuck to the cheese under the Domino's Pizza next to your keyboard. Who cares? There are so many shooting stars to count.

If you are a PISCES, you have made elaborate plans to position yourself on a hilltop where your friends the UFO space aliens will be sure to spot you in your glow-in-the-dark jump suit. Your wish is for the aliens to abduct you ... again.

Make a wish!


Thursday, July 9, 2015


Antinous Astrology Forecast

JULY 9 to 19, 2015


Overnight Wednesday/Thursday Mercury leaves its home base of Gemini and enters emotion-oriented Cancer, so that your Conscious Mind will find itself engulfed in emotions for the next month. This is the time to give voice to your emotions.

FRIDAY JULY 10, 2015

On Friday the work week ends on a high note when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms energetic aspects with dreamy Neptune, energy-filled Mars and powerful Pluto.


This weekend is ideal for picnics and partying when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD configures positively with exaggeration-prone Jupiter and vivacious Venus. But all that over-indulgence on Saturday comes back to haunt you on Sunday when the Moon squares off against Neptune to give you a foggy head.

MONDAY JULY 13, 2015

On Monday the stormiest week of the year 2015 gets off to an explosive start when the Sun and Uranus are in a 90-degree square aspect to each other. This aspect creates unreliability and betrayal amongst friends, allies and coworkers. Stress and rancor and lots of rage and unrest are the result.


On Tuesday the storms intensify when Venus and Saturn are in a 90-degree square aspect to each other. This spells disaster for many relationships ... not only personal relationships but also political and economic alliances and coalitions. Even very close relationships may feel a chill.


Overnight Wednesday/Thursday the gentle and romantic CANCER NEW MOON soothes the tensions of recent days and weeks. In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC we call this the ADONIS MOON. And there are a lot of tensions to be soothed because Mercury and Mars align in emotional Cancer in 180-degree opposition to Pluto in stubborn Capricorn. This is when NASA's NEW HORIZONS probe to Pluto arrives at its destination after a 10-year voyage. Capricorn Pluto, which has been pulling down and reassembling political and economic infrastructures around the world for several years, is in the spotlight this week. All eyes are on Pluto. And Mercury/Mars are on the far side of the Sun from Earth and Pluto at this moment to exacerbate all the world's upheavals.

FRIDAY JULY 17, 2015

On Friday this horrific week of cataclysmic upheavals comes to an end not with a bang but with a whimper as tensions slowly subside and the NEW HORIZONS probe to Pluto heads on out of our Solar System on a trajectory to the STAR OF ANTINOUS.


This weekend vengeance and enmity ignite anew when Mercury and Uranus are in a 90-degree right angle to each other as the Sun and Uranus were at the beginning of last week. People act impulsively without thinking of the consequences ... consequences the will surely regret.


Another exciting week lies ahead between July 20 and 26 when we come to the SUMMER BLUE MOON, which is the first of two Scorpio First Quarter Moons in succession this year. The Summer Blue Moon coincides with the celebration of the First Miracle performed by Antinous as a God ... the Miraculous Nile Inundation of the Year 131 AD which ended a long drought .... More details next time ....

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

OUR sage astrological adviser Hernestus has advised me that the next moon phase is the "Tribune Moon" the Aries Third Quarter Moon. It represents an alpha male and discipline and orderliness in life, obedience, attention to detail, it is about self-assertiveness.

With all of this in mind I recommend that your meditations during this moon phase would be best enhanced by holding, or placing near you, the following crystals:

Bronzite - I know I recommended these stones (photo above) for the last moon phase but they are still very relevant for this one. 

These beautiful mottled stones help to support masculine energies within your body but also in your consciousness.

Onyx - Typically black (although can be found in other colours) these powerful stones help you to recognize and integrate the dualities we often have within us. This will lead to better self-control.

In Light and Life,

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.


TONIGHT's Aries Third Quarter Moon is the lunar phase of the determined warrior which we call the TRIBUNE MOON in Antinous Moon Magic.

If you are someone lacking in self-assertiveness, then Antinous the Moon God is sending assertiveness your way on his moonbeams tonight ... so that you can forge ahead in with determination and vigor.

Each lunar phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. 

The Spirit of the Tribune Moon is the dominant Alpha Male, the leader of the pack. This spirit is symbolized by the Roman tribune riding in triumph through the Forum.

It is the Spirit of discipline and obeying orders ... and giving orders which earn the respect and admiration of others.

It is the Spirit that likes order and rules and expects others to abide by his own code of behavior. This Spirit leads the charge into battle and is a born leader.

Many gay men have a hard time asserting themselves. We equate assertiveness with "aggression" and "being a bully." And so, many of us gay men go through our lives trying to stifle and suppress any sort of assertiveness. We try to be good little boys ... all of our lives.

And yet ... each of us is born with Aries warrior energy in abundance. He always finds a way to get out and exert himself. If we spend our lives suppressing our inner warrior energy, then it seeps out in destructive ways. We have problems with pent-up rage. We have problems with self-destructive habits. We build an impenetrable shield of fear and disdain around ourselves.

We are afraid of being hurt. And we are afraid of hurting others. So we hurt ourselves instead. Our lives turn into chaos.

The Tribune Moon is about confronting your fears ... above all, your fear of baring your true self to others. It is about turning your weaknesses into your strengths. It is about transforming destructive energies into constructive ones. It is about finding ... and fulfilling ... your destiny ....

Meditations and rituals tonight are best suited for finding ways to assert your will constructively ... for the benefit of yourself and for others.

Friday, July 3, 2015


Antinous Astrology Forecast

JULY 2 to 12, 2015


Overnight Wednesday/Thursday we come to one of the most spectacular celestial events of the year 2015. Go outside at sunset and you will wee Venus and Jupiter shining like a brilliant double star in the Western skies just above the rosy glow of the setting sun. Then turn around and you will see the Full Moon rising over the Eastern Horizon. This is the Capricorn Full Moon, which is the lunar cycle we call the TOWER MOON in memory of the observatory tower which Emperor Hadrian built at his Villa to study the stars. This is the moon for reaching for the stars ... seeking job promotions ... stretching on tiptoes to grasp something previously unattainable. The ambitious Capricorn Full Moon joins forces with Venus/Jupiter (aligned in joyous Leo) to empower you to strive for greatness at all levels.


On Friday this high-powered week comes to a convivial close when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms a sexy sextile with incisive Scorpio Saturn to goad you into going out and doing something really funky after work.


This is a real weekend for fireworks, not only because of US Independence Day, but also because lively Gemini Mercury forms a sextile aspect with Jupiter and Venus which are aligned in near-perfect conjunction in fiery Leo. Sparks will fly for sure because Gemini Mercury likes to tell tall stories and Jupiter has a penchant for exaggeration and Leo Venus is a real drama queen. Not that any of this is a bad thing. It just means that this will be a weekend of high drama you won't soon forget.


On Monday and Tuesday the Sun is in 180-degree opposition to Pluto. The good news is that Pluto is Retrograde, so its mischief is understated and undercover. But the bad news is that Pluto opposite the Sun means trouble for major corporations and institutions. And in your personal life, of course, This is definitely not a good day to pick a fight with your lover — not if you don't want to be locked out of the apartment all week. And for everyone: Please drive carefully and vigilantly.


Overnight Wednesday/Thursday Mercury leaves its home base of Gemini and enters emotion-oriented Cancer, so that your Conscious Mind will find itself engulfed in emotions for the next month. This is the time to give voice to your emotions.

FRIDAY JULY 10, 2015

On Friday the work week ends on a high note when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms energetic aspects with dreamy Neptune, energy-filled Mars and powerful Pluto.


This weekend is ideal for picnics and partying when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD configures positively with exaggeration-prone Jupiter and vivacious Venus. But all that over-indulgence on Saturday comes bacl to haunt you on Sunday when the Moon squares off against Neptune to give you a foggy head.


Another exciting week lies ahead between July 13 and 19 when the gentle and romantic CANCER NEW MOON soothes the tensions of recent days and weeks. In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC we call this the ADONIS MOON .... More details next time ....

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

OUR wonderful astrological adviser Hernestus has advised me that the next moon phase is the Capricorn Full Moon which is the Antinous Tower Moon in honor of Hadrian's Observatory at his villa in Tivoli near Roma. 

Hernestus advised me that this moon would focus on sudden events but also a Gay wizard; a widower; a Grandfather; an old sage or a tribal chieftain. Someone who has become isolated and out of touch with the rest of the world living far removed from his lowly origins. Career advancement or success could also be indicated.

Hernestus also pointed out that Venus (love, finances and interpersonal relationships) is aligned with Jupiter (higher self spiritual goals) along with the Full Moon which stresses achievement. 

With all of this remarkable energy created by unusual conjunctions I have focused my crystal meditation advice on how to achieve your spiritual goals, isolation, masculinity, love and romance. 

With all of this in mind I recommend that your meditations during this moon phase would be best enhanced by holding, or placing near you, the following crystals:

Agate - These crystals (all photos in this entry) can be found in an array of different colours - some of them very spectacular. They have a similarly wide range of specific attributes. However, in general they help you to connect with the universal spiritual source and its interation with the oneness of your physical life on Earth. It will help you achieve spiritual growth. 

Almandine Garnet - This crystal is uncommon but can be found online. I recommend it because it brings strength and stamina but also supports you in taking valuable time to focus on your self positively while being separate from life for a while (voluntary or forced).

Bronzite - These beautiful mottled stones  help to support masculine energies within your body but also in your consciousness.

Sardonyx - These beautiful stones were much loved by the Romans for carving stunning cameos and other jewels - particularly those representing relationships. Sardonyx stones are perfect for this moon phase because they bring lasting happiness and stability to relationships. They also resensitize the sensory organs.

Light and Life,

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.