Friday, June 26, 2015


THE STAR OF ANTINOUS is well known. And many people are aware that there is also an ANTINOUS ASTEROID ... but few people have heard of the ANTINOUS CRATER.

It is located on one of the moons of Saturn, the moon named for the Titan sea goddess Tethys, daughter of Uranus and Tellus/Gaea. The Antinous Crater is located at the bottom of this photo taken by the Cassini probe in a flyby. The bigger crater is Penelope.

This crater was named in 1982 after the "OTHER" Antinous — the infamous Antinous of Homer's Odyssey and the Iliad. That is obvious from the association with Penelope. It is highly possible that our God Antinous was in fact named for Homer's Antinous.

For the Ancients, names were not a matter of coincidence. A person's name MEANT something. Nomen est omen 
— a name is a sign. So why was Antinous given the name of someone who is generally considered to be a scoundrel?

Homer's Antinous was one of the "Suitors of Penelope," the group of moochers who showed up at her doorstep while her husband Odysseus was off fighting the Trojan wars and attempted to woo her and abscond with as much of Odysseus's fortune as they could before he returned 
— if he EVER returned. 

After all, he had been gone for years. Their argument was that he was a "dead beat" spouse and that he had abandoned Penelope and, at any rate, was most probably dead.

 Antinous was the craftiest of the suitors and plied Penelope with costly gifts. 

Then at last — at long last — Odysseus returned in the disguise of a beggar. 

Only his faithful dog recognized him. Penelope did not! 

Antinous did not recognize him either and, thinking he was just a homeless street schizo, attacked him with a chair to drive him off.

Later on, during an archery tournament, Odysseus "accidentally" shot Antinous and killed him.

As with much of the Odyssey and the Iliad, it is hard to tell who the "good guys" are and who the "bad guys" are. Homer's Antinous is not exactly a saint, but he in't really guilty of any crime either.

Penelope is the guilty one. As so often in Greek mythology, the women are treacherous and untrustworthy (just think of Pandora). One small detail which you probably did not learn in school was that Penelope had sex with Homer's Antinous and with ALL the other suitors. 

"And the resulting child from that pan-sexual tryst was born a little monstar with horns and hooves. He was called Pan because he was the son of Antinous and ALL the suitors. Penelope couldn't look at him, so she abandoned him, and he was taken in by Mercury, who absolutely adored the little monster.

"Ah yes, Penelope gave birth to Pan in Mantinea!"

Mantinea/Bithynia is the ancestral homeland of our own Antinous. So the name was of regional origin.

But that is not all because, in actual fact, Homer's Antinous was associated with magic. He was something of a wizard. 

According to legend, Homer's Antinous possessed the fabled Mirror of Vulcan/Hephaestus, which enabled him to peer into the past and the future.

So the name Antinous was always associated with myth and magic, even in ancient times. Hadrian, who was fascinated with all things Greek, would have recognized the association between young Antinous and the ancient Greek myth and magic.

As for the fabled Mirror of Vulcan/Hephaestus — that is the stuff of Antinoian myth and magic for a future blog entry ....

Thursday, June 25, 2015


THE Sun aligns in Cancer today with Antinous ... or rather with Antinous the near-Earth asteroid which could one day pay us a visit ... with a bang.

The Antinous Asteroid … officially called "1863 Antinous," was discovered in 1948 by an American astronomer named Carl. A. Wirtanen. 

Astronomers had known for some time that asteroids were plentiful between Mars and Jupiter. But no one had expected to find any in the Inner Solar System ... certainly not near Earth.

But Wirtanen turned his Lick Observatory telescope inward and discovered eight asteroids in our own vicinity. 

These Inner Solar System bodies are called "Apollo Asteroids" all named for Classical deities, including of course Antinous.

Apollo Asteroids are collectively named after the first one to be discovered. The asteroid "1862 Apollo" was sighted in 1932 and then lost until 1973. 

Apollo asteroids are so small and faint that they are difficult to see except when close to the Earth.

Astronomers fear 1862 Apollo may one day strike Earth, however, they currently do not expect 1863 Antinous to hit Earth … assuming it does not stray from its current admittedly erratic orbit.

Antinous is about 2 km (1.2 miles) in length and spins on its axis one revolution every seven hours. It takes more than three years to orbit the sun.

Antinous Asteroid is a "Mars Crosser" and also an "Earth Crosser" or even "Earth Grazer" planetoid ... meaning it crosses the orbit of Mars and also the orbit of Earth ... and comes very close to Earth.

Antinous came close to the Earth in 1992 and 1999 ... 18 million miles (30 million km) and it is supposed to come past Earth again in the 21st Century ... but hopefully won't hit us! 

A collision with an "Apollo Group" asteroid 65 million years ago may have been one of the causes of the extinction of the dinosaurs. A closely related group, the "Amor Group" of asteroids, come close to Earth but do not cross its orbit.

The art of Asteroid Astrology is very arcane ... only a minority of astrologers employ "Astrals," as astrologers call these planetoids ... and then usually only a couple of major ones such as Chiron and Lilith. 

Quite honestly, they are so new that astrologers haven't quite agreed on what they mean.

The whole focus on asteroids got a boost when astronomers officially down-graded Pluto from a "planet" to a "minor planet" or "dwarf planet" ... the same category to which Chiron belongs.

So astronomers and astrologers alike are having to take another look at their definitions as humankind's knowledge of the cosmos grows by quantum leaps.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Antinous Astrology Forecast

JUNE 24 to JULY 5 2015


On Tuesday we come to the Libra First Quarter Moon, the beautiful moon of balance and equilibrium we call the VENUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... This is Venus Genetrix, the Mother of Rome ... Rituals and meditations tonight are best suited for questions about your mother or your "inner mother" and also about finding flexible solutions to problems. The serpentine qualities of the "Snake Goddess Moon" offer insights into how to slither around or through seemingly impervious barriers in life.


On Thursday Mars enters Cancer, where the war god feels slightly uncomfortable and tends to pout. Whereas Gemini Mars was all about asserting yourself through action, Cancer Mars is all about asserting your emotions. Instead of engaging in intellectual exchange of opinions, we find ourselves taking remarks the wrong way and snapping at others like the Cancer crab.

FRIDAY JUNE 26, 2015

On Friday you may want to take the day off from work and make it a long weekend when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in 180-degree opposition to quirky Uranus but also in powerful configurations with Jupiter and Mars. This is a recipe for unpleasant surprises which result in sulking and temper tantrums.


On Saturday you may feel the urge to over-indulge in food and drink when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms a trine aspect to the Sun and boozy Neptune. As Oscar Wilde (Saint of Antinous) once famously said: "Nothing succeeds like excess."

SUNDAY JUNE 28, 2015

On Sunday you pay the price for Saturday's intemperance when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a tense, 90-degree square angle to Venus which makes you just want to avoid other people.


This is the most fortuitous week of the year 2015 when Venus forms a positive trine aspect with anything-goes Uranus on Monday .. and Venus then aligns in conjunction with lucky Jupiter in beamish Leo a day later even as the Sun trines with other-worldly Neptune towards the middle of the week. These powerful configurations are a textbook recipe for good fortune in love, finances and interpersonal relationships that reverberate through the entire week ... and these reverberations resonate with this week's Full Moon.


Overnight Wednesday/Thursday we come to one of the most spectacular celestial events of the year 2015. Go outside at sunset and you will wee Venus and Jupiter shining like a brilliant double star in the Western skies just above the rosy glow of the setting sun. Then turn around and you will see the Full Moon rising over the Eastern Horizon. This is the Capricorn Full Moon, which is the lunar cycle we call the TOWER MOON in memory of the observatory tower which Emperor Hadrian built at his Villa to study the stars. This is the moon for reaching for the stars ... seeking job promotions ... stretching on tiptoes to grasp something previously unattainable. The ambitious Capricorn Full Moon joins forces with Venus/Jupiter (aligned in joyous Leo) to empower you to strive for greatness at all levels.


On Friday this high-powered week comes to a convivial close when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms a sexy sextile with incisive Scorpio Saturn to goad you into going out and doing something really funky after work.


This is a real weekend for fireworks, not only because of US Independence Day, but also because lively Gemini Mercury forms a sextile aspect with Jupiter and Venus which are aligned in near-perfect conjunction in fiery Leo. Sparks will fly for sure because Gemini Mercury likes to tell tall stories and Jupiter has a penchant for exaggeration and Leo Venus is a real drama queen. Not that any of this is a bad thing. It just means that this will be a weekend of high drama you won't soon forget.


Another exciting week lies ahead between July 6 and 12 when we come to the Aries Third Quarter Moon, which is the lunar phase of the determined warrior we call the TRIBUNE MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... This lunar phase is particularly powerful this year because it occurs precisely when the Sun and Mars are in a 90-degree square right angle to each other. If you are someone lacking in self-assertiveness, then ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is sending assertiveness your way on his moonbeams tonight ... so that you can forge ahead in with determination and vigor ... The Tribune Moon is about confronting your fears ... above all, your fear of baring your true self to others. It is about turning your weaknesses into your strengths. It is about transforming destructive energies into constructive ones. It is about finding ... and fulfilling ... your destiny ... Meditations and rituals this night are best suited for finding ways to assert your will constructively ... for the benefit of yourself and for others .... More details next time ....

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

OUR venerable astrological adviser Hernestus has informed me that this moon phase is the Libra First Quarter Moon when the Roman Emperors honoured Venus Genetrix (Venus Universal Mother). 

As such, we celebrate it as the "Venus Moon" of Antinous. This moon helps you to be nurtured or be nurturing to yourself. In doing so, blockages can be removed. 

With all of this in mind I suggest that you meditate with the following crystals during this moon phase:

Blue Lace Agate - These stunning, pale blue, stones (above right) are the best for nurturing and supportive yourself. They also help you to dissolve old patterns you may have of self repression. In particular these stones help men to embrace their more feminine aspects.

Larimar (AKA Dolphin Stone) - These beautiful, pale turquoise coloured stones (top photo) have only recently been found and mined in the Caribbean. They help to remove self-imposed blockages.

Red Calcite - Red Calcite - These crystals help remove blockages emotionally and shift negative energies.

Love and Light,

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE


TONIGHT's Libra First Quarter Moon is the beautiful moon of balance and equilibrium at right angles to the emotional Cancer Sun which we call the VENUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic.

The Libra First Quarter Moon is about flexibility and seeking balance between extremes enroute to the stability of the Capricorn Full Moon. This is the Lunar Phase which enhances nurturing and maternal instincts. It brings out the "inner mother" in each of us and reminds us that maternal love can be fierce and fearsome.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Sabina Moon is the Spirit of Motherhood and also the Spirit of the Caduceus. It is the Maternal Spirit which is soullessly devoted to its offspring and which will do anything to protect its babies.

It is at the same time the Spirit of the Serpent Goddess who writhes and coils. It is the Spirit which stops at nothing to achieve its aims. It is poison. And it is medicine.

It is the most slippery Lunar Spirit, the one which is most difficult to grasp. And it is quite possibly the most influential because it is the mother of all the others.

We remember Venus Genetrix (Venus Universal Mother), who was honored by every emperor after Julius Caesar as the Mother of Rome. In the time of Antinous, Venus Genetrix was identified with Empress Sabina Augusta, wife of Emperor Hadrian.  Much has been said over the centuries about how the marriage was a "sham" and that Hadrian and Sabina did not care for each other.

But the historical record shows that Hadrian cared a great deal ... he severely punished those who besmirched her name.

Flamen Antonyus Subia goes so far as to say there was genuine love between Hadrian and Sabina, and that Hadrian's respect for his wife was the prime reason why he was not more upfront about his relationship with Antinous.

Antonyus says: "Hadrian was very, very discreet about his relationship with Antinous .... That's why there is no direct evidence that the Religion of Antinous was a Gay or Homosexual religion, and there is no irrefutable evidence that Hadrian and Antinous even had a sexual relationship at all.

"Hadrian maintained discretion, for Sabina's sake...why would Hadrian want to shame Sabina? What had she done or said?" Antonyus asks. "Hadrian wanted to hold his love for Antinous up to the celestial sphere, but he would never push Sabina down into the mud...Hadrian had class."

Rituals and meditations tonight are best suited for questions about your mother or your "inner mother" and also about finding flexible solutions to problems. The serpentine qualities of the "Snake Goddess Moon" offer insights into how to slither around or through seemingly impervious barriers in life.

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Antinous Astrology Forecast

JUNE 18 to 28 2015


On Thursday your caring and nurturing talents come to the fore when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in opposition to Pluto and also in a square aspect with Uranus.

FRIDAY JUNE 19, 2015

On Friday you can clear your desk at work of all paperwork in no time and be out of the office early when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms a productive trine aspect with Saturn and a communications-enhancing sextile aspect with Mercury.


On Friday party time shifts into high gear when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in perfect conjunction with love planet Venus and Jupiter and also engages in a trine aspect with Uranus which means that you may get lucky Saturday night.

SUNDAY JUNE 21, 2015

On Sunday the Solstice occurs at just about 5:30 p.m. British time — capping a day of revelry for the throngs at Stonehenge — and ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms positive aspects with Mars and the Sun and a challenging aspect with Saturn for an extra special Solstice celebration which brings heart and mind together.


On Monday and Tuesday be sure to keep a notepad and pencil beside your bed to record the incredibly vivid dreams you will be having when Jupiter forms a trine aspect with Uranus and Mercury squares off against dreamy Neptune. These powerful configurations make it very difficult to do any practical work in the real world. You should avoid signing contracts or making longterm commitments. However ... these configurations are perfect for dreamscaping. Remember that the Obelist of Antinous says he sends healing visions to his worshipers as they slumber.


On Tuesday we come to the Libra First Quarter Moon, the beautiful moon of balance and equilibrium we call the VENUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... This is Venus Genetrix, the Mother of Rome ... Rituals and meditations tonight are best suited for questions about your mother or your "inner mother" and also about finding flexible solutions to problems. The serpentine qualities of the "Snake Goddess Moon" offer insights into how to slither around or through seemingly impervious barriers in life.


On Thursday Mars enters Cancer, where the war god feels slightly uncomfortable and tends to pout. Whereas Gemini Mars was all about asserting yourself through action, Cancer Mars is all about asserting your emotions. Instead of engaging in intellectual exchange of opinions, we find ourselves taking remarks the wrong way and snapping at others like the Cancer crab.

FRIDAY JUNE 26, 2015

On Friday you may want to take the day off from work and make it a long weekend when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in 180-degree opposition to quirky Uranus but also in powerful configurations with Jupiter and Mars. This is a recipe for unpleasant surprises which result in sulking and temper tantrums.


On Saturday you may feel the urge to over-indulge in food and drink when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms a trine aspect to the Sun and boozy Neptune. As Oscar Wilde (Saint of Antinous) once famously said: "Nothing succeeds like excess."

SUNDAY JUNE 28, 2015

On Sunday you pay the price for Saturday's intemperance when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a tense, 90-degree square angle to Venus which makes you just want to avoid other people.


Another exciting week lies ahead between June 29 and July 5 when we come to the Capricorn Full Moon, which is the lunar cycle we call the TOWER MOON in memory of the observatory tower which Emperor Hadrian built at his Villa to study the stars. This is the moon for reaching for the stars ... seeking job promotions ... stretching on tiptoes to grasp something previously unattainable .... More details next time ....

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

By Flamen Antinoalis Antonius Subia

FOR the Mercury New Moon in Gemini...I consecrated my new sacred vessel to store the Frankincense that we use in our Antinous ceremonies. I searched long and hard for the right vessel and finally found a pewter bowl with a lid that is exactly what I was searching for. 

It is important that it have three legs because tripod vessels are sacred to Antinous-Apollo, the form of Antinous that rules over the burning of incense. 

I recently stocked up on frankincense and we blessed it together as a group at the Equinox ceremony. The offering of incense is one of the most important parts of our ritual.

It is the communal act, an act of devotion to Antinous, a demonstration of faith in him, and by offering incense before a sacred idol, we are upholding the ancient traditions of the Roman religion. 

It is one of the elements of our tradition that makes us part of Roman paganism and mildly differentiates us from other forms of modern pagan spirituality. 

It brings us closer to Antinous individually and also as a group because we mingle our "tears"of incense together upon a single coal and join our spirits together in one column of smoke rising up to our god. We use a tripod incense burner because this was sacred to Apollo who is one of the foremost gay gods and a major component of the Antinous "alter-egos."

I also stocked up on coals, enough to last a long while...I was down to the very last coal at the Boar Hunt and lately they've been difficult to light since the lighter fluid they are infused with had all dried out...hopefully now they will just light more easily. 

This is also the part of the ceremony where I need an assistant...or altar boy to light the coals for me while I read the Litany. Eventually I would like to add more components that will require a co-priest to carry out certain functions while I read.

I think that after so many years of conducting these ceremonies I must now prepare a litany specifically for the lighting of the coals since there is so much meaning and symbolism in igniting the cold black lump of carbon with the all-consuming FIRE of Antinous power...until it glows hot and orange, ready to receive the piety and devotion that we shed upon it as an offering to the God we love.

With deep faith we place a tear of our feelings upon the burning coal as a way of showing belief in what he stands for and what he means to us. 

The lighting of the coal is exactly the same as what Homotheosis does in our heart when the power of Antinous touches us with his Fire. 

The beautiful perfumed smoke is our Homo-psyche rising up to meet him and become as one with become Homotheos...Just as the Eagle took Catamitus (ganymede) into his wings...of smoke and fire...and ascended to the heavens where the boy became one with Jupiter the God. 

The offering of incense is perhaps the most significant part of the ceremony...and tonight...the realization of what this means is the message that the Gemini New Moon has conveyed to me. 

It is an act of tremendous Homotheosis power...not only in the brief moment of connection that is made with Antinous by each individual as they step forward, take some incense and offer it to him, but also in the profound connection that is formed between us all as a group. The importance of what this means has suddenly become clear to me as never before!

May the Blessing of the New Moon be with you all...and may the power to convey Homotheosis be with me ... and with all those who take up this calling.

Ave Antinous!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

OUR astrology adviser Hernestus has prompted me that today's moon phase is the Gemini New Moon which is the Mercury/Hermes Moon for those who are companions of the Antinous faith.

Hernestus describes this moon as being about learning (about yourself or situations around or ahead of you) so you can set goals for the coming 4 weeks. 

As I indicated for the last moon phase, crystals are mostly there to help you to focus on your needs in the moment rather than helping you to achieve anything ahead of time. 

Consequently my advice is very similar to the last moon phase.

However there are some crystals which are attuned to the future so will attune you to it too. 

I recommend that you write down your wishes/desires and hold them as you meditate (with or without crystals). Focus your attention through the paper and crystal/s and back into your heart. 

I recommend using:

Sillimanite - Shown at the top of this entry, these uncommon (although reasonably obtainable) crystals help you to maintain your intentions for positive outcomes to the things you are intending for your life.

Orange Calcite - These pretty stones (heart-shaped stone above) remove fear and balance the emotion so that you are open and ready for positives to enter your life.

Apatite - These are the best crystals to use for manifesting your desires. They are both attuned to the future and past lives so you can consider the spectrum of your lives and set out your wishes for your future and your future selves. They are typically blue or yellow. Choose the blue for manifesting your desires."

Light and Life,

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.


TONIGHT's Gemini New Moon is a good time to set a goal for the coming four weeks. And given the presence of Gemini energy, it's an auspicious time to begin gathering the information you will need to set this mission in motion.

In Antinous Moon Magic we call the Gemini New Moon the "Mercury Moon of Antinous" because the mercurial and seemingly fickle energy of Gemini is in the spotlight during this New Moon period, amping up agitation and nervous energy.

Be patient with yourself if you find it more difficult to make decisions while also making space for others if they seem to be more capricious than normal.

If you're finding yourself indecisive, consider whether it’s because you are more clearly seeing the two sides of the proverbial coin and the fact that both of them have grace and value. Reflect upon whether it really is even necessary to choose between them; potentially you can create a structure where you are able to enjoy both paths.

Curiosity and wonder fill the air on the night of the Gemini Moon. Rituals and meditations carried out on this night are best aimed at learning and collecting information. And yet, don't be surprised if it may seem as if your attention is pulled in a spectrum of directions, since there's a heightened sense of "interesting" to the facts and figures you come across.

So if your mind begins to drift during meditation or a magical ritual, perhaps you should permit the Mercury Moon to take it off into a new direction ... which may turn out to provide the answers and results you were looking for.

Friday, June 12, 2015


Antinous Astrology Forecast

JUNE 11 to 21 2015


On Thursday dreams really can come true when the Sun and Mars both form a positive sextile aspect with impulsive, anything-goes Uranus even as Mercury and Venus also form a sexy sextile aspect to one another. These powerful configurations throw open all the doors and windows so that a breath of fresh air comes blowing through your life on all levels ... at work and also in your interpersonal relationships. Uranus throws everything up in the air and opens new possibilites. Meanwhile Mercury gives you just the right words to expression Venusian emotions. Because of RETROGRADE MERCURY, you may be surprised to hear from someone from the past. Mercury went retrograde three weeks ago and is now standing still, turning around to go "Direct" ("forward" as seen from Earth) beginning Friday June 12th.

FRIDAY JUNE 12, 2015

On Friday Mercury ends its three-week Retrograde phase and begins going forward ... ending three weeks of computer glitches, travel delays and lost emails and parcels. But also on Friday, Neptune turns around and begins a long Retrograde phase which will last until November 18, 2015. Retrograde Neptune in intuitive Pisces means there will be an atmosphere of nostalgia and yearning for a return to the "good old days" — which were maybe not all that good to start with. Nostalgia reigns during Retrograde Neptune in Pisces! On the negative side, Retrograde Neptune in Pisces causes addictive behaviour to resurface. But on the positive side, Retrograde Neptune shines a spotlight on the arts and spirituality.


Regardless of the weather, it will be a hot weekend for sure when the Sun aligns with Mars in conjunction in lively Gemini. This gives your ego a powerful boost. Unfortunately, it also gives everyone else's ego a powerful boost. This can lead to Gemini's favorite style of heated discussions and fiery arguments. But Sun-conjunction-Mars in Gemini is a powerful tool to empower you to speak your mind and to air grievances and to give voice to something important that you have been meaning to say for a very long time. This is the time to say it.

MONDAY JUNE 15, 2015

On Monday the work week gets off to a lively start when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms positive aspects with Mercury and Venus which enhance business acumen and the Moon squares off against Neptune to sharpen intuition.


On Tuesday we come to the Gemini New Moon — a good time to set a goal for the coming four weeks. And given the presence of Gemini energy, it's an auspicious time to begin gathering the information you will need to set this mission in motion. In Antinous Moon Magic we call the Gemini New Moon the MERCURY/HERMES MOON because the mercurial and seemingly fickle energy of Gemini is in the spotlight during this New Moon period, amping up agitation and nervous energy.


On Wednesday you are receptive to sensitive intuitional vibrations when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD form a positive-energy trine aspect.


On Thursday your caring and nurturing talents come to the fore when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in opposition to Pluto and also in a square aspect with Uranus.

FRIDAY JUNE 19, 2015

On Friday you can clear your desk at work of all paperwork in no time and be out of the office early when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms a productive trine aspect with Saturn and a communications-enhancing sextile aspect with Mercury.


On Friday party time shifts into high gear when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in perfect conjunction with love planet Venus and Jupiter and also engages in a trine aspect with Uranus which means that you may get lucky Saturday night.

SUNDAY JUNE 21, 2015

On Sunday the Solstice occurs at just about 5:30 p.m. British time — capping a day of revelry for the throngs at Stonehenge — and ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms positive aspects with Mars and the Sun and a challenging aspect with Saturn for an extra special Solstice celebration which brings heart and mind together.


Another exciting week lies ahead between June 22 and 28 when we come to the Libra First Quarter Moon, the beautiful moon of balance and equilibrium we call theVENUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic ... This is Venus Genetrix, the Mother of Rome ... Rituals and meditations tonight are best suited for questions about your mother or your "inner mother" and also about finding flexible solutions to problems. The serpentine qualities of the "Snake Goddess Moon" offer insights into how to slither around or through seemingly impervious barriers in life .... More details next time ....

Monday, June 8, 2015

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

OUR astrology adviser Hernestus has prompted me that today's moon phase is the Pisces Third Quarter - the Antinous Lotus Moon.

Hernestus describes this moon as being about wish-fulfilment through determined faith.

Now crystals are mostly there to help you to focus on your needs in the moment rather than helping you to achieve anything ahead of time.

However there are some crystals which are attuned to the future so will attune you to it too.

I recommend that you write down your wishes/desires and hold them as you meditate (with or without crystals).

Focus your attention through the paper and crystal/s and back into your heart.

I recommend using:

Orange Calcite - These pretty stones (top photo) remove fear and balance the emotion so that you are open and ready for positives to enter your life. 

Apatite - These are the best crystals to use for manifesting your desires. They are both attuned to the future and past lives so you can consider the spectrum of your lives and set out your wishes for your future and your future selves. They are typically blue or yellow. Choose the blue for manifesting your desires.

Love and Crystalline Light,

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.


THE LOTUS MOON is what we call the PISCES THIRD QUARTER MOON which occurs at this time of year around the time when we celebrate the rise of the STAR OF ANTINOUS.

Tonight's LOTUS MOON means the next week will be a time of joyous anticipation of something big which is just beyond the horizon.

In ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC each phase of the Moon represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the LOTUS MOON is the Spirit of Yearning. It is the Spirit which lives in the hearts of people who sit and wait by the phone for their lover to call, or who look out the window in anticipation of the arrival of their beloved. It is the Spirit of the child who cannot sleep on Christmas Eve. 

It is perhaps the most spiritual of all the Lunar Phase Spirits because it knows that its wait will not be in vain. It is waiting for something it knows must and will come to pass.

It is what the Portuguese call "SAUDADE," a bitter-sweet longing for someone or something just out of reach. Waiting for your ship to come in — and knowing it WILL come in. It is the anticipation of waiting at an airport arrivals lounge for a special friend you have met online in a chat room, but never met in person — the inexpressible joy/anxiety of knowing something big is about to happen. 

This is a very special emotion that every gay knows how to savor. It is like putting off unwrapping the birthday present from your sweetheart as long as possible, just so you can savor the anticipation a bit longer. 
This is the SACRED ANTINOUS LOTUS which rises from the surface of the Nile and which slowly opens its blossoms during the day — yearning for sunlight — and closes its petals again at night in anticipation of the next sunrise.

The key to understanding the LOTUS MOON in your life, and working with it in ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC, is that it represents a yearning for something you are certain will most definitely occur. It is not an illusion. You are not waiting in vain. Like waiting for the lotus to open its petals again, you know it will happen and you yearn for it to do so.



You Will Require: A candle of the color symbolizing your heart's desire.

Choose a pink candle for love, sex and passion; red/orange for energy; a Nile green candle for health; gold/yellow for confidence, attraction or persuasion; turquoise for serenity, vision dreams, clairvoyance; lapis-lazuli blue for success, luck; a white candle for purification and protection from enemies.

Light the candle during the LOTUS MOON phase tonight or tomorrow, depending on your local time zone. The "CURRENT MOON" box in the right-hand column on this page is calibrated to your local time. When it displays "Third Quarter" and shows the left-hand half of the moon's face illuminated while the right-hand half is dark — then you can light your candle and concentrate on your wish, believing wholeheartedly that it WILL come to pass.

Call out to ANTINOUS THE GAY GOD to see into your heart to fulfill the wish that resides there. Continue meditating on the flame until the candle burns about halfway down, or until your heart tells you to extinguish the flame.

Re-light the candle on succeeding evenings until the Gemini New Moon seven nights later — which is the MERCURY MOON of wish fulfillment. Don't worry if the candle burns all the way down prior to the New Moon. It means your wish has been heard. Remember ALWAYS to follow your gay spiritual heart. Do that, and the Archetype Spirit of the LOTUS MOON ensures that your yearning will not be in vain.

Sunday, June 7, 2015


WE know that Emperor Hadrian was fascinated by architecture, astronomy and astrology and that he designed monuments to symbolically demonstrate how the Cosmos works.

Now New Zealand astronomers have helped re-create the skies above Rome for simulations showing how Hadrian built structures to align with the movements of the sun.

Waikato University researchers calculated the alignment of the sun and stars from thousands of years ago for the UNIVERSE PROJECT, for the History Channel.

The university's dean of arts and social science, Robert Hannah, said he was astounded to see how US artists and designers used New Zealand's archaeo-astronomy to create 3-D animations.

He said animation used in video games was being adapted to show how modern-day ruins such as the Pantheon were used to track the sun.

"I've seen my son play games like 'Halo', so I knew what was possible but I'd never seen it adapted to ancient world buildings."

Ball State University's IDIA Lab drew on the astronomers' research to help it simulate the Pantheon, the ANTINOEION Temple of Antinous and the Meridian of Augustus, which centered on an obelisk used as a giant sundial and calendar.

This is their walk-through of Hadrian's Pantheon:

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Antinous Astrology Forecast

JUNE 4 to 14 2015


On Thursday creativity reigns supreme when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms an inspiring sextile aspect with intuitive Neptune. You can expect ideas to come out of no where and to find solutions to long-stalled problems in the most unexpected places.


On Friday Venus, the planet of love, leaves down-home Cancer and struts into show-off Leo, where she remains from now until October 9th (except for two weeks in Virgo in July) thanks to an extended Retrograde phase. This is a chance to put on high heels and strut your stuff and make yourself attractive to others so your popularity soars. When you look good, you feel good so treat yourself to a new outfit or a facial or a haircut or any other pampering session that boosts your self esteem. Old-school astrology texts like to call Leo a Drama Queen. They like to paint planets in the sign of Leo as people with superiority complexes. This happens occasionally, but mostly it doesn't. Leo is the sign of Royalty, and royalty, the kind that stays in power, doesn't lord over others. True royalty is generous, humane and often quietly dignified. Venus in Leo gives you the expressive dignity of a Queen or King, you have creative dominion over an artistic field… and the hearts of others.


This is one of the best weekends of the year for partying when over-active Gemini Mars forms a sexy sextile aspect with lively Leo Jupiter even as social-minded Leo Venus forms a productive trine aspect with Sagittarius Saturn. Mars (action) and Jupiter (over-indulgence) are out on the dance floor while Venus and Saturn help you perceive whom you can trust as your designated driver.


On Monday the work week gets off to a highly fortuitous start when the Sun forms a sextile aspect with lucky Jupiter. Keep your eyes open for opportunities for good fortune.


On Tuesday we come to the Pisces Third Quarter Moon, which is what we call the THE LOTUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic. The LOTUS MOON means the next week will be a time of joyous anticipation of something big which is just beyond the horizon. It is perhaps the most spiritual of all the Lunar Phase Spirits because it knows that its wait will not be in vain. It is waiting for something it knows must and will come to pass. It is a perfect night for casting the Antinous Moon Magic "Lotus Moon Spell" to obtain your heart's desire.


On Wednesday/Thursday dreams really can come true when the Sun and Mars both form a positive sextile aspect with impulsive, anything-goes Uranus even as Mercury and Venus also form a sexy sextile aspect to one another. These powerful configurations throw open all the doors and windows so that a breath of fresh air comes blowing through your life on all levels ... at work and also in your interpersonal relationships. Uranus throws everything up in the air and opens new possibilites. Meanwhile Mercury gives you just the right words to expression Venusian emotions. Because of RETROGRADE MERCURY, you may be surprised to hear from someone from the past. Mercury went retrograde three weeks ago and is now standing still, turning around to go "Direct" ("forward" as seen from Earth) beginning Friday June 12th.

FRIDAY JUNE 12, 2015

On Friday Mercury ends its three-week Retrograde phase and begins going forward ... ending three weeks of computer glitches, travel delays and lost emails and parcels. But also on Friday, Neptune turns around and begins a long Retrograde phase which will last until November 18, 2015. Retrograde Neptune in intuitive Pisces means there will be an atmosphere of nostalgia and yearning for a return to the "good old days" — which were maybe not all that good to start with. Nostalgia reigns during Retrograde Neptune in Pisces! On the negative side, Retrograde Neptune in Pisces causes addictive behaviour to resurface. But on the positive side, Retrograde Neptune shines a spotlight on the arts and spirituality.


Regardless of the weather, it will be a hot weekend for sure when the Sun aligns with Mars in conjunction in lively Gemini. This gives your ego a powerful boost. Unfortunately, it also gives everyone else's ego a powerful boost. This can lead to Gemini's favorite style of heated discussions and fiery arguments. But Sun-conjunction-Mars in Gemini is a powerful tool to empower you to speak your mind and to air grievances and to give voice to something important that you have been meaning to say for a very long time. This is the time to say it.


Another exciting week lies ahead between June 15 and 21 when we come to the Gemini New Moon — a good time to set a goal for the coming four weeks. And given the presence of Gemini energy, it's an auspicious time to begin gathering the information you will need to set this mission in motion. In Antinous Moon Magic we call the Gemini New Moon the MERCURY/HERMES MOON because the mercurial and seemingly fickle energy of Gemini is in the spotlight during this New Moon period, amping up agitation and nervous energy .... More details next time ....

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

By Flamen Antinoalis Antonius Subia

Denarius Moon,
Of Silver and Gold,
Show me the difference 
What is REAL
And what Glitters.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

OUR astrology advisor Hernestus has reminded me that today's moon is the Antinous Denarius Moon (Sagittarius Full Moon).

With its focus on finding wealth in your pocket, life, experience, health and people, I would recommend that you meditate using the following crystals:

Aventurine - These beautiful stones are typically pale blue but can be found in other colours/colors. They have many attributes but, for this full moon, the key aspect is that they are very positive stones for prosperity. They also bring mental clarity to help you achieve your prosperity.

Citrine - These beautiful yellow/gold crystals have been well known for centuries as stones of abundance. They help you achieve the wealth you seek in any aspect of your life. A joyful crystal, Citrine also helps you to share your wealth thus bringing other aspects of wealth to you such as the trust, love and friendship of those you help but also building an abundant respect and love of yourself for doing so.

Place a Citrine in the left corner of every room in your home and allow it/ trust it to bring wealth/abundance into your life.

In Light and Life,

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.


TONIGHT's Sagittarius Full Moon is the Lunar Phase which we call the DENARIUS MOON in Antinous Moon Magic.

This the classic "Money Moon" of ancient lore. This is the best time to fulfill dreams for achieving the riches you have always sought ... and remember that "riches" are not counted in terms of money, but in terms of the wealth of love and warmth you give to others.

The Sagittarius Full Moon is the "lucky" moon of jovial excess and exuberant spending.

Each Lunar Phase represents a Divine Spirit or Archetype. The Spirit of the Denarius Moon is the Spirit of Wealth and Abundance. It is the embodiment of largesse and of all material and spiritual riches. It is the Spirit of Richness in all its many meanings.

It is symbolized by a Roman coin bearing the profile of Antinous. In ancient times, Antinous coin/medallions were prized by his worshipers as a sort of portable Sacred Token or Pocket Shrine.

In ancient times many followers of the Blessed Youth felt it was necessary to have a tangible representation of Antinous with them at all times for protection and for blessings.

The rich had small, light-weight traveling busts or bronzes made to accompany them on their journeys. Poor people made do with more crudely made representations, such as coins and figurines and medals made of lead, clay and other base materials.

People of modest means who were lucky enough to get their hands on one of his commemorative coins would carry it with them for protection, often even wearing them.

Many were pierced by holes and hung from the neck as talismans: Antinous' image offering protection against evil, sickness and death. Other such medallions were mounted in frames to adorn household altars, and others were buried with the dead to invoke the god's aid on the perilous journey into the unknown.

Meditations and rituals tonight are best suited for delving into matters concerning material wealth, as you might expect. But on a far more sublime level, this is an ideal night for delving into the true treasures in your life ... the things you value most.