Wednesday, April 25, 2018


PLUTO is aligned with the STAR OF ANTINOUS in the sign of Capricorn for much of 2018/2019 ... sending transformative healing energies that can radically alter gay spirituality for centuries to come.

Pluto has been moving slowly through Capricorn for a couple of years now ... spawning the "Arab Spring," banking crises, revolutions and political upsets (Brexit and Trump) along with religious clashes.

And now, in 2018-19, Pluto aligns in conjunction with the Star of Antinous at 21 degrees Capricorn ... where Pluto turns Retrograde and marks time for months on end at precisely 20-22 degrees Capricorn ... redoubling and doubling-down on the healing powers of the Star of Antinous.

Click on this embedded URL link for full astrological analysis of the meaning of the STAR OF ANTINOUS in Fixed Star Astrology. 

To give you some perspective, the last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in the late 18th Century ... the age of the US and French Revolutions. Pluto takes more than 250 years to orbit the Sun.

This time around, Capricorn Pluto is once again revolutionizing global political and economic structures along with belief systems. You can use the coming months and years to work on furthering your plans for where you want to end up in the new world order that will exist when Pluto leaves Capricorn ... in 2023.

Everyone fears Pluto ... but in Antinous Moon Magic we know that he is beautiful because he creates miracles out of destruction ... Jaluladdin Rumi (Saint of Antinous) says, "Die many times before you die," and Pluto teaches us to let go so that we can emerge as a phoenix from the flames as a new person. When chaotic events knock us off our feet, it is Pluto paving the way for a change. It is scary, but if we're brave, we come to discover there is life after this kind of ego-death.

Pluto also governs power itself, including struggles between people and countries for domination, and of course, personal power. It shows up when perfectly capable people end up under the thumb of someone else's control. Facing down the control and manipulation of others, especially parents, can make us weak in the knees. But once we do this, we are changed forever.

You can either be at the mercy of Pluto's provocation to change, or you can take matters into your own hands. It can be humbling to look soberly at the area of life in which you feel powerless, worked over, dissed by the Universe -- but by doing this, you can try to understand and alter your own reactions. 

You still might be brought to your knees, but while there you'll rest assured that Pluto's dark and punishing face is that of a tough, but loving teacher, leading you toward a more authentic experience of yourself.

Right now Pluto is in Capricorn tearing down old economic and political systems ... transformation, destruction, creation, regeneration, healing, renewal, power struggles, upheaval ... by the time he leaves Capricorn in 2023, the world order will be transformed.

The Star of Antinous rules all LGBT people, and this Pluto transit ... a transit which will not occur again for 250 years ... is a turning point in our history.

Antinous the Gay God says Banish all Fear and All Doubt from your Gay Spiritual Heart ... open your eyes and take a good look at Pluto ... he is truly very beautiful .

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