Thursday, May 17, 2018

ASTRO FORECAST: MAY 17th—27th, 2018

Antinous Astrology Forecast

MAY 17th to 27th, 2018

THURSDAY, MAY 17th, 2018

This is the most explosive week of the year when Mars, which has just entered Aquarius, squares off against Uranus, which has just entered Taurus. These are major sign changes and Thursday's 90-degree square configuration will show us what we can expect from both planets in the months and years to come until Uranus leaves Taurus in 2025 — there might literally be explosions or at least volcanic eruptions when the warrior god is at odds with unpredictable Uranus. Pent-up anger bursts out into all-out armed conflict. This is a classic textbook recipe for assassinations and terrorist attacks. It definitely spells trouble for the world's hot spots such as the Mideast and Korea. And it does not bode well for health and environmental issues either. On the personal level, you need to be on guard for outbursts of rage. The important thing is to be aware where your rage is coming from. Don't vent your rage on innocent victims. Instead, be consciously aware of the source of your anger so that you can harness the powerful energies of Mars/Uranus to carry out constructive projects you have been stalling on for way too long.

FRIDAY, MAY 18th, 2018

On Friday, Mercury forms a brilliant and glowing trine aspect with Saturn which empowers you with perseverance (Saturn) and clear forms of expression (Mercury) to make some serious long-term plans for the future. In addition, Black Moon Lilith aligns with Pluto and the Star of Antinous at 21 degrees Capricorn to double down on LGBTQ healing and rights.

SATURDAY, MAY 19th, 2018

On Saturday, Venus leaves nervous Gemini (where Venus never feels entirely comfortable) and enters cozy Cancer. Venus is very much at home in Cancer, creating a spirit of emotional home-and-hearth sentimentalism. Even if you are the sort of gay person who has never taken the idea of "marriage" and "family" seriously before, don't be surprised if you now think of settling down and setting up housekeeping with that certain special someone. That may mean merely sharing a house or apartment together. Or it may mean planning a gay wedding and possibly even adopting or siring children. For the past month, Gemini Venus expressed love and money through words. Now Cancer Venus will express love and money emotionally.

SUNDAY, MAY 20th, 2018

On Sunday, Venus forms a sexy sextile with impetuous Uranus. You may meet a stranger who ordinarily would not be your type ... but who certainly appeals to you.

MON-TUESDAY, MAY 21st-22nd, 2018

Overnight Monday-Tuesday, we come to the Virgo First Quarter Moon. This is the Lunar Phase we call the MOON OF MELANCHOLY ... but don't worry ... it can be your "lucky" moon ... In English-speaking countries, "Melancholy" is almost a dirty word. Puritan upbringing has conditioned us to grin and bear it, to adopt a stiff-upper-lip attitude ... Other cultures are not so uptight about acknowledging this feeling of sadness. They realize it is a necessary part of life. It is what the French call "larmoyant" — a lovely word which suggests there is great beauty in sadness ... For example, crying at the movies is very beautiful and cleansing for the soul ... it is cathartic and healthy ... Meditations and rituals on this night are best suited for identifying the source of sadness in your life. If you find the source of sadness in your life, then this Lunar Phase provides you with the energy to effect changes which will move you out of melancholy into the next lunar phase.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd, 2018

On Wednesday, your intuition is enhanced when Mercury forms a sextile aspect with dreamy Neptune. You should trust your intuition about financial and business matters, but be wary of fast-talking con-men who try to cloud your mind. You can count on finding the right word at the right time by trusting your inner voice. Also, Mercury is in opposition to Jupiter. That spawns nervousness and irritability.

THURSDAY, MAY 24th, 2018

Thursday is the perfect day for a job interview or for a presentation of a special project. Mercury is in a good trine aspect to Mars to help you get your point across articulately and strongly to others.

FRIDAY, MAY 25th, 2018

On Friday, Mercury is in a trine with Pluto while Jupiter is in a foggy trine aspect to Neptune. These configurations mean you see the world through rose-colored glasses. Sun-square-Neptune is the kind of aspect that occurs when Jack sells the family cow for a handful of "magic" beans. In the fairy tale, of course, the beans turn out to be magic after all. But on this weekend the beans aren't magic at all. If you do holiday shopping, it might be a good idea to watch your emotions and not let yourself be carried away. It might also be a good idea to watch your wallet and not let it be lifted by some pickpocket.

SAT-SUNDAY, MAY 26th-27th, 2018

This weekend, look for guidance from an older person in financial and relationship issues ... or offer guidance to a younger person ... when Venus is in opposition to Saturn. This is a time when maturity triumphs over youthful zeal. Sit back and heed the guidance of an old soul ... who can also be a spirit guide. And if you see a younger person blundering into a trap, this is the day to intercede and offer a wise word of advice based on personal experience.


Another exciting week lies ahead between May 28th and June 3rd when we come to the SAGITTARIUS FULL MOON which we call the DENARIUS MOON because it focuses its light on treasures in your life. This Full Moon is the best time of the year to use ANTINOUS MOON MAGIC to open your heart to ancestral spirits, guardians, spirit guides or past-life soul mates. They have a "treasure" of experience which they will lovingly impart to you ... More details next time ....

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