Thursday, October 20, 2022


Antinous is a Moon God. He is, of course, many other things and he wears many hats. But one of the ways he was worshiped in Antiquity was as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD.

His worshipers looked skyward and saw His beautiful face perpetually turned towards the Earth. The Man in the Moon was actually the Blessed Boy in the Moon for the ancient priests and worshipers of Antinous. Swiftest and most youthful of all the Zodiacal deities, Antinous speeds through an entire year's worth of Astrological signs in just 28 days.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits and reactions, and our unconscious gay selves. Where Hadrian the Sun acts, Antinous the Moon REACTS. How do we instinctively react or respond to problems? What do we feel we need for a sense of security? Look to ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD for answers.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is both our inner boy child and our inner lover. His ever changing phases, as he sweeps past all the other Planets in all the Signs, make us at turns responsive, receptive, and reflective. Eternally youthful, ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD represents our childlike spontaneous and instinctual reactions.

ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD beams down on us to make us imaginative, creative, intuitive, sentimental, adaptable, introspective, and protective. On the negative side, and depending on where he is in the Zodiac, he can make us moody, restless, and irrational.

Antinous Astrology Forecast

OCTOBER 20th-30th, 2022

THURS-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20th-21st, 2022

This week you discover the warrior goddess within your heart ... when the Sun aligns in conjunction with Venus ... both in Libra ... and both the Sun and Venus form powerful aspects with Mars and Pluto. First of all, Sun trine Mars and Venus trine Mars creates a magical moment. It is possible now to take a balanced approach to conflict, problems and projects that require effort. This can combine both a gentle touch and firm action, sensitivity and forcefulness. Negotiation and interaction with others could be aggressive and determined now, but also balanced with sensitivity and style. Any expressions of anger, frustration or discontent are more likely to be tempered with fairness, moderation and composure. And second of all, the LGBT spiritual revolution gets a massive boost when the Sun and Venus are in a 90-degree right angle to Pluto, which is aligned in near conjunction with the star of Antinous in the sign of Capricorn ... sending transformative energies that can radically alter gay spirituality for centuries to come. Pluto takes more than 250 years to orbit the Sun. To give you some perspective, the last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in the late 18th Century ... the dawning of the Age of Reason and the revolutions in France and America. This time around, Capricorn Pluto is once again revolutionizing global political and economic structures along with belief systems. This is an opportunity for LGBT advancement that will not come again in our lifetimes. Seize the opportunity for transformational healing to prepare you for the world that will exist when Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius ... in 2023. More on how Capricorn Pluto and the Star of Antinous can change your life: PLUTO ALIGNS WITH THE STAR OF ANTINOUS.


This weekend, the year 2022 gets a reboot when Saturn turns around in space and goes Direct ("forward" as seen from Earth) again for the first time since it went Retrograde on 4 June 2022. As Saturn retraced its steps over the last five months, we all revisited issues and problems in our lives which needed to be remedied before we move on. Saturn, the school teacher of the Zodiac, forced you to sit down and complete your homework before moving forward to the next class. Now, with Saturn moving forward again, this means a breakthrough in logjams in Aquarius Saturn topics such as karmic trust issues in relationships, business partnerships and legal matters. You will see progress again in those areas and can make new commitments and set lofty new goals.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 2022

This weekend Venus leaves gentle Libra and dives into steamy Scorpio from now until 16 November 2022. Venus is the planet of relationships, interaction, beauty, pleasure and material resources. She struts through Scorpio with attitude! The good news: you see through the veil of mendacity and see all dark secrets. The bad news: envy, jealousy, suspicion. Try to avoid becoming obsessed with power, wealth or passion. Use Venus Scorpio's nighttime vision to see the true light within your soul.

MON-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24th-26th, 2022

This week we get some celestial Halloween pumpkin spice with a partial solar eclipse when we come to the SCORPIO NEW MOON. In Antinous Moon Magic this lunar phase is called the ZELUS MOON of fear, angst and anxiety ... and using Antinous Moon Magic to triumph over fear.

MON-THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24th-27th, 2022

This week is perfect for a job interview or for a presentation of a special project when Mercury is in a good trine aspect to Mars to help you get your point across articulately and strongly to others. But that's not all! Libra Mercury is in a 90-degree square aspect to Capricorn Pluto which benefits negotiations of all kinds. However, con men to try to pull a fast one on gullible souls. If you are gullible, then watch out. If you are a con man, then this is your day to shine. Pluto is aligned with the star of Antinous in the sign of Capricorn for much of 2022 ... sending transformative healing energies that can radically alter gay spirituality for centuries to come. Pluto takes more than 250 years to orbit the Sun. To give you some perspective, the last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in the late 18th Century ... the dawning of the Age of Reason and the revolutions in France and America. This time around, Capricorn Pluto is once again revolutionizing global political and economic structures along with belief systems. This is an opportunity for LGBT advancement that will not come again in our lifetimes. Seize the opportunity for transformational healing to prepare you for the world that will exist when Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius ... in 2023. More on how Capricorn Pluto and the Star of Antinous can change your life: PLUTO ALIGNS WITH THE STAR OF ANTINOUS.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 2022

This week retrograde Jupiter slips backwards out of Aries into Pisces. The energy of Jupiter in Pisces is mystical, creative, and nostalgic. Jupiter will finally conclude its retrograde on November 23, 2022, and, once direct, it will officially say au revoir to Pisces until the year 2033 on December 20, 2022, when it reenters Aries once and for all.


This weekend Mercury wings his way out of airy Libra and plunges into the murky depths of Scorpio where he transforms into canine-headed Hermanubis to sniff out dark mysteries with his keen nose and hear whispered secrets with his powerful ears. On the global level, you can expect public revelations of dark secrets during the coming weeks. And on the personal level, you can expect to see which of your friends are faithful and will stick by you when the chips are down ... and which ones will back off and just leave you standing there alone. Now is the time to talk about all of those shadows and skeletons hiding in the closet. They will be crawling out and rearing their head regardless, so why not work with them so they don’t work against you?

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 2022

This weekend Mars stops dead in its tracks, does an about-face, and begins moving backwards as seen from Earth. "Retrograde" periods of any planet are times of unease. But Retrograde Mars is a time of potential peril. Mars will be retrograde from October 30th, 2022, to January 12th, 2023 — 10 weeks!

When a planet is retrograde, it appears to be moving backward in the sky from the perspective of the Earth. Of course, the planet is actually continuing in its usual orbit, and the retrograde effect is a kind of optical illusion. Since perspective is so important in astrology, however, retrograde planets do correspond to recognizable meanings. Mars is the planet associated with the Warrior archetype. It is therefore the planet we look to when we want to know about assertiveness, aggression, determination, and action. Mars is also closely associated with sexuality — not the love and romance aspect of sex, but the more instinctual, desire-driven side of it.

Retrograde Mars is usually is considered to be a poor time to begin a new sexual relationship, but there is no reason to abstain altogether for ten weeks. The underlying meaning of Mars retrograde is that energy is lacking — and that's why new sexual relationships are seen as being doubtful: the desire may not last.


Another exciting week lies ahead between October 31st and November 6th, 2022, when we come to the Aquarius First Quarter Moon ... the Lunar Phase in Antinous Moon Magic which we call the altruistic and magnanimous CONCORDIA MOON ... the perfect night for laying enmity and strife to rest ... and open your heart to healing love ... More details next time ....

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