Friday, April 3, 2015

By Our Crystal Meditation Advisor Martin Campbell

THE lyrics of Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart" focus on a relationship and turning at around when one partner is feeling vulnerable. All relationships need diplomacy and an amicable balance. It is not necessarily easy to achieve. 

I am advised by our astrology expert Hernestus that this Libra Full Moon of diplomacy and balance is also a total eclipse of the moon which will be visible from Western North America all across the Pacific to New Zealand, Australia and parts of Asia ... A moon where the ability to communicate clearly will be enhanced. 

A moment to eclipse past woes and use balanced, tactful communication to resolve problems - especially within relationships. I, therefore, recommend that you meditate during this moon using the following crystals.

Amethyst - One of my regular recommendations - a beautiful multi-purpose crystal or gemstone. As you relax after an internal battle with your emotions you will want a feeling of resolution. Among many other attributes Amethyst can help you get rid of negative energy and thoughts. It can also help you transition to a new state of being. 

Iron Pyrite - These metallic crystals can help you to see behind the facades that people put up in relationships to hide their true feelings. It also helps you to use diplomacy and tact to achieve a positive outcome.

Snow Quartz - These lovely, milky stones help to enhance tact and diplomacy - to think before you speak.

Love and Light

To get more advice from Martin Campbell and to find out how to contact him CLICK HERE.

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