Thursday, August 18, 2016


ARE you feeling nervous and irritable? Blame it on the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse ... an "almost" lunar eclipse which does not appreciably darken the moon ... but which is nonetheless astrologically powerful. 

Tonight's Aquarius Full Moon ... or DONUM MOON of Antinous ... occurs when the Earth is exactly between the Sun and the Moon. Usually the Moon is above or below the Earth's shadow. But tonight the Moon clips a corner of the Earth's shadow.

The very bright Full Moon will be imperceptibly dimmer ... but not engulfed in the full shadow of the Earth. This "almost lunar eclipse" will be visible from the Americas in the early hours of August 18 ... to the extent that your eyes can note any difference in brightness.

Even though you may not be able to clearly see the eclipse, you will definitely end up feeling its effects in a meaningful way. 

This lunar eclipse is more noteworthy than usual because it will be taking place in the constellation of Aquarius, and when we are in Leo (July 23–Aug 22) as we are now, it’s opposite the sun. As such, the darkened moon will have a profound impact on all of our lives and we can expect a major shift to come our way!

Every person will experience a sort of change in their own personal way, from slight to life-altering, and here are the more significant ways in which the lunar eclipse may affect us:

Some people will be touchier than usual and quick to anger or upset, especially those who already have a short fuse.

Some of us will crave extra love, support, and attention, especially the mothering type that is more nurturing and encouraging overall.

Some people will begin to stop caring so much about what others think. They will start deciding things on their own and for themselves. Whereas the opinions and judgments of others would have once bothered them immensely and held them back, they will no longer have that negative, stifling effect.

Some people will become more confident, self-aware, and conscious of their choices. In turn, they will also shift into a happier and more enlightened phase of their lives, which is always an upgrade and a good thing!

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