Thursday, November 1, 2012

Antinous Astrology Forecast

NOVEMBER 1 to 11, 2012

THURSDAY November 1st 2012

On Thursday relationship issues top the agenda when Venus is in opposition to unpredictable Uranus. ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a trine to Uranus, stepping up the "freedom urge" in interpersonal relationships.

FRIDAY November 2nd 2012

On Friday the work week ends on a gossipy note when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD aligns in conjunction with exaggeration-prone Jupiter in convivial Gemini.

SATURDAY November 3rd 2012

On Saturday the weekend gets off to an emotional start when Venus and Pluto are at right angles. You feel as if you are on an emotional roller-coaster ride which veers from over-sentimentality to total annoyance. Try to avoid drawing hasty conclusions from other people's outbursts.

SUNDAY November 4th 2012

On Sunday your emotions are on an even keel and harmony prevails when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD is in a generous trine to the Scorpio Sun. You may not feel like leaving your cozy nest all day. If you live in North America, enjoy the extra hour's sleep due to the switch from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time. (The rest of us made that switch October 28th.)

MONDAY November 5th 2012

On Monday the work week gets off to a sluggish start without any major astrological aspects to speak of aside from the fact that Mercury is standing still in space (as seen from Earth) and is poised to "go backwards" for the third and final time during 2012. You might want to sign contracts and make major monetary expenditures and travel reservations on Monday before Mercury goes Retrograde — because you the next three weeks will be an inopportune time for Mercury-related enterprices involving communications, commerce and travel.

TUESDAY November 6th 2012

RETROGRADE MERCURY begins on Tuesday, the day of the US presidential election — an indication that a major snafu could occur in ballot counting and relaying vote tallies. We could see a repeat of the vote-counting confusion that occurred during the 2000 election — when Retrograde Mercury caused a reversal of results so that the declared winner Al Gore eventually lost to George W. Bush. In 2012, Retrograde Mercury could result in three weeks of counting and re-counting — until Mercury resumes its Direct course on November 26th — the result of which could be that the loser of the popular is proclaimed the winner in the Electoral College, thus winning the White House.

WEDNESDAY November 7th 2012

On Wednesday RETROGRADE MERCURY begins to make itself felt in your own life — creating communications chaos. Mercury goes Retrograde about three times a year, spawning three weeks of computer snafus and communications glitches. The rule of thumb with Retrograde Mercury is that this three-week period (from November 6th through 26th) is a bad time to sign contracts, start a new job or make a major expenditure. A new car bought during Retrograde Mercury will turn out to be a "lemon." However ... the rule does not apply to plans that were made prior to Mercury's about-face. If you ordered the car beforehand and had to wait until now for delivery — it will be fine. If you were offered a job beforehand but paperwork held up the contract-signing until now — you can sign on the dotted line without qualms. A Retrograde Mercury period is also a good time to re-work, re-edit, re-do, re-hash, re-finance and re-decorate — any "re-" operation involving going back and polishing up something which needed attention.

THURSDAY November 8th 2012

On Thursday ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD squares off against RETROGRADE MERCURY to aggravate the gremlins in your computer and in the motor of your car. The strangest little problems will crop up. You "lose" an important computer file (which turns up where it should not be). You lock yourself out of your home. An important parcel or letter fails to arrive on time. Travel plans get postponed or detoured. Don't panic! Retrograde Mercury is impish but he is not cruel — he just wants you to use your grey cells. Antinous-Mercury loves to play games and it's no fun if people hide under the table and are afraid to play. He wants you to play and he wants you to win the game — but you have to be a bit of a trickster like him to play it well.

FRIDAY November 9th 2012

On Friday we come to Station 8 of the SACRED NIGHTS PATHWAY. Venus forms a trine with lucky Jupiter during the Leo Third Quarter Moon, the lunar phase we call the BACCHANALIA MOON. This is the moon of Dionysiac excess. The stars in this celestial station of your spiritual pathway are telling you that this is your chance to act. Throw caution to the winds. Don't be shy. You have seen what needs to be done. You have taken steps towards changing your life. You have found your spiritual center. Now it is time to seize the opportunities which lie in front of you.

SATURDAY November 10th 2012

On Saturday you can brace for annoying little problems around the house when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD and RETROGRADE MERCURY are in tense aspects to impulsive Uranus and upheaval-minded Pluto. Don't lose your temper ... remember that it will soon be Sunday ....

SUNDAY November 11th 2012

On Sunday you'll be glad you kept your cool on Saturday when ANTINOUS THE MOON GOD forms pleasing aspects to joyful Jupiter and loving Venus. In addition, Neptune turns around and starts going forward again since having gone Retrograde last June 4th. Retrograde Neptune in intuitive Pisces meant there was an atmosphere of nostalgia and yearning for the good old days — which weren't all that good, to be perfectly honest. Now that Neptune is moving forward, our thoughts and dreams will move forward. The confusion of the US presidential election will dissipate — and we can begin to look forward ....


Another exciting week lies ahead between November 12th and 18th when we come to Station 9, the final station of the SACRED NIGHTS PATHWAY. A very powerful and mysterious Solar Eclipse begins on November 14th in the Eastern Hemisphere and ends on November 13th in the Western Hemisphere. Aren't Eclipses generally bad omens? No, not this one! This is the Scorpio New Moon. It is the lunar phase which, in Antinous Moon Magic, is called the ZELUS MOON of triumph over fear. You have completed your Sacred Nights of Antinous Pathway to the Dark Sun of Fortuna. During this celestial pilgrimage, Antinous the mortal boy has died and has become Antinous the Gay God. If you have followed the counsel of the stars, you have undertaking bold changes in your life and are focused and centered and ready to go forth into a new dawn. More details next time ....

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