Monday, September 9, 2013


MERCURY leaves fastidious Virgo today and wings his way into laid-back Libra ... to sit back and chill and lounge around to Trance music from now until September 28th.

Depending on your own star sign, Libra Mercury may cause you some difficulty making decisions and getting work done and generally finding your way through the highways and byways of life.

Libra Mercury gets a bad reputation for being lazy, indecisive, two-faced and a downright liar. But it's not true! Well, actually, it IS a bit true ... but also not true ... both true and not true at the same time.

And that is exactly how Libra Mercury sees everything ... he sees both sides to every question ... he sees two people (or two nations) arguing and he sees that both sides are partly right ... and both sides are also partly wrong.

The image at the top of this blog entry ... "A Study Of Mercury" by Isodore Pils ... perfectly captures Libra Mercury's impartial detachment as he looks at the world and sees all sides to every issue ... and yearns for harmony and beauty.

Libra Mercury helps to give you a balanced view of the world. He enhances your skills at mediating a compromise which is beneficial to both sides ... and beneficial to you.

Libra Mercury loves harmony and balance so much that he tries to please everybody. So you may find yourself tacitly agreeing with people on both sides of an argument. That infuriates both sides, of course, and both sides accuse you of being two-faced.

In fact, you may not have agreed with either side. You wanted to tell both sides to take a hike. You only nodded in tacit agreement just to shut them up and avert open conflict. 

The result is that you end up being caught in the middle ... a plight that Sun Sign Librans know all too well. 

So the down side of Libra Mercury is that decision-making is more difficult. You look at a restaurant menu and it ALL looks so good that you can't make up your mind ... again, a plight that Sun Sign Librans know all too well.

But the up side of Libra Mercury is that you are open to new experiences ... you pick a menu item you have never eaten before ... and it turns out to be delicious. You are driving along your regular route home from work and suddenly turn off down another street you have never explored before ... and you discover places which turn out to be wonderful.

As for being lazy ... that is also partly false ... and yet also partly true. Libra Mercury is very industrious when it comes to something that is interesting, pleasant or lovely. So you may find yourself beavering away at some fabulous project with your mind and soul concentrated solely on that fab project.

Meanwhile, boring and tedious tasks fall by the wayside. You may conveniently "forget" to do things which are uninteresting to you. 

Mercury Libra is the artistic genius who creates the most exquisitely inspiring art ... and yet who lives in absolute squalor and filth. Art is intensely interesting to him ... but housekeeping is intensely boring, so he "forgets" to do any house cleaning.

Sun Sign Librans are experts at "forgetting" unpleasant or uninteresting things.

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