Thursday, November 23, 2023

ASTRO FORECAST: NOV. 23rd—DEC. 3rd, 2023

Antinous is a Moon God. He is, of course, many other things and he wears many hats. But one of the ways he was worshiped in Antiquity was as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD.

His worshipers looked skyward and saw His beautiful face perpetually turned towards the Earth. The Man in the Moon was actually the Blessed Boy in the Moon for the ancient priests and worshipers of Antinous. Swiftest and most youthful of all the Zodiacal deities, Antinous speeds through an entire year's worth of Astrological signs in just 28 days.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious gay selves. Where Hadrian the Sun acts, Antinous the Moon REACTS. How do we instinctively react or respond to problems? What do we feel we need for a sense of security? Look to ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD for answers.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is both our inner boy child and our inner lover. His ever changing phases, as he sweeps past all the other Planets in all the Signs, make us at turns responsive, receptive, and reflective. Eternally youthful, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our childlike spontaneous and instinctual reactions.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD beams down on us to make us imaginative, creative, intuitive, sentimental, adaptable, introspective, and protective. On the negative side, and depending on where he is in the Zodiac, he can make us moody, restless, and irrational.

Antinous Astrology Forecast

NOV. 23 to DEC. 3, 2023

THURS-SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd-26th, 2023

The year 2023 reaches a climax when both the Sun and Mars enter fiery Sagittarius and immediately form as square aspect to Saturn. This 90-degree square aspect does not bode well for the world's trouble spots. Sun-Mars-square-Saturn is like driving down a highway with one foot on the brake and the other on the accelerator because the Sun and Mars want to press the pedal to the metal, while Saturn wants a cautious, go-slow approach. The result is pent-up frustration which boils over into rage. Open warfare breaks out not only in crisis regions of the world, but also in street traffic, in your work place and in your domestic relationship. Cold-blooded, vengeful wrath strangles out rational thought. But the good news is that, for the next six weeks, the Sagittarius Martian energy will help you to discover new vistas in your love and sex life. You may even go somewhere you've never been before! This is one of best times of the year to be incredibly open-minded and experimental — just as the Sagittarius energy would have it. Sadge is also a very athletic sign, so you might find that your libido is strong enough that you don’t even need to hit the gym. If you're usually shy about asking your partner for what you want in bed, this is a wonderful opportunity to explore, because he or she is likely to be just as curious as you are. If you or your lover are Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) you'll feel this influence even more. Watch out, you could be too hot to handle.


This week we come to the Gemini Full Moon, which is the CATAMITUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic, the moon signaling where change will occur in your life during the coming year. This is a powerfully magical moon for working gay magical spells in the Gemini areas of friendships, finances and getting in contact with prospective lovers.


This week, Mercury is in a 90-degree square aspect to dreamy Neptune. The bad news: beware of tricksters and con-men. The good news: trust your intuition. Dive into the depths of your intuition. Also this weekend, Mercury forms a brilliant and glowing trine aspect with Saturn which empowers you with perseverance (Saturn) and clear forms of expression (Mercury) to make some serious long-term plans for the future.

WED-THURSDAY, NOV. 30th-DEC. 1st, 2023

In the final month of 2023, Mercury gets down to business and moves into Capricorn. But there's a catch! On December 13th, it goes retrograde, causing a bit of cosmic chaos until January 1, 2024, when things start settling down. Mercury in Capricorn is focused on the future and eager to organize a grounded plan for success. Whatever your goals now ... a calm winter's holiday, a strong start to the New Year ... Capricorn Mercury can help you put a plan into place. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, planet of structure and focus. Mercury has a quicksilver, trickster nature. When in Saturn's sign, Mercury is urged to get organized, so a little effort goes a long way now. Consider the consequences of what you decide, and make sure the costs are truly worth it. A slow-and-steady approach will help you stay calm through the end of the year. Mercury in Capricorn embodies the idea that when you say "no" to one offer, you create space to say "yes" to another. As we move out of the holiday season and into the new year, remember to keep your eye on the prize!

SAT-SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd-3rd, 2023

This weekend, Venus square Pluto creates an explosive situation for interpersonal relationships. It begins at the breakfast table over corn flakes when you say you want to go shopping and your alpha-male boyfriend starts in saying that it's typical of you to go off and spend money and waste time while he has to clean the house. Next thing you know, the two of you have been screaming at each other for hours. Remember that astrology is a tool to master such situations. Venus-square-Pluto is a golden opportunity to rediscover the things you love about your lover. Okay, so he's a bitch-on-wheels. So what? He's your bitch-on-wheels and the two of you love each other. Make a stab at helping him clean the house — and sneak online and buy needless stuff on eBay when he's not looking.


Another exciting week lies ahead between December 4th and 10th 3rd, 2023, when we come to the Virgo Third Quarter Moon, which brings down powerful healing energies. In Antinous Moon Magic we call this the AESCULAPIUS MOON in honor of the Classical god of the physician's art. Meditation and rituals carried out tonight are ideal for bringing down healing energies for yourself and those you love during the coming year ... More details next time ....

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