Thursday, June 28, 2012

Antinous Astrology Forecast

JUNE 28 to July 8, 2012


On Thursday, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns with Libra Saturn to assist you in finding emotional balance, particularly at the work place and in your dealings with others. Saturn has just ended a long Retrograde phase and is moving forward again to break up logjams that may have stifled your dealings with others over the past five months.

FRIDAY JUNE 29th 2012

On Friday, you awake to bad news on the radio and in even in your personal life things get explosive when the Sun is opposite Pluto. That means the Sun is also at right angles to unpredictable Uranus, and so anything is possible. Fortunately, the Sun moves quickly. But for a couple of days you might want to be extra cautious, particularly when out in public situations where freak occurrences could be likely. Be very careful in traffic!


On Saturday, you might want to put off weekend trips for another time because the Sun/Pluto/Uranus "T"-Square creates a volatile atmosphere. Instead, take advantage of a positive Moon-Mars sextile to focus on the things that are really important to you, such as friends and loved ones, and not on impermanent material possessions which are so fleeting.

SUNDAY JULY 1st 2012

On Sunday, you begin to feel a slight and cautious optimism again as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD goes opposite to Jupiter and Venus but forms a nice trine to lively Leo Mercury and impulsive Uranus. This is a good day to put the rigors of the week behind you and cleave to what is most important for you.

MONDAY JULY 2nd 2012

On Monday, the work week opens on a harmonious and productive note when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD configures in a nice sextile to Libra Saturn.


On Tuesday, the level of acute criticism and downright bitchiness which has prevailed for the past eight months changes dramatically when Mars leaves persnickety Virgo and enters chilled-out Libra. Mars in Libra is soft-spoken while being forceful. "Speak softly but carry a big stick," will be the catchphrase for Libra Mars in coming months. The Martian sign change coincides with the CAPRICORN FULL MOON on Tuesday, July 3rd — just in time for the American Fourth of July holiday. Libra Mars and the CAPRICORN FULL MOON put a spotlight on the Cancer Sun, which wants to stay home and be with loved ones.


On Wednesday, it's a good thing that it's the Fourth of July national holiday in the US because ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is Void of Course for a whopping 11 hours during office hours in the Americas, figuratively hovering "between" astrological signs. The rule of thumb for a VOC Moon is that "nothing will come of it" in regard to any new project you start. Nothing bad will happen. But nothing good either. So just sit back and relax. For those of us in Europe and Asia the VOC will occur Wednesday afternoon, evening and overnight. But for you Americans Wednesday will be a day for idle pleasures and flirting when Mercury is in a sexy sextile to Venus. Expect delays and surprise glitches because Mercury is in a trine to unpredictable Uranus — travel plans will be totally stymied. Wherever you live in the world, you can forget about getting much work done or arriving anywhere on time.


On Thursday, a holiday mood prevails even though the Fourth of July is over. That's because Venus and Uranus are in a sextile which keeps interpersonal relations lively and unpredictable.

FRIDAY JULY 6th 2012

On Friday, the work week ends on a productive note and you are able to clear your desk and go home for the weekend with a clear conscience when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a productive trine with Libra Saturn.


On Saturday, a lazy weekend induces daydreaming and a desire to kick back and watch movies or listen to music when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in positive aspects to Neptune and Pluto but forms square aspects to Jupiter and Venus.

SUNDAY JULY 8th 2012

On Sunday, the Sun and Moon are in a nice trine and all other planets are aspect-free, which means this hazy-lazy weekend enables you to rest up for the rigors of the coming week.


Another exciting week lies ahead between July 9 and 15 when both Mercury and Uranus do an about-face and go Retrograde. Brace yourself for travel delays, shipping delays, lost mail, lost files and glitches. More details next time ....

Wednesday, June 27, 2012



THE SUMMER OF VENUS gets a real boost on June 27th when Venus does an about-face and goes Direct again ("forward" as seen from the Earth) for the first time since May 15th. ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD gives his blessings in the form of a nice trine aspect to Venus — his way of saying it is high time to stop dwelling on the past and to finally move forward again with interpersonal relationships.

Because Venus is in Gemini, the emphasis is on interpersonal communications and commerce. On the business level, financial, career and job relationships that have been plagued with "old issues" can now move ahead at last.

On the personal relationships level, the end of this long Retrograde Venus phase means issues
that involved "old flames" and ex-partners have been resolved for now, and it is time to go forward. 

In traditional heterosexual astrology, the end of a Retrograde Venus period means it is now safe to "tie the knot" for a lasting monogamous marriage. Astrologers warn that wedding vows made during Retrograde Venus will not last forever. But that's for the kind of conventional heterosexual marriage based on inequality of gender roles from a time when divorce was a ruinous scandal ....

In gay astrology, Gemini Venus going forward again means you can look forward to making new contacts and acquaintances rather than revisiting old relationships (Retrograde Venus). And because Gemini is the sign of the gay twins Castor and Pollux, the emphasis is definitely NOT on monogamy. Gemini is about dualities among equals. Gemini is playful and flirty and morally ambiguous. So you can expect to find yourself juggling two relationships — or more.

Venus entered Gemini on April 4th and — thanks to that protracted Retrograde phase — Venus will remain in Gemini until August 4th. That's why we call this THE SUMMER OF VENUS.

And what a summer it has been. Remember the VENUS OCCULTATION on June 5th when Venus passed directly in front of the face of the sun, something that only happens once every 121 years!

Yes, Venus will be in Gemini until early August. That's a whopping four months — which is especially impressive when you consider that Venus takes only eight months to go through all 12 signs. It is spending half its Venusian Year in the Sign of the Twins — this only happens once every seven or eight years — so it is a special time in your life.

Back in mid-May, remember, we said that on a Gay Spiritual level RETROGRADE GEMINI VENUS was reminding you to look into your own depths to find your GAY SPIRITUAL TWIN — you may call this twin your "Soul," "Higher Self," "KA," "Spirit Guide" or "Guardian Angel." The terminology is unimportant. What is important is that you become aware of your Second Self.

In the Religion of Antinous, we call this the NARCISSUS PRINCIPLE, which is one of the founding principles of our religion. It is at the basis of the Spirit of Homosexuality Love of the Divine Self.

Most of us go through life unaware of this Other Self. We do what is expected of us. We do what we feel others want us to do. We put the perceived wants and needs of others ahead of our own. We think that it's "selfish" to put our own interests first.

RETROGRADE GEMINI VENUS reminded us that there is another Self a Spiritual Self without which we are not spiritually whole. For it is only by "looking out for Number 1" that we are physically, mentally and spiritually able to love ourselves. And only then can we truly love others.

invited you to take a deep and profound look at yourself, with all your strengths and all your weaknesses, all your virtues and all your faults, all your courageous achievements and all your failures. 

Now, having become aware of your Spiritual Twin, Venus turns Direct so that together, as one spiritual entity, you can go forward together to fulfill your destiny. 

Monday, June 25, 2012



JUPITER swings round the Sun in a 12-year cycle that brings it into a "challenging" aspect to nebulous Neptune every three years. Astrologers always use the word "challenging" when they mean "sort of bad."

This week Jupiter is at right angles to Neptune, something that happens only once every six years, and which can be very "challenging" indeed because exuberant Jupiter is at odds with foggy-minded and dreamy Neptune. Both planets are so slow-moving that the effects of this aspect will linger for a couple of weeks.

Since this is Antinoian Astrology, let's use a mythological description for this 90-degree square aspect. Let's call it the ICARUS ASPECT.

Jupiter likes to exaggerate and, preferrably, even over-exaggerate. Have another glass of bubbly. Go ahead! What the heck, have the whole bottle. Down the hatch! Nothing can go wrong! We're the greatest!

And Neptune is the Zodiac's dreamer and bringer of visions. Neptune is the sensitive school boy who sits in the back row and, while the teacher drones on and on about arithmetic, he looks out the window and watches the clouds drifting by, imagining shapes and daydreaming ....

So when Jupiter and Neptune are at right angles, we mortals are subjected to a "challenging" aspect which encourages us to leap to extremes without thinking — to go forth where angels fear to tread. Or to fly too close to the sun like Icarus did.

Everyone knows the story of Icarus. His father Daedalus constructed two sets of wings with feathers afixed to them by means of wax. And while Daedalus flew moderately — not too high, not too low — Icarus' exilharation ran away with him and he didn't think (Jupiter-Square-Neptune) and so he flew too high and the heat of the sun melted the wax so he plummeted to Earth.

This myth has been told to generations of children as an admonishment to obey their elders. The moral has to do with hubris and failed ambition. There is even an "Icarus Complex" in psychology to describe people who take unnecessary risks in their personal and professional lives.

But there is much more to the story. Daedalus and Icarus were imprisoned against their will. An engineering genius, Daedalus had constructed the Minotaur labyrinth for King Minos. But when he realized the horrific purpose to which the labyrinth was to be used, he gave Ariadne a ball of twine to help Theseus defeat the Minotaur and free the sacrificial victims.

King Minos took revenge by sealing Daedalus and his young son inside the labyrinth which, apparently, was open to the sky but otherwise had walls which were unscalable. So Daedalus used his engineering skills to liberate himself and his son.

It was a terrible risk. Both of them knew how dangerous it was. If they remained in the labyrinth, they faced certain death. So they took their chances with those fragile wings.

For a brief few minutes, Icarus was free. He was soaring higher and higher. He had left his prison far beneath him and he would never, never EVER be imprisoned again. He was free!

Usually, this myth is called "The Fall of Icarus" and, at the end, the reader suggests that Icarus had paid for his foolishness and no doubt regretted his actions as he fell to Earth.

But we prefer to call it "The Triumph of Icarus" and we feel that he had no regrets, not even as he plummeted to Earth. 

In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC the "Icarus Aspect" is very magical. It represents the exilharation of liberation from closetedness. It takes tremendous courage and daring to break out of the prison of closetedness. And, yes, there are terrible risks involved.

Jupiter-Square-Neptune is a "challenging" aspect. Many people will go overboard without thinking about the consequences. But if you keep Icarus in mind, you may just find that you have the courage and daring to take a great giant leap of faith.

Just be careful! But don't be so over-cautious that you never take that leap! Some risks are worth taking ....

Sunday, June 24, 2012



AN OMINOUS outer-planetary configuration became exact on Sunday 24th June 2012 which has the potential of transforming our lives, either for the worse or — with the spiritual aid of Antinous — for the better.

Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn.

Ominous, because Uranus, the planet of idealistic revolution is in the war-like sign of Aries, which comes into a tense relationship with Pluto, the (dwarf) planet associated with extreme powers and control in the sign of Capricorn, a sign associated with structures and establishments such as governments and corporations.

The last time  Uranus entered Aries in the late 1920s coincided with the onset of the Great Depression and the rise of Fascism.

The last time Pluto entered Capricorn coincided with the French Revolution and the American Revolution in the late 18th Century.

The chaos on financial markets over the past two years (when Pluto entered Capricorn) and the uprisings throughout the Islamic world over the past 18 months (when Uranus entered Aries) will escalate as both of these planets form a square-angle to each other.

Because both Uranus and Pluto are so slow-moving, this 90-degree right angle will be in effect through September. Indeed, it will perfectly exact seven times starting from June 24th 2012 to March 16th  2015.

Astrologers have been buzzing about the Uranus/Pluto Square for years. Capricorn Pluto is determined to tear down all political and financial structures and rebuild them in a new and different way. Aries Uranus is only interested in revolution and change for the sake of change.

In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC we study such challenging astrological configurations to see how they can be used to work for us. It is good to remember that Emperor Hadrian was a skilled astrologer who did not hide under the bed when the planets indicated hardship ahead.

Instead, Hadrian viewed astrological warnings as just that — warnings of what lies ahead. Just like signs on a winding road warning of hazards ahead. You adjust for the conditions and proceed with preparedness and vigilance.

The Pluto-square-Uranus configuration means that many time-honored structures will come tumbling down, oftentimes violently torn down in anger. People who stubbornly cling to wealth and power will lose all. But those who are agile, like a cat, will land on their feet. Remember which survives a hurricane best
the mighty oak tree or flexible bamboo.

On the personal level, this can mean that old structures which have been stifling you — such as a job situation with a tyrannical boss, an unreasonable landlord, or a family patriarch who keeps you under his thumb — these structures are overdue for replacement by structures more suited to your current and future needs.

The emphasis will be on tearing down prison walls, removing the shackles that bind you and liberating yourself from worn-out job/monetary/personal commitment infrastructures which no longer serve any useful purpose.

The transition will be dramatic, awesome and perhaps frightening. But the cosmos will not throw anything your way which you cannot handle spiritually. And we promise to provide every insight possible to enable you — through the process of HOMOTHEOSIS — to prevail, with the love of ANTINOUS THE GAY GOD.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Antinous Astrology Forecast

JUNE 21 to July 1, 2012


On Thursday, the Solstice revelry reverberates as Venus and Uranus form an exuberant sextile, as do Mars and Mercury. Don't be surprised when an unexpected guest at your Solstice Party turns out to be someone you really look forward to meeting and getting to know.

FRIDAY JUNE 22nd 2012

On Friday, the work week comes to a very pleasant end when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms nice trines with Jupiter and Venus and a surprise-filled trine with Uranus. This is a day filled with good humor and productivity.


On Saturday, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD makes no major aspects with any of the planets and the Cosmos is uncharacteristically quiet. It is as though the Cosmos is taking a deep breath in preparation for what is coming ....

SUNDAY JUNE 24th 2012

On Sunday, you will want to fasten your seatbelts and batten down the hatches. The chaos on financial markets over the past two years (when Pluto entered Capricorn) and the uprisings throughout the Islamic world over the past 18 months (when Uranus entered Aries) will escalate as both of these planets form a square-angle to each other on Sunday. Astrologers have been buzzing about the Uranus/Pluto Square for months. Capricorn Pluto is determined to tear down all political and financial structures and rebuild them in a new and different way. Aries Uranus is only interested in revolution and change for the sake of change. These two planets will be in a tight 90-degree angle to each other all summer — it will most certainly be a long hot summer of upheaval, rebellion and turmoil ....

MONDAY JUNE 25th 2012

On Monday, the Pluto/Uranus Square will dominate all of the week, causing havoc and upheaval — but upbeat Gemini Jupiter squares off against Neptune, giving the illusion on Monday that things are better than they are. We call this the "Icarus Aspect" which encourages people to be over-exuberant and to take unnecessary risks. However ... Saturn ends its Retrograde phase on Monday and begins going forward again for the first time since February. If there has been a logjam in your life for the past five months, it should break up now. Libra Saturn will be a great aid in assisting you to find balance during the coming months.

TUESDAY JUNE 26th 2012

On Tuesday, Mercury leaves mopey Cancer to bound into sunny Leo, where Mercury will dawdle and go forwards and backwards from now until September. Leo Mercury is like a teenager trying to attract attention any way possible, even if it means "acting out" and being over-dramatic. It is a time when incautious and immature souls take to strutting and prancing and stealing the limelight from each other. The US presidential election campaign shifts into high gear at precisely this time ....


On Wednesday, your interpersonal relations get a major boost when Venus ends its Retrograde phase and begins going forward for the first time in 40 days. No longer Retrograde, Gemini Venus is telling you that it's safe to tie the knot and make a future-oriented relationship commitment.


On Thursday, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns with Libra Saturn to assist you in finding emotional balance, particularly at the work place and in your dealings with others. Saturn has just ended a long Retrograde phase and is moving forward again to break up logjams that may have stifled your dealings with others over the past five months.

FRIDAY JUNE 29th 2012

On Friday, you awake to bad news on the radio and in even in your personal life things get explosive when the Sun is opposite Pluto. That means the Sun is also at right angles to unpredictable Uranus, and so anything is possible. Fortunately, the Sun moves quickly. But for a couple of days you might want to be extra cautious, particularly when out in public situations where freak occurrences could be likely. Be very careful in traffic!


On Saturday, you might want to put off weekend trips for another time because the Sun/Pluto/Uranus "T"-Square creates a volatile atmosphere. Instead, take advantage of a positive Moon-Mars sextile to focus on the things that are really important to you, such as friends and loved ones, and not on impermanent material possessions which are so fleeting.

SUNDAY JULY 1st 2012

On Sunday, you begin to feel a slight and cautious optimism again as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD goes opposite to Jupiter and Venus but forms a nice trine to lively Leo Mercury and impulsive Uranus. This is a good day to put the rigors of the week behind you and cleave to what is most important for you.


Another exciting week lies ahead when Mars leaves persnickety Virgo and enters chilled-out Libra just in time for the CAPRICORN FULL MOON on Tuesday, July 3rd — just in time for the American Fourth of July holiday. Libra Mars and the CAPRICORN FULL MOON put a spotlight on the Cancer Sun, which wants to stay home and be with loved ones. More details next time ....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012



MILLIONS around the world are gathering for a very special Solstice which almost coincides with a very special New Moon.

Priests will be celebrating rites at the HOLLYWOOD TEMPLE OF ANTINOUS to mark not only the Solstice but this very special New Moon, which we call the ANTINOUS SUMMER BLUE MOON. It is special because it is the second New Moon in the sign of Gemini since both Sun and Moon aligned in Gemini a month ago. This "extra" New Moon, at 8:03 a.m. Pacific time Tuesday, comes just 32 hours ahead of the Solstice at 4:08 p.m. Wednesday PDT.

The meditations of the Hollywood Priests of Antinous will be focused on an Italian archaeologist and her team who will be spending this Solstice at the ruins of a tower on a hillock at Hadrian's Villa which experts hold to be the Emperor's own private observatory. 

These experts, led by MARIA DE FRANCESCHINI, have demonstrated that the observatory tower is in fact aligned to the Solstices. She believes the observatory was dedicated to the Egyptian goddess Isis, who raised Osiris from the dead to become a god of resurrection and transfiguration — just as Hadrian declared Antinous a god of resurrection and transfiguration.

For centuries, experts had been mystified by the layout of the sprawling complex of marble baths, banquet halls, luxurious residences, gardens, shrines and unidentified structures 30 kilometers outside Rome.

Hadrian's Villa was a sprawling complex of buildings, temples, gardens, a zoo and — yes — even an observatory tower on a hillock on the edge of the compound from which Hadrian could observe the heavens. 

 But, in an article published in the journal Nature last year, De Franceschini wrote that she believes the mystery-shrouded Rocca Bruna Tower, long held to be Hadrian's private observatory, is in fact aligned so as to produce sunlight effects for the seasons.

She describes her findings personally in the video at the top of this entry. 

De Franceschini says that during the summer solstice, rays of light pierce the tower and another of the villa's buildings. In the Rocca Bruna Tower, dawn sunlight during the summer solstice enters through a wedge-shaped slot above the door and illuminates a niche on the opposite side of the interior (image courtesy And in a temple of the Accademia building, De Franceschini has found that sunlight passes through a series of doors during both the winter and summer solstices. 

"The alignments gave me a new key of interpretation," says De Franceschini, who adds that the two buildings are connected by an esplanade that was a sacred avenue during the solstices. Based on ancient texts describing religious rituals and study of recovered sculptures, she thinks the sunlight effects were linked to religious ceremonies associated with the Egyptian goddess Isis, who was adopted by the Romans.

De Franceschini, who works with the University of Trento in Italy, has published a book describing the archaeo-astronomical work, VILLA ADRIANA ARCHITETTURA CELESTE. She credits two architects, Robert Mangurian and Mary-Ann Ray, for initially noticing the light effect in Rocca Bruna.

According to, Robert Hannah, a classicist from the University of Otago in New Zealand, says that De Franceschini's ideas are plausible. "They're certainly ripe for further investigation," he says.

Hannah believes that the Pantheon, designed by Hadrian in Rome with a circular opening at the top of its dome, also acts as a giant calendrical sundial, with sunlight illuminating key interior surfaces at the equinoxes and on the spring equinox on April 21st, the city's birthday.

Few classical buildings have been investigated for astronomical alignment, says Hannah, partly because it is much easier to check for alignments in prehistoric structures such as Stonehenge, which do not have potentially contradictory artefacts.

De Franceschini spends every solstice at Hadrian's villa, seeking further verification. Our thoughts and prayers go with her during this special season of the ANTINOUS SUMMER BLUE MOON and the Solstice.

We can envision Hadrian, sick with grief and alone after the death of Antinous, ensconced in his observatory tower scanning the heavens for a sign from his Beloved Boy, praying to Isis for her to work her magic on Antinous ....

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Antinous Astrology Forecast
JUNE 14th to 24th, 2012


On Thursday, you can expect an upbeat atmosphere but don't be surprised when your plans continually run into snags when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in opposition to Saturn.

FRIDAY JUNE 15th 2012

On Friday, the work week ends on a laid-back note when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a positive trine to Neptune and a nice trine to Pluto. Not only do you get all your work done by quitting time, but you also leave work with a clear conscience and an eagerness to kick back and relax.


On Saturday, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD goes "VOID OF COURSE" (VOC) for the entire day Wednesday, and a VOC MOON puts everything in "Pause" mode for the duration. This is a good day to sit back and give all those weekend chores a thorough review and rethink — without implementing them just yet.

SUNDAY JUNE 17th 2012

On Sunday, you will want to get out of the house and do things and see things when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with Gemini Jupiter. This is a fine Sunday for meeting up with friends for something special.

MONDAY JUNE 18th 2012

On Monday, even the bitchiest co-worker will be easy to work with when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with Gemini Venus. This is a day when inter-personal interaction flows smoothy. And you can expect a pleasant surprise or two when the Moon engages in a brief sextile with unpredictable Uranus.


On Tuesday, electricity is in the air when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns with his celestial father Ra-Herakhte for the New Moon — the second GEMINI NEW MOON since both Sun and Moon aligned in Gemini a month ago. This "extra" New Moon comes less than 36 hours ahead of the SOLSTICE. In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC we call this "extra" moon the ANTINOUS SUMMER BLUE MOON. This is the New Moon to work on your communication skills. Learning how to communicate effectively creates successful relationships. This is the right New Moon to communicate your wishes, dreams and desires to those who can aid your progress. Gemini never likes to go it alone. So ask a friend for some help. Better yet, throw a Solstice Party and ask lots of friends. Amid all the doom-and-gloom political and economic news, it will be a delight when the Sun enters Cancer on June 20th at 4:08 p.m. Pacific Time (just after midnight June 21st in the UK and Europe). Special Sacred Solstice Rites will be celebrated at the HOLLYWOOD TEMPLE OF ANTINOUS.


On Thursday, the Solstice revelry continues to reverberate at Venus and Uranus form an exuberant sextile, as do Mars and Mercury. Don't be surprised when an unexpected guest at your Solstice Party turns out to be someone you really look forward to meeting and getting to know.

FRIDAY JUNE 22nd 2012

On Friday, the work week comes to a very pleasant end when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms nice trines with Jupiter and Venus and a surprise-filled trine with Uranus. This is a day filled with good humor and productivity.


On Saturday, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD makes no major aspects with any of the planets and the Cosmos is uncharacteristically quiet. It is as though the Cosmos is taking a deep breath in preparation for what is coming ....

SUNDAY JUNE 24th 2012

On Sunday, you will want to fasten your seatbelts and batten down the hatches. The chaos on financial markets over the past two years (when Pluto entered Capricorn) and the uprisings throughout the Islamic world over the past 18 months (when Uranus entered Aries) will escalate as both of these planets form a square-angle to each other on Sunday. Astrologers have been buzzing about the Uranus/Pluto Square for months. Capricorn Pluto is determined to tear down all political and financial structures and rebuild them in a new and different way. Aries Uranus is only interested in revolution and change for the sake of change. These two planets will be in a tight 90-degree angle to each other all summer — it will most certainly be a long hot summer of upheaval, rebellion and turmoil ....


The Pluto/Uranus Square will dominate all of next week, causing havoc and upheaval — but upbeat Gemini Jupiter, Chiron, Venus and ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD will all be on your side, presenting you with positive opportunities to emerge unscathed. More details next time ....

Monday, June 11, 2012


ON JUNE 11th, the Religion of Antinous celebrates the Rise of the Star of Antinous. This is the date in our Liturgical Calendar when the Constellation of Antinous begins to rise over the horizon at sunset. It is visible on the eastern horizon along the banks of the Milky Way.

Wherever you live on this blue marble we call Earth, you can see the Constellation of Antinous on starry nights from mid-June through late October when, in synchronicity with the Death of Antinous in late October, the Star of Antinous descends below the western horizon in the glare of the setting sun.

The Constellation of Antinous is no longer recognized by astronomers (just as Pluto has been demoted to the rank of "dwarf planet"). But it is still visible from any point on Earth nestled between Sagittarius and Capricorn and in the talons of Aquila (the Eagle Constellation) representing the Imperial Eagle which carried Antinous to lofty heights.

The most visible identifiers are the three bright stars of Aquila — Altair at the crown of his head, Tarazad, and Alshain. Alshain is derived from Arabic for "Two Friends" which astrologers have cited as a hint as to how to interpret the Sign of Antinous.

The Star of Antinous is however difficult to see. Most people cannot see it at all. You won't find it on any star chart. Like the Star of Bethlehem, it is a mystery and a conundrum about which many theories have been written.

And even if you could see it, the light which reaches your eyes would have left the star thousands of years ago — perhaps about the time that Emperor Hadrian discovered the star.

The simple truth of the matter — and the most beautiful facet of all — is the fact that Hadrian discovered the Star of Antinous with his own tear-filled eyes as he looked skyward in grief after the death of his beloved Antinous. Distraught and weeping, the emperor stood under the canopy of the star-studded heavens and looked up the River Nile towards the spot where his Beloved Boy had died. And he saw a new star which he recognized as a celestial sign that the gods had taken Antinous to be one of them.

You have to realize that Hadrian was a keen astronomer/astrologer himself. He knew the heavens like the back of his hand and he was so adept at casting horoscopes that it was said he had determined the exact hour of his death. He built an observatory at his sumptious villa outside Rome. And the tour of Egypt had brought him into contact with the finest Egyptian magician/priests, one of whom taught him how to cast a binding spell which could give him dream-visions and could also cause someone to fall hopelessly in love with him or — depending on how it was cast — even cause that person to die in agony.

Hadrian was that sort of control freak. Despite the fact that he was the mightiest man on Earth who could send a man to death on a whim (and did so, on occasion), he also wanted control over the future. And he wanted to be able to force someone to love him and never, never leave him.

Much has been theorized about those fateful final days leading up to the death and deification of Antinous and Hadrian's discovery of the STAR OF ANTINOUS.

Yes, much has been written about these events and about Hadrian's obsession with magic and astrology and soothsayers. One of the more fanciful versions was published in a novel in the mid-1950s by the German author Ernst Sommer. Entitled simply Antinous, the novel suggests Antinous sacrificed his own life to save his beloved emperor during the imperial tour of Egypt in the year 130 AD.

The dramatic climax of the plot has Hadrian lying in a villa in Hermopolis, feverish and at death's door after having been bitten by a mosquito. The emperor writhes in bed, calling out Antinous's name. The Empress Sabina and heir-apparent Lucius, jealous but also fearful that the presence of Antinous might further agitate the emperor, issue orders that the boy be kept away from the emperor.

After several daring attempts to sneak into the villa, Antinous is finally put under house arrest aboard an imperial vessel anchored a few miles upstream near the fallen-down Temple of Bes (the future site of the Sacred City of Antinoopolis). Lucius has ordered that he be put in irons to prevent him from sneaking off to visit Hadrian. But the guards cannot bring themselves to place the beauteous boy in irons, in defiance of Lucius's orders. Instead, they merely confine him to his quarters below deck with a single porthole overlooking the nighttime waters of the Nile.

Sensing that the emperor is dying, Antinous realizes his love for Hadrian is boundless and that nothing can keep them apart. Thinking back to his discussions about life and death with Jewish Rabbis, Christian clerics and Egyptian priests of Osiris, he realizes that the day has come. The hour has arrived. It is time to surrender everything he has — in a pure act of love that will transform everything.

He opens the porthole hatch and sees an unusually bright star which seems to beckon. He steps out of his clothes and leaves them (his last earthly possessions) lying in a heap on the floor. He climbs deftly out the porthole and slips quietly into the water.

At the same moment, Hadrian breathes his last breath, to the horror of Sabina and Lucius and the others who are gathered at his bedside. In a state now beyond physical life, Hadrian opens his eyes to see Anubis standing before him with outstretched hands, lifting him out of bed and guiding him away down many dark corridors. At last, Hadrian is taken through a massive portal and into a chamber where Thoth is waiting beside scales placed before Osiris.

Thoth begins the Weighing of the Heart ceremony as Osiris asks who this person is who seeks admittance to his realm. In the midst of the solemn proceedings there is a loud banging at the portal and Anubis announces that someone has arrived to offer his own heart in exchange for the emperor's heart, so that Hadrian might live and walk the earth again. That person is standing unseen just outside the portal. After brief discussion, the Egyptian deities acknowledge that the Law of Maat specifically envisions such an exchange and that, indeed, it is the most sacred and powerful of covenants — surrendering one's own heart on the Scales of Truth for that of a loved one. Such love cannot be denied. The offer cannot be denied.

Genesthoi — So Be It Done!

Back at the death bed in the Hermopolis villa, Hadrian gasps suddenly and his eyelids fly open, to the amazement of everyone who thought he had just expired. Sensing what has happened, he speaks hoarsely of a vivid dream involving deities. He looks around and demands to know where Antinous is.

"Where is he? What have you done with him? I know he would be here at my side if he were physically able. Bring him to me at once!"

But as Sabina and Lucius stammer excuses, and before the runners can summon Antinous, a boat crewman bursts into the room with the news that Antinous is missing and presumed to have drowned in the Nile.

Hadrian suffers a relapse, but the Egyptian magic is well done. So he cannot die this time. As the search for Antinous continues, with hope waning each day, Hadrian retreats to the rooftop observatory of the villa in Hermopolis which has been placed at his disposal by a wealthy Hermopolite. The emperor stares into the heavens night after night, refusing to give up hope that Antinous might yet be alive, perhaps dazed and confused and lost somewhere along the river.

Then one night he looks into the heavens and sees the proof that he has been looking for since the disappearance of Antinous. He summons the empress and Lucius and the entire court and also calls for the chief astrologer of the Temple of Thoth in Hermopolis to come quickly.

He informs them that a new star has appeared in the heavens and that it is a celestial sign that Antinous has left this earthly existence to ascend to the pantheon of the gods. He has surrendered everything on behalf of his beloved emperor, just as he had always said he would. Everyone thinks Hadrian has suffered another relapse and is delusional with fever. But the astronomer arrives and swiftly confirms that the sharp-eyed emperor has indeed discovered an uncharted star.

As Hadrian leaves to issue orders for the deification of Antinous, construction of the city at the spot where he drowned and erection of temples throughout the world, the astronomer remains behind in the rooftop observatory with the wealthy owner of the house. Where precisely is this new star, the owner asks. "I know quite a bit about the stars for an amateur, but I can't for the life of me see anything at the spot in the heavens where Caesar was pointing just a while ago."

The astronomer says that the new star is definitely there and that astronomers throughout the world will confirm its existence and it will be recorded duly in all the star charts.

"Yes, but can't you point it out to me?" the wealthy man pleas. "I'm straining my eys looking, but I just can't see anything."

The astronomer answers, "And that is why you will never be a good astronomer. You scan the heavens with your eyes, but not with your heart."

So Hadrian looked into the nighttime skies and discovered a new star to point the way to that new religion. As a scholar and man of science he was able to see it with his own two eyes. Perhaps it was a super-nova which flared and then went out — who knows? He saw it and his court astronomers confirmed it and the Constellation of Antinous was recorded in the star charts for 19 centuries to come.

But more importantly, Hadrian discovered the Star of Antinous shining in his heart. The Death of Antinous showed him a way to make his vision of the perfect religion a reality on Earth. It was the Light he was seeking. It was the Light of Antinous.

So when you look up into the nighttime skies tonight in search of the Star of Antinous, don't be surprised if you can't find it with your physical eyes. You can't find it in physical space, which is why Flamen Antinoalis Antonyus Subia calls it the Dark Star of Antinous. Look inside your heart and you will find it shining there with all the beauty of a dream of perfection ....

Lumen Antinoi Adiuva Nos!

(Light of Antinous, Sustain Us!)




JUPITER left stodgy Taurus on June 11th, 2012, and entered giddy Gemini, where Jupiter will remain for the next 12 months (until June 25th, 2013) since Jupiter spends a year in each of the 12 signs during its 12-year orbit around the Sun. 

To get a feel for Gemini Jupiter, think back to where you were and what you were doing between June 2000 and July 2001, or between July 1988 and July 1989.

Jupiter loves travel, adventure, spiritual quests and generally anything that is upbeat and boisterous. Gemini loves chatter, movement, going places, quick-fire business, and the avoidance of boredom.

So Gemini Jupiter means the next 12 months can be a time of rapid developments in the areas of social networking, travel, and new discoveries of all sorts.

But it will also be a year of confusion since Jupiter tends towards over-exaggeration and Gemini finds it hard to focus on any one subject for too long. At any rate, the coming 12 months will not be boring, that's for sure!

Other major planets
Uranus and Pluto in particular will be causing serious upheaval globally in coming weeks and months. 

The chaos on financial markets over the past two years (when Pluto entered Capricorn) and the uprisings throughout the Islamic world over the past 18 months (when Uranus entered Aries) will escalate as both of these planets form a square-angle to each other later this month.

But Gemini Jupiter will do its best to keep things upbeat and lively, flitting from one interesting idea to the next. Always on the move, adventurous, never lingering long enough to get bored.

In your personal life, far from the rumblings on the financial markets and the explosive political scene, you can count on Jupiter to step into the fray and take your hand if you are willing. 

Think of Jupiter as the heavenly aspect of Emperor Hadrian, the awesome and mighty, most powerful man in the world. Think of yourself as Antinous, the meek and mild, just an unempowered commoner.

Envision Hadrian/Jupiter taking the hand of Antinous/Yourself and leading you off on a great adventure.

As the world trembles and quakes around you, trust in Jupiter, who has freed itself from the complacency of Taurus. Gemini Jupiter doesn't want to just sit there any longer (Taurus the Bull), but instead is itching to morph into Mercury/Gemini for a Sacred Quest!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


THE LOTUS MOON is what we call the PISCES THIRD QUARTER MOON which occurs at this time of year around the time when we celebrate the rise of the STAR OF ANTINOUS.

Tonight's LOTUS MOON means the next week will be a time of joyous anticipation of something big which is just beyond the horizon.

In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC each phase of the Moon represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the LOTUS MOON is the Spirit of Yearning. It is the Spirit which lives in the hearts of people who sit and wait by the phone for their lover to call, or who look out the window in anticipation of the arrival of their beloved. It is the Spirit of the child who cannot sleep on Christmas Eve. 

It is perhaps the most spiritual of all the Lunar Phase Spirits because it knows that its wait will not be in vain. It is waiting for something it knows must and will come to pass.

It is what the Portuguese call "SAUDADE," a bitter-sweet longing for someone or something just out of reach. Waiting for your ship to come in and knowing it WILL come in. It is the anticipation of waiting at an airport arrivals lounge for a special friend you have met online in a chat room, but never met in person the inexpressible joy/anxiety of knowing something big is about to happen. 

This is a very special emotion that every gay knows how to savor. It is like putting off unwrapping the birthday present from your sweetheart as long as possible, just so you can savor the anticipation a bit longer. 
This is the SACRED ANTINOUS LOTUS which rises from the surface of the Nile and which slowly opens its blossoms during the day — yearning for sunlight — and closes its petals again at night in anticipation of the next sunrise.

The key to understanding the LOTUS MOON in your life, and working with it in ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC, is that it represents a yearning for something you are certain will most definitely occur. It is not an illusion. You are not waiting in vain. Like waiting for the lotus to open its petals again, you know it will happen and you yearn for it to do so.



You Will Require: A candle of the color symbolizing your heart's desire.

Choose a pink candle for love, sex and passion; red/orange for energy; a Nile green candle for health; gold/yellow for confidence, attraction or persuasion; turquoise for serenity, vision dreams, clairvoyance; lapis-lazuli blue for success, luck; a white candle for purification and protection from enemies.

Light the candle during the LOTUS MOON phase tonight or tomorrow, depending on your local time zone. The "CURRENT MOON" box in the right-hand column on this page is calibrated to your local time. When it displays "Third Quarter" and shows the left-hand half of the moon's face illuminated while the right-hand half is dark then you can light your candle and concentrate on your wish, believing wholeheartedly that it WILL come to pass.

Call out to ANTINOUS THE GAY GOD to see into your heart to fulfill the wish that resides there. Continue meditating on the flame until the candle burns about halfway down, or until your heart tells you to extinguish the flame.

Re-light the candle on succeeding evenings until the Cancer New Moon seven nights later — which is the ADONIS MOON of wish fulfillment. Don't worry if the candle burns all the way down prior to the New Moon. It means your wish has been heard. Remember ALWAYS to follow your gay spiritual heart. Do that, and the Archetype Spirit of the LOTUS MOON ensures that your yearning will not be in vain.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Weekly Sacred Astrology Forecast

JUNE 6th to 17th, 2012


On Thursday, Mercury leaves its home base of Gemini and plunges into the emotional depths of Cancer. You can expect communications over the next three weeks to be less friendly/excited, and instead more mushy/romantic. Cancer is the sign of family and homebodies. Call your mother!

FRIDAY JUNE 8th 2012

On Friday, the work week ends on on an antigonistic note when the Su and Mars are in a 90-degree right angle. You can expect to be defensive and annoyed by others, especially by authority figures.


On Saturday, romance is in the air when Mercury is in a flirty trine with Retrograde Pisces Neptune. You can expect to hear from an old flame or to rekindle an old romance.

SUNDAY JUNE 10th 2012

On Sunday, the weekend ends on a dreamy note when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in nice aspects to Mercury and Pluto and in a tense square to Retrograde Venus. The old flame who contacted you yesterday is still in your thoughts and you will want to take definite steps to rekindle that romance.

MONDAY JUNE 11th 2012

On Monday, two major celestial events boost your spirits. First, there is the PISCES THIRD QUARTER MOON which we call the LOTUS MOON. This means the next week will be a time of joyous anticipation of something big which is just beyond the horizon. This is the Pink Lotus of Antinous which rises from the surface of the Nile and which slowly opens its blossoms during the day — yearning for sunlight — and closes its petals again at night in anticipation of the next sunrise. Also on Monday, get ready for a major communications upgrade when Jupiter leaves stodgy Taurus and enters giddy Gemini, where Jupiter will remain for the next 12 months since Jupiter spends a year in each of the 12 signs during its 12-year orbit around the Sun. Jupiter loves travel, adventure, spiritual quests and generally anything that is upbeat and boisterous. Gemini loves chatter, movement, going places, quick-fire business, and the avoidance of boredom. So Gemini Jupiter means the next 12 months can be a time of rapid developments in the areas of social networking, travel, and new discoveries of all sorts. But it will also be a year of confusion since Jupiter tends towards over-exaggeration and Gemini finds it hard to focus on any one subject for too long. At any rate, the coming 12 months will not be boring, that's for sure!

TUESDAY JUNE 12th 2012

On Tuesday, CHIRON THE CENTAUR does an about-face and gallops "backwards" (as seen from Earth) from now until December. This obscure asteroid plays only a peripheral role in most daily astrology forecasts. But during the coming months Chiron is in a strong aspect to Pluto the transformer, which means that Chiron becomes a major player this year. The next six months will be a great time for you to do some introspection on personal healing.


On Wednesday, a party atmosphere reigns when the affable Gemini Sun forms a nice sextile to Libra Saturn. Saturn likes order and organizing things and, when it is in Libra, it likes to make sure social affairs are well-ordered. So this is an optimal day for a personal or business-related social gathering.


On Thursday, you can expect an upbeat atmosphere but don't be surprised when your plans continually run into snags when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in opposition to Saturn.

FRIDAY JUNE 15th 2012

On Friday, the work week ends on a laid-back note when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a positive trine to Neptune and a nice trine to Pluto. Not only do you get all your work done by quitting time, but you also leave work with a clear conscience and an eagerness to kick back and relax.


On Saturday, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD goes "VOID OF COURSE" (VOC) for the entire day Wednesday, and a VOC MOON puts everything in "Pause" mode for the duration. This is a good day to sit back and give all those weekend chores a thorough review and rethink — without implementing them just yet.

SUNDAY JUNE 17th 2012

On Sunday, you will want to get out of the house and do things and see things when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with Gemini Jupiter. This is a fine Sunday for meeting up with friends for something special


An exciting week lies ahead between June 18th and 24th, when the GEMINI NEW MOON occurs within 36 hours of the SOLSTICE. This is the second New Moon in the sign of Gemini (there will be no LEO NEW MOON this year) and we call this very special lunar phase the ANTINOUS MOON. Special Sacred Solstice Rites will be celebrated at the HOLLYWOOD TEMPLE OF ANTINOUS. More details next time ....

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


VENUS passes directly in front of the face of the Sun on Tuesday/Wednesday in one of the most extraordinary celestial events to occur in our lifetimes.

Basically an "eclipse," this event is formally called a VENUS OCCULTATION and occurs in pairs eight years apart only every 121 years! 

Indeed, only six such events have occurred since the invention of the telescope (1631,1639, 1761,1769, 1874 and 1882). 

The first part of this current pair of Venus Eclipses took place in 2004, and the one in 2012 will be visible over Eastern Asia and Australia (early Wednesday) as well as the west coast of North America (sunset Tuesday evening). 

These occultations only ever occur in November and June.

Astrologically, Venus has to do with interpersonal relationships, both social and financial. So Gemini Venus crossing the face of the sun strongly impacts social and business interaction. 

Just look at the last occultation in the years 1874-82 — that was when the invention of the telephone began to revolutionize the world. 

Now fast-forward to the VENUS OCCULTATION of 2004-12 — and you can see that the social networking revolution coincides with those years. 

Venus is signalling that the next 121 years will see a revolution in interactive networking, just as the past 121 years were dominated by the telephone.

Monday, June 4, 2012


THE SAGITTARIUS Full Moon on Monday opens your mind and your heart to spiritual wonders. 

In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC we call this Full Moon the DENARIUS MOON because it refers not only to material riches but most especially to your inner storehouse of resources. 

Also on Monday Neptune does an about-face on Monday and goes Retrograde from now until November 11th. 

Retrograde Neptune in intuitive Pisces means there will be an atmosphere of nostalgia and yearning for the goold old days from now until the second week of November — which means the US presidential campaign will be dominated by a desire to return to those "good old days" — which were not all that good to start with. 

The combination of the SAGITTARIUS FULL MOON and Retrograde Neptune means that Monday is possibly the best day of the year to get in touch with your elders — whether living or not. 

The stars are opening the portals between the worlds for you to contact your ancestral spirits, guardians, spirit guides or past-life soul mates. 

On the mundane level, it's a good day to call your grandparents. You may be surprised at the Sagittarian wealth of advice they have to offer.