Thursday, May 10, 2018

ASTRO FORECAST: MAY 10th—20th, 2018

Antinous Astrology Forecast

MAY 10th to 20th, 2018

THURSDAY, MAY 10th, 2018

On Thursday the Sun is in direct opposition to Jupiter, causing a sense of over-exuberance, over-exaggeration and over-exertion in all areas. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. Meanwhile, the Sun is in a positively profound trine with Pluto that enables you to get down and dirty and show what is really inside of you ... deep ... down ... inside. This is a good day to grow beyond yourself ... shed your old shy image the way a snake sheds its skin ... and present your shining inner self to the world.

FRIDAY, MAY 11th, 2018

On Friday Mercury is at right angles to Mars. Some astrologers say this is when people sharpen their swords, but we prefer to say it is when people sharpen their tongues to use as weapons! Remember that lovely line from "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde (who is a Saint of Antinous, by the way): "On an occasion of this kind it becomes more than a moral duty to speak one's mind. It becomes a pleasure." This is an aspect which encourages people to say vicious and intentionally hurtful things. People are overly persnickety and bitchy and downright mean. You'll be amazed how true this is.

SATURDAY, MAY 12th, 2018

On Saturday impossible miracles are possible when Mercury aligns with Uranus ... for the second time in two weeks April/May ... the most outrageous statements turn out to be absolutely true when Mercury aligns in conjunction with impetuous Uranus in Aries. A politician will say something which sounds far too unbelievable to be true. Believe it! This is the time when serendipitous miracles occur. A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway.

SUNDAY, MAY 13th, 2018

On Sunday Mercury leaves feisty Aries and glides into grounded Taurus to slip off his talaria winged sandals and chill and contemplate his investments for the next couple of weeks until Mercury wings into chatty Gemini on 30 May 2018.

MONDAY, MAY 14th, 2018

Overnight Monday-Tuesday ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns with the Sun in Taurus for the TAURUS NEW MOON the MARCUS AURELIUS MOON because he was a man of judicious might and justice, a warrior and a poet, a man whose reign was called a Golden Age. The TAURUS NEW MOON highlights Taurean qualities (determined, practical, devoted, grounded, dependable) and 2nd House themes (material security, values, self-worth). On a spiritual/higher plane, the New Moon in Taurus seeks inner peace through stability and contentment.

TUESDAY, MAY 15th, 2018

On Tuesday we come to the biggest sign-change of the year when Uranus leaves Aquarius, where it has been since 2011, and enters Taurus, where it will remain until 2025. We can expect revolutionary changes in technology, political institutions and financial affairs, and we most certainly must reckon with increased earthquakes and natural disasters. To give you an idea of what to expect, the last time Uranus was in Taurus was from 1934 to 1942 &mash; and that period was generally marked by chaos worldwide. In the wake of the economic difficulties which lingered after the 1929 crash, many extremist regimes came to power: Franco, Mussolini, Hitler, then the establishment of the Vichy regime. Japan launched a war of aggression in the Pacific and Germany attacked its neighbors in Europe and, after a policy of isolationism, the United States went to war after the Pearl Harbour attack in 1941. We must keep in mind that some key-areas which underwent Uranian upheavals linked to Taurus may be on the agenda again: finance, agriculture, and the temptation of totalitarianism, for example.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 16th, 2018

On Wednesday Mars leaves stodgy Capricorn and enters rational, logical Aquarius — the Warrior Planet Mars becomes First Officer Spock! Aquarius Mars carries out his "battles" on a highly cerebral level. This is the nerd gamer who loves 3-D chess and role-playing games. Mars in Aquarius signals a time when emotions are sublimated as people engage in mind games. That is not a bad thing — as long as people don't get so caught up in the chatter of their brains that they forget to listen to their hearts.

THURSDAY, MAY 17th, 2018

This is the most explosive week of the year when Mars, which has just entered Taurus, squares off against Uranus, which has just entered Taurus. These are major sign changes and Thursday's 90-degree square configuration will show us what we can expect from both planets in the months and years to come until Uranus leaves Taurus in 2025 — there might literally be explosions or at least volcanic eruptions when the warrior god is at odds with unpredictable Uranus. Pent-up anger bursts out into all-out armed conflict. This is a classic textbook recipe for assassinations and terrorist attacks. It definitely spells trouble for the world's hot spots such as the Mideast and Korea. And it does not bode well for health and environmental issues either. On the personal level, you need to be on guard for outbursts of rage. The important thing is to be aware where your rage is coming from. Don't vent your rage on innocent victims. Instead, be consciously aware of the source of your anger so that you can harness the powerful energies of Mars/Uranus to carry out constructive projects you have been stalling on for way too long.

FRIDAY, MAY 18th, 2018

On Friday, Mercury forms a brilliant and glowing trine aspect with Saturn which empowers you with perseverance (Saturn) and clear forms of expression (Mercury) to make some serious long-term plans for the future.

SATURDAY, MAY 19th, 2018

On Saturday, Venus leaves nervous Gemini (where Venus never feels entirely comfortable) and enters cozy Cancer. Venus is very much at home in Cancer, creating a spirit of emotional home-and-hearth sentimentalism. Even if you are the sort of gay person who has never taken the idea of "marriage" and "family" seriously before, don't be surprised if you now think of settling down and setting up housekeeping with that certain special someone. That may mean merely sharing a house or apartment together. Or it may mean planning a gay wedding and possibly even adopting or siring children. For the past month, Gemini Venus expressed love and money through words. Now Cancer Venus will express love and money emotionally.

SUNDAY, MAY 20th, 2018

On Sunday, Venus forms a sexy sextile with impetuous Uranus. You may meet a stranger who ordinarily would not be your type ... but who certainly appeals to you.


Another exciting week lies ahead between May 21st and 27th when we come to the Virgo First Quarter Moon. This is the Lunar Phase we call the MOON OF MELANCHOLY ... but don't worry ... it can be your "lucky" moon ... In English-speaking countries, "Melancholy" is almost a dirty word. Puritan upbringing has conditioned us to grin and bear it, to adopt a stiff-upper-lip attitude ... Other cultures are not so uptight about acknowledging this feeling of sadness. They realize it is a necessary part of life. It is what the French call "larmoyant" — a lovely word which suggests there is great beauty in sadness ... For example, crying at the movies is very beautiful and cleansing for the soul ... it is cathartic and healthy ... Meditations and rituals on this night are best suited for identifying the source of sadness in your life. If you find the source of sadness in your life, then this Lunar Phase provides you with the energy to effect changes which will move you out of melancholy into the next lunar phase ... More details next time ....

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