Thursday, October 3, 2019


Antinous Astrology Forecast

OCTOBER 3rd to 13th, 2019


On Thursday, Mercury wings his way out of airy Libra and plunges into the murky depths of Scorpio where he transforms into canine-headed Hermanubis to sniff out dark mysteries with his keen nose and hear whispered secrets with his powerful ears. On the global level, you can expect public revelations of dark secrets during the coming weeks. And on the personal level, you can expect to see which of your friends are faithful and will stick by you when the chips are down ... and which ones will back off and just leave you standing there alone. Now is the time to talk about all of those shadows and skeletons hiding in the closet. They will be crawling out and rearing their head regardless, so why not work with them so they don’t work against you?


On Friday, a quantum shift occurs when Mars leaves persnickety Virgo and enters diplomatic Libra, where the war god will remain until 19 November 2019. This means that in the coming months it will be easier to find elegant compromises to resolve difficult conflicts with a minimum of effort. That is very much needed on the global level, of course But in your personal life, Libra Mars helps you to free yourself of old complications which have kept you bound and tied up.


On Saturday, we come to the CAPRICORN FIRST QUARTER MOON. In Antinous Moon Magic, we call this the MERCHANT MOON which offers you an opportunity to reap the benefits of your hard work — and find new opportunities for material advancement.


This weekend, Mercury is in opposition to Uranus, igniting spontaneous verbal explosions. Pent-up anger bursts out into all-out armed conflict. This is a classic textbook recipe for terrorist attacks. It definitely spells trouble for the world's hot spots. The threat of assassination looms large, as does the danger of terrorism. You need to be on guard for outbursts of rage. The important thing is to be aware where your rage is coming from. Don't vent your rage on innocent victims. Instead, be consciously aware of the source of your anger so that you can harness the powerful energies to carry out constructive projects you have been stalling on for way too long.


This week, batten down the hatches because storms and earthquakes (literal and political) are in store when the Sun forms a 90-degree right angle with Saturn — a configuration which happens twice a year and which invariably spawns strife, conflict, warfare and even bad weather. The good news is that this configuration lasts only about 48 hours. Saturn is the cosmic teacher, focusing the rays of the intuitive Libra Sun on problems in your life which need to be corrected ... and giving you insights to solutions to those problems.


This week, Venus brings you challenges with a dark sign change and even darker planetary configuration. First off, Venus opposition Uranus encourages you to go out and party. You may turn down the wrong street and enter the wrong door of the wrong club ... but then you find Mr. Right waiting for you. That is because the most unusual twists of luck can occur when Venus is in opposition to surprised-filled Uranus. Also this week, Venus leaves gentle Libra and dives into steamy Scorpio from now until 1st November 2019. Venus is the planet of relationships, interaction, beauty, pleasure and material resources. She struts through Scorpio with attitude! The good news: you see through the veil of mendacity and see all dark secrets. The bad news: envy, jealousy, suspicion. Try to avoid becoming obsessed with power, wealth or passion. Use Venus Scorpio's nighttime vision to see the true light within your soul.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 2019

This weekend, we come to the ARIES FULL MOON which amps up the tension levels 100 percent! Be careful: In Antinous Moon Magic we call this the LIGHTNING MOON for the bolt of lightning which nearly killed Hadrian and Antinous atop Mount Cassius at the autumnal Solstice of the year 129 AD. The LIGHTNING MOON is the most impetuous and accident-prone moon of the year. On a brighter note, however, be sure to buy a lottery ticket when the Sun forms a sextile aspect with lucky Jupiter. Keep your eyes open for opportunities for good fortune..


Another exciting week lies ahead between October 14th and 20th when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is at right angles to the Sun. This is the Cancer Third Quarter Moon, which is the DISCORDIA MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... The goddess Discordia can be a powerful friend ... or deadly foe. Many gay men have assertiveness problems. On a gay spiritual level, the Discordia Moon shines its light on problem areas where you need to stand up and assert yourself. Anger is one of the most cathartic emotions, and it can also be a very effective cleanser of the emotional system. However, when it becomes a habit, it actually loses its power to transform and becomes an obstacle to growth. Meditations and rituals during the Discordia Moon can help you in identifying the role anger plays in your life and restoring it to its proper function so that it can bring new energy and expansiveness to your emotional life ... More details next time ....

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