Thursday, February 28, 2013



ANCIENT astrologers paid a great deal of attention to a curious lunar phenomenon which occurs every couple days ... but which has been largely ignored by modern astrologers ... until recently.

It is called the VOID OF COURSE moon ... a mysterious and shadowy concept which seems even more mysterious because the English term is so bizarrely technical and imprecise. In Italian, it is "Vuoto de luna," in Spanish "la luna vacia de curso," in French "la lune vide de course." 

In German it is "Mondpause" which we believe is closest to the idea ... "the moon takes a break" ... like an actor going back stage during intermission between stage acts.

"Void of Course" is something that astrologers are only re-discovering. Ancient Roman astrologers placed great importance on it, but it was long forgotten ... but not by the priests of Antinous!

It occurs when the Moon is "between signs" ... that is, it has finished its two-and-a-half-day visit to one astrological sign and has just finished making the last aspect to one of the major planets ... and nothing will happen until the moon enters the next sign.

It can be anywhere from a few hours up to a day-and-a-half before the Moon enters the next sign. That in-between period is called "Void of Course" ("Vuoto de luna" in Italian, "la luna vacia de curso" in Spanish, "Mondpause" in German).

The rule of thumb is that this is a bad time to start anything because "nothing will come of it." Don't sign contracts, don't make a major expenditure, don't begin anything important. Nothing will come of it ... nothing really bad will happen ... but nothing good either!

However, the Void of Course Moon is an ideal time for meditation, dreamscaping, magical visualization techniques, getting in touch with the spirit world ... or just kicking back, relaxing and recharging your batteries. 

It is a perfect opportunity for sitting back and taking a good look at your situation and meditating on how you might be able to improve things.
 We like to compare it to a rock concert when the star has just finished a set and goes off stage. 

The doo-wah backup group continues to play and images of the star are projected onto a big screen as dancers perform ... but the star (in this case the Moon) is backstage changing costume, having a quick cigarette, a quick drink, getting styled and psyched for the next set ....

That is a good description of the Moon going "Void" ... it's intermission time and the short subjects are being shown at the movies, or you're at the opera and everyone goes out to promenade through the gallery and show off their clothes and sip champagne while the stage hands set the stage for the next act and the diva is backstage having a hissy fit ... nothing is happening where anyone can see it. Lots of preparations are being made behind the scenes....

Think of Antinous the Moon God as a rock star back stage between sets ... psyching himself up for the next set. He invites you to sit with him in his dressing room and reflect on how the last set went ... and you both take a deep breath, you help him wipe the sweat off his brow, give him a quick drink of water, help him do a quick costume change ... and psych himself for the next set. 

That's the essence of the VOID OF COURSE Moon ... back stage between sets ....

Antinous Astrology Forecast

FEB. 28 to March 10, 2013

THURSDAY February 28th 2013

On Thursday you can forget about getting any work done when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD goes VOID OF COURSE for 33 hours — causing delays, rescheduling, lost messages and missed opportunities. Remember we always say you should think of ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD as your favorite rock or pop star giving a concert. The VOC MOON is the break between sets. The singer goes back stage for a costume change and psychs themselves up for the next set. Meanwhile, the audience is waiting impatiently out front while video projections and doo-wah girls fill the interlude. That's what a VOID OF COURSE MOON feels like. Nothing much will happen during this VOC period.

FRIDAY March 1st 2013

On Friday ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD slowly comes out of its VOID OF COURSE period for a final flurry of activity in the final hours of the work week. The Sun forms nice aspects to Pluto and Saturn which sweep away all doubts and fears — suddenly you see an easy answer to a thorny problem.

SATURDAY/SUNDAY March 2nd/3rd 2013

This promises to be a very pleasant weekend indeed when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms positive aspects to Pluto, Saturn, the Sun and Mercury on Saturday and then forms a happy trine with Mars on Sunday. Enjoy the sweet energies of this lovely weekend.

MONDAY March 4th 2013

On Monday Retrograde Mercury "reverses" into conjunction with the Sun. Old astrology texts dating back to Ancient Rome call this a potentially hazardous time, and speak of a "Scorched Mercury" which impairs communications and judgment. But in ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC, we see that very differently. This Sun/Mercury conjunction is indeed intense, but in a positive way. Antinous/Mercury focuses the gay spiritual light of his heavenly father Ra-Herakhte right at you. Open your spiritual heart to the light and joy and permit it to burn away all doubt and all fear and trepidation. Most people live in spiritual darkness. They are like people who live in caves and are afraid of sunlight because it hurts their eyes. But should we shun the light and stay in the cave with them? Antinous/Mercury says it's safe to open your spiritual eyes — and spiritual heart — and become accustomed to the light.

TUESDAY March 5th 2013

On Tuesday you may suddenly see a clear answer to difficult problems and situations which have been troubling you as ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is at right angles to the Sun. This is the SAGITTARIUS THIRD QUARER MOON, which we call the SACRED STAR phase in Antinous Moon Magic. Each lunar phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the SACRED STAR lunar phase is the embodiment of clarity and insight. In the midst of confusion and chaos, the Spirit of the Star touches the top of your head and conveys sudden and total clarity. This Spirit is never deceived by appearances. It always sees clearly. It sees through every facade. It sees behind all barriers. It sees through the blackest darkness. It shines as a beacon, lighting the way ahead.

WEDNESDAY March 6th 2013

On Wednesday you can get a lot of work done when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms productive aspects to Neptune, Venus, Pluto and Saturn. There may not be much time for levity as you keep your nose to the grindstone — but you will be very productive.

THURSDAY March 7th 2013

On Thursday your love affairs are enhanced along with your business affairs when love planet Venus and commerce planet Mercury each engage in multiple aspects with Saturn and Pluto. This is a day to keep your eyes open for opportunities to your advantage — both in your work life and in your love life.

FRIDAY/SATURDAY March 8th-9th 2013

On Friday and Saturday you can forget about getting any work done when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD goes VOID OF COURSE for over 32 hours — causing delays, rescheduling, lost messages and missed opportunities. Remember we always say you should think of ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD as your favorite rock or pop star giving a concert. The VOC MOON is the break between sets. The singer goes back stage for a costume change and psychs themselves up for the next set. Meanwhile, the audience is waiting impatiently out front while video projections and doo-wah girls fill the interlude. That's what a VOID OF COURSE MOON feels like. Nothing much will happen during this VOC period — on the plus side, a VOC is perfect for meditation, dreamscaping and contact the spirit world.

SUNDAY March 10th 2013

On Sunday you may feel an impulse to go out and splurge when the Moon and Retrograde Mercury square off against exaggeration-prone Jupiter. Your diet goes out the window, you drink too much and end up spending too much money — and you have lots of fun doing it.


Another exciting week lies ahead between March 11th and 17th when the ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns with the Sun for the gentle PISCES NEW MOON. In Antinous Moon Magic this is the lunar phase we call the DOG MOON of fidelity, friendship and faithfulness. The Spirit of the Dog Moon is loving and supportive friendship. This Spirit is loving and faithful, comforting you with familiarity when you see yourself reflected in this Spirit. It is the perfect combination of comfort and stimulus to grow and provides a wonderful companion that walks with you through life, helping you define and refine who you are and who you choose to be every day. More details next time ....

Monday, February 25, 2013



TONIGHT's Virgo Full Moon is the February/March moon of sistership, of kindred spirits in whom you can confide, the Full Moon in the Sign the Virgin.

The Virgo Moon is always a tense time of trying not to be obsessive-compulsive and overly critical.

In Antinous Moon Magic this full moon is called the DIANA MOON. We recognize that the Moon of Diana is the Moon of Antinous. We venerate the Virgin, she who guides new life into the world, goddess of beasts, the mistress of the hounds, the archeress, the young Great Mother of Ephesus, the twin sister of Antinous the Gay God.

Diana is loving and compassionate, but she is rigorously demanding and picky.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of Diana is the great huntress, the goddess of the moon and twin sister to Antinous.

The key word is "sisterhood" -- without gender limitations. A sister is someone who is closer even than your best friend. She is your twin, just as Diana and Antinous are twins.

When you are going through a difficult time, you may hesitate to call even your best friends because you do not want to burden them with your troubles. This is when you need a sister.

This can be a biological sibling, but more often it is a person who, regardless of gender and kinship, is your most intimate confidante. A sister is someone who, at times like these, sincerely wants to be there for you whenever she can. And she knows you are always there for her. When you do this, you invite your sister to bring her whole self to the relationship as well -- so that Diana and Antinous are one.

During the cycle of the Diana Moon, meditations and rituals are best suited for delving into sibling issues as well as seeking the advice of your spiritual twin ... whether a physical being or a spiritual entity.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Antinous Astrology Forecast

FEB. 21 to March 3, 2013

THURSDAY February 21st 2013

On Thursday the Sun has its annual rendezvous with dreamy Neptune and, because this meeting is happening in Pisces, it means your spiritual intuition is boosted to the max. This is an ideal day for vision quests and spiritual walkabouts.

FRIDAY February 22nd 2013

On Friday emotions run rampant when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD goes VOID OF COURSE for 20 hours — meaning that the work week ends on in frustration. You wait for phone calls and messages which never arrive, emails that vanish into your spam filter, and parcels which won't be delivered until next week. Remember we always say you should think of ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD as your favorite rock or pop star giving a concert. The VOC MOON is the break between sets. The singer goes back stage for a costume change and psychs themselves up for the next set. Meanwhile, the audience is waiting impatiently out front while video projections and doo-wah girls fill the interlude. That's what a VOID OF COURSE MOON feels like. Nothing much will happen during this VOC period. Nothing very bad will happen. But nothing very good either.

SATURDAY February 23rd 2013

On Saturday Mercury does an about-face and goes "backwards" (as seen from Earth) until March 17th. Usually Mercury spends only three weeks in watery Pisces, a sign that airy Mercury is least comfortable in. This year it will spend seven weeks in murky Pisces! That is a real case of "water on the brain" for most cognitive processes. Mercury goes Retrograde about three times a year (this year in February, June and October), spawning several weeks of computer snafus and communications glitches. The rule of thumb with Retrograde Mercury is that this period (from February 23rd through March 17th) is a bad time to sign contracts, start a new job or make a major expenditure. A new car bought during Retrograde Mercury will turn out to be a "lemon." However ... the rule does not apply to plans that were made prior to Mercury's about-face. If you ordered the car beforehand and had to wait until now for delivery — it will be fine. If you were offered a job beforehand but paperwork held up the contract-signing until now — you can sign on the dotted line without qualms. A Retrograde Mercury period is also a good time to re-work, re-edit, re-do, re-hash, re-finance and re-decorate — any "re-" operation involving going back and polishing up something which needed attention.

SUNDAY February 24th 2013

On Sunday you should enjoy a leisurely day free of major astrological aspects and complications before going back to work on Monday, when Retrograde Mercury in scatter-brained Pisces will create lots of havoc — lost files, lost keys, undelivered parcels, postponed travel plans — Retrograde Mercury does love to tease us mortals! Remember over the next seven weeks that MERCURY wants you to play his sly game to win — not to be a whining victim. Make him proud of the way you play his game!

MONDAY February 25th 2013

On Monday fasten your seatbelts because it could be a bumpy ride when the Sun, Jupiter and the Moon form a "T"-square aspect during the VIRGO FULL MOON. The Virgo Moon is always a tense time of trying not to be obsessive-compulsive and overly critical. In Antinous Moon Magic this full moon is called the DIANA MOON. We recognize that the Moon of Diana is the Moon of Antinous. We venerate the Virgin, she who guides new life into the world, goddess of beasts, the mistress of the hounds, the archeress, the young Great Mother of Ephesus, the twin sister of Antinous the Gay God. Diana is loving and compassionate, but she is rigorously demanding and picky. Jupiter encourages over-exaggeration in all departments.

TUESDAY February 26th 2013

On Tuesday the tensions of the Full Moon have barely subsided when Retrograde Mars backs up into alignment with Mars in Pisces. Rational Mercury and aggressive Mars are both highly uncomfortable in the emotional depths of Pisces, so you can can expect tempers to flare over diffuse innuendos and off-hand comments, most of which have been taken the wrong way. Meanwhile, Venus plunges into Pisces. Unlike Mercury and Mars, Venus feels very comfy in Pisces, and its stay in Pisces means four weeks of dreamy romance and intuition.

WEDNESDAY February 27th 2013

On Wednesday the Virgo Moon encourages you to reorganize and sort out your life. This can be as simple as cleaning out your desk, or as sweeping as putting your emotional house in order.

THURSDAY February 28th 2013

On Thursday you can forget about getting any work done when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD goes VOID OF COURSE for 33 hours — causing delays, rescheduling, lost messages and missed opportunities. Remember we always say you should think of ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD as your favorite rock or pop star giving a concert. The VOC MOON is the break between sets. The singer goes back stage for a costume change and psychs themselves up for the next set. Meanwhile, the audience is waiting impatiently out front while video projections and doo-wah girls fill the interlude. That's what a VOID OF COURSE MOON feels like. Nothing much will happen during this VOC period.

FRIDAY March 1st 2013

On Friday ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD slowly comes out of its VOID OF COURSE period for a final flurry of activity in the final hours of the work week. The Sun forms nice aspects to Pluto and Saturn which sweep away all doubts and fears — suddenly you see an easy answer to a thorny problem.

SATURDAY/SUNDAY March 2nd/3rd 2013

This promises to be a very pleasant weekend indeed when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms positive aspects to Pluto, Saturn, the Sun and Mercury on Saturday and then forms a happy trine with Mars on Sunday. Enjoy the sweet energies of this lovely weekend.


Another exciting week lies ahead between March 4th and 10th when there is a dramatic lack of any negative or dire astrological aspects whatsoever — almost too good to be true. More details next time ....

Sunday, February 17, 2013



TONIGHT's Taurus First Quarter Moon is the lunar phase of young love which, in Antinous Moon Magic, we call the AMOR MOON.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Amor Moon is the Great God of Love. Also known as Eros-Cupid, he is foremost of the Gods of the Religion of Antinous.

He is the first impulse upon which the world was created, and he is the beauty and perfection of all creation. He is called Phanes, the radiant being of beauty who emerged from the egg of night.

Others say that he is the son of Uranus and Gaia, or that he was born when Venus was born, and that he is the leader of a whole army of Erotes who attended Venus as she rose from the sea.

But Amor/Eros is also said to be the son of Venus, the Mother of Love, and his father is often said to be Mars, which is why Amor so often uses violence to obtain love.

Amor makes the world burn with the desire for beauty, he conquers all and is the drive that sustains life, Love is Life.

He inspires us through desire, to fight for our gratification, which is why the stag grows horns, to do battle in the time of rut.

Often he is portrayed as a youth with wings because he is flighty and has no reason or control over his desires. Eros is madly in love with the soul, with Psyche, who dwells within all of us, he cannot resist the beauty that is in our hearts and so therefore, he never disdains us.

One of his twins is Anteros -- "Love Returned to the Lover" -- and Anteros can devolve into Zelus -- fear, envy, jealousy.

The First Quarter Taurus Moon is the moon of comfort and luxury and lovableness. It is the fresh bloom of love.

Meditations and rituals carried out tonight are best suited for delving into matters of love and romance.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Antinous Astrology Forecast

FEBRUARY 14 to 24, 2013

THURSDAY February 14th 2013

On Thursday — Valentine's Day — you increasingly feel a yearning to take break free. This yearning has been building up for some time (as you can see from the headlines) but it will intensify greatly in coming days as exaggeration-prone Jupiter and liberation-minded Uranus form a trine aspect. These two planets are so slow-moving that this break-loose, break-free mood will be at the critical point for the rest of this month, and it will recur later in the year.

FRIDAY February 15th 2013

On Friday major trine configurations dominate this power-filled day. Mars and Pluto are in a trine with each other even as the Moon, Sun and Neptune are also trining each other. This is perfect for the Feast of the Lupercalia — the ancient Roman fertility rite in which youths stripped off naked and wrapped themselves in wolf skins and ran around the Seven Hills of Rome in search of virgins to lash with leather whips — it's that kind of day!

SATURDAY February 16th 2013

On Saturday Mars and Saturn form an insightful and productive trine which permits you to take a new look at your life — and discover that your chronic self-doubts have no basis in reality, and that you have the wherewithal to go forward.

SUNDAY February 17th 2013

On Sunday the Valentine's Day and Lupercalia energies reach their peak when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is at right angles to the Sun for the Taurus First Quarter Moon which, in Antinous Moon Magic, we call the ANTINOUS AMOR MOON — is the moon of comfort and luxury and lovableness. It is the fresh bloom of love.

MONDAY February 18th 2013

On Monday the Sun leaves airy Aquarius and dives into dreamy Pisces for a month of intuition and daydreaming and looking inward. This introspective mood is underscored on Monday when Saturn does an about-face and goes Retrograde from February 18th until July 8th. The planet of order's retrograde period is a time to cultivate discipline, patience and self-restraint. When faster moving planets like Mercury or Mars go retrograde, confusion typically reigns. But that's not necessarily so with slower moving planets. Saturn Retrograde may actually help us see things clearer by shifting our focus from the external to the internal, which may even empower us to move forward! We have the chance to see what kind of internal and emotional factors motivate us ... including fear. Saturn in reverse means that the external boundaries we live within take a backseat to our rich inner world. We'll trust ourselves enough to question these boundaries, and because retrograde with any planet is a prime time to look back on our personal paths, we can examine failures and let-downs, learn from them, apply these lessons to how we'll conduct ourselves in the future ... then move on.

TUESDAY February 19th 2013

On Tuesday you may find it hard to get work done when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is at right angles to both Mars and Retrograde Mercury before going VOID OF COURSE during business hours — in the Americas. In the UK and Europe, the rest of us will have gone home for the day before the Lunar VOC begins, which makes for a restful evening of relaxation. The rule of thumb with a Void of Course Moon is that "nothing will come of it" — nothing bad will happen, but nothing good either.

WEDNESDAY February 20th 2013

On Wednesday you feel energized once ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD ends his long VOID OF COURSE hiatus and gets back to full energy levels with positive trines to the Sun and Neptune. If anything, you may have a hard time decided what to do first.

THURSDAY February 21st 2013

On Thursday the Sun has its annual rendezvous with dreamy Neptune and, because this meeting is happening in Pisces, it means your spiritual intuition is boosted to the max. This is an ideal day for vision quests and spiritual walkabouts.

FRIDAY February 22nd 2013

On Friday emotions run rampant when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD goes VOID OF COURSE for 20 hours — meaning that the work week ends on in frustration. You wait for phone calls and messages which never arrive, emails that vanish into your spam filter, and parcels which won't be delivered until next week. Remember we always say you should think of ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD as your favorite rock or pop star giving a concert. The VOC MOON is the break between sets. The singer goes back stage for a costume change and psychs themselves up for the next set. Meanwhile, the audience is waiting impatiently out front while video projections and doo-wah girls fill the interlude. That's what a VOID OF COURSE MOON feels like. Nothing much will happen during this VOC period. Nothing very bad will happen. But nothing very good either.

SATURDAY February 23rd 2013

On Saturday Mercury does an about-face and goes "backwards" (as seen from Earth) until March 17th. Usually Mercury spends only three weeks in watery Pisces, a sign that airy Mercury is least comfortable in. This year it will spend seven weeks in murky Pisces! That is a real case of "water on the brain" for most cognitive processes. Mercury goes Retrograde about three times a year (this year in February, June and October), spawning several weeks of computer snafus and communications glitches. The rule of thumb with Retrograde Mercury is that this period (from February 23rd through March 17th) is a bad time to sign contracts, start a new job or make a major expenditure. A new car bought during Retrograde Mercury will turn out to be a "lemon." However ... the rule does not apply to plans that were made prior to Mercury's about-face. If you ordered the car beforehand and had to wait until now for delivery — it will be fine. If you were offered a job beforehand but paperwork held up the contract-signing until now — you can sign on the dotted line without qualms. A Retrograde Mercury period is also a good time to re-work, re-edit, re-do, re-hash, re-finance and re-decorate — any "re-" operation involving going back and polishing up something which needed attention.

SUNDAY February 24th 2013

On Sunday you should enjoy a leisurely day free of major astrological aspects and complications before going back to work on Monday, when Retrograde Mercury in scatter-brained Pisces will create lots of havoc — lost files, lost keys, undelivered parcels, postponed travel plans — Retrograde Mercury does love to tease us mortals! Remember over the next seven weeks that MERCURY wants you to play his sly game to win — not to be a whining victim. Make him proud of the way you play his game!


Another exciting week lies ahead between February 25th and March 3rd when we come to the VIRGO FULL MOON which in Antinous Moon Magic is called the DIANA MOON. We recognize that the Moon of Diana is the Moon of Antinous. We venerate the Virgin, she who guides new life into the world, goddess of beasts, the mistress of the hounds, the archeress, the young Great Mother of Ephesus, the twin sister of Antinous the Gay God. More details next time ....

Saturday, February 9, 2013



TONIGHT's Aquarius New Moon is always a special lunar occurrence. Not only is it Chinese New Year, it is also the ANTINOUS OBELISK MOON in Antinous Moon Magic.

The Aquarius New Moon is always the Chinese New Year, and it usually occurs near or on such festivals as Candlemas, Luminaria, Imbolc and Brighid's Day ... all festivals of shedding light on secrets, oracles (Groundhog Day), revealing secret knowledge, news, predictions.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Obelisk Moon is knowledge in all its forms, knowledge which is gained through study and learning.

This is the Spirit of education, training, schooling, apprenticeship and initiation into knowledge restricted to a few. In ancient times, knowledge of reading and writing was limited to a select few. Language was a matter of sacred symbols, thus the word "hieroglyphs" or "sacred writing" which was given to mortals by the scribe deity Thoth, whose sacred bird is the ibis.

The masses could not read hieroglyphs incised on an obelisk, thus the obelisk became a symbol of secret or arcane knowledge.

The Obelisk of Antinous, which now stands on the Pincian Hill in Rome, was incised with hieroglyphs which, in the 2nd Century AD, almost no one could read, not even Egyptians.

Yet the hieroglyphs on the Obelisk of Antinous give us precious information on the life and religion of Antinous. It is a key font of knowledge about Antinous.

In the Religion of Antinous, the Obelisk represents knowledge which comes from the divine. It represents the liberation from ignorance that knowledge brings about.

It stands for the Great Library of Alexandria and for all the libraries in all the world and for all the books in all those libraries.

The Obelisk is the spirit of all-encompassing power of knowledge in all of its forms, in print, over the internet or over airwaves.

It is knowledge that enables you to broaden your mortal mind to encompass the cosmos. You are the cosmos becoming aware of itself through knowledge.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Antinous Astrology Forecast

FEBRUARY 7 to 17, 2013

THURSDAY February 7th 2013

On Thursday you will want to let love hold sway when Venus forms a generous trine with lucky Jupiter. You won't be able to think too much about what you "should" be doing because rational Mercury is aligned in conjunction with Neptune in Pisces. Dreamy Neptune is cancelling out Mercury's attempts to rationalize things — so just let your emotions do their thing.

FRIDAY February 8th 2013

On Friday the work week ends on an argumentative note when Mercury and Mars align in conjunction in foggy Pisces. Rational Mercury and fiery Mars both feel highly uncomfortable in intuitive Pisces. People tend to take themselves too seriously and put their own interests ahead of others' — and go to any lengths to assert their selfish aims.

SATURDAY/SUNDAY February 9th/10th 2013

Overnight Saturday/Sunday we come to one of the most joyous New Moons — the AQUARIUS NEW MOON — which in Antinous Moon Magic we call OBELISK MOON — the lunar phase embodying knowledge in all its forms, knowledge which is gained through study and learning. The Aquarius New Moon is also always CHINESE NEW YEAR and this is the Year of the Fire Snake. And because 2013 is a Water Year in Chinese Astrology, this mixture of fire and water will create lots of steam and boiling — as underscored in Western Astrology by fiery Mars being in watery Pisces right now. The Chinese New Year will be volatile to be sure.

MONDAY February 11th 2013

On Monday Venus and Saturn square off against each other to make us all take a critical look at our relationships — both personal and business relationships. That is not a bad thing — just try to avoid being overly critical.

TUESDAY February 12th 2013

On Tuesday little productive work will get done when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is VOID OF COURSE for the entire day in most global time zones. Remember we always say you should think of ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD as your favorite rock or pop star giving a concert. The VOC MOON is the break between sets. The singer goes back stage for a costume change and psychs themselves up for the next set. Meanwhile, the audience is waiting impatiently out front while video projections and doo-wah girls fill the interlude. That's what a VOID OF COURSE MOON feels like. Nothing much will happen during this VOC period. Nothing very bad will happen. But nothing very good either.

WEDNESDAY February 13th 2013

On Wednesday you may want to take a chance and buy a lottery ticket when intuitive Pisces Mercury forms a fortuitous trine with Gemini Jupiter and surprise-filled Uranus — a classic textbook configuration for gambling luck!

THURSDAY February 14th 2013

On Thursday — Valentine's Day — you increasingly feel a yearning to take break free. This yearning has been building up for some time (as you can see from the headlines) but it will intensify greatly in coming days as exaggeration-prone Jupiter and liberation-minded Uranus form a trine aspect. These two planets are so slow-moving that this break-loose, break-free mood will be at the critical point for the rest of this month, and it will recur later in the year.

FRIDAY February 15th 2013

On Friday major trine configurations dominate this power-filled day. Mars and Pluto are in a trine with each other even as the Moon, Sun and Neptune are also trining each other. This is perfect for the Feast of the Lupercalia — the ancient Roman fertility rite in which youths stripped off naked and wrapped themselves in wolf skins and ran around the Seven Hills of Rome in search of virgins to lash with leather whips — it's that kind of day!

SATURDAY February 16th 2013

On Saturday Mars and Saturn form an insightful and productive trine which permits you to take a new look at your life — and discover that your chronic self-doubts have no basis in reality, and that you have the wherewithal to go forward.

SUNDAY February 17th 2013

On Sunday the Valentine's Day and Lupercalia energies reach their peak when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is at right angles to the Sun for the Taurus First Quarter Moon which, in Antinous Moon Magic, we call the ANTINOUS AMOR MOON — is the moon of comfort and luxury and lovableness. It is the fresh bloom of love.


Another exciting week lies ahead between February 18th and 24th when the Sun leaves the cyber-world of Aquarius and dives into the emotion-world of Pisces. Also, you must be sure to finalize all contracts and binding commitments and major expenditures before Mercury goes Retrograde on February 23rd. More details next time ....

Sunday, February 3, 2013



TONIGHT's Scorpio Third Quarter Moon is the Lunar Phase in Antinous Moon Magic which we call the PERDITION MOON of coming to terms with loss and diminishment.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Perdition Moon is the embodiment of grief and loss. It is the gnawing sense of resources dwindling and being reduced. Perdition is diminishment and slow collapse.

It embodies the feeling that all the walls have fallen down and there is nothing to lean on. It is the spirit of consummate grief and lamentation for a loss. It is also the embodiment of that loss. It is the griever and also the subject of grief...

It is symbolized by grief-stricken Emperor Hadrian cradling the limp form of his beloved Antinous after his body had been recovered from the Nile.

The Scorpio Third Quarter Moon is precisely this sort of dull ache and sense of emptiness and loss.

Meditations and rituals carried out during this Lunar Phase are best suited for seeking to come to terms with loss and finding areas in your life where you may unconsciously be causing yourself loss or sadness. 

This Lunar Phase is not about giving in to loss and grief, but rather it is about moving through them to find new ways towards growth and fulfillment.